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Heeey, Patreon! As I stated in my previous post, I found some NSFW sketches featuring Mamabito & Papabito that I had forgotten about entirely! I had always meant to share these, but with all the crazy stuff going on this year, it slipped my mind! My apologies! I'm happy to share them now, though! Better late than never!!

I'll be honest, the blue sketch here is actually the most recent, and it acted as general pose practice for what I'd love to make a full footjob piece someday, while also incorporating a little foot worship. It turned out way better than I expected! I would love to return to this one in the future! Clearly Renée is the more dominant half of this couple, and I think they both like it that way~

As for the red sketch here... Time to get candid! I need practice drawing blowjobs! And dicks!! I'm not pleased with what I've got so far, but no one starts out as a natural! Still, I wanted to draw Renée lovin' on her man's dick, and would still love to show more moments like that someday~

Sorry again for not sharing these any sooner! I think I'm still hesitant to share sketches when I'm not pleased with how they look, but I'm working to get past that hang-up! If I'm never satisfied, then they'll never get shared, and worse, can never progress!

Please enjoy this first NSFW update in months!! Until next time, take care of yourselves, and THANK YOU for your support!




Nah, it’s cool, I didn’t need to be alive today~ For reals, amazing. First one? Goals, and also dreams. As for dick practice, there’s plenty of references around, good ones; I’m sure you can do well. You’re you, after all~^^


Must be quite the experience for the man~ He's clearly enjoying himself! I definitely just need to draw them more and often, and I think that'll help me hammer down the necessary shapes! Thank you!!