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What do you guys in general think its more appealing regards to the romance genre;

Do you guys like it when it's more about relationship building between characters, and focus on more character building and sweet moments between them. A more grounded approach. Maybe having more intimate Weight gain couple moments which wouldn't appear in a harems setting. (more romantic and close feeding f.ex. and cute dates. etc)

Also maybe its more about having a smaller love triangle (two girls being interested in one guy rather than it being like 4-5 different girls interested in one guy)


The harem approach, where it's a more competitive nature and "trying to win the guy". Maybe also more sleeping around with all of the girls etc and more fooling around, but not necessarily committing to any girl until somewhere closer to the end.
Also probably a more comedic approach with girls gaining, being rivals in a way and girls being thirsty etc. All trying to get some romance moments and trying to one up one another.

But in turn, this approach might not build all the girls enough and they might appear more shallow.

or maybe you guys have other opinions or approaches that you guys might like? 



Harem Ending BB. But more seriously, I don't think you need to sacrifice more interpersonal moments in a harem approach and/or result to competition to gain Nikolai's attention. Obviously it would depend on how long this runs for (I sure as shit wouldn't mind more) but even now with the 3 girls going after Nikolai, they're decently characterized with different ways they can lean into or out of their stereotypes (I don't remember the names so forgive me for generalizing them) Blonde Best Friend could see an arc where she needs to back off as she begins to understand Nikolai likes more then one girl and struggle with whether her love for Nikolai outweighs her want for monogamy, Red Head Sports Lady could have to face down her father about how she is gaining and potentially lean on Nikolai for housing if it escalates enough, the Latina(?) Black Hair girl could be afraid of how Nikolai would be taken by her family due to him being the one that is ruining her figure. These are just off the top of my head (And can apply to multiple of the current girls) but a harem approach doesn't need to be all competition and no interpersonality, it could be a wide spread of different people living as girlfriends in a polygamous marriage and the consequences of such a relationship in their lives for your tension. But, I am just a lowly patron who loves tf out of harem routes in games, literature, etc. I hope you get what I'm saying though. And definitely keep up the good work on domino effect and in general :)


Dude it hard. I seen many amine with harem ending which the guy pick one girl or it end with indecisive. I feel that when setting a harem and the main character figure it out then it put pressure on them to choice because the outcome can lead to the being sad, happy or betray. I feel harem is okay, I like and people love. However, Belt it your story, you are God, your art is freedom to you and what you choice is your decision.


I think the more intimate approach just hits better and more detailed in terms of weight gain etc. At the end of the day tho I'm happy with either as long as it's enjoyable


I think a more intimate approach would be more interesting, I don't see that too often with WG comics


Well for me, I really don’t want to harem route, it doesn’t feel right for me and I don’t want the girl to just be horny and thirsty for Nikolai for example and just acting like that. Like they are human being and I would prefer them to act more natural more witting the situation they have and see them in everyday situation, I would be opposed in a love triangle scenario like it seems to be shaping up, but as long it’s still believable how they act and not too much horny focused, I don’t mind


haha, yea no worries. Already have plenty of character moments planned etc and more interpersonal moments. yea, I just generally meant more if there is more character introduced (for f.ex, 2 more girls being introduced besides Mari, Tanya and Emma) and then it would feel all the girls are competing for attention in a way or I have to make sure all gets their screentime. having only 3 girls isn't so bad and it borders more on the edge of Harem or not too harem, but putting in more girls would make it harder to give everyone screentime. The comic I've planned to run to about around 100 chapters or something, to properly tell everything. so it will still be a while. But thanks for your thoughts!


Harem ending wouldn't happen either way I think, since I'm generally not fan towards that, and it feels kinda a "pussy way out" of having to make a choice. haha


yea, I'm more fan of intimate approach, and like more wholesome and cute moments etc


It's a way better experience imop then the harem route and more believable/ immersive


Yea I didnt mean it in such a way that all the girls would just turn into "horny beasts", i just meant then the focus would be more about surface level personalities, and not having as much time to focus on each girl if there was more and a harem. the fewer girls, the easier it is to build then and make them more interesting and unique.


I don’t think it needs to be either or. The harem genre is so popular because everyone tends to have a favorite they’re rooting for (I love Tanya and the dynamic she has with Niko—torn between shame of her gain and wanting to catch his eye). If you manage to keep the amount of girls to a manageable level that you can give them each spotlight moments to shine you can appeal to both audiences—harem/grounded romance. I think having a preordained romance where you know who will be picked is a little less interesting, and I’m always a little concerned in any story when there’s one designated love interest. If the characters are dynamic and organic, which yours are, they should guide themselves in the appropriate directions while leaving the audience guessing. Of course it’s personal taste for all and huge respect to you for making such a bingeable comic (with some extremely tantalizing panels). P.s. please more Emma/Tanya rivalry with snarky comments. I adore them butting heads.


Yea thats what ive been trying so far, Keeping it grounded, but still having the 3 girls, trying to build and avoid making them braindead to their interest towards Nikolai. Since i want each of the girls to be unique with their interests and goals, while on the side being romantically interested in Nikolai. So they can still be their own character even if Nikolai didn't choose them etc. and yea, currently my characters has reached a point where I go "But would Tanya do this" or "Would Nikolai do this", etc. So I still have my story laid out, but the characters write the story now more, "more than I do, or originally laid out". :) haha, probably will be more Emma and Tanya snarky comments.


Ah ok, well sorry for my misunderstanding, but yeah I would prefer if we are less girl but more development on them, the number is good so far but a few other couldn't hurt either, as some could be more background one


I'd like to see more relationship drama with weight gain as the catalyst.


plenty of that will certainly be happening, huhu. as more girls gain more weight. ;o


More intimate romance like the stuff with Lena would be great, but it'd be nice if the stuff with Nikolai ended with some poly relationship forming. Maybe one of the girls who wants him moves on?

Laptop Suc

In fetish games and interactive fiction, I prefer the harem because it opens up the possibility of different routes and multiple endings. And you can fool around and be a jerk without it being "canon" if that's the case. In comics and stories, I prefer the first option but can't fully articulate why. Partially it's because I think it makes it easier for the author to provide more depth than breadth. And I have trouble keeping track of more than 3 faces and names 😅

Wang Lang

I feel you could absolutely make either work, but I feel I'm more down for 'smaller scale' relationship webs. Seeing competitive behaviour is great, but I think that can be amply explored without sacrificing intimacy and deeper development of characters connections - case in point, I feel Tanya and Emma's budding rivalry has plenty of potential for comedy and drama without feeling unnatural or forced.


I prefer 1 on 1 or triangles to harem, feels more grounded. Though as Laptop Suc said, I can see why a harem approach would work be useful in a game.