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Hello everyone,

It is time! We are very excited to announce that the new $25 build is almost ready to be released. Since this is the first version using the new Unreal Engine 5.1 there are still plenty of issues in pretty much all areas of the game. Lighting will be different, performance will probably be worse in many cases and there may be several other random things not working or even crashing so we advise to keep the last version you have around. If you encounter any problem please don't hesitate to contact us on Discord or via email. This is all still very much work in progress and it may require a few more releases until we can consider the move complete.

We recommend that you update your OS and graphics drivers as we use the latest SDK’s and API’s with this new version.

Attention!: The launcher has been updated, if you are using the launcher we recommend you to download the new version here (it will be provided in the build release post and on our discord too).

And now for the changes and additions see the changelog below:

As the Fisher Village with its demo quest line was getting in the way of the game’s development we decided to remove it. We stripped the Old Wild Life level of all assets as well, as there were many legacy assets that bloated the project.

If you have sandbox scenes that were made in the Fisher Village level, you can still open them by moving the respective files into a different level folder (e.g. from “%localappdata%/WildLifeC/Saved/SandboxSaveGames/MySaves/FisherVillage/” to “%localappdata%/WildLifeC/Saved/SandboxSaveGames/MySaves/Showroom/”).

Sandbox scenes that were made in the Old Wild Life level might need adjustments.


• Upgraded Unreal Engine to version 5.1
• Added 100 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here
• Added Max x Lala On Floor sex minigame (29 animations)
• Added Maya x Locu Stargazing sex minigame (37 animations)
• Added Maya x Rawn Good Boy sex minigame (17 animations)
• Added new character: Karu, a councilman of the Sky Village
• Added new character: Shiva, a huntress from the Warrior Village
• Added setting for Global Illumination to Video settings (defaults to Lumen, which can be very expensive, so you might want to turn it off)
• Sandbox editor: Old poser and sex sequence are now integrated in Sandbox 2.0
• Sandbox editor: Characters spawned with T are now integrated in Sandbox 2.0
• Sandbox editor: Added “Add all” and “Randomize” buttons to sex scene editor
• Sandbox editor: Added “Reset” buttons to transform UI
• Sandbox editor: Added props: Camera Follower, Data Storage, Event Executor and String Operation
• Sandbox editor: Added option to change physical material in custom materials
• Sandbox editor: Added option to turn off event dispatchers and receivers for any given object
• Sandbox editor: Added more bones to be selectable as an attachment point
• Sandbox editor: Added a new font to the speech bubble prop which supports the most common international languages


• Cleaned up many legacy assets as part of the Fisher Village level removal and Old Wild Life level strip down
• Adjusted character physics for Chaos (there are still some micro jittering issues, but they should in general be much more stable now)
• Sandbox editor: Resolved drives with letters A or B not showing up in file explorer
• Sandbox editor: When duplicating ropes with their attachment target object, the duplicated rope will be attached to the duplicated attachment target object
• Skyroom is now the default in Showroom
• Resolved sprint input not having a rebinder
• Various improvements to characters
• Various improvements to physics
• Various improvements to animations
• Various improvements to levels

Known Issues:

• Due to DirectX 12’s on the fly shader compilation there will be significant lag spikes whenever new materials are loaded
• Fur is temporarily disabled due to incompatibility with Unreal Engine 5
• Some hair physics are currently broken
• Sandbox editor: Transform gizmo is invisible if Effects quality is lower than Epic
• Setting animation speed and amplitude to zero causes sex toys to disappear
• Clothes textures will not fully load in the character creator
• Physics break if you scale characters in the sandbox editor

The build will be available to download soon, keep an eye out for the link post. This time, the $10 version with further improvements and additions based on the feedback of our member tier supporters will be released next week as our office closes during the festive days.

Thanks for your support and we really hope you enjoy this first UE5 version and that it runs well for you :)

- Wild Life Team



What is the planned fix for the fur issue? Surprising that fur would be what UE5 cant handle


Ah.,. so it was Max x Lala? I could have sworn it said Maya X Lala in a previous update. I even commented on it in my previous reply and you replied to it. All good. Is there a plan for Maya to do something with all, or at least a lot of the other woman too? I'm looking forward to seeing how the UE5.1 implementation plays!


I just keep getting fatal error and the game crashing over and over.


Awesome , been using the launcher so will make sure to download the new launcher for that 10 dollar build. Great work Steve and wild life team! Merry Christmas everybody!


i keep getting a windows defender alert when i start the launcher , false alarm?


The new launcher doesn't find the already downloaded builds anymore... also if I try to set the install path it only show the Desktop? Show Install Folders does not come with anything... I've already deleted the old launcher... can you please check that the new launcher works with Windows 11 Pro, Version 22H2, OS build 22621.963. Thank you very much.


Well, I think I'll have to stay in the showroom for now on to be able to reach 60fps if possible. Fishervillage Ue4 demo is very heavy on my system, 28fps by the campfire. Intel I5 8600K 4,2ghz, 16gb ram(2x8), SSd m2, Amd RX6800XT, Win10 home, In 1920x1200. Latest drivers. Runs most other games like butter. I have supported wildlife for some years now and it has really improved, so have the system-requirements ;)


sounds like a little milestone, the update, job good! @ Team Candy Valley Network :)


Can anyone please help? I'm so confused by this new update. None of my default saves from the previous version load when I toggle them in sandbox mode. They are selected as default, but the standard characters load every time. Also, how do I start a sex scene? All I have is the "possess" option hovering above everyone's head. Where is the "Cheat menu" which existed prior, which allowed for easy possession or interaction with the npc? Is there any type of help file or video? I've supported this program for quite some time and have been very happy. This newest update is quite a letdown so far, in my opinion.


Are you on the version from last week or did you get the one from yesterday? That has plenty of fixes.


I am on the Dec 22, 2022 $10 version (2022.12.22_Shipping_Full_Build_1). I just downloaded it again, did a fresh 'install', and it still won't load my custom characters. Am I doing something wrong? It worked perfectly in the previous version.


BTW.. I also tried creating a new customization, saved it, then selected it as default. Upon loading the same character via "T", it reverted back to the standard character that comes preloaded, not my customized one. Help???