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Wang Lang



They are going make Emma pay all their meal.


That encouragement that Lena does, that right there is why I'm a patron, while the scene in the locker room is still my favorite, this page is the good shit.


Looks like Emma’s world is falling appart. At least Lene is here to guide Emma


I really love Emma's story arc. Also, is it me or does Andre look a but fuller too? Seems like just being around Lena is enough to make someone put on a few. I can't wait to see the effects on Emma's waistline :D


Oh snap. Is Andre putting on weight also? I LOVE mutual Gaining. Here's hoping we see it here!


Oh great, two tropes I don't care for; People who were once kind later becoming smug assholes because they found their happiness, and having a male feeder gaining weight while fattening his girlfriend. At least the panel of Lene belly bumping Emma is nice eye candy.


Omg Emma looks amazing 😍but Lene looks smaller than the last time we saw her 🤔@belt buster you are getting better and better with your drawings 🙂


That belly bump >w< battle of who can become the heaviest


Looked back at earlier pages with her, seems like you're right. She looks slightly thinner, and her face isn't as fat. Adding to that is how Andre behind her is nearly her size. What on earth happened?


I feel you, I personally don’t care for Lene as a character and even less for male weight gain, I have no interest in that.


I feel like Frederick declining Emma might be more along the lines of him regretting getting what he had been yearning for and needing to figure out a new path forwards, as opposed to him becoming smug after finding his happiness. I really hope that I’m not missing your original point by a mile with this interpretation


I was referring to Lene's behavior. Frederick's declining makes sense, as him getting dragged off the way he was at the bar was likely traumatizing for him.

Roberticus M

This arc is the one I've wanted since the offer was made


Lene is still the same size, So don't worry about that. haha Her clothing/pants just tucks it in more. ;o


haha, mutual/male wg won't be a focus in this comic. It's just more a "storytelling" plot point. ;o


You have a gift for writing cliff hangers. I always look forward to next week’s post to see how the story continues to develop. Continue the fantastic work my friend 😊


Comic readers: "I thought you were dead?" Kai: "My death was... greatly exaggerated."