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Updated and done! :)




Patreon goal was hit so in February it will be weekly, and stay weekly as long the goal stays. ;o


I really loved this page and I was left with doubts about the relationship that girl will have with Elija.


The first butt shot of Tanya is so good (I won’t lie that I really like butts) and looks like that Emma is finally loosing it emotionally (I really love how she acts and what she’s saying out of jealousy) , and the effect of the brownies, something is telling me it wasn’t regular one. I’ll say it’s a mysterious way to end it, there is so much possibilities of where it could go for Emma with that. I’m curious who’s the girl with Eli and her relation with him, I’ll say it, she looks really good, probably family related with how they both look similar, my guess is that it might be the girl named Dryad with who Nikolai and gang play with. Well I look forward to the rest as February will have more page.


Emma's looking a little bigger which looks great on her. Possible pot brownies followed by munchies? Thanks for the update


Whoa!! This train is racing down the tracks can’t wait for the next page!


The quality of the comic is really excellent as of recently. I can only imagine how much time and effort goes into each chapter.


Hold on the girl next to Elijah?... is that Jeni from the WG drive?


My compliments on your pacing and framing 🙌