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With my last text post, I asked you all what you wanted to see me working on for a stream! One user in particular said something I found interesting:

"I think you should finish your work in the order you started."

It got me thinking seriously about all the unfinished projects I had started over the years. There's an awful lot of them, that's for sure. I grew curious yesterday and began browsing my pictures folder on my computer, coming across several pictures that I may have only teased at, but never did anything with.

One of these pictures was started over four years ago, abandoned and nearly forgotten when my old laptop gave up the ghost and had to be replaced. I opened the file in SAI, gave it a once-over, and asked myself:

"Why didn't I finish this? This is totally within the scope of my abilities. Heck, I can probably do even better now!"

The next thing I knew, I was adding line art to a four-year-old drawing. I had rediscovered an old flickering flame, nearly extinguished, but my sudden inspiration rekindled it. And now this ancient forgotten drawing is looking better than ever!

At the end of it all, I do want to say something important: I can never properly apologize for the way my creativity operates. My workflow is like an unpredictable stream: it can either be steady, bursting, or barely even trickling. My current situation doesn't allow me much consistency, and I'm hoping that, with the move, that perhaps can change. All I ask is that you continue to be patient as I work to get this thing off the ground, and we can really get the ball rolling.

In the meantime... You guys like Fullmetal Alchemist?

I sure hope so.


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