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A thank-you tea party.
Since I was taken care of by Crown Prince Raymond and Oniisama during the ambush incident at the salon building, I consulted Oniisama about wanting to do something to thank them.
He told me that His Highness had expressed a desire to be invited to a tea party at the salon building.

I did invite him to dinner that day, but maybe he also wanted to try the sweets at the tea party?
When I mentioned this to Mariel-chan and Ruby, they sighed heavily, which I didn't understand.
Everyone might not know this, but Crown Prince Raymond is actually quite a foodie!

By the way, according to Oniisama, that room in the salon building used to be a hideout for him and the prince before I enrolled in the academy.
Even though there is no hierarchy at the academy, it was unthinkable for the citizens of this country to act familiarly with the crown prince. So, His Highness and Oniisama, who were childhood friends, used that room to relax and forget their royal and noble statuses.

Oniisama and His Highness are very popular.
It's understandable that they need a place to unwind without worrying about others watching them. Yes, I get it.
Incidentally, Mariel-chan was overjoyed when she heard this and her imagination ran wild.
Needless to say, Ruby joined in the excitement too. Hey, Ruby, stop getting so worked up along with her!

However, once it was decided that I would safely enroll in the academy, Oniisama dramatically renovated the room, including security measures, to suit my tastes.
He banned, or rather, prohibited boys (mainly Crown Prince Raymond) from entering without his permission.
… Oniisama, isn't your treatment of Crown Prince Raymond a bit harsh!?

So, when I expressed my desire to thank them, His Highness requested a tea party in that room.
But Oniisama, saying they were busy at the moment, asked me to wait a little. He also insisted that he would always accompany me when meeting Crown Prince Raymond. As a result, a month passed.

Feeling that it was too late to thank them, I pressed Oniisama, and finally, I managed to arrange the opportunity. Thus, I was finally able to invite Crown Prince Raymond and Oniisama to the tea party.

"… So, isn't it strange that I was also invited?"

On the day of the tea party, in one of the rooms in the salon building rented by the Ducal Ellisfeed household during our enrollment, Alicia-sama protested to me with a dissatisfied expression.
"If you put it that way, isn't it even stranger that I'm here?" Mariel said uneasily.

"It's not strange at all. Considering that Alicia-sama was also helped by Crown Prince Raymond in that situation, it makes sense for you to join me in expressing our gratitude. Mariel-san should naturally attend as one of the involved parties as well."
"Eh? I was helped by Crown Prince Raymond…? Is that really how it is?"

When I answered with a smile, Alicia-sama furrowed her brows, looking even more puzzled, as if she couldn't quite recall.

At that time, Suzaku-sama had intervened and testified that Alicia-sama was an ally, so technically, it was Suzaku-sama who helped Alicia-sama. However, it was Crown Prince Raymond and Oniisama who took charge of settling the commotion and managing the situation, so proper thanks were necessary.
Mariel-chan muttered, "A-Am I just getting caught up in this...?" Oh, she noticed.
Mariel-chan, my best friend, you're involved in this as well… fufufu.

"An-and besides, having a tea party with the Sacred Beasts is just too overwhelming…!"

Alicia-sama glanced nervously at the corner where Kurogane and Mashiro sat, looking unimpressed.

"I am here as my master's guardian, so you need not worry. Also, since this is not a 'girls-only party,' it should be acceptable for us to attend as well, correct?"
"Yes, yes. Since there are boys this time, we can be here too, right?"
"Eh? Ah, um… o-of course!"

Alicia-sama was flustered by the imposing presence of Kurogane and Mashiro.

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