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I will do it!
"What is it that you want to ask of me?"

When I timidly asked, Crown Prince Raymond started to speak with a very apologetic expression.

"This morning, a letter arrived from the palace... from my Mother, asking something of you, Miss Cristea."
"From Her Majesty?"

Huh, I wonder what it could be... If it's something like attending a tea party, I really don't want to.

But if that's the case, the invitation would usually go to Okaasama first, right?
That way, she would drag me along, so why would they bypass her and ask me directly through Crown Prince Raymond?

I don't think it's something like "get engaged to Crown Prince Raymond and become his fiancée (heart)," but maybe it's something like wanting more sweets?

"She wants you, Miss Cristea, to cook for the guests from the Kingdom of Samonar."
"...... Excuse me?"

The Kingdom of Samonar? ... Where is that again?
Let's see, I think it's the neighboring country to the south, across the sea, right?
I think we import spices from there...

"Speaking of the Kingdom of Samonar, I heard that members of their Royal family are traveling abroad to broaden their horizons."

Alicia-sama murmured as if she remembered upon hearing the country's name.

Wow, Alicia-sama is really well-informed, isn't she?
As I looked at her with admiration, Alicia-sama gave me an exasperated look.

"Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Samonar is important. You need to be aware of at least this much information."

Yes, I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge.
But isn't it strange to expect a ten-year-old to keep track of foreign affairs?
Is that common sense for nobility?

"That's wonderful, Alicia-sama. To be interested in diplomacy at your age."

When Crown Prince Raymond smiled at her, Alicia-sama hid her blushing face with a fan.

"Th-this much is only natural for Doristan’s children of nobility."

Ugh, Alicia-sama's modesty is hitting me hard...

"Cristea was a child who didn't leave the mansion in our territory much, so she's not well-informed about the outside world."

Oniisama tried to cover for me, but I guess that just means I'm uneducated as a Duke's daughter.

Ever since I regained my memories of my previous life, I've been obsessed with improving food and magic, the fantasy staple, so I neglected my other studies...
Especially geography, which I was bad at in my previous life too, so I only crammed in the minimum knowledge needed to pass exams.
I barely remembered the Kingdom of Samonar as a country that exports spices.

"S-so? What do you mean by having me cook for the guests from the Kingdom of Samonar?"

I mean, seriously, why me?
There should be court chefs in the palace representing the country, so why me?

"Ah, that's because... When we previously hosted envoys from the Kingdom of Samonar, despite the lavish cuisine, they didn't eat much. We were worried about their health, but they apologized, saying the flavors were too different from what they were used to, and they couldn't adjust."

I see... In this world, I thought the rich and heavy flavors like those of the Kingdom of Dristan were the norm, but apparently not.

Come to think of it, Yahatul has flavors similar to Japanese cuisine from my previous life, and since the Kingdom of Samonar exports spices, they might prefer spicier dishes.

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