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on a roll now with getting these out on schedule! B)

(lemme know ur guys opinion on burps and belly sounds, worried if I overdo them or not, haha)




Emma looks so cute and I'm glad Nikolai is there for her. Hopefully this awakens something in both of them 🙏 You didn't overdo the belly sounds, which is great. Don't want to make Emma a slob

Wang Lang

I'm a big fan of the level of belly sounds we've gotten here! Plenty but not excessive


What a responsible, knowledgeable, and trustworthy host that Elaijas is! ...Yup.

Laptop Suc

I think burps and belly sounds are fun, especially when exaggerated. But you definitely didn't go overboard.


Love when a cute girl belches in a very "unladylike" way.


Nah the belching ain't it. The stomach noises are fine tho.