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AN: First of two parts. 2nd part should be out before the end of February. Short and sweet Catwoman/Bane story.


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Breaking in through high security one thing, breaking out was something else entirely.

For one, she didn’t have the luxury of tools, maps, blueprints, and the peaceful silence of her safehouse. Even worse was that these walls that trapped her weren’t Blackgate.

Here in Arkham… Selina’s job was significantly harder.

One thing was clear: she couldn’t escape on her own.

There was, however, one small miracle: a fire in the cell blocks. Selina didn’t start it and didn’t know who did. But whoever it was, Selina owed them big. For the time being, Arkham security was housing the spillover Blackgate inmates - like Selina - all together out in an open hall. And these unusual sleeping arrangements came with opportunity.

Selina could smell it in the air. A tension among the orange suits that was only getting worse. It was only a matter of time before a big fight broke out. And a good chance from there to turn into a prison riot. It would be too easy for one or two prisoners to get lost in all that chaos. Way too easy… especially for a woman with Selina’s finesse.

But when this powder keg went off, Selina would need some back-up. Catwoman was quick, agile, damn near untouchable in a straight fight. But brawls were different. Too many men, too many variables, too easy for someone to get a lucky shot. Selina was going to need some muscle.

And it just so happened that her muscle was moved out of the burned out cell block, same as her. Selina was already feeling confident as she eased her way between the village of mismatched cots and bunk-beds. She couldn’t imagine her would-be partner wanting to stay in this dump. A few short words with him and a new partnership would be born.

First she had to find him.

Keeping her head down and her profile small usually got inmates to leave her alone. Hunching her shoulders forward did some good to lessen the profile of her bust. The point was to seem less womanly and thus attracted fewer wandering eyes. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do much about her hips.

Normally, Selina was proud of her figure. But here, within these prison walls, her womanly body would only get her into trouble.

Trouble like two pig-faced brutes, their orange jumpsuits tied around at the waist to reveal hairy potbellies half-covered by stained tank tops and thick arms spattered with obnoxious tattoos.

One of them reached out to grab her arm. Selina felt revulsion at his touch, bristling with silent anger.

“Hey, sweetheart, what’s the hurry?” He drawled, his voice rough and raspy. His buddy closed in from the opposite side, blocking Selina off between two bunk-beds. She could feel his bulk looming from behind.

“It’s rude to walk by and not say hello.” Said the other man. Selina flashed her gaze over her shoulder, noting the facetats. She wanted to roll her eyes.

Selina fought the urge to wrench her arm free. She would need them relaxed for the next part.

Even so, she could feel their eyes upon her, leering at her long legs and the swell of her hips that not even her baggy jumpsuit could not hide. Both men were shameless with their obvious desire and it made Selina’s skin crawl. She didn’t even want to imagine the sorts of twisted fantasies that were no doubt playing in their minds. The Cat had crept onto dangerous ground - these were men who likely hadn’t seen a real woman in years. Certainly not a woman like her.

“Boys.” She greeted, her tone coming too sweet to be sincere. A calm smile was upon her lips, well rehearsed. She drew her arm out of the first man’s grubby hand. He let her go, chuckling. Clearly, he believed they had her trapped. Selina looked forward to ending that delusion. “Didn’t your mothers ever teach you that it’s rude to hassle a lady?”

The meathead behind her let out a dark laugh. She felt his bulk close in. Goosebumps skittered up her back.

“You ain’t no lady.” He said, his words coming out like crunching rock. “Not when you’re wearing orange like the rest of us.”

“Yeah. You’re a bad girl, kitty cat.” Added the man in front of her. He closed in slowly as well, leaving Selina with rapidly diminishing space. But still she waited. Her moment was coming. The man before her was smirking, lecherous ideas clear upon his face. “We’ve heard some stories.”

Selina matched the man’s putrid look with a kittenish smile. Dark eyelashes fluttered over her sharp, green eyes.

“Have you?

It was play-flirting. Something to lull their guard away quickly. It was too good to be true, obviously. But brutes like these men always wanted to believe the fantasy, no matter how outlandish or unlikely. Selina saw the man flash his eyes towards his buddy - a brief moment of self-awareness from their sort. But then they shared a nod and their smiles grew. They drew closer.

“Heard you know how to treat a man.” Said one.

“A guy can get lonely in Arkham.” Said the other. “Not a lot of feminine energy around here.”

The meathead ran his tongue over his yellowed teeth. The other reached out, closing his fat fingers over Selina’s wrist. He leaned in close, so close that Selina nearly winced at the stench from his mouth.

“So what’s the hurry? You got somewhere to be?” He prodded, laughing deep and slow.

Down low, past his rounded belly, Selina caught the faint outline of his no doubt hardened prick - sure enough, there was nothing to write home about. Selina again fought the urge to roll her eyes.

Enough of this.

Selina took a deep breath. She looked up, beaming at the two men.

“As a matter of fact…”

It was over in seconds. Thugs like these men always, always underestimated just how much damage a woman like Selina could do. It wasn’t about overpowering. It was about crippling. A straight fight was the Bat’s domain. The Cat, on the other hand… she played dirty.

A snapped wrist. A kick to the groin. A dislocated knee. Nails across the face.

Two grown men crying on the floor.

Selina took a moment to admire her handiwork. Even with guards rushing to the scene, the Cat couldn’t resist.

She knelt down, her full lips pursed in mock sympathy. Like a mother, she cooed sweetly, drawing the back of her hand over one man’s tearful face. He clutched at his ruined knee, the predatory hunger in his eyes replaced with fear.

“This kitty always has somewhere to be.” Selina purred. She pressed a bit closer, so their faces were inches apart. Her voice dropped into a whisper. “And just to be clear: I do know how to treat a man. I give him what he deserves.

The stomping of boots was close now. Selina rose quickly, taking one last look at the cold fright on the meathead’s face. She had pushed her luck with that last taunt, but the rush was more than worth it.

The Arkham guards arrived to find two whimpering, useless sacks of meat. But no sign of their assailant.

The Cat was long gone.

After all… she had a date. With the brawn to her brains.

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Bane’s face almost coiled into a wince, but the towering brute kept his expression calm. The Cat’s voice, normally smooth and rich and lovely, had turned harsh and shrill. To a beautiful woman like her, to be turned down was to be insulted.

Without his mask, without his gear, Bane felt naked. It had taken some time for him to grow accustomed to the prison jumpsuits. But eventually he found peace in his meditations.

A peace that was quickly lost the moment Selina Kyle started speaking. Bane closed his eyes and breathed, hoping to regain some measure of the calm before she had arrived at his cot. But it was in vain.

The Cat remained rooted to the spot before him, glaring. Her eyes demanded an explanation from him.

She was quite a vision, even when dressed in the garish prison jumpsuit. Her pale skin was smooth as porcelain, her short black hair so soft and shimmering. Even when twisted in anger, her face held a certain allure, plump lips, small nose, and brilliant green eyes.

Bane couldn’t deny the woman’s beauty. But he could deny her proposition.

A waste of time.

“You’ve interrupted my meditations.” Bane answered simply. He took in a long, deep breath as he closed his eyes.

He could hear the woman scoff, followed by the shifting of fabric against fabric as she drifted closer to his cot. Bane remained still, taking in slow, steady breaths to try and control his heart rate.

“I’m sorry…?” He heard the Cat sputter out, incredulous. Instantly, his heart rate jumped. Bane cursed silently, but still did not open his eyes. Again came her voice, hard and heated. “I thought you would want me to cut you in.”

This time a bitter smile cracked across Bane’s face.

“Cut me in. Ha.” Bane let a chuckle rumble deep in his chest. Finally, he opened his eyes again, setting them upon the angry and pretty Cat. She was still glaring at him, to which Bane felt a rush of vexation. He stood up then, rising from his cot. Towering over the woman who had ruined his peace. “You act like I should be grateful. But you were always going to come to me. I know this. There are no other men in this prison who possess my strength.”

“But that’s the point. The plan only works if we team up. And I’m offering.” The anger dropped from the Cat’s face as she spoke. There was a passion there, for life, for freedom. Bane almost snorted. The woman loathed this place. He couldn’t blame her for that.

Bane considered her for a moment. He crossed his arms.

“Why should I agree?”

It was amusing watching her blink, the heat in her eyes turning quickly to incredulity. She shook her head, looking at him as he had gone mad.

“To escape? To get the hell out of this cesspit? Hello?” She gestured to the rest of the prisoners beyond their bubble, all of them packed into the same open hall as the two of them.

“Ha. This is no cesspit. You do not know the meaning of the word, woman. This is a vacation.” Bane spared the prisoners she was pointing at only a brief glance. Those were the other men, the lesser men - but they at least knew better than to disrupt Bane’s peace.

None of them would survive Peña Duro.

The Cat rubbed at her temples, groaning. She began to pace before his cot, running her fingers through her dark hair. Finally, she whirled back on him, frustration clear upon her face.

“Are you listening to me? The both of us can get out of here. We can be out on Gotham streets by sunrise!” Her voice was a low hiss and Bane could see her eyes dancing to the side, checking for eavesdroppers.

It had become amusing, witnessing the Catwoman desperately try to convince him. But it had gone on long enough.

“You mistake me for the rest of these sorry criminals. You think I am desperate.” He said, his voice becoming cold like steel. “That is not the truth. I am here because I want to be. American prison is a good place to sharpen the mind and body. And the Bat does not disrupt my honing of my skills as long as I remain within these walls. That is his mistake.”

The Cat stared at him. After a moment, she seemed to deflate.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“I do not joke of this.”

The woman threw her hands up, her face twisted in silent seething.

“This opportunity won’t last forever. The window is closing soon. Very soon.

Bane only gave a shrug.

“Good. When it is shut, maybe I will have silence and peace. Go away, Cat. Your offer was amusing but now you irritate my ears. There is nothing more you can offer me.”

For a long moment, there were no words between them. The Cat did not leave. Instead, she left her gaze fixed upon Bane. At first, he thought she might erupt in venomous curses, casting her fury upon him for denying her. Indeed, there was a sharpness in her eyes. Green fire burning right through Bane. But then… a quirk at the corner of her mouth. A smirk.


Slowly, the woman approached. Bane kept his guard up, a tension worming through his muscles. But as the Cat drew near, it became clear that she wasn’t interested in a fight.

“Nothing to offer you…” She repeated softly, though her voice kept a certain edge. Her smirk grew, joining the glimmer in her eyes. “I disagree.”

“Will you return to me the time you’ve wasted?” He asked dryly.

But Cat did not retreat. In her heated gaze, Bane could see intent.

“Something like that.” She said, smiling.

Bane narrowed his eyes at the woman. He uncrossed his arms, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. She was even closer now - so small in the face of his bulk. Her face only came up to his chest. Even without the power of the Venom, Bane was a giant compared to the Cat.

There was a certain appeal in the Cat’s delicate nature, things that reached down and stroked the beast deep within. Her feminine figure, long legs, slender arms, and the curve of her hips, her belly, her bosom. Bright green eyes, full of life, full of mystique. There was a vulnerability there, like she was prey waiting to be snatched up. But Bane knew well the danger of the Catwoman. She who offered flirting and kisses just as often as she offered pain and blood.

Bane kept himself tense, even as Selina began to unbutton her jumpsuit. He kept his hard eyes leveled, waiting for an attack - but not looking away from the parting of the orange flaps. One after another, she pulled the buttons apart, starting up at her neck then descending. The buttons stopped at her waist. The Cat pulled her arms free of the baggy sleeves, letting the upper half of the jumpsuit hang down. She was not nude underneath, to Bane’s minor disappointment. Like all prisoners, she wore the standard white tank top. Unlike the jumpsuit, it was pleasingly form-fitting, clinging to her flat belly and the enticing swells of her chest. But the Cat didn’t stop there.

Hooking her thumbs under her waist line, she pushed down, sliding the orange leggings down, down, down until they were bunched up around her ankles. Selina stepped out, now barefoot and garbed in only gray underwear and her simple tank top. Free of the jumpsuit, Bane could now see the true appeal of the Catwoman - and much smooth, pale skin on display.

Bane admired, but still he did not lower his guard. It was likely a trick, even if her eyes were full of sultry promise. Rational thoughts could not keep his body from responding the way a man would, however. He felt his loins stir, his cock hardening as it swelled with hot, rushing blood. He frowned, frustrated with himself. The Cat’s eyes flashed downward, and her smirk grew wicked. His cock twitched, hardening further.

Damn this woman.

Her gaze then flashed towards the other cots - perhaps there was worry that they would be interrupted. But Bane wasn’t concerned. The other prisoners never dared to confront the man who once broke the Bat.

When the Cat felt sure that there would be no intruders coming, she turned back to face him. Fire in her eyes, she took the hem of her tank top and tugged it upward. Quickly the scrap of fabric was gone, tossed aside, leaving the woman nude save for the gray panties. She stood before Bane, her gaze unwavering as she allowed his eyes to roam, to drink in her beauty revealed.

“You are desperate.” Bane murmured. He took a long moment to enjoy the faint lines of her tummy, the succulent curvature of her breasts, and her pink nipples made tight and hard by the cool air.

Catwoman gave a small hum. She slid her panties off too, setting them upon her pile of clothes. Naked now, standing proud and without shame. Bane could see well: the woman had nothing to be ashamed of. She drew in close, setting her hands gently upon the expanse of Bane’s muscled chest. Her touch was warm and welcome. He felt his cock stir, straining against the fabric of his suit.

“I wouldn’t say that. In this place… I could do a lot worse than you.” She told him, again humming. It was a sound of appreciation as she felt the firmness of his body, the power he had cultivated over years of harsh training. Bane felt a swell of pride then - but still he frowned. He silently cursed himself for such a boyish response.

“I see.” He grunted.

The Cat snorted, breaking into a giggle. A sweet sound that stirred up his insides. Bane had learned absolute discipline… but he couldn’t ignore the allure of the feminine. And it had been quite some time since he enjoyed womanly company…

“You say I’ve got nothing to offer? Well, I’m offering everything.” The Cat purred. Her hands slid upward, rising to his neck. She cradled the back of his head… and tugged him down, capturing his lips with her own.

It was simple at first, almost chaste. But quickly, she became more demanding. Bane didn’t put up a resistance. The softness of her lips, so buttery smooth, the heat and wetness of her tongue, the sweetness of her taste… Bane groaned into her kiss, letting himself find enjoyment. Her body pressed in close, so maddeningly warm. Bane moved on instinct, wrapping his arms around her waist. The feeling of her naked skin under his hands nearly turned him mad, into a hound in rut.

His cock was a steel bar, red hot. He knew she could feel it brushing against her soft thighs. But still she pressed her body flush to his, melting into his chest, humming sweetly as his arms coiled tighter around her waist. She put one leg forward, stroking his length through his pants. Bane groaned again, a pitiful sound from a man of his size.

Selina finally broke the kiss, following it up with teasing pecks to his lips, his chin, and his neck. The wicked heat in her eyes had only grown, turning into a wild blaze that threatened to swallow him up. But by then, Bane was all too willing to leap into that inferno.

“Do we have a deal, big guy?” The Cat asked him, breathless. She panted so close to his lips, the heat from her breath setting tingles upon his skin.

Bane drew back from her… but only so he could disrobe from his own tank top and jumpsuit. Soon, he was as naked as she was, the body he had built on display for her hungry eyes. Bane felt a deep satisfaction from the delight that was clear on her face. Even more when her gaze lowered to his cock and her eyes widened in giddy joy.

“You must convince me.” He said.

This time it was Bane who pressed in close, taking the woman in his arms again. Rather than sliding her arms around his neck, Selina busied them with something else. She reached down between his legs, taking his length in both hands.

At first she cradled him gently and the sensation of her warm, soft touch upon his manhood almost had Bane sputtering curses. Then she began to stroke, agonizingly slow. Each pump of his length had his balls churning hot. His cock twitched in her hands, colored an angry red.

The Cat hummed, delighting in the pleasures she brought with just her hands. For Bane, it was the most wonderful torture. Made even better when her sweet voice poured into his ear.

“Lucky for us both… this kitty can be very persuasive.”


Dominick Spahn

Will twisted desire ending come out soon?


I'll be working on the extended epilogue and good ending for Twisted Desire once March rolls around.