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I will never be a Goddess.
Well, I returned home after turning Shiva's hair back to its original color. Today, I had made up my mind to fully rely on Dirk.

As the doorbell rang, I leaped, thinking it was Dirk, but...


It was Jend, and thanks to my body-slam-like hug, he's on all fours now.

"... What are you doing?"

And behind Jend is My Darling. Clearly, this didn't go as planned. Jend was trembling from the killing intent.

Think Rosarin! Think!! If you don't, Jend will definitely have a Bloody Festival!!

"Mistook you for Dirk and ended up giving you a welcome-hug level tackle. I'll be more careful from now on. Having said that, welcome back, Dirk."

I explained the situation and stretched both arms toward Dirk as if I were a child asking to be picked up.

"I'm home, Rosarin."

He gently lifted me up... What!? And, he was rubbing his chest against me...

"Sniff, sniff, sniff."

No, he's sniffing me!!


I briefly thought about seeking help from Jend, but he made a gesture like 'Rest in peace, buddy.' Yeah... You're right. If I try to protect Jend... he might die. Oneechan will have to figure out a way to avoid Jend's Bloody Festival on her own.

"Dirk... this is embarrassing."

Seriously, it's like a humiliation play. Please spare me. I pat Dirk's head. No... wait! I wasn't trying to affectionately nibble on him, okay!?

"Jend, sorry, but wait for a bit. I'm going to do some marking."

Dirk promptly took me to the bedroom... and well, he marked me like he used to. Yeah, I get it. It's uncomfortable when there's another guy's scent. I'm completely worn out. After we were done, I headed back to the reception room.

Jend, who was waiting in the reception room, turned bright red and looked away. This turned into quite the humiliation play! I'm teary-eyed too! It's so obvious what we did with the scent, right!?

"Sorry for making you wait. So, what's the matter?"

Dirk, who seemed to be in a better mood, asked Jend.

"I had a request from Rosarin. I came here to report the results."

Jend placed a map on the table. When I checked the map, there were many X marks... Looks like a lot of remote villages.

"As expected, you work quickly. What's this map?"

Jend looked down for a while before answering.

“The villages marked X believe in Rosarin, mistaking her for Shiva.”

W h a t m e o w?

"Why is this happeniiiing!?!"


My loud scream startled Dirk, causing his ears and tail to perk up. Jend seemed to anticipate it and covered his ears.

"It's because of that holographic communication, it seems."


"The way you were phrasing things sounded aristocratic and complex, and you are so beautiful like a Goddess... It seems there was a misunderstanding that Shiva Goddess = Rosarin."

"Well, Rosarin is beautiful..."

"That... You're saying my beauty is the cause of this!?"

"............ That might be one factor. Also, three-dimensional communication magic like that is unheard of in the countryside... No, even here, it's not something people have seen, so I think it's understandable they misunderstood."

I received a serious response to my joke. Huh? I'm making a joke that my beauty is god-tier, and no one is even pointing it out... Seriously!? My joke is just flowing without a hitch!

No, no, that's not important right now! I'm seriously not interested!!

"It seems the time has come to initiate Phase 2 of the plan."

I'm going to show them my determination! And I'll fix Shiva while I'm at it!

"Please help, both of you."


Huh? Why are both of them holding their tails between their legs? That's strange... I'm laughing, you know.

Absolutely! I'm not becoming a Goddess or anything like that!! I'm Dirk's wife, you know!!

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88303762 


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