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Hey!! Hey, you guys? Thank you SO, SO MUCH for the outpouring of support!! The total number of active patrons I have right now is the highest it's ever been! I couldn't be more grateful for your contribution!

I gotta say, having so many of you willing to show your support in such a way has really lit a fire under my ass, and it's got me working on this pic with renewed vigor! I threw down the flats for this one as quick as I could! And, as you can see, I didn't want to settle on coloring the line art I shared with you last night; I've also added a lighter color to Mamabito's soles! The colored lines make them look so nice and soft now~!

This will actually end up being the first fully-shaded and completely-rendered Mamabito art piece, where, in the past, it's never gone much more than flat colors with a few highlights here and there. By the end of this, she'll be shaded from head to toe, glistening with water and bath oil, surrounded by steam, and lit rather romantically by candlelight all around her~

This is gonna be a doozy, and I aim to make it worth your while!! Thank you again for all that you do! Please enjoy!!




While doing all this magnificence, you’d best be taking care of yourself~!


Very lovely! While I can't wait to see the rest, I hope you're not pushing yourself too much. Take things at your own pace :). Otherwise, great job!