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Rinka-san and Ru-sama
Rinka’s Point of View

It was Chita-kun.

"Chita-kun! I was so scared! The path disappeared, and Ru-sama is nowhere in sight. I have a feeling he'd get angry if I hurt the plants!! Uwaaaah!!”

"Alright, calm down, Rinka. It's true that Ru-sama would get angry if we hurt the plants. The wheat was making a fuss, so I thought I should check it out. That was the right decision."

Chita-kun patted my head, and I started to feel more at ease.

"Chita, it seems like the wheat is making a commotion, but what's going on?"

"Ru-sama, you are here!! Uwaaaaah!!”

I was starting to calm down, but when I found Ru-sama, my emotions exploded again. And, well, the wheat was moving and making a path! The wheat has legs! Its face looks kind of realistic and creepy!!

"Rinka, why are you crying? What happened?"

"...... Who knows? She was already crying when I found her."


"... There you go."

"...... Uehh!?”

"Yes, please behave~ If you struggle, I'll probably drop you. I don't have much confidence in my strength."

I was being carried like a princess! And Ru-sama took me out of the greenhouse, took a table set from his bag, and served tea. Is it apple tea? It has a sweet and gentle aroma.

"Here you go."

"It's delicious... mnyam..."

"So, why were you in the greenhouse?"

"I was looking for you, Ru-sama. Rosarin-chan sent me with this letter."

"Ah~ I see. Good job. Why were you crying, though?"

"The greenhouse was empty, and I was looking for you or someone... and then the path disappeared, and I was left in the wheat field... I was scared."

"Ah, I see. The guests are rare, so the wheat gathered around you."

………… N?

"Are you scared of wheat, Rinka? They're curious, but they're not harmful."

………… Nn?

"Um... does the wheat here, does it move on its own and have its own will?"


"You didn't know that?"

"I didn't know! In my world, plants don't move on their own!"

"”Is that so?"”

I was left dumbfounded! A world gap I didn't expect!! Now that I think about it, there are running cacti and such here!

"I see... So that's why Rosarin doesn't like moving vegetables?"

Ru-sama took out a tomato from his pocket.

"I am ripe for eating.”

“It’s delicious? What do you think?”

"... I..."


"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't! I can't… eat such a cute little tomato!"

"It's delicious, you know?"

"I am delicious?"

"Even if it's delicious, I can't bear to eat it!!"


"... Don't tease her, Ru."

Huh? Tease me?

"Well, I couldn't resist because your reaction was like Rosarin’s. Sorry?"

"Ju… just because someone is handsome, doesn't mean they can say anything they want! Teasing is so mean!!”

"Ahhaha. I'll give you Rosarin’s special scones, so forgive me. They go well with tea."

"... mnyam, mnyam… it’s yummy..."

Hau, happiness... it's incredibly tasty with tea…... The tomato approached.

"I am delicious, you know?"

"I won't eat you!"


"Please don't laugh at me!!”


“... You won’t eat me?”

"I won't eat you for sure, even if you climb onto the scone!!”


I was being teased a lot.

"Ugh... Ru-sama, you are a bully."

"... Rinka-san, you're Rosarin’s niece, right?"


"Do you think you can beat her brother?"

"What a convincing argument!!"


Chita-kun was laughing too much. However, I've realized that I can never beat Ru-sama for sure.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91384367 


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