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Pokémon GO launched just over three years ago, back in July 2016. As you might be able to guess, that's precisely when work began on this picture. Yep, this is a three-year-old unfinished WIP. But I always intended to finish it! So much stuff just came up at around the same time, and I started to get ideas for new pictures besides this one! So it got pushed aside in favor of getting other pieces finished instead, like my other Pokémon piece featuring Olivia from Pokémon Sun & Moon.

The plot behind this one is simple: the female Pokémon GO trainer (modeled exactly after my own at the time) is desperately searching for one of the only Pokémon remaining to be found in her Pokédex: Bellsprout. After obtaining a hot tip, she sets out with plenty of incense for a secluded area in the woods where they're said to nest. After a long trek, however, she arrives quite tired, so she kicks off her shoes and takes a nap beneath a tree. But one of her incense gets knocked loose as she slumbers, attracting a swarm of Bellsprout to her location. And they appear to be rather mischievous! Hey, is that one shiny!?

This image was started some time after the Sheska piece I'm currently working on, and so it should be the very next one I pick up on once that picture is completed. It's pretty close to completion, so it shouldn't be too long before we see it through! Hold onto your britches, there's more to come!!



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