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v3, Chapter 23

Thoughts of the Brilliant Count’s Daughter (4)
"When investigating the Ranford territory in secret, it became clear that numerous debts were incurred in Lord Diaz's name.

Furthermore, they claimed things that were supposed to be assets of Lady Marie.

"As I suspected..."

"Prime Minister, at this rate, Lord Diaz will..."

How shameless can that audacious mother-son pair get?

No, there’s something more important now.

"If we let this continue..."

"There's no need to worry."


"The man known as Diaz Ranford isn't a fool to that extent."

The Prime Minister understood Lord Diaz well.

A few days later, there was a report that Lord Diaz used his personal property to clear the debts and divorced his wife.

"An expected outcome."

"But now, there's no lingering attachment."

I can ruthlessly drive that man to hell.

"Prime Minister, please spread rumors as much as possible. And if possible..."

"What is it?"

"Make sure that woman doesn't receive information about Lord Diaz."

This is just my imagination, but Lord Diaz is suited for diplomacy.
He's exceptionally talented.

Until now, he was likely being exploited by that detestable wife, left with no usable money, leading him to destitution.

"Given his personality and talent, he'd likely achieve a title by his own efforts... No, other countries won't leave him alone either."

"You're quite perceptive."

"Not at all."

I could tell from just a little observation.
Lord Diaz' excellence and his unawareness of being deceived.

Lady Marie has inherited it well too.

Even if they stay quiet, people around won't leave the two alone.

"If they learn that the two of them can produce gold, they'll come crawling back."

"That's true..."

"I won't allow such a thing. So, let’s take the initiative."

If it was before receiving a title, it would be difficult to handle.
But after gaining a title and securing support, what would happen?

"And you must ensure that the Ranford territory doesn't get handed over to Shepherd under any circumstances."

“That is under control.”


Shepherd hasn’t taken under the inheritance procedures.
As long as he doesn’t fulfill the requirements of becoming the heir, it will default to a relative of his.

"Before long, the Viscount's household will likely be demoted to a baron."


"Think carefully. The Ranford family's previous patriarch was an excellent man, and that's why they were granted the Viscount title."

I see, that's how it is.
Truly foolish mother and son.

They will finally get to know, after all this time, who was responsible for their comfortable life.

I'll make those two suffer as well.
And I'll make that overly doted-on son realize how much of a fool he is.

Keep watching.
I won't let you have your way, no matter what.


v3, Chapter 24

Behind Scenes of the Family Business
Henry’s Point of View
I was running around every day, trying to launch the new business.
Simply coming up with and creating products isn't enough for a business to succeed.

"What should I do..."

It's not that I oppose the idea of Mom starting a new business, but her impulsive nature has often led to painful consequences later on.

"Sigh~ it's not like I'm opposing it outright."

"Here you go.”

"Ah, thank you."

A maid had prepared tea, so I decided to take a break.

"Young Master, you seem worried."

"More like, if we draw too much attention, we'll make too many enemies."

Marie, unfamiliar with the world of social circles, doesn't understand that not all ill intentions are visible.
Her past environment was harsh as well.

"I never intended to oppose everything."

While scolding my Mom for being overly nagging, I've been quietly investigating the ins and outs of high society.
As I become closer to my Father-in-law, who gained a title, and the Duchess, jealousy was attracting attention.
I need to operate behind the scenes to prevent Marie from being hurt.

If only Mom had informed me beforehand.
Like the saying goes, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down, and enemies among the nobles are starting to move.

And the more my Father-in-law excels, the more widely known it will become in the region.

"Rumors about my Father-in-law have already spread even to the borderlands."

"That’s understandable.”

It's just my speculation, but the audacity and malice of that mother and son are unparalleled.
I don't know what happened with the engagement to the Count's daughter, but continuing to live as they have until now will be impossible for them.

While they are financially strained, Marie has succeeded in business.
And my Father-in-law, now a Count, is an advisor to His Majesty the King, even the Prime Minister respects.

"I'd like to take the initiative before that foolish pair makes a strange move..."

When Mom acts so boldly, it makes it difficult for me to maneuver.
However, I assume my Mom wants to solidify Marie's position with her momentum.

"I wanted to be cautious after increasing our allies."

"Young Master, you are a cautious person, after all."

"Right now, there's much to protect, though.”

Rather than boldness like my Mom’s, I tend to think about the damage before becoming proactive.
It's because I've been moving, always thinking ahead, to protect Marie within the Ranford family.

"Thinking about contingencies, Mom would act before taking the first step..."

It's not like I dislike my Mom’s audacity, but there are still nobles who haven't accepted her.
They might try to approach Marie in ways that hinder her.

"Mom alone can't defend everything... That's why I need to work behind the scenes."

Marie and Cyril are important to me, but I don't want to push my Mom too hard.
The risks become greater if more malice is directed towards us.

"Young Master Henry.”

"What is it?"

"As per your orders, the requested item..."

A servant presented a document.

"That damn...!"

Looking at the document, my suspicions were confirmed about that foolish mother and son.

Of course, they wouldn't just remain quiet like this.


v3, Chapter 25

Devising a Trap
Henry’s Point of View
It was some time after my Father-in-law was granted a title.
I had been quietly investigating the Ranford family.

I didn’t think things would be resolved this easily.
That foolish mother and son don't understand their position.
I wonder how would they react if the seat of the head of the Ranford family didn’t end up with their own hands?

According to rumors, they tried to commit marriage fraud after breaking off the engagement with the Felt family, attempting to take away their wealth.
The other side was now seeking compensation.

However, those two wouldn't pay.
They will refuse and deny the truth, even hire an attorney saying they would pay, but won’t.

"Foolish move."

"If they refuse to pay the reparations, they'll face even greater troubles."

If it's Shepherd's fault, then payment is obligatory.
It's unlikely that they can just evade it.

"Either their property will be seized, or their relatives will be made to pay."

"Yes... and then bad rumors will circulate in society."

Even if it's a substantial amount, it would be better to pay the reparations.
However, those two don't know the law or common sense.
While the current era can still be considered one of gender inequality, laws are changing on a daily basis, yet they still cling to the outdated notion of male supremacy.

That being said...

"They were quite prepared."

"You think so?”


It's understandable that Shepherd deceived and tried to connect himself to the Count's daughter.
It was probably a matter of appearances, just like driving us and Father-in-law out, however, their timing was just too premature.

Suing for marriage fraud right after breaking off the engagement is quite speedy.

"Miss Mirial Felt, the second daughter of Count Felt."

I had heard about her during my academy days.
We've never met, but could there be some sort of connection?

"The Felt family's business is being run by the third daughter."

"Yes, they don't have bad relations as a family. Not privately, at least."

It's well-known that noble families at court often have strained family relationships.
They might appear harmonious on the surface, but there's fierce competition among relatives.

Even if you don't want to hear it, you can't help but overhear.

But the Felt family has a tradition of women being the family heads, and the eldest doesn't necessarily become the heir.

"I haven't heard any bad rumors either. Something about the eldest daughter being frail."

"I see."

It's unusual for the third daughter to be the heir, but apparently, they uphold a meritocracy.

"Could it be..."

"I also somewhat suspected."

It's as if someone anticipated that the timing was just too convenient.

If she wasn't deceived by Shepherd but instead approached him from the start to set him up, then all questions would be answered.

Was someone instructing her?

I thought that perhaps a noble with high enough status to command the Count's daughter might be involved.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88682721 


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