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Welcome to the new patreon testing build,

This time we have worked on many game related aspects such as quests, dialogue, combat, NPC AI, level and more. So there are a lot of new things for you to test. Here is an overview of what is new:

• Added over 120 new sex animations, see the full list here
• Almost 100 of which for the new story mode sex system which has 5 scenes
• 24 sandbox exclusive animations
• All storymode sex scenes can be viewed in the sandbox mode too and most of those animations are also available in the sandbox system
• Added feature split that separates sandbox features from game features
• Added several story quest lines for the demo
• Added several story quest related cutscenes (Still very much work in progress)
• Added new character: Aleks
• Added new model for Shorty
• Added new character: Tommas (Uses Max’ old model)
• Added new outfits for Maya, Shey, Jadeen, Milanna, Lala, Indra, Tribal Females/Males
• Added space ship crash site to Fisher Village starting area
• Added new story mode sex system (Still very much work in progress)
• Added toggle for volumetric effects to video settings
• Added basic movement animations and several other poses to character poser

• Various improvements to characters, animations and physics
• Adjusted lighting in Fisher Village level (Story Mode)
• Changed ground textures in Fisher Village level
• Resolved wrong character names in subtitles
• Various tweaks and improvements to combat and combat AI
• Changed dialogue mouse skip behaviour to only accept right mouse button
• Improved jungle area in Fisher Village Level
• Various performance improvements (Sandbox Fisher Village may not be affected)
• Resolved dialogue camera not showing characters when they are not standing

Known Issues:
• Gulhragg’s look at is broken in dialogue while he is sitting on his throne
• Setting animation speed and amplitude to zero causes sex toys to disappear
• Max and Jadeen huntress sex scene has some unwanted foliage in the way

The build is currently uploading and should be ready soon™️.

Due to the many additions and the feature split we expect there to be many bug reports. Please submit any feedback either through our discord, the comments of the release post or our email info@candyvalleynetwork.com. Thanks for your consideration and most of all, thanks for your support.

-Wild Life Team


Oro Or Ori

Is the excel sheet for sex anims up to date? It looks like there are only about 40 new animations listed there


Sounds good, can't wait to see the update.


Well, seems to be good but for persons who prefer Kerpali's animations it's a bit low in content for the wait but you can't satisfy everyone I suppose. I'm quite curious to see the work anyway even if I don't really like human scenes in general. Well, take care Steve.


Aleks missing in shared animation list


Thank you for adding some more M/M Kerpali/human animations. Double thanks for making Rawn and the mating press part of those animations. I won't be able to check any of it out until much later tonight but I'm looking forward to it. Keep up the great work!


I have a question if you don't mind answering. I know it's a ton of work developing a game this scale and most people seem to be looking forward to more of the scenes/animation aspect of it's development. However with that being said when do you think mod support will become available? I think you guys might of touched on the subject before and I would assume it would be after the games official release, but if you could vaguely answer that I would greatly appreciate it. Not looking for a specific date btw just curious.


No fixed plans but IF there were plans, they wouldnt be considered before the official release. And thats 2-3 years away still.


VR controls support? Or Save/Load support? Is this already on the roadmap? Walking over the island (or vr control teleport) would be really great feature.


Save/Load support is planned yes, VR controls too but really low on the priority list.


Might be a stupid question but I’m a brand new patron. How do I install the latest builds?


When they post a build in your membership range, they will post a link to their mega account that will allow you to download the build without your own account and without being limited. Also, they have an installer program that will have you log in, and select any supported prior builds, and it will download it for you.


Yes! I too want to thank you for adding more M/M Kerpali x Human animations. It’s greatly appreciated.


Holy Shit this is incredible! I am honestly amazed with what your team has put together, the demo alone is incredible and is a true testament to the hard work put in. I’ve already played through the demo twice trying to find everything and any hidden gems, it’s honestly amazing. Y’all continue to amaze me and congratulations on another amazing build!


Awesome work! Can't wait to try the build out.


Love is. AMAZING AF!!!


i liked max older hair style, and yea i know i can go and change that, but ehm, my question is more that we hopefully will be able o change hairstyles in the the finished game aswell xD His new hair now is not bad per se, but seems more plastic'y than his old one, might be that he's more of a prettyboy now and i'm not sure yet if i dig it. :)


His new hair sucks mate :D no need to honeycomb it. Its a low low effort blockout and will change a lot once we actually work on his hair. All our hairs will improve and be upgraded to our new quality level. As for the "changing hair the story mode". Yeah we plan to add something like a barber/hairdresser character to whom you can go if you want to get your hair done. Similar to how gta has embedded that into the games world.




Is this build only available to the 25$ patrons?


Yes guys


Yes, the Idea is that the 25$ builds are released some time in advance to our Member tier supporters to play earlier. They then give us feedback about improvements they want, additions, bugs, and balances which we work into the game as we can. Then 1-2 weeks later we release the worked up version of that build for all other tiers (public and 10$).


is 120 a typo? there don't seem to be 120 new animations in the google doc


How difficult is to put dialogs to an external (editable) text file? Community would do the translations and it can extend you number of subscribers.


Steve, quite awhile back there were some nice looking village girls. I am referring to the noninteracting girls that used to walk around and do chores in the Kerpali village on the wild life map a few builds back. Those girls looked cute and interesting. Will you ever bring them into the game. I forget what they looked like but I remember they looked good.


You can do them yourself. as far as I remember it was milanna and tanya with alternative clothes, all of which you have availalbe in their outfit menu.


Ah, I never knew that. They moved around a bit to fast to get a good look at their faces. I thought maybe they were completely unique. So now I got to ask, do you have faces or even characters you worked on in the past that you decided not to use, characters/faces never seen or even herd of that never made the cut?


Disgraceful, I've spent at least 70$ over time following up your game. I am truly disgusted to see that only $25+ desires and votes count to you. As If folks haven't paid you money over time.


What the hell are you talking about? We have votes for 10$ people as well and we will take both results equally seriously. Where does this sudden hostility comes from?!


Hey, i have question, can you make the characters become transparent feature during sex? Like a slider for increasing or lowering the transparency


About what day is the new build going to pop up? I am [afk] every week is why I ask.


It literally says that in the tier list. Learn how to read.


I'm just here for WarMallets comments


Could you add option to hide current characters head during first person view? The main probleme in FP now is that camera collides with character's own head and it's hard to see anything . You have an option that I can scroll mouse and change zoom by that. But it's not very convenient to adjust for each situation