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Shiva XX Project
First, I asked the Saintyan priests to focus on preaching in the areas marked on the map. It's a straightforward plan, but I believe it will be effective.

Although I had hoped the impact this time to extend to nobles and even the national level, I was concerned whether it would resonate with people who lacked education. The result is what it is today—its reception turned out to be unexpectedly different.

To counter that, I came up with a solution...

"Oh my, you're such a hard worker, Shiva-sama."


The Shiva Jizo Golem diligently tilled the ground. I wonder why it occasionally mimics the movement of a train. It's about the size of an ordinary person.

In a small village, I established a shrine and placed the Shiva Jizo Golem there. When you make a request, it helps you with your tasks.

This is the Shiva Jizo Golem Plan!!

For theft prevention, when the designated area is left, the Shiva Golem stops its activity and sends out a distress signal. Additionally, if unreasonable requests are made, a distress signal is also sent out.

This invention became extremely useful in a depopulated rural village, effectively indicating the correct form of Shiva idol!

Originally, I had created it with the expectation that people wouldn't bother praying unless they gained something from it, due to a lack of impactful visuals. However, contrary to my expectations, everyone obediently prayed even without expecting any benefits. To be honest, the people in this world are surprisingly pure. I'm sorry, I'm just a tainted adult.


Oi, don't bow down me. Hey, you guys, don't gather around me for no reason, okay? Why are villagers bowing to me even though I have nothing to do with this! Keep your distance!

Inside, I want to smack the Shiva Golem around, but I smile and perform maintenance on it instead.

However, for some reason, whenever I'm around, the Golems salute me and mimic train movements, and there's no way to fix that. Is Shiva messing with me? I wonder if my divine inspiration is cursed.

Furthermore, to make a bigger impact, I enlisted some help.

"Oh no, it's bandits!"


"W, who's there!? Who are you!?"

"If you ask who we are, we'll answer that with the mercy of the world... Shiva Boy Number One!"

"... Shiva Boy Number Two."

"Shiva Boy Number Three!"

"Shiva Shadow!"

"Shiva Mask!"

(Victory is ours! The chosen apostles of the Gods, Shiva Rangers!!)

The group with Shiva masks lined up in a row, smoothly sliding their upper bodies in a circular motion. Gradually shifting so that everyone's face... or rather, the Shiva Mask, was visible. And upon closer inspection, it turns out their fingers were indicating each person's order in the lineup.

Moreover, having the same face in a row is eerily unnerving. The bandits were already tearing up and recoiling. I was also quite taken aback.

"Now... it's time for judgment. Soldier blessed by the Gods, Shiva Knight, descends!!"

"There are even more of them!"

"Kyaaaa! Knight Shiva-sama, you're lovely!!"

My excitement skyrocketed. Appearance aside, Dirk-sama's handsome voice is amazing!!

"... Ah, I appreciate the support."

He seems embarrassed. I want to tear off his mask! Thank you for the lower voice than usual!

"No way! You are so wonderful!! Take me away instead!"



"... I didn’t want to do it, but I did my best..."

"............ Stare~"

"Oneechan... what about us?"


While I was fangirling over Knight Shiva-sama, the Shiva Rangers managed to apprehend the bandits. And now, they were staring at me with their Shiva faces. That's pretty frightening.

"Shi, Shiva Rangers!! You're so cool!"

It seems they've been satisfied for the time being, as they handed over the captured bandits.

The villagers seemed to be worshiping the Shiva Rangers... or rather, me, but I'd like to think that's just my imagination. Let's get out of here quickly. But then, we stumbled upon the remaining bandits, so I gave them a beating and handed them over.


"Rosarin-sama is so amazing."

"Yeah, right? She even made that Shiva-sama and is the boss of those Shiva guys from earlier."

"She's beautiful and strong, after all."

"Yeah, right."

The proper image of Shiva was steadily being preached. However, I didn't know. Behind the scenes, I was being revered as Rosarin-sama, even more incredible than Shiva-sama! No wonder I was being worshiped so fervently!!

How did things end up like this!?

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88303763 


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