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Hey there, Patreon! Here's a collection of sketches and doodles I've been saving, and I think I've got enough to share in one big post now! Be sure to click each image for context in the captions!

Some of these have already been shared in the Patreon Discord, as well! You should consider joining up over there and see what everyone's been up to! Lots of 7Eves theories and lore shared already, as well!!

Patreon Discord Invite Link 

Until next time, take care, everyone, and thank you for your continued support!


Miranda visits the old Woods family home for Peacebringing, and is VERY pregnant when she arrives! Hazel is soon to be an aunt!!
A simple drawing of Hazel giving Liv a big ol' hug, taking the witch by surprise! What's with that blush, Liv~?
Another run at Silas, figuring out this old man's face. I'm aiming for an undead lich sort of vibe!
Now for something completely different! Here's a rough idea of how Sybil's hair used to look once upon a time: fluffy, with a long ponytail.
And now, here's a look at how she's been redesigned! My wife helped me come up with something a little more Grecian-inspired!
A better look at how Sybil's hair looks in the back. The ponytail is gone... But her bandana now makes up for it!
Of course, no matter what Sybil may look like, her wife, Constance, thinks she's beautiful all the same. Get a room, you two! ♥
Fleshing out the Woods family, starting with Hazel's older sister, Miranda Gibraltar! She's the best veterinarian in the Crescent Hills!
Miranda visits the old Woods family home for Peacebringing, and is VERY pregnant when she arrives! Hazel is soon to be an aunt!!
Koriander "Kory" Woods, Hazel's younger sibling! Kory is androgynous and goes by any pronouns, making them my first non-binary character!
Raymond Woods, the father of the three children and husband to Renata. One look at him and it's clear which parent Hazel favors the most!
The entire Woods family, all together for a family photo! It's always nice to see such a happy, loving family~


Jorge Enrique Lay Ibañez

I loving how the story it's developing I just so impatient to read the first chapter! :3