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Hey, Patreon! I buckled down and completed the third and final runner-up prize from my Mamabito Mother's Day contest! This one goes out to 12Beast1212 on deviantART!

When I was laying out the rules for my contest, I added, on a whim, that 3D art submissions were also available to any potential 3D modeling artists. If you can believe it, 12Beast1212 stepped up and actually created a 3D model of Mamabito! I was blown away that such a thing was made, and even more wowed when he featured her in a short animation, which he presented as his final submission! Note: You'll have to Download the file from dA to view it, since Flash lost browser support back in December, RIP. The amount of work that must have gone into it was truly something to admire, and so it felt natural to give him a spot in my list of runner-ups!

For his prize, 12Beast1212 requested a piece of art centered around a game I'd never heard of, called Sea of Solitude. From what I understand, the titular character, Kay, has been so consumed by loneliness that she's transformed into a monster, and explores an expansive world to help others plagued by a similar plight. He wanted to see Kay in her human form, as well as her monster form, building a sandcastle together, posed similarly to my Winter Wonderland piece from a couple Christmases back! A surprising request, to be sure, but certainly unique, so I can appreciate that!

Now that the runners-up are finished, all that's left of this contest is the grand prize! This one could take some time, but the winner has already given me permission to share WIP's here, so you'll be among the first to see it! I'm already a little dazed trying to think up a fun perspective for it, but I'm not gonna let the gravity of the piece bring me down. No sense in rushing it!

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




This is so sweet and wholesome; I love it! I've been meaning to try Sea of Solitude someday.


This is cute as hell and the detail on the sand castle is amazing~