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Greetings everyone,

Well then - November and December have been rougher than they had any right to be.  Especially on the content creating sides of things.  But that's why I have my Patreon set to "per-post" - to make sure you all aren't giving me money for content that hasn't come out.

I'll get the bad news out of the way first.  End-of-the-year cutbacks cost me both of my regular jobs, leaving only the freelance work.

The bright side of this is that I now have more time to dedicate to content production.  I also happened to hit 10k subscribers on YouTube around the same time.  So to celebrate these two things, I'm going to change up how I do Patreon a little bit.

To start, I'm going to get rid of the $5 and $10 tiers for Patreon.  The reason being is that the main perks for these tiers were voice work, acting or music.  And while I have a couple of patrons at this tier, none of them utilize these perks.

Instead, all of my patrons can opt into a Discord server that I run.  Should you desire, all patrons can also be put into a rotation to be a guest on one of my shows.  

For this, I'll be introducing two new livestream shows for my channel.  

Brony Debates - A relaunch of my original flagship series.  It is a panel discussion on either the latest episode/comic/movie of MLP or a topic suggested by a patron.

Friday Night Fight - A video game or card game night.

So at this point, feel free to comment with your Discord name (if you have one) and I will add you as a friend and put you into the Discord server where you can chat with the other patrons as well.

Thank you all so much for your continued support.  Please let me know what I can do to help you get the most out of your support and don't hesitate to ask me any questions.


--- Brawny Buck


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