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And then, the settlement.
Shiva's true form has probably been recognized correctly, and I think he might have returned to the original state. There hasn't been any contact or complaints from Kanata-san, so maybe this time... yes, maybe this time! It seems like things have finally worked out……… probably.

By the way, the members of the Shiva Rangers are as follows:

Shiva Boy No. 1 ➡ Jend
Interestingly, it seems that Wolfanea Boy had become a dark history within him, but I managed to convince him and got his approval.

Shiva Boy No. 2 ➡ Ordo
Ordo agreed with a wry smile.

Shiva Boy No. 3 ➡ Kou
Kou was enjoying himself as usual.

Shiva Shadow ➡ Jash

Shiva Mask ➡ Geraldin-san
The two adults were enjoying themselves normally. It seems they both like heroes.

Dirk had work to do, so I requested the Shiva Rangers to tour… I mean, patrol the region. Since only Jash has a regular job, Nex took over as the Shadow.

Shiva Jizo Golems were also steadily increasing in number. They mainly helped elderly people with labor, and they were quite popular.

Oh, I tried disguising myself so that I wouldn't be worshiped, but the Shiva Jizo Golems always salute me, so no matter what I do, I was found out... I recently gave up on that. When I asked the local residents to stop worshiping, they gave me vegetables instead. I wonder why.

We continued to live peacefully in such a manner... but one morning, it finally happened.

"Rosarin, it's ringing."

Surely, the ominous background music that signaled something was about to happen started playing.

"I don't want to go out..."

I leaned on Dirk. I couldn't even begin to guess what would happen next.

"But we can't just ignore it, can we?"

It was a valid point. Reluctantly, I activated the communication device. However, the message from Kanata-san wasn't a complaint.

"Rosarin-chan, sorry to ask, but can you visit me in my dream tonight?"

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"... Well, yeah."

He didn’t deny it. With no other choice, at the designated time, through the Darkness-sama’s connection, I brought Rinka along and intruded into Kanata-san's dream.

"Oh, Rinka-chan came too?"

"She said I’m a Hero too, and brought me along."

"So, where's Shiva?"

"Over there."

I looked in the direction Kanata-san pointed. Slowly, I approached Shiva.

"Why are you... turning into a sumo-level fattyyyyyyy!?"

"So bouncy! It's bad! You're totally chubby!!"

I kept poking Shiva's chin, and Rinka was constantly tapping his stomach.

"Y-You guys! I'm still a God, you know!"

"Well, he definitely gained weight... he’s been slowly getting fatter, so I lost confidence... Besides, he has been doing these inexplicable movements, like a train or something for a while now."

"... So that's what's been happening."

Shiva, who had been cowering under our tapping attacks, stood up. And then... there it was. With a music playing like "Chugga, chugga, choo, choo♪" the middle part of Shiva's body split horizontally, and the top half started wiggling side to side as it emerged. It was like that scene from Sazae-san’s OST.

Shiva (Chubby) split at the waist, and a slim Shiva emerged from within.

"Why the heck?!"
"I don’t get it!!"
"Gross! Disgusting! This is the worst!!"

"Your retorts are impressive. And Rinka is subtly dissing, too."

The slender Shiva born from the chubby one. His face was...

“”"Why the heck did he become so handsomeeee!?”””

Shiva underwent a class change from an ordinary face to a handsome one.

"Shiva! Your power's finally returned!"

"I'm glad for you."

"... (Teary-eyed with emotion).”

Mystia, Ingens, and Slength gave their congratulations to Shiva. Rather than asking when they arrived…

(Why do the other Gods acecpt this as normaaaal!?)


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