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Hey guys,
this week we have been going through the stages of putting it all together and testing the build internally.
During that we decided the build is not ready to be released and still needs a bit more work. So if all goes well the 25$ version will come around next week and the rest will follow after that.

To give you something at least, Ill make a quick rundown through the general features you can expect in this coming build over the January release:

- Completely rebuilt environemnt looks a lot better now and has a larger detailed area

- Added lots of npcs (also a few new ones): 4 additional male humans, 4 male kerpali, 2 female kerpali, all human females of the previous builds and a new one (there is 8 human females, 5 human males, 4 kerpali males and 2 kerpali females in total now)

- You will be able to play as male or female or human or kerpali (tho some of them still lack animations and features which will be added in the future)

- flying is back in the game! (currently maya only, other npcs will recieve different forms of faster travel in the future)

- over 60 new  "making the love"  animations 

- completely re-designed UI (for the most part at least) and more detailed graphics settings and so on

- you can now have npcs follow you around

- some re-worked camera controls during the making the love scenes (camera is a big topic so we are very eager to get your feedback to improve our systems further)

- basic combat system added (no NPC AI for that yet, but you can attack a dummy thing to get a feeling of what we are working towards)

-all characters will have custom unique voice acting (we are still working on building up a sound file management system and will gradually add the stuff in as we build the gameplay up so this is a more long term task) 

- removed the need to complete a quest to unlock any content and removed the cutscene (this is a testing build for our animations and systems after all)

So I might have forgotten a thing or two but thats at least some info of what you can expect in the next build.

We hope you have a bit more patience left and are very thankful for your continued support so far  ;)


-Wild Life Team



cant wait


I probably miss the information but there is a difference between 25$ build and other ?


Patiently waiting with bated breath:)


Will the shemale/dickgirl/futanari "gender" be included in this game?


The 25 version will come 1-2 weeks before all other versions. It contains experimental features and wasnt throughly tested for full stability and such. Our 25$+ community is our early testers and QAs so they will spend some time with it and give us lots of feedback on bugs they discovered, features that arent working as expected, things they didnt like or things they missed, we will process all that feedback in those 1-2 weeks after that and release the polished version for all other tiers based on that.


Sounds good. Looking forward to it.


sounds wonderfull for me! :D


Will we be able to choose animations/positions in this build?


Hey guys, Looking good on that front, excited for the new build! Of course I'll go ahead and give my criticism for it because, while it doesn't affect me I think it's something to consider. Considering it's been around 9 months since there's been any build at all (Which was completely broken, so let's say the September build was the last one) we are looking at 11 months since there's been a test build for backers. And now, looking at how so many backers have still been supporting the project even though there's been not much but updates every couple of weeks, I think it's a little...I don't know, a kick to the face for people when the first time you finally come around with a new build you pay wall it and make it available to people who pay up 25 Bucks now and not the people donating smaller consistent amount for literally at least this past year. Of course you don't need to do this, it's your project. But I do hope you kind of see where I am coming from. Again, from one perspective I get that you want to give something to the higher-end backers, but leaving everyone who's been pledging maybe a tenner for over a year...that's pledges in the triple digits for updates and a notification that people with current month pledgings get early access. Anyways, that was it. :D I hope you get around to having a look at this!


Hey dude, yeah I get where you coming from. But thats just the way game dev works. We HAD to go through this phase which resulted in quite the dry phase for our output. But I hope you also get where we are coming from in doing things the way we do. Its just the way it is man.


So exited man can’t wait for this to be a full game


You guys haven't said anything in around 6 days. Are you guys getting close to an ETA?


Oooga Booga where da brown wimmin at?




Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


Serious Question


Bro chill the fuck out, you are not helping anyone. You're not even pledged, shame.


I use when my comments are deleted as a way of keeping track of how often the devs check their patreon.


Yes i'm here anon just banned at the moment


Did you know that most people apparently don't have an inner voice? Most people don't think inside their head with words, it's fucking insane


Thats crazy I didnt know, I even have 2 inner voices that have discussions in my head and try to figure things from multiple angles.


Hopefully we get the build before the weekend


Could we have some communication? Is it coming this week?


Yes, our goal is to get the 25$ version out tomorrow. As of now its looking good for us to keep that target.


So is it coming out today?


Yep, its currently uploading and will be posted to the 25+ patreon tier very soon.


Neat now if only I wasn't a starving child in Africa and had 25$




when will it be introduced that he can take cumshoot?


Question mate: Will you allow us to open up the dev console in-game? That way we can make-shift VR lol. Also I read on a forum you changed the way the camera works? As in, the directions you can move it in. Why was this done and is it final? Cheers


You've added ability to play male as a MC? Does it mean that there will be m/m sex scenes?


Hopefully not, faggots are an abomination. The only thing Muslims are right about is how they treat gays.


8 human females? I counted 7 including Aoi, am I missing something or did you add someone else in?


Hi! I'm not a patreon yet and wasn't aware that I wasn't, but I just gotta say, godspeed to you for developing this sexy game, I was immediately impressed after first seeing a YouTube video that tested physics collision against one of the female bodies. Considering the current state of "erotic vidya", at least as far as I'm aware, what I see here is innovative, realistic, and realy awesome. Keep it up! Pun intended!