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Hey, Patreon! Just a simple update tonight! I just threw this sketch together as a warm-up, and thought it might be fun to share it with you guys!

I'm still playing with the idea of a "Mamabito extended family", since it's fun to imagine where these characters got their start. Also, as most of us can attest, it's fun to design cute ladies!!

On the left we have the woman known only as Grammabito, the mother of our own Mamabito / Renée, who, as we know, was coddled and spoiled her whole childhood by her parents. She's perhaps a bit too rigid and proper, but she's still a loving mother to her daughter, and she's eager to spoil her grandkids absolutely rotten.

On the right, we have Nanabito, who is Papabito / Finn's mother! She's a softer, more easy-going woman who's all about love and peace, she's a big believer in astrology and healing crystals and other such "modern mysticism". She lives her live by the horoscopes, and is exceptionally proud of her son for finding his true soulmate! Now if only Grammabito would open up to her... They're so compatible, after all! They should naturally be best friends!

It could be some time before we see these two in a more realized fashion, but patrons should always have access to whatever I might be cookin' up, so I don't wanna keep secrets from you guys! Other than their real names, of course~ That's always my little secret!! Until next time, take care of yourselves, and THANK YOU for your support!




1. I love you. 2. How DARE you. 3. See 1 and 2~