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It shouldn’t have been a surprise that they’d be flying in style. First class seats that took them all the way to Switzerland. From there, they boarded another jet - a private jet - that would take them the rest of the way to Trevelyan Academy.

The school, Jason was told, was located in Greek waters, some forty miles north of Crete. Kidemónas it was called. The Greek word for guardian. A fitting name, Jason thought, considering what they were going to train him to do.

Eighteen years old. Flying in a private jet with leather seats. Off to a new life of prestige and action. Sitting across from one of the most gorgeous redheads he’d ever seen.

Jason Silva was living more than a dream. This was pure dude fantasy, plain and simple.

Any moment now he would wake up and be crushed with the disappointment of reality. He’d have to go back to the grind of school and tests and dealing with jackasses after class. At least that’s what he’d thought when they first took off, way back in Dallas.

Seconds ticked by, turning to minutes, turning to hours. He’d even started pinching himself, just to be sure. Nothing.

Jason was wide awake. Sharp even after twenty hours in the air.

This was real. And it was fucking awesome.

“Nervous?” Donna’s voice broke through his thoughts.

Jason tore his eyes from the plane window, replacing the beautiful sprawling sea with an even more pleasing sight.

Donna was smiling at him with one brow raised, her full, soft lips curled just so. Even sweeter to his eyes were her clothes - or rather, the way they fit splendidly upon her figure. A cream-colored blouse of soft satin, loose about the shoulders and sleeves but unbuttoned just enough to offer a small treat of cleavage. Lower was her skirt, a stretch of fabric that covered down to her knees. It was black and snug to her hips and thighs, clinging to her feminine shape. And where her skirt ended, her dark stockings began, swallowing up the rest of her long, smooth legs. 

Though this outfit wasn’t nearly as tantalizing as the silk robe she wore back at the hotel, Ms. Dekker remained a vision of beauty. 

Better than any in-flight movie, Jason decided.

“Not really.” He finally answered her. It was partially true. He wasn’t nervous. Not in a bad way, at least.

He shifted in his seat. One knee of his was bobbing slightly - just as it had been every so often on this long flight. He forced himself to stop, noting a glance from the woman across from him.

Donna’s brow remained quirked up. Her smile became a smirk.

“Excitement, then.” She offered, amused.

Jason felt his cheeks warm up. He put his gaze back through the window, hoping his nerves would settle watching the rolling blue waves.

“Maybe a little.” He admitted under his breath.

“Heh. Just a little.” Donna gave a soft snort. 

Jason’s belly felt weightless then. He could feel her eyes were still on him. He didn’t meet her gaze, but he allowed himself a smirk of his own. 

It was silly, he knew it was. He knew she could see right through his bravado. But all the same, like any fellow his age - like any fellow with a pulse - Jason wanted to impress the pretty lady.

The story of all time, his dad - probably - would have joked.

And damn did Donna look pretty. Even prettier than when she first met him one day before - or was it two? Jason didn’t really know. Crossing time zones must have screwed with his internal clock.

Donna reached over then, setting a hand on Jason’s knee. Again, snapping him out of his daze.

“In any case, just relax. We’re going to be taking it easy for the first day.” She assured him. The redhead sat back, crossing her legs. “Exceptional you may be, but jet lag will no doubt affect your performance. You and the other new recruits will need to get settled in first before we start molding you into your best selves.”

“How many others are there?” Jason asked.

“For your batch of recruits? Less than ten. For the organization as a whole? Just over a hundred. This includes the support teams and your instructors.”

“Seems kind of small for a school.” Jason’s brow furrowed. “Even a private one.”

At that, Donna gave a small nod, now understanding.

“Ah. You mean for the school itself. Trevelyan has just over eight hundred students. Most of them have no idea what we really do on Kidemónas. The Academy doubles as a legitimate institution. Makes for a great cover.”

Jason grinned, impressed as much as he was bemused.

“So I guess I’ll have to watch my mouth then.”

“Only among your fellow classmates. The whole faculty knows the truth.” Donna explained. Jason noted a hint of pride seeping into her voice as she spoke. “They’re among the best in the world, educators, instructors, support teams. It’ll be a great privilege for you to learn from them.”

Jason took a glance around the inside of the jet. The private jet, he reminded himself. Donna’s eyes followed gaze. When their eyes met again, he saw that hers were flashing with mirth. She had caught his meaning.

“I’m already feeling the privilege, Ms. Dekker.”

Donna rolled her eyes, letting out a soft sigh. Strands of red hair bounced before her eyes of brilliant green. She swept them away, tucking them behind her ear. God, she was beautiful. Those eyes, those cheeks, those lips, that faint rosy coloring upon her flawless skin… it was almost enough to lull the teen back into another boyish trance.


“I’ll remind you again, though…” The woman continued, setting her hands on her raised knee. “If you don’t see a fellow student in training, then watch what you say around them. Trevelyan may be a front, but most of the student body are normal teenagers.”

“With rich parents.”

“With rich parents, yes.”

Jason snorted, looking out the window again. Those parents had to be loaded if they could afford to send their kids all the way out here.

“A private island base.” Jason mused. “That’s like something out of James Bond.”

Donna let out a tiny, but rich laugh. It caught the teen’s attention - how could it not? Her face was bright and her smirk had grown ever so subtly. Her eyes glittering in the way that made a man’s heart jump.

“By the time you’re cleared as a field agent, not even James Bond will hold a candle to you.” She told him. And Jason knew immediately that this was no empty talk. 

Donna Dekker was making him a promise.

Jason put on the face of confidence. He sat back and chuckled. But inside, he was crackling with flame and growing hotter.

“Sounds like you’re going to work me pretty hard.”

“Harder than you’ve ever been, Mr. Silva.”

Jason kept his cool. He breathed in as Donna’s eyes never wavered from his. What followed was a pleasant stirring in his gut, a warmth that buzzed through his veins and under his skin. The way Donna was looking at him… Jason liked it. He liked it a lot. It fed into his spirit, lighting a fire deep inside. The fire was rising now, along with his courage. Then he felt more, a flare of youthful daring - the very same that put him on this path in the first place.

He missed his chance back at the hotel. He would not miss it now.

“Is it too much to ask for a little taste?” Jason steeled his gaze, locking his focus on Donna. His voice was firm, strong - but not pushy.

Bold. That’s what Donna said she’d been looking for, hadn’t she? So that’s what Jason had to be.

To the young man’s relief, the redhead didn’t look insulted or scandalized. Even better was that she didn’t laugh in his face. That would have taken the wind right out of his sails. Instead, to Jason’s great interest, Donna Dekker looked quite impressed.

“My…” She sighed. She shifted slightly in her leather seat. Enough for the fabric of her blouse to strain pleasantly against her bust. But Jason kept his eyes on hers. “So eager to get started, are you?”

It wasn’t a no. Very clearly not a no.

Jason took his opening. His heart hammered as he spoke.

“We don’t land for a while. I figured we could find a way to pass the time…”

Something flickered bright upon Donna’s face. Amusement, Jason could see. But there was something else, too. Delight.

The woman’s smile grew - as did the fire in Jason’s heart. The heat was spreading through him now, touching every nerve, every vein. The blaze poured into his bones.

“Ballsy move for a teenager.” Donna praised. There was a slight incredulity to her tone. She shook her head.

“It’s why you recruited me.” Jason shot back. Now there was an edge to his voice. His eagerness had stoked the fire bigger. His cock was swelling and swelling quickly.

Donna pursed her lips innocently. Jason, though, could tell she saw right through him. She knew how she was affecting him and young, vigorous body.

“Hmm. I guess you’ve earned a little taste… of the sort of motivation we give our rising young men.” Donna finally answered, speaking in a soft, sweet voice. She uncrossed her legs and stood from her seat. She looked down at the teenage recruit with those lovely, green eyes.

The redhead pressed a button on the wall above her seat. For what purpose, Jason didn’t know. Nor did he care. Donna crossed the short distance between them until she stood just over him. Jason remained still, speechless, his blood up and simmering in his veins. Before him, above him, was a vision of beauty so fine it made his body ache. Though her clothing was not revealing, nothing could hide away such a splendid figure. But Jason didn’t get to admire her for very long.

Before the teenager could utter a word - before he could truly grasp how fortunate he was - Donna took him by the cheek, leaned down, and planted her full, cherry-red lips upon his.

Soft. So soft. Warm, as well. And the taste was of strawberries.

Then came her tongue.

That was the sensation cocktail that finally made Jason’s mind go blank.

-  -  -

Donna always loved getting to sample the new talent. Even better was when they had half an idea of what they were doing.

Jason, like any red-blooded teenage boy, returned her kiss with gusto - once the shock wore off, at least. But beyond his vibrant enthusiasm was a decent level of skill. He was no trembling virgin. Here was a young man who knew how to use his lips, his tongue.

And his hands, Donna noted happily. 

Of course Jason wouldn’t waste the opportunity to put his paws on her. They settled first on the small of her back, as if to make sure she wouldn’t suddenly pull away. Then his touch grew more daring as she deepened their kiss, his hands moving to just above her rear. He hesitated, but only for a moment. His palms found her backside, groping softly. Donna expected that. The only thing men adored as much as her tits was her ass. 

Jason took his liberties - but he didn’t fondle and squeeze as feverishly as expected. His touch was measured, controlled. Donna appreciated that small measure of restraint. It was a good sign.

As she crawled into his lap, his hands rose to her waist again. She straddled him upon the seat, her skirt riding up on her thighs as she planted herself on his groin. He was hard - and big. She could feel his cock through his jeans, growing bigger as their lip-lock drew on. It was yet another confirmation of her lofty expectations, making her insides flutter with glee.

As her tongue slid against his, Jason’s hands slid up higher, past her ribs… and straight to her breasts. Donna couldn’t fault him for that. Her tits were spectacular.

Again, Jason showed stunning restraint as he felt her up. His fondling was almost gentle, fingertips sinking into her soft flesh through her blouse. Her skin came alive, nerves dancing just underneath, heat and delight entwined as Donna moaned into the younger man’s mouth. She decided to reward him. She would allow both the kiss and the groping to linger on for just a bit more. Why not enjoy the young man’s talent in tongue?

Minutes passed. The warmth in her belly had blossomed well, turning to simmering need. The two remained locked at the lips, their tongues not dueling anymore but dancing

Donna was humming, enjoying how firm and hot Jason’s body was beneath her. A very fit young man. The perfect sort to be molded into something even greater. It was another squeeze of her tits, this time catching her nipple, that broke her from the trance.

Donna sighed, feeling delight stir deep within. But she had to maintain order. This was only meant to be a taste, after all.

She set a hand on Jason’s wrist, stopping him. She broke the kiss and pulled back. The teenager was flushed about the face and panting, looking slightly confused. Perhaps even a bit worried.

It was cute.

“Let’s not get carried away.” She told him gently.

“Sorry.” Jason’s cheeks darkened. He sank back into his chair, breathing heavily. Donna watched his chest rise and fall. 

The woman’s heart fluttered… and the knot in her belly tightened. She offered a small smile.

“Don’t apologize. I’m flattered. Really. But let’s save the real fun for later, okay? This is supposed to be a reward, remember? This is your motivation.

Jason nodded along. Even looking like he was pulled straight from the kissing booth, he still appeared the dutiful pupil.

Donna stifled a giggle… and noted with continued glee his impressive hard-on straining the fabric along his thigh. She could feel it against her, so warm and hard even through their clothes.

Exceptional in all ways, this one.

“Consider me motivated.” Jason huffed. The need in his voice sent a nice shiver down her back. A wicked idea lashed through her mind then. Maybe this promising recruit deserved just one more taste…

Donna heard the clicking of heels then, drawing closer, closer, closer. The redhead smirked.

Right on time.

Hanna, the jet’s sole attendant, chose that moment to arrive at their seats. She was a tall, svelte blonde, garbed in flattering airline stewardess attire, colored in hues of warm, feminine blue. From her coat, her skirt, her blouse, her cute little hat, to her silky, impeccably styled bob cut - Hanna looked like she stepped straight out of a classic airline brochure. Or a teen boy’s fantasy…

Hanna said nothing as she stopped beside them, paying next to no mind to the state of her passengers- though Donna couldn’t miss that faint smile of hers at seeing the recruiter sitting in the young recruit’s lap.

“Fasten your seatbelts, please.” Hanna spoke in her smooth, sweet voice. The slight accent of hers only added to her appeal. “We’ll be landing shortly.”

The stewardess’s blue eyes glittered with mirth as Donna untangled herself from Jason’s arms. Jason, for his part, had the decency to look embarrassed. His cheeks were colored an even deeper red now, apparent even upon his tanned skin. Donna couldn’t hold back her giggle this time. It was going to be such fun watching this young man adapt to his new life.

Smoothing out her dark skirt, Donna shared a look with Hanna. It lasted only a moment, but it was enough for there to be… understanding. The redhead sat back down in her own seat, clicking her belt shut with a tiny sigh.

“Almost twenty hours in the air.” Donna groaned, rolling her neck and shoulders - drawing her blouse taut over her chest. Her eyes were closed, but she could feel Jason’s gaze upon her. “I can’t wait to stretch my legs.”

“Among other things, I’m sure.” Hanna added. A simple joke. Dripping with suggestion. When Donna opened her eyes, Hanna’s were shining deviously.

Jason coughed. Or maybe he choked.

Either way, the two women had him.

“Uh… hello.” He greeted, snapping his own belt shut. He gave the stewardess a small wave. “I’m Jason.”

He’d already met Hanna, of course. Back when they switched planes in Switzerland. But his focus had always been on Donna. No doubt this was the first time he was really seeing her.

Both women broke into laughter then, rich laughter that filled the whole cabin. The recruit was exceptional… but he was still a teenager.

Jason sank back into his chair, looking like he wanted it to swallow him up completely. Donna felt some pity then. It was time the boy got a proper introduction to the world class stewardess.

“Ms. Jensen.” Donna started, catching Hanna’s attention again. Immediately, the blonde caught the look Donna was giving her. And she understood perfectly. “I don’t think it’s really set in for Mr. Silva just what sort of life he’s chosen. Will you help me make him understand?”

Jason went still. His wide eyes jumped from Donna to the blonde standing over him. Upon his fresh, handsome face was written shock, elation, and utter disbelief. To see such a vigorous young man rendered speechless was a treat unto itself.

Donna and Hanna shared one more look. They so loved this part of the job.

Hanna reached down, using her fingers to gently tilt up Jason’s chin. She drew closer, moving in front of him, practically in his lap then. Just as Donna had been.

“It would be my pleasure, Ms. Dekker.” Hanna purred softly. Then she dipped her head down and drew Jason into his second make out of the day.

Hanna, ever the competitive sort, drew it out. Moaning quietly as her lips and tongue mingled with Jason’s. She always liked to take her time. And Jason was more than willing to have her, his hands sliding around her trim waist, pulling her close as their kiss drew on. 

Donna couldn’t see much, but she could hear it. Soon, Hanna’s moaning grew in volume, pouring her passion straight into Jason’s mouth. From his pleased grunts, no doubt she was polishing his tonsils. And with her knee pressed into his groin, she soon had him groaning as well.

All the while, Donna simply observed. Her whole body buzzed, alive with excitement, but the heat in her belly was the most pleasing of all. It was a thrill entirely on its own, watching a young man’s lust froth to the surface. To witness him turn from boy to lover, right before her eyes… seeing that beastly, untamed desire take hold of his body… there simply wasn’t anything else like it.

Jason Silva had great potential. But he was untempered. Ms. Jensen could handle him just fine.

Eventually, the pilot’s voice rang over the intercom. They were about to land.

Hanna broke the kiss with a happy sigh. She stood up, smoothing out her coat and skirt, fixing her shimmering, golden bob and adjusting her cute little hat. Jason looked to be in a daze. Just as in the aftermath of his bout with Donna, his chest rose and fell. 

“Welcome to Trevelyan, Mr. Silva.” Hanna sang, giggling. She stroked his cheek as she left. “Please enjoy your stay.”

“I… I will. Absolutely. To the fullest.” He practically choked out.

“Big talk.” Hanna called over her shoulder. Her hips were swaying as she moved towards the cockpit. Deliberate, Donna knew. And it was working - Jason couldn’t tear his eyes away from the blonde’s admittedly lovely ass.

“He’ll back it up.” Donna promised, coming to her recruit’s defense. She offered the teenager a smile as he turned back to face her. No way could he miss the shine in her eyes then. “He’s a motivated young man.”



I don't know if this was intentional and I'm just a dork who missed it, but I'm getting a real "Agent Cody Banks" vibe.


More inspired by the likes of Young Justice and the original Max Steel animated series, but I can definitely see the similarities. Though the young heroes of Spy Academy will certainly be more impressive than Frankie Muniz was in that movie haha.