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Written by WangLang1313


Mari felt like shit. In fact, shit probably felt better than Mari did currently. Even while bundled up in a blanket on her couch watching her fourth soppy romance flick of the day, and eating her sixth bowl of cheap snacks, the puissant force of grief continued to gouge a universe-sized hole in her chest.

"But Pedro, are you certain?" Isabella sighed, held up in her beloved's arms.

"Absolutely, mi amor." Pedro wooed back at her. "You are the only one for me." He leaned closer to her, the two readying themselves for a kiss.

Tears welled up in Mari's eyes again. Every movie she'd watched, despite their usual success in smothering any unwanted thoughts and memories, failed to dispel the current cloud of misery circling her. No matter how happy the ending, no matter how clichè and predictable the story, all these cheap silly romance films did was make the events of that night and the following morning play painfully back in her head, like on tape.

"Sorry that I wasn't Nikolai..."

She was the one who should be apologizing, for dragging a stranger home and using him in an attempt to satisfy her uninhibited, drunken desires. With trembling hands, she covered his face and sobbed, wanting to shrink away from the world even more. How could she have been so crude... so violating... so filthy and impure?

Ever since she was a child, Mari had always dreamt of being a dainty, elegant princess who would be whisked away by a handsome knight in shining armour. It was a dream that had maintained itself even as she grew taller than most of the guys she ever met. For Mari however, height wasn't the real measurement for her Prince Charming (although if they were able to carry her just like Pedro el Valiente carried his dearest Isabella, she definitely wouldn't complain...). No, what she sought from her lover-to-be was someone selfless, courageous and tender, the kind of man who would spring to her rescue without any hesitation... the kind of man that she felt Nikolai was wholeheartedly...

But just as Mari held a certain criteria for who she wanted to be with, she also held a similar set of statutes for herself. She felt a proper princess was not only a spirited and strong-willed lady, but also thoughtful and never overbearing to any she spoke with. Certainly not the sort to get hopelessly drunk and then dragged their knight home and tossed him atop her bed for a carnal night of flesh, without giving him any say in the matter to boot. Mari's head sunk down in despair. She would never be a fair lady, not after what she had done...

And yet, a glimmer of hope flickered in her mind. Isabella el Bonito, Pedro's beloved, was not perfect, for she had slighted and slapped Pedro when she had mistaken him for being unfaithful, but then made well on apologizing to him once she learnt she was wrong. And Pedro forgave her, not wanting to let the past define the future. Just like how Nikolai had sought to move forward too...

Mari looked up from her state of wallowing. Yes... yes, that was what she must do. Even a lady could make mistakes, and she need only compose herself with proper dignity and decorum and seek forgiveness from those she had upset.

Gripping her sheets tightly, Mari came to standing from her couch. No longer would she drift aimlessly and sit around feeling sorry for herself. Redemption would not come to her, she would have to go to it. The next big chance Mari got, she would find that guy at school and apologize to him for sure!

... As soon as she finds out what his name is.




Another great team up of belt and wang

Bobby Tisin

Has the time skip happened yet?

Bobby Tisin

Does this count as the page for the week?


originally there wasnt gonna be any post with the comic, since I wrote in the last long part desc. that there would be no .5. but then I decided to at least try to post something, which put this into fruition.