Ehy! I'm still here but not really here still... (Patreon)
Ehy there everyone!
Hope you are all doing fine!
Just wanted to share a few updates for the one that were wondering where the hell I am eheh
As you can see I still was unable to come back working on MMDFun, but there's a why.
I've started my new job and, in a few words, it's a full time night job (10pm-6am) which makes it pretty difficult to schedule stuff, especially right after moving to a new country.
Luckily it can be done from home at times, so that's a plus, but still I need to find a balance for everything.
I wanted to tell you that I WILL be coming back, and I do not plan to do it much later on.
I decided to take August as a free for me after moving just to even check out some stuff around here. In the meantime though, I've been testing new stuff and I may be near a Reiko v2.0 version to start with a completely new style.
Still need to spend more time it and customize better, but so far what do you think? :)
I need to understand to use this new software for our "needs", or how to properly export her to Blender. But still, so you rest assured, I have plan to come back and hopefully continue what I started with a new twist.
In the meantime, hope everyone is doing fine during this summer and took the needed relax!
Last thing, obviously I will pause the Patreon billing cycle for next month too, but really thank you for sticking in guys!
I was certain to lose support/interest in you after this pause, but you proved me wrong.
Even if billings were paused, seeing you stick around here is keeping me wanting to come back so... thanks a lot, for realsies! <3
See you soon!