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Rosarin and the School.
I am Rosarin Burton. Rosalia met Rin the Beneficiary at the age of three, improved her family relations, and merged with Rin to become Rosarin.

I've resolved various incidents involving the nobles, Knights Order, and the Magic Institute... There have been so many, many, many things happening. Things like Rosariiin, there were really, really a lot of things happening, but now I'm just leading an extremely ordinary student life...

"Good morning, Goddess-sama (laughs)!"

"... Stop with the Goddess. Good morning."

"Good morning, Savior (laughs)!"

"Stop with the Savior!"

Seriously, what's going on with the (laughs)!? Thanks to the incident with Lavita, I'm finally treated like this, even here in Christia. How did it come to this!?

Where did my peaceful student life go!? I've had enough of these weird titles!! I refuse! I'm full!!

"Please!! Come back to our academy!!"

"I’m telling you to stop calling me things like Big Boss and Savi–... huh?"

A very familiar back of the head... it was the Headmaster of the Royal Magic Academy, where I used to attend. But currently, he was standing at the main gate of the Sylvester Magic Academy. Why was he here??


"Please!! Come back to our academy!!"

I was being bowed to at the main gate. Naturally, I was drawing an absurd amount of attention.

God, Shiva-sama... please give me a peaceful school life. I've worked hard enough, isn't it good enough already!? Should I just make a wish!? I'm really fed up with all these troubles!!

In the end, because of the commotion at the school gate, the Headmaster and others were taken away by the security guards.

"So, what are you going to do?"

I was asked by Niisama who was with me. What should I do?

"What should we do..."

To be honest, both options have their pros and cons. The Royal Magic Academy offers quite a bit of flexibility, especially in the upper grades. It's common for students to work part-time alongside their studies, and since many are pursuing vocational training alongside academics, the Marchioness’ duties leave me with plenty of time.

It's also easy to connect with merchants and craftsmen, and we've even collaborated on products together.

On the other hand, the Sylvester Magic Academy offers less flexibility in terms of scheduling. However, it allows for more time to engage in social activities. Given its high prestige and status, there are many high-ranking nobles at this school. But there are also quite a few snobbish nobles. Unlike the Royal Magic Academy where I know many people, here it's mostly nobles I've never interacted with.

Furthermore, thanks to ample funding, the facilities are always top-notch, which my brother is thrilled about. I'm not interested, but as long as he's having fun, I suppose it's okay.

And the food is delicious. They use high-quality ingredients, and the servants always keep everything clean. They pay attention to every detail.

There's also a special system here called the Attendant and Maid Department, a department specialized for low-ranking nobles. They sometimes serve under high-ranking nobles through temporary contracts. For some reason, I'm often disliked by high-ranking nobles, but I'm quite popular among the low-ranking ones. There are so many applicants for attendants and maids, it's inexplicable.

"For now, I'll attend classes."

It won't be easy to come to a conclusion just by thinking about it. So I decided to postpone it for now. Since the Headmaster was taken away, after all.

I also want to hear what others think, so I think it can't be helped. Anyway, since I know the Headmaster, I asked the security guard to release them early. The friendly security guard nodded in agreement.

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