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Two People Who Don't Get Along Well With Each Other
Even after meeting Orlan, I continued sneaking out of the castle about once every three nights to head into the city.

Since I asked Orlan to gather information, Mr. Kernel has also been investigating various leads.
However, there were plenty of false rumors about Spider, but nothing substantial or concrete.

One day, after finishing breakfast and reading a book in my room, I was suddenly addressed from behind.

"Is that book interesting?"

Startled, I turned around to see Orlan standing there.
This is supposed to be the heavily guarded Royal castle... So how did Orlan get in here?

In my stunned state, Orlan snatched the book from my hands and silently opened it.

"That’s a book on imperial studies. Can you read it, Orlan?"

"Complicated characters... can't read..."

With a disappointed expression, Orlan dropped the book onto the floor from her hands.
Then why pretend to read it in the first place!

I forced a smile, trying to hide my nervousness.

"What brings you here?"

"I was curious about where you live."

I hadn't told Mr. Kernel or Orlan anything about my true identity.

I understand Orlan’s curiosity about me, especially if she’s suspicious.
But I didn’t want them to be wary of me because of my Royal status, so I hadn’t mentioned it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it."

"I don't mind."

With that, Orlan walked over to the bed, spread her arms wide, and dove onto it.

"Smells good, feels nice."

What did you even come here for!?

As I held my head in frustration, I heard the sound of footsteps running down the hallway, and the door burst open.
Breathing heavily, Sister Emilia entered the room, pointing at Orlan who was lying on the bed.

"I had a bad feeling surrounding you and came to check, so who is that girl?"

"No, no, Orlan and I don’t have that kind of relationship."

"Then explain what kind of relationship it is."

Sister Emilia's chest heaved as she spoke, causing her ample bosom to jiggle.

How did she sense that there was a girl in my room, even from far away? That’s practically ESP.

As I struggled to find the right words, Orlan, who had been lying on the bed, turned her face towards Sister Emilia.
Then she muttered softly.

"More than friends, less than lovers."

"What did you say? I am not handing Ian over to anyone.”

"Currently progressing."

Provoked by Orlan’s taunt, Sister Emilia jumped to the bed, and the two began bickering.
Why are they so hostile when this is their first meeting?

I was at a loss and decided to wait until their argument subsided.
After about half an hour, the room finally fell silent.

Sister Emilia was leaning on the bed, breathing heavily.
In contrast, Orlan sprang up from the bed and landed on the floor.
She then walked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Come to the ruins tonight."

It seems Orlan came all the way to the Royal castle to convey something important.

I nodded vigorously, and Orlan walked over to the window and placed her foot on the windowsill.
Sister Emilia pointed at her.

"Don't think you've won! Next time, I'll definitely win!"

"I accept your challenge anytime."

With those words, Orlan jumped out of the window and disappeared.
Sister Emilia clenched her fists, trembling with rage.

It felt like Sister Emilia's character had changed a bit... Could this be Orlan’s influence?

It took me a while to calm her down, while she was crying and hugging me.

That night, I lay down next to Sister Emilia, pretending to sleep.
Once I was sure she was fast asleep, I equipped myself and snuck out of the castle.

When I arrived at the ruins and entered the room, I found Mr. Kernel and Orlan, unusually well-dressed and ready to go.

"Are we going somewhere?"

"Yep. There's a black market for human trafficking, allegedly controlled by the Spider, opening tonight. I thought I'd invite you for some investigation."

There have been frequent disappearances of children in the Capital.

There were rumors of human trafficking in the Capital, and the guards, led by thor Commander, had been investigating, but they couldn't find any leads.

If this black market is happening, I definitely want to investigate.
However, wouldn't it be suspicious for a child like me to attend?

Sensing my concern, Orlan murmured.

"Don't worry, Ian. I'll protect you."

"Orlan is somewhat known in the assassin circles. Besides, in the underworld of the Capital, there’s no one who doesn't know me. With us, you'll be safe."

Mr. Kernel said confidently, puffing out his chest.
I decided to trust them.

If things go south, I can always rely on the Assassin’s Blessing.

As the three of us stepped out of the ruin, we were confronted by Sister Emilia, standing like a guardian deity with her eyes blazing.

"Where do you think you're going? Take me with you!"

Ah, so she wasn’t asleep after all.
In this case, I have no choice but to take her with us.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105856983


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