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Hello again, at long last, Patreon!! Page Seventeen proved a difficult page to tackle, but after a month of working off-and-on, it's finally finished!!

As Mamabito makes her way back to Arcadia in the present day, it looks like we'll be treated to another short flashback to when she was still a young girl... Reminiscing back to the day she moved away! Huh, that's a little confusing!

As you can see, little Mamabito's grown up just a smidgeon over the last two years, and formed some very deep bonds with her neighbors, from the looks of it! But within the commotion, she's dropped her precious album of memories...

Hm, what could Mitzi be thinking..?

Page Eighteen will need to be drawn from scratch, as I only drew up enough pre-sketches for Pages Seventeen and Nineteen, many months ago! Hopefully it'll prove an easier task than this one!

Until next time, everyone, have yourselves a good one, stay safe, and thank you for your continued support!!



FT Genikit

Last I remember Octavian was a real jerk to her, even though she just started her first job two hours after her first arrival. I'm guessing that manage to get along better during those years?


Looks like she learned how to talk to the guy! And he's warmed up to her so much over the years, he's turned into a real big softie!! Two years can do a lot for a friendship!