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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect for this week's Easy Allies Podcast. Ben Moore and Brad Ellis will be on the desk, and Isla and Don will be in the control room.

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

These submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT this Thursday. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




After another tragic masa shooting. Think we have to talk about it- guns in games. As much as video games are wrongly blamed for violence and as quick we are to defend our favourite past time, is it worth interrogating a medium that has so much senseless violence within it? Sorry to bring such a sad question to the group, I trust whoever is on the panel to treat this with the sensitivity and weight it deserves. Love and respect, Sean


Sal-u-tations Allies, We often talk about good games getting remakes but what about bad games that could use a second chance? I often wonder what a Sonic Boom that was actually good would be like. What are your thoughts? Love ampersand respect, y2kyle89