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So as you may or may not know, Welcome to Unreality is part of the effort in rewriting/organizing/polishing of the FabPharma canon, in effect following the story that's hinted at through the doll bios.

As such, we're going back in tiiiime (wooooo ooo), so I wanted to clear up just exactly when in the timeline this is going on, shown below.

(Note: Denise - Plastic Obsessions as well as other work outside of Welcome to Unreality is happening in the present and already modified timeline, so there's a rather big time hop going on)

Welcome to Unreality is set when: 

1) No subjects have been transformed yet (Cali and Hitome are the first trials).

2) Zero has already been created from a Nereidyl base and developed to maturity, becoming the first synthetic human/Nereidyl hybrid.

3) Emi still hasn't moved to Big City, and is just a small town 19 year old.

4) Sadie is still just Nicholas' PA.

5) Dani is just an IT girl in the corporation, and hasn't been exposed to FabPharma's secret projects.

6) Aimee, Dyna, and Cami already have XL implants (with Cami being at around 2500-3000cc making her the smallest), Jessica is just about to get her first XL set.

7) Becky just dropped out of college.

8) Denise is just a fitness instructor (hasn't met Dyna yet).

9) Fuki is currently working on conditioning Zero, the Suki clone does not exist yet.

10) Julie is an avid BE fan, but is currently in the "too nervous to take the plunge" stage (the first Nereidyl implant trial still hasn't begun looking for subjects outside the corporation).

So there you have it. A little more in-depth look at where we're at :)

- bd



can't wait for welcome to unreality


Love your universe 😊

Mr. Juggs

So, will be be seeing the evolution of Jessica's nips- from normal to super-elongated and puffy and puckered?


Welcome to Unreality's scope currently is only Cali and Hitome's rebooted development, setting the stage as the first FabPharma Nereidyl subjects. This timeline explanation is simply to explain where everything is at that current point in the timeline.


sorry in advance for the long post: 1)Are you planning on doing some kind of reboot or re-canonization of any of the other girls stories in the future? This is a really awesome idea and I can't wait to see what you flesh out for Hitome and Cali, especially with all the extra focus you have been giving to story. Loving all the great character development an POV type stuff. 2)Do you foresee production increasing once you move all work over to the new rig? Seems like it's testing OK now that it's back and assembled? Great work on the September ultrapacks, awesome stuff.


1) Yeah, probably :) glad you're liking it so far! 2) It's already increased, this month was like 3x more renders than previous months while still pushing for more complicated scenes ^^