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Even after having his cock bathed by the tongues of two women, Roman was ready for another round in no time. Selina expected nothing less from the man.

He walked backwards towards the bed, his hard cock swaying from side to side as he did. His length glistened with spit, both Selina’s and Chloe’s - slick enough now to match the wetness of their cunts.

Selina shivered as she followed him, a delightful sensation rolling over her skin. She met eyes with the blonde beside her and saw that her new companion felt much the same. It was more than simple excitement - it was a wicked thrill that coiled through their bellies. 

Selina had taken Roman before, endured the full brunt of his savage lusts. And tonight, her body ached for him again, ached for his big, fat cock. Ached to be filled to the brim, to experience the delicious agony of being split apart.

Alas, Chloe insisted on having the first ride. Selina allowed it, feeling particularly generous with a thick load of Roman’s cream already having poured down her throat and into her belly. 

The blonde call girl gave Selina one last bit of affection - a short, but lingering kiss - before turning her full attention onto Roman. She sauntered forth to the man sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out to run a finger over the head of his cock. 

Chloe cooed as she touched him, pushing his length back towards his belly before letting it spring back into place. Roman groaned and Chloe let out a delighted giggle, her eyes bright like stars as they watched the man’s cock sway back and forth in the air. 

Selina was watching as well, having taken a seat to the side, curling up on a cushioned recliner near the bed. She drank in the nudity before her, admiring not just Roman but Chloe as well. His lean but firm build contrasted against the softness offered up by the blonde minx - Selina enamored in particular by the peach that was Chloe’s backside. Roman was similarly entranced, proven by how he reached down to take handfuls of the blonde’s lovely ass as she mounted him and sank down onto his lap.

Both lovers groaned as they joined together - and Selina felt a heat blossom deep in her belly as they did. She didn’t need to imagine how Chloe felt. Seeing the pleasure written upon her face, Selina didn’t feel envy either. It was an odd thing - normally Catwoman felt a rush taking what other people had. But here, now, with Roman and his beautiful cock… Selina wanted nothing more than to share.

It just felt right.

“You must have really missed me.” Selina heard Roman grunt as Chloe rocked her hips in his lap. The man’s fingers continued to play upon the soft, juicy flesh of her backside, taking a firm hold as their bodies worked together.

Above him, cradling his head so that her breasts were right in his face, Chloe smiled. She seemed to take his teasing as a challenge, Selina noted, as the blonde sped up the pace of her rolling hips, working her cunt over his cock even faster.

“You know I can’t get enough of this dick.” Chloe admitted, huffing as she began to bounce in his lap. “Oh. Oooooooh.

Roman took her by the waist now, letting her ass quake and jiggle as it slapped against his thighs. Selina watched, breathing heavier, the fire in her belly growing hotter. Her hands roamed over her chest, her thighs, naked skin tingling at her own touch. 

“Fuck yeah.” Roman hissed, his pale face darkening some from exertion. Strands of his hair loosened, falling into his face. Making him look wild. Primal. Savage. He peered around Chloe’s waist, meeting Selina’s eyes. A sharp smile split across his face. “You enjoying the show back there, sweetheart?”

Selina only nodded, returning his smile - though hers was more wistful. She craved Roman, craved his touch, and her cunt weeped for him, yearning to be stuffed full again. But enjoying this show, the blonde slut riding her heart out… It was pleasing in its own way. Enchanting even.

Seeing such a gorgeous, fat cock slide deep into a juicy, wet pussy… It made Selina’s heart flutter. And listening to Chloe’s pleasure only made the feeling that much sweeter.

Ooooooh God! S-shit!” Chloe cried, trembling upon Roman’s lap - though even afflicted with tremors of ecstasy, the blonde managed to rock her hips in shaky rhythm.

The man beneath her remained steadfast, giving nothing in the face of Chloe’s efforts but grunts and muttered curses. Nothing, of course, but the occasional teasing word.

“Hanging in there?” He asked Chloe, wearing an all-too-pleased grin.

Chloe took in a sharp breath, her body struck tense as she rocked her hips hard. She clung to Roman’s shoulders, shivering again. She let out a long, shaky sigh.

“Just… peachy…” Chloe bit out. A moment later and the grip of sensation loosened, allowing the blonde to resume her riding. Her lovely ass rose and fell, tanned buttocks quaking so deliciously.

Selina watched, entranced by the artwork of carnality. Man and woman, joined together. Soaking wet pussy speared, skewered by the longest, fattest cock in the city. It was perfection unfolding before her eyes.

It was then that the Cat had an idea. Equal parts devious and delightful. The heat brewing in her belly only grew hotter as she pitched forward in her seat, smiling sweetly as bold words escaped her lips.

“Bet you can’t ride him better than me.” She goaded the blonde. 

Chloe turned her head, wisps of golden hair sweeping from her stunned eyes. But the expression of shock didn’t last long. It flickered away, quickly replaced with a daring glimmer to match Selina’s.

“Ha!” Chloe huffed. Then she let out a rather unladylike grunt as she sank down Roman’s cock, taking him all the way down to the balls. Her ass slapped down onto his thighs, a lovely quake rolling the soft flesh of her plump rear. Roman grunted in turn, his muscled arms curling tight around her narrow waist.

Chloe hummed as Roman held her close, but her eyes remained locked with Selina’s. She gave the one-woman audience a lurid smirk.

“I’ll take that bet. What do you say, Romy? Let’s show the new girl how Mr. Sionis handles prime pussy.” 

Selina already knew well how Roman handled his women. But that didn’t mean she didn’t want to watch. And from the dark, primal look in the man’s eyes, Roman was more than willing to give a demonstration.

“A little friendly competition never hurt anyone.” He said, wearing the devil’s own smile.

Selina felt a twisting in her gut, a knot formed from a white-hot band. Her whole body was alight, wicked flame eating her up from the inside out. Her hand trailed down her belly, down to the sodden heat between her legs.

Meanwhile, Chloe went to work. And Roman enjoyed her efforts.

Selina watched as his fingers sank into Chloe’s back. He held tight to her writhing body, guiding her movements where he could. She began to rock faster, working her hips into a wild pace. Flesh slapped against flesh and the blonde began to moan louder, soon howling as Roman’s fat prick stirred up her insides. Chloe screamed up at the ceiling, giving voice to her delight as the bed began to creak and groan underneath.

As for Roman… his pleasure was written clear on his face. And Selina only felt warmth, delight. She wanted him to be happy. Because a cock like his deserved to be happy.

-  -  -

Chloe proved herself to be a spirited fuck. Her impressive performance came as no surprise. She was a professional, after all. But still, Selina was more than delighted to watch the blonde show off her talents - bucking and rolling her hips atop the horniest stud in Gotham, screaming her heart out as the cock of the gods reshaped her insides.

But even with all her skill, Chloe was left a whimpering mess by the end, writhing pitifully on the bed as her body reeled from sensory overload. Selina’s heart pounded as she looked upon Roman’s work. But not from fear. From anticipation.

Now, it was Selina’s turn. And as Roman turned his hungry gaze upon her naked body, Selina’s heart soared.

His cock was slick and glistening thanks to Chloe, standing at attention, throbbing from his heartbeat. It was swollen, the shaft bulging even fatter than before - or perhaps that was just Selina’s eyes playing tricks. 

The cockhead - the one-eyed beast - stared straight down into her soul. Demanding her touch. Demanding her warm, wet cunt.

Roman let out a heavy sigh. He leaned back on the bed, supporting himself on his elbows. His lecherous smile made the knot in Selina’s belly tighten even further, while his eyes promised so many dirty things. He reached over to the exhausted Chloe, running a hand affectionately, possessively over her bare thigh. He softly clapped his palm down on her buttocks. The soft flesh wobbled deliciously.

“Damn.” He said, taking in a deep, satisfied breath. “You never disappoint, Chloe. And so far, neither has Miss Kyle.”

Selina’s belly coiled with excitement. She put on a confident, saucy smirk as she strode up to the man’s spread legs. Reaching out, she ghosted her fingers over the slick, swollen cockhead. Gently, gently massaging him. Roman let out a quiet groan, his manhood twitching at her soft touch.

It was such a mighty, monstrous cock. And it thrilled Selina that she had such an effect on him.

“I’d hate to break my streak now.” Selina purred, beginning to stroke him. “This is my reputation we’re talking about.”

Selina continued her work. Chloe’s juices had the whole shaft soaked, so her fingers slid across his length with next to no effort. Soon she was pumping him, making the man grunt and huff. 

Chloe stirred on the bed then, whining softly as she turned onto her back. She lifted her arms, stretching out her lovely, tanned body. All the while, she had her gaze fixed on Selina.

“I’ve heard some juicy details myself.” The blonde murmured, releasing her stretch with a sigh. She brought her hands to her throat, her elbows granting her just a bit of modesty - contrasting sharpy with the glimmer of giddy wickedness in her eyes. “That you really know how to handle a man.”

Roman chuckled, his laughter rumbling from deep in his chest. Even as Selina continued to pump her hands along the length of his cock, the man did not falter. His smile grew wolfish, his eyes darkening with primal desire.

“That she does.” Roman agreed. His manhood surged with hot blood, throbbing angrily in Selina’s hands. He gave her an expectant look. “Care to demonstrate?”

Selina’s heart was fluttering, her belly twisting. Her cunt was aching. Her whole body was a furnace. Yearning to consume… and be consumed.

Selina said nothing, only giving a soft hum as she moved forth to straddle Roman. She sat on his lap, letting his fat, soaked prick brush against her ass. It nestled there between her firm cheeks, inches away from her mound. Her pussy was warm and wet, but Roman was like a red-hot iron rod. Just a simple touch against her folds was enough to make her breath catch in her throat.

The Cat tossed a look towards Chloe and the blonde silently egged her on. She had given Selina a show, so it was only fair to return the favor. 

With a smirk, Selina lifted herself again, keeping steady with Roman’s firm shoulders. Then… she sank down. Fast.

Inches and inches of cock speared through her sodden pussy. Splitting her apart. Selina grit her teeth, her eyes shut tight as sensation gripped her whole. Down, down, down she went, taking more of Roman, more of his cock. There was so much of him, filling up so much of her… she wanted to scream. Scream until her throat burned.

It hurt. And it was delicious.

In no time, she was riding him. Hips rocking at a feverish pace, even faster than when Chloe had sat in her place. Selina fucked herself on Roman’s cock, holding steady onto his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. Bouncing in his lap, impaling herself. Her sex was a furnace, her head was spinning. She was screaming again, spitting forth a semi-coherent string of curses.

“Fuck! Fuck! O-oh! OOOOOOOOH GOD!

To the side, Chloe was looking on through lidded eyes, focused through the daze Roman had left her in. She looked pleased - or rather amused. Delighted at the storm of sensation that Selina was weathering.

“Drives you crazy, doesn’t he?” The blonde teased, squirming on the bed sheets. She drew her long legs up towards her, curling her naked body for comfort. Her focus remained on Selina and her heated efforts in Roman’s lap. “With a cock like that… you won’t get a fuck like that from anyone else. Not even the Bat.”

Selina was stunned… but didn’t slow her pace for even a second. The fact that Chloe knew she was Catwoman hardly registered. The only thing that mattered was sating the hunger that ached deep within. Her body thrummed with heat, delicious heat - the thrill even sweeter now at the mention of Gotham’s Dark Knight. 

Him. The Caped Crusader. The man who’d been chasing the Cat for years. They’d played their game, got caught up in the rush of moonlit escapades - the cunning thief and the stalwart hero, neither bending for the other but drawn together all the same. Selina had enjoyed those dalliances well enough, delighted at the thrill of leaving her mark on the otherwise unyielding champion.

But he never fucked her quite like Roman did.

Selina shivered, whimpering as she sank down the entirety of the man’s cock. Her ass was pressed nicely into his lap, perfect placement for his pawing hands. Roman took the offer and Selina cooed at his rough touch, thick fingers playing upon her lush, pale flesh. He held her close, using his hold to rock her while skewered on his cock. Every stroke was fuel on the fire, lighting her up from the inside.

Moaning, she looked straight into Roman’s dark eyes. Seeing his hard face etched with a smug, lecherous smirk. Selina liked taking things that didn’t belong to her. And so did Roman. She could see it written plainly - the only thing sweeter than fucking the Catwoman was stealing her.

“She’s my pretty kitty now.” Roman told Chloe, his voice rumbling like heavy stones. His smirk grew, more than wolfish - beastly. “Ain’t that right, doll?”

Selina gasped, pitching forth on his lap. A shock of sensation danced up her spine, while heat blossomed in her belly. Roman grunted, his mouth seeking her tits. She held him close, cradling his head as he tasted of her bosom.

“Yes!” She cried, her cunt gripping tight to his cock. She fluttered around him, her body alive with pleasure. It rolled through her nerves, her veins, burrowing deep into her flesh and bones. “Fuck- God, you’re so fucking big!”

Selina rode out her ecstasy, wringing every drop of pleasure from their profane union. Working her hips, slapping her ass down onto his lap. Wailing to the ceiling as she came.

Pleasure swallowed her up and she slipped into a haze. Thrilled. Sated. Content.

But she knew Roman was not finished. With either of them.

-  -  -

Selina was screaming again. Joy and pain entwined as they both poured from her lips. Her ecstasy now was white-hot, all consuming as it burned through her body. It was hammering into her core over and over and over again.

This time she had gotten first ride with Roman to start off the new round. Back-to-back fuckings were taking their toll upon her body - though she had to remind herself, the average woman would have broken hours ago. The Catwoman clung to sanity still. Just barely. Just enough to enjoy the ferocity of Roman’s lust.

His fingers were in her hair, thick digits holding firm to the back of her head. Forcing her face down into the bed, into the sheets. His other hand held together her wrists, keeping her arms pinned behind her back. And her ass? Up in the air. Vulnerable. An offering. And Roman took. He claimed. He conquered.

For Selina it was splendid torture. Heaven bathed in hellfire. She could feel every delicious inch of him pounding against her gates. A battering ram of thick, veiny flesh. The cock of her fucking dreams.

She could feel every bump, every bulging vein. She could feel his fat balls slapping against her with every thrust. She could hear his grunts, low, snarling, and primal. He was the beast taking his beauty.

Roman Sionis was a monster. A vicious thug to the streets of Gotham. And a merciless lover to the women he took to bed.

And with a cock that big, that makes him my perfect man…

Selina let out a muffled cry, petering out into a whimper. Above, Roman spat a curse, sinking his cock down to the very root. Burying the full length of his manhood in Selina’s soaking, quivering pussy. An instant later, Selina felt him pulse and jerk, followed by a surge of heat in her core. She whined pitifully, shivering as a thick load of his delicious seed flooded her sex. It was sinful and divine, twisted perfection that danced through her nerves.

The Cat shivered, letting loose a wild, happy wail.

Another helping of cream…

-  -  -

Roman went to work on Chloe next. Taking her the same way he took Selina.

He put the blonde whore on all fours, forcing her face down into the bed. He came up from behind and fucked her, skewered her on his cock. More beast than man, his handsome face twisted into a snarl as he fucked deep, fucked hard, keeping to a savage rhythm.

Like Selina, Chloe was shrieking. More than that, she was laughing. Giddy, delirious joy spilled from her lips - or rather it was forced out. Each punch of Roman’s rod knocked another bit of sense out of the blonde’s pretty head.

No doubt she’s seeing stars…

Selina felt a needle of envy then, poking deep in her belly. It was clear by now that Chloe had much more experience with Roman than she did. And the blonde had to be one of his favorites if he insisted on having her and Selina together in bed.

The Cat Thief decided that she didn’t mind sharing. At least in regards to Roman. A man like him, gifted as he was, deserved to sow his wild, potent oats. But Selina knew then, watching that titan of a man defile and plunder Chloe’s nubile body, that she would not settle for second place.

Soon enough, pleasure gripped Chloe the same way it gripped Selina. The blonde was wailing now, writhing under Roman’s iron-grip, writhing on his mammoth cock as he ripped ecstasy from her yet again. And Selina watched in satisfied silence, heart fluttering at Roman getting what he deserved.

Determination flared in her heart then. Her conviction became like steel. 

Selina Kyle would watch Roman fuck every horny bitch in Gotham with a sweet smile on her face. Like a good girl. Just as long as he saw her for what she truly was.

The Catwoman was no man’s side piece. She would be his diamond among diamonds.

She would be his favorite… no matter what it took to convince him.

-  -  -

The evening of delight and debauchery eventually had to come to a close. Selina and Chloe decided together that Roman should end things on a high note.

“Come on, baby. Let it all out.” Chloe sang, her voice somehow soft and sweet like honey even after screaming her heart out.

She was offering her breasts to him, hefting them up with her hands. On her knees, looking up at him with eager eyes, Chloe was a lecher’s wet dream come to life. Roman stood tall over her, stroking himself. His cock aimed at her presented bosom.

Selina looked on intently. As thrilling as it would be to be in Chloe’s place, Selina wanted to watch. She wanted to see the man spill. She would get her taste… but first she craved a show.

“You’ve got nice tits, Chloe.” Selina purred, slender fingers sliding over her bare belly. She met the blonde’s eyes, smirking. “Almost as nice as mine.”

Chloe took the teasing in stride. Her prize would be arriving soon, after all.

“They’ll look even better once Romy paints them white.” Chloe hummed, keeping her tits pressed upwards. She drew her thumbs over her hard nipples, pinching them softly. She bit her lip, turning her gaze back up at the man himself.

“Working on it.” Roman huffed, pumping his hand up and down his length in quick rhythm. “You horny bitches are gonna run me dry.”

“Not possible, stud. Give her what she needs. Go on. Shoot all over those big tits.” Selina urged, fingers playing between her legs now. Dipping into her honeypot, gathering that sweet nectar.

Roman said nothing, but shot Selina a look. Not of annoyance or anger, but rather… interest. But the look didn’t last long. A second later, his focus was back on Chloe and her offered cleavage. 

The man exhaled sharply, letting out a quiet curse. His head fell back… and he began to spill. 

Selina’s belly tightened and coiled with glee, her fingers working faster as she watched Roman empty his balls yet again. This time she could see it, the beauty of his white rain splashing down onto Chloe’s tits, onto her belly, onto her thighs. The blonde call girl laughed, giggling as she was anointed by her lord and master. By the time Roman was finished, Chloe’s body was glistening from his seed, speckled with drops of milky white.

The Cat crawled closer, compelled to see his markings up close. Chloe noted her approach with a cute, knowing smile. The blonde gathered some of Roman’s offerings on two fingers, swiping the digits up the valley between her breasts. She drew those fingers into her mouth, moaning as she sucked the treat down.

Selina was close enough now to get a taste of her own. And Chloe was anything but greedy.

“I know how to share.” The blonde said sweetly, popping her fingers from her mouth. She pushed her arms back, offering her glistening breasts to Selina  much like how she did for Roman. “Come get your cream, kitty cat.”

“As long as you’re offering…” Selina murmured, crawling forth. Crawling until Chloe’s tits were right in her face.

Catwoman gorged on tit and sticky seed, moaning as the sweetness of both mingled upon her tongue. Chloe gasped, yelping so deliciously as Selina’s licked and sucked with ravenous need. 

Selina licked Chloe clean of Roman’s cum, gathering it all on her tongue and swallowing down every drop she could find. 

It was the tastiest cream she had yet to get from him.


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