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Preparation for dungeon attack, Protectors of the Amethysts.

After Milfi left, Jend spoke up.

"Rosarin... I want you to see my abilities as well. I've been working hard to at least become your equal."

"Alright, come at me."

"Oneechan, Mary, too! Mary is the Protector of the Amethysts, too! I've become strong!"

Mary bounced up and down, raising both her hands.

"In that case, me too. I might be the least experienced and skilled among us in practical experience, but I've also joined as the Protectors of the Amethysts."

I knew that Jend had been doing dungeon explorations with the others quite a bit, but when did this happen? Well, it'll be good experience.

"Alright. Come at me, the three of you. The rules are the same as with Milfi earlier."

"In that case, I'll be the referee."

Ernst raised his hand.

Jend used his claws, and Mary wielded tonfas. While Nex didn't participate this time, he typically had a whip or a chain sickle, and Ordo relied on ranged projectiles. If they had a pernament mage like Rinka among them, it would be a very balanced party.

"Alright, let's begin!"

"Haste of Lightning!"

Under Rinka’s enhancement magic, Mary and Jend accelerated. They were fast!

"Valkyrie, Asura Mode!"


Valkyrie, now physically three-faced and six-armed, engaged in combat with Jend and the others.


Jend was struggling against four arms, while Mary still seemed to have some room to maneuver.

"Furthermore, Golems, come on!"

I spontaneously created numerous hand golems.

"Ew, it's gross! I don't like theeeem!?"


Jend and Rinka were taken aback.


Mary, laughing maniacally, began to annihilate the golems. Moreover, upon closer inspection, she was crushing their cores precisely. Was it instinct...? It was incredible.

For now, Jend and Mary had their hands full dealing with Valkyrie and the golems. So I decided to take down Rinka, who specialized in support.

"Don't underestimate support characters! Laughing Lion!"


She could do a consecutive cast now!?



Jend and Mary started to outpace Valkyrie in reaction speed. They were effectively coordinating, and it was clear they had been training together.

Valkyrie and the golems wouldn't hold up like this. Let's take down Rinka first!

I approached Rinka and attempted to defeat her. However...

"Wall! Come up, quick!”


I nearly crashed into the magic barrier but managed to dodge somehow. Phew!! That was close! I could have been counted out in a single blow!

And in that momentary hesitation, Jend accelerated even further and arrived in time! Jend got between me and Rinka and attacked me. However, it seemed he hadn't accelerated this much before and couldn't adapt to his own speed.


He tried to trip me and then stun me with a lightning strike. However, it seemed that the magic had limited effect on Jend, or he was still able to move.

"Abnormal Status Nullification!"

"Ugh, this is seriously troublesome!"

Rinka canceled Jend's paralysis.

"I didn't play support roles in games for nothing!"

Man, Rinka was seriously annoying! And she was meticulously keeping track of the duration of her support magic, recasting it precisely. It was frustrating!


Mary seemed overwhelmed, unable to handle Valkyrie's Asura Mode and the hand golems on her own.

Jend and Rinka made eye contact, and Jend went to assist Mary .

I wouldn't let this opportunity slip away! I tried to close the distance quickly.


Walls surrounded me, but I broke through them with my enhanced body.

Then, as I was about to beat Rinka, I heard a voice crawling on the ground.

"... What are you doing, Rosarin?"

"... Eh?

For some reason, my brother was standing behind Rinka. Wait, why did he look so angry? Oh no! I didn't set up the protective barrier today, so maybe the neighbors reported us or something!


"With pleasure!"

My brother, still angry, flicked my forehead.


"There, one hit."

My brother's form transformed into Rinka.

"That's it! The winner is the Protectors of the Amethysts!"

Ernst declared victory for Rinka and the others.

"Huh? A-ahhhhhh!?”

The Rinka from earlier disappeared. It seemed that the walls I created not only hindered their progress but also served as a blindfold. It created an illusion for Rinka and she took the time to transform into my brother's appearance.

"Hyaffu~! We won! We won!"

Rinka high-fived with Jend and the others.

"Hyafoo~! Nyahahahaha!"

"Great job, Rinka!"

Everyone seemed happy. Well, it can't be helped. A loss is a loss. Yeah, it's the result of my arrogance.

Yeah, it can't be helped.

“Rinka, let’s have a rematch.”


Everyone was hesitating.

"How about all of the Protectors of the Amethysts this time?"

"No, no, no! I only won because Rosarin-chan was too complacent. There's no way we can beat you in serious mode!"

"Well, you won't know until you try, right?"

"I absolutely refuse! We are quitting while we are ahead!”

"............ (Stare~)."

"Rinka, we want to fight Rosarin too. Opportunities like this are rare."

"............ That's true."

Upon being requested by Nex and Ordo, Rinka agreed. Jend and Mary didn't seem to mind either way and nodded.

Then, the revenge match.

“That’s really immature!”

I won quite easily. Ernst had a wry smile on his face. How did I do it? Well, I took the initiative, teleported behind them before Rinka could cast her support magic, and stunned her with a lightning strike. Without Rinka’s support magic, they were no match for me. But they've all become stronger, and I felt their growth.

"So, want to go for another round?"

"Don't wanna!”

Well, I won't deny that it's a bit childish, but being competitive is important for growth. If Rinka were taken out, the Protectors of the Amethysts would be significantly weakened, so it's a good idea to come up with a strategy for that scenario.

Anyway, I have decided on the team that will go to the Extra Dungeon. We'll do our best in conquering the dungeon!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92685367 


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