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Hi Everyone, Happy November!

Today, we are hosting a live stream chat and AMA with Chris and Steve, the creators behind Wild Life. Everyone is invited, it will be a casual hang out where we can talk about Wild Life, adult gaming, and answer questions.
We'll be kicking off the Stripchat Wild Life streaming marathon - from Nov. 1 to Nov. 14!

Join us on Twitch, tonight 20h CET (15h EDT)!


If you can't make it to the live stream comment your questions below and they'll get answered! You can then watch the recording at a later point.

See you later!

Steve & Chris


CandyValleyNetwork - Twitch

Creators behind the adult RPG game Wild Life!


Seth Janica

Will you be posting the video for those that can’t make it live?


Is there a way to play the fisher village demo as a female?


No, the demo was made specifically for Max. In the final game there will be a lot of Maya gameplay and story available :)


Well, the following stream on stripchat would have been more interesting. But not recorded, right?


Have a nice time! I'm sure this will be a fun stream ... you are all amazing people!


I have an AMD APU Ryzen 2400G paired with 16GB RAM. I'm getting 10 FPS at lowest settings. Is the game not optimized to run on this?


Really loving the pro-quality of the character models and designs! I noticed there are plus-sized body types for some male characters. Will there be plus-sized body-types for female characters in the future too?


Something must be going on, that is unusually low performance. Are your drivers up to date?


That would be awesome. Can't wait to see it. You guys are the best at this!


oh hey thanks for seeing my comment. yes my drivers are up-to-date and below are my specs: CPU/APU Ryzen 5 2400G (radeon software v 21.11.1) RAM 16GB (2x8) 3200Mhz


If you run Windows 11 you L3 cache will make trouble in some games with a Ryzen CPU


I find the game sometimes runs badly if I am running too many background programs, try to close all the programs you can and see if that helps.


will there be options to somehow become a kerpali? or able to pick a specific character of kerpali? Enjoying the tiger and canine models alot!


Could be a thing, yeah :) But if not, the first big add-on Im planning on doing after the main game is complete is a Kerpali storyline.


I'm using integrated graphics which is the AMD Ryzen 5 2400G APU (CPU/GPU). Not sure if it it's weak or the game is just not optimized... I am able to play skyrim, doom eternal, diablo 2 resurrected & dota 2 just fine.. with the current gpu prices don't think I can upgrade soon lol


An integrated card is unfortunately not going to be enough to play this game. Yes, its still not well optimized but I see bad chances even if it was.


No worries. Hope when the game is completed I've got myself a capable gpu card.


i found an error. when hunting the space deer, after failing the second time (since i didn't know how the bow worked) i stopped to talk to the girl following then the game crashed. i have a pic on my phone but no idea where to send it.