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Hey, Patreon! Long time no see! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, it took a while to get this page off the ground! But it had to be done, because-- and I can't stress this enough-- Page Eleven is one of the most important pages of this entire comic!

It's time for little Mamabito to learn one of the most important lessons in her life, all thanks to this kind stranger! Because of this foundational life lesson (one that I feel is really the very spirit of the entire Animal Crossing series), this story is about to turn around!!

Pardon the rough off-model sketchiness of this one, I just had to get this phase drawn. There's also a chance that the dialogue could once again be adjusted, but y'all know to expect that by now! We'll see how it all turns out in the next WIP!



Jason Levine Artwork

You really don't need to apologize so much - you update more consistently than a lot of artists :). This is looking good so far; I can't wait to see the finished page!