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The official introduction of Lilliana Wiesel into my cast of original characters began with her inclusion in CheshireCaterling's Stranded! Summer Swimsuit Spectacular!, or S4 event, all the way back in 2007. To date... It remains one of the only tickling images I have ever drawn of the girl.

I know. I should be behind bars.

Realizing this, I wanted to give the girl her due, and draw her being ganged up on by several of my characters at once, all of whom have had more time in the tickle spotlight. Lilli's canonical worst ticklish spots are her feet and her tummy, which are equally sensitive. So, as Kanasta holds the girl's arms above her head, D adores her girlfriend's adorable laughing face as she goes in on that tummy, and Regina forms an unbreakable grip around her ankles so she can go to town on those size six soles.

I can't look at this picture without honing in on D's face... Drawing the head at the dreaded 1/4 angle was completely foreign to me at the time, and try as I might, I could never get it to work. It was enough to discourage me to completely halt production on this picture. But I could probably make an attempt to draw something like this again one day, and finally give Lilliana the tickling she deserves!

Also, since Lilli is albinistic, her skin has no pigment, meaning she only grows redder as she gets excited, or is made to laugh like she is here. That being said, I think "Tickled Pink" would have truly been the perfect title for this one!!




I hate that there’s no “bowing in awe” emoji/emoticon, so settle for the classic orz. Great uploads today~!😍🤩


This way too wholesome and cute! Love these kinds of tickle pics!