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Hey all,

Bloodworth here. Just wanted to drop in and give a brief update on the high rate of declines we were experiencing earlier this month as noted in this post.

Patreon investigated and did acknowledge there was an issue on their end. They sent us an update this morning, and while it's not the most illuminating report, the problem does seem to be fixed: "One of our payment partners ran into an edge case that has since been resolved. Your patrons may now retry their pledges for the month of July."

The majority of declined payments have gone through, and I messaged the remaining patrons so they can try again. But I also wanted to provide a general update so everyone knows what's up.

If for some reason, you're still having trouble, be sure to check Patreon's helpdesk article and don't hesitate to file a ticket for direct assistance using the link at the bottom of the page.

I know how frustrating these issues can be, particularly when it's some nonsense happening behind the scenes. So big thanks to everyone who had to go through that this month. Your support and patience is appreciated.




My support went through finally but at... $5, not $7. SMH


I don't really pay attention to whether I'm charged or not... I'll take a look and make sure I was.