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The invader fucked savagely. And the princess could only take it.

Diana couldn’t keep from screaming. They were good screams, born more from ecstasy than pain - though both sensations mingled through her aching body. She felt like an animal, teeth bared as her face was pushed down to the fur beddings. 

Thor’s thick fingers were at the back of her head, raking through her hair and forcing her down. A show of his strength, his power over her. For the Amazon princess, it should have felt shameful. Yet her sex - her cunt - ached even more sweetly. She was soaking wet, as wet as she’d ever been, and still Thor’s cock filled and stretched her to the point of madness.

The princess clutched and clawed at the beddings, every deep thrust from the man filling her vision with dazzling stars. She let out shrieks as he drove into her, equal parts delight and Amazonian fury. There was too much sensation for Diana to keep her feelings contained. Her whole body ached: the sting upon her ass, the heat deep in her core, the burning of her lungs and throat. All of it was… magnificent.

“More!” Diana cried. “More! Faster!”

She reached back with one hand, grasping at Thor’s hip, his firm buttocks, seeking anything to hold on to. The man continued with the relentless pace of his thrusts, his waist slapping against Diana’s ass every time he drove his cock deep. 

“So demanding for a woman on her hands and knees.” She heard Thor rumble behind her. He loosened his grip on her hair, gently stroking the back of her neck. With his other hand… he gave a firm slap to her buttocks, drawing another shriek from Diana’s lips. The man didn’t slow his thrusts for a moment. “Do you know what you are asking?”

Every stroke made Diana shiver and moan - but she craved even more. With her hand on his hip, she tried to pull him even deeper. Desperate for more of that ache, more of that splendid dominion.

Thor’s manhood, so long and fat, with balls so potent and full, belonged inside Diana. It was a truth she had come to realize this very night. The Odinson was not at all like other men. He was more than mortal, she knew that now. Only an Amazon’s cunt could ever truly please him. 

Only an Amazon had the right to spill his seed.

Diana turned her head, gazing back at the barbarian with one blazing eye. Through grit teeth, she answered.

“I know.”

Thor slowed his thrusts, letting his cock sinking deep, deep into Diana’s sex. Inches and inches, splitting her apart. The delicious ache nearly had her eyes rolling back. The princess shuddered, letting out a long, trembling moan. The man let out a grunt as he pressed flush to her ass. His fingers tightened on the back of Diana’s neck. He leaned down until his body loomed over hers, his bulk and warmth falling across her naked back. Diana felt his lips at her ear.

“Then you shall receive my undivided lust.” Thor growled.

Diana expected him to unleash his power upon her then, to fuck into her at an even more furious pace. Instead, he drew his cock from her, leaving her feeling woefully empty, and took her by the hips. Suddenly, Diana was on her back, flipped over by the barbarian with shocking ease. 

Above her, the Odinson loomed like a giant, his prodigious manhood hanging, twitching just over her belly. Most of his face was cast in shadow, but for his eyes - dots of shocking blue. Bright like lightning. Shining with desire, hunger. The wild lust that only men were said to possess.

Diana felt no outrage, no fear. Only delight. A thrill lashed through her body, cracking like a whip. A laugh rose in her throat, joyous and wild. It only grew stronger as Thor took her by the legs. He gripped one in each hand, pushing them up, up, up! Folding the Princess until her ankles were beside her head. Thor held there for a moment, staring down into her eyes as his long, fat cock rested upon her slick, aching mound. She whined, needing him inside her again. 

Thor didn’t grant her such mercy yet. He was not finished. He let go of her legs, letting his big, strong arms slide down, curling around her thighs, her flanks, until his hold upon her body was nice and firm. To Diana’s joy, he lifted her, folded like she was, drawing her up off her back so that they were again face to face.

Then he lowered her down. Skewering her upon his fat, hard cock.

Her cunt was spread apart as inches and inches of swollen shaft punching up into her insides. Setting her nerve alight, white fire rushing through her veins. Claiming dominion of what no man had ever touched before.

Her throat was sore. She’d been screaming the whole way down.

Diana just barely held to her sanity. She was an Amazon. She was the princess of the Amazons. Raised as a warrior without peer. She had never been treated like this, not even by the sisters she’d taken to bed.

It was… intoxicating.

“By… the gods… Sweet Aphrodite!

Thor let out a pleased grunt but otherwise said nothing. He held tight to Diana’s back, easing her up and down, fucking the princess onto his engorged tool. Diana sucked in a ragged breath, shivering as she felt every bump, ever bulging vein as she slid down, down, taking his cock all the way to the root. Her buttocks bumped against his balls and she let out a sound. No elegance, no grace - just the choked sob of a woman gripped by such powerful sensation. She felt Thor twitch and throb inside her… and her body responded in kind, clenching tight around the invading cock. Defiantly, lovingly milking him.

He was just… big. His presence was undeniable. Taking space inside her intimate place. Reshaping her body to fit him, reforming her mind with every stroke. Every punch into her core was more delicious than the last, and each time his balls slapped against her mound Diana felt less and less like the proud warrior she was trained to be.

What would her sisters think? What would her mother think? 

In that moment, as Thor Odinson drove Diana up and down onto his thick, delicious cock… the Princess of the Amazons realized she didn’t care.

As the barbarian drove into her sex, feeding the growing, succulent heat in her core, Diana let go completely. Loses herself to the sensation.

Delirious joy spilled from her lips.

“That’s it! That’s what your kind does! This is what you’re built for! Fuck- Fuck me!

Thor smirked but with their faces pressed so close together Diana’s focus was on his eyes. Shocking blue, burning with lust. All of it unleashed upon her. Diana’s heart soared, knowing that just as she’d been driven to such madness, she’d done the same to Thor in turn.

She saw it then, truly and with utmost clarity. His strength of spirit. His unwavering determination. His desire for her. But something else among them that she didn’t expect. Shame. Sorrow. 

Even in her delirium of ecstasy, Diana felt a twinge of curiosity. She’d never met anyone like Thor. The man called Odinson, even as he fucked her, remained a mystery to her. As the richest ecstasy rose up in her belly again, Diana decided then she would learn more about this man. Wherever that path may lead…

Thor claimed her lips then, holding her folded body close. Pleasure, white hot, surged through Diana’s body. She moaned through it, muffled by Thor’s mouth. He swallowed down her cries, holding tight to her as she trembled and shook in his arms. He grunted in turn, low and rumbling like a beast, as Diana’s womanhood fluttered and tightened around him. Diana came and came hard, grasping at Thor’s body wherever she could find purchase. Her nails dug into his skin.

The ecstasy rolled through in waves, a storm of sensation. Strong pulses at first, matching Thor’s jerking cock, but each one was weaker than the last. The pleasure faded into something softer, but no less delightful, leaving the Amazon in a pitiful, shivering fit. She sank into Thor’s arms, moaning quietly as she rode yet another orgasm.

They broke the kiss and her head fell forward, her cheek pressing into Thor’s glistening chest. The bristles of damp hair tickled her. She could hear his heart thumping heavily within. It brought her comfort.

Together they fell back onto the furs, once again a tangle of limbs. Sated and satisfied for the umpteenth time that evening. Thor had slipped from her sex on the way down, leaving Diana feeling his absence. So too did she feel his warm seed seeping from her, dribbling down the inside of her thigh.

The Amazon sighed. She let her body go slack atop her lover.

“Almighty Zeus…” She breathed out along with a tired laugh.

Thor chuckled as well. His arms rose again, his hands falling gently upon her back. His fingers stroked along her spine, affectionate. Protective. Diana liked it.

So too did she like his voice, so low and deep. Hard like stone.

“Princess…” He started, his hands slowly drawing down to her waist, her hips, her ass. “You should know well by now… there are none mightier than Thor.

-  -  -

Another chorus of pleasure erupted from the captain’s tent. 

They were the shrieks of a madwoman - driven mad by pleasure - splitting through the late evening air and rousing a hearty response from a dozen other lustful couplings. Sven’s included.

The young raider and his Amazon lover howled up at the night sky, echoing the Princess’s delight. A bawdy, playful show of unity. Varangian, Amazon, and Islander - all joined together in delights of the flesh.

A long, wavering howl followed, rising above all voices in both volume and passion. No doubt, the Princess had found her most furious ecstasy yet. 

All were stunned into a short silence. Even Penthiselea had slowed her rocking hips, taken aback by the clarion of royal pleasure.

A moment passed. Then voices returned to the camp, murmurs among revelers and lovers alike. Scandalized whispers and appreciative hoots, all spawned from what could only be admiration. 

Sven and Penthiselea shared a look… then broke into laughter. 

“I think the whole camp might have heard that one.” Sven snickered.

The Amazon fell atop him, stealing his lips in a short kiss, giggling into his mouth. She resumed their lovemaking with slow, torturous rolling of her hips. Her sex gripped him, stroked him, drowning his captive cock in soaking heat.

“That just means your captain is doing a damn fine job.” His lover’s voice was low and throaty. She smirked down at him, her delight, her hunger plain as day. “I expect the same of you.”

She began to rock her hips faster, ripping a curse from him as her cunt walls dragged along his shaft. Each stroke brought more heat, agonizing pleasure. Sven’s hands settled on the curve of Penthiselea’s hips, guiding her movements the best he could.

“Of course.” He managed to reply. He smirked, cocksure and bold. “They breed us northmen strong and hardy.”

Penthiselea’s eyes flashed bright. His words seemed to please her greatly. She sat up on his lap, allowing the young raider to gaze upon her magnificent body. His eyes drank in her full breasts and flat, muscled belly. His manhood, smothered in the tightness of her sex, twitched and swelled. And Penthiselea rocked her hips upon him in turn.

“I see. I’ll make a mount of you yet.” The Amazon promised.

And so she began, fucking the young Varangian into the furs beneath. Sven could only lie there, captive to the woman’s desires.

Sven never thought he’d be so pleased to be a prisoner. Especially to a woman. But when his captor was a woman like Penthiselea…

Another curse spilled from his lips. His cock ached in the paradise between Penthiselea’s thighs. She rode him harder, faster, her hands planted firmly on his chest.

It really was good fortune finding this island, the young man decided.

-  -  -

There were few joys in life that could equal the pleasure of being ridden with such wild abandon. Indeed, Thor had become quite familiar with the delights of being flat on his back. Two of them were swinging right in front of his face.

Breasts, ample and so perfectly formed, shaking and quaking in such a fashion as to captivate even a god. They were succulent teats in lovely bronze and they belonged to a woman above women.

The Princess of the Amazons. The warrioress Diana who rode him and rode him fierce. After unleashing his lusts upon her so mercilessly, taking her sweet body every which way he could, Thor only felt it fair that she was given leave to do the same to him.

Her mane of raven black was now wild and messy, shimmering waves now frayed from her exertion. Her body was glistening with sweat, muscles tense as they worked beneath tanned, naked skin. And her eyes… they burned with delicious, desperate fury. Mad lust that Thor treasured to see from a lover. Diana’s heat would consume them both. Not that the Asgardian minded.

The exiled god grinned at his ferocious bedmate, enjoying the pace of her rocking hips - relishing the sensation of her womanhood wrapped so tight around him. She was soaked, drenching his cock, her excess dribbling down over his roiling balls. His manhood was drowning in her pleasure - but the wild moans that poured from her mouth were even sweeter.

Thor could see clear in her eyes the desire to match him in strength and effort and lust. It was more than just pleasure for her - she had something to prove. Her Amazon pride demanded she prove she was equal to him. It was pushing her over the edge, no doubt farther than she had ever gone.

And Thor was reaping the benefits. He couldn’t help but smile.

Diana sneered down at him, outraged at his smug look… and that he had yet to spill.

“I’ll wipe that smile… off your face… Varangian brute!” She grunted, sounding on the verge of madness. So unlike the woman of poise and grace he had first met just days before. “I’ll make you scream… make you beg!”

“I’ve not heard sweeter words from a woman’s lips.” Thor chuckled. Then he groaned as Diana pressed down hard on his chest, pinning him on his back. She put even more power into her rolling hips, growing even more defiant and fierce in her fucking. But Thor remained hard, his cock unyielding even to her sweet cunt.

“Stop talking.” Diana commanded, growling. “Great Hera… why aren’t you tired?

“The blood of Asgard.” Thor answered, his smile growing along with his pride. “The blood of the Allfather. Gods among gods.”

There was a flicker of shock in Diana’s eyes then, even through the haze of lust. But it was fleeting, quickly supplanted by cool realization. Thor found it amusing. Had she thought him mortal this whole time?

“I should have known you were a god.” Diana huffed, slowing her rolling hips just enough to stave off the tide of ecstasy. A smirk of her own cracked across her gorgeous face. “You certainly fuck like one.”

Thor barked out a laugh. His hands came to Diana’s hips, sliding around to palm her soft buttocks. He held her there, fingers playing upon her supple flesh as she continued to rock back forth, her sex stroking his cock. 

“I should hope so.” He grunted, steadily working his hips in time with Diana’s. “Fertility is supposed to be one of my domains.”

“Fertility.” Diana breathed out. “Hera help me.”

“Does that trouble you, Princess?”

Diana didn’t answer immediately. She slowed her hips again, flipping dark hair away from her face. She regarded the god beneath her in silence for a moment. Her face was serene, her cheeks colored with a deep blush, but her eyes were narrow, pensive. Then.. a glimmer. A smile. The fire, the lust, returned to full fury.

“Not enough to stop.” Diana told him.

With a wicked shriek, she rode him. Hard and fast, like a woman possessed. Harder than any lover Thor had ever enjoyed.

Hard enough to make the exiled God of Thunder spill his seed. Spill and spill and spill.

It was the sweetest pleasure Thor had ever tasted.

-  -  -

Miles away, on rough waters…

The winds were strong. That was good. They would carry them on to Delos, no matter how wild the ocean was.

The Goddess Hera will guide us true…

The captain could taste sea salt in the air. It bit at her nostrils, tingling. But there was something else as well, something alongside it. Something that she couldn’t place.

It was so familiar, yet somehow so foreign. Not a taste or a scent or something that she could see. But she could sense it. It was strong. Powerful.

It only made her wary. But Amazons did not show fear.

The captain kept a calm but adamant face, her gaze steely, her aura commanding respect. She stood tall among her scrambling, working crew - setting the example she needed to. That of a woman brave and undaunted, even in the face of the unknown, of the dangers of Man’s World.

With the Island of Delos just creeping onto the horizon… she knew they’d discover the truth of her gut feeling soon enough.

Through the corner of her eye, the captain saw her second approaching. Aella, a toned, stern-faced woman, who had her dark brown hair pulled back into a single, tight braid. Hardworking and quiet she had proven to be for most of this venture. But now she looked as if she wanted to speak.

The captain gave a permissive nod. Aella relaxed, but only just so.

“I don’t like this.” The woman said, coming to stand beside her superior as she voiced concerns the entire crew no doubt shared. “It still doesn’t make any sense. Why would the princess defy the queen? Just to come here?”

The captain shook her head, keeping her eyes on the small dot of land in the distance.

“Perhaps this was indeed a spiritual pilgrimage. Perhaps the princess wanted to prove herself. Or perhaps this was all simply a grand display of youthful rebellion. It doesn’t matter why. The only thing that matters is finding Diana and bringing her home.”

Aella accepted the answer, though she seemed neither satisfied nor convinced. 

“And if she doesn’t want to return with us? What then, Nubia?”

The elder Amazon pressed her lips into a line, her jaw tightening with resolve. The answer to that was clear enough. Not that she liked it.

Nubia tore her gaze from the Island of Delos, looking Aella clear in the eyes. 

“Then I will convince her to.”

Queen Hippolyta had given her this mission. She would complete it, no matter what it took… or who stood in her way.


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