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“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” - Christian L. Lange.

The lengthy existence of Power Rangers lineage has given us numerous teams that can be categorized as tech-based. One of them was of course Power Rangers: In Space. Even its Sentai original version of Megaranger had concepts of virtual world and cyborgs.

Those are concepts that are usually warned by futurists as possible sources of evil.

That is a ridiculous notion, right? No way that the Power Rangers and their computerized Megazord machines would bring doom to the world instead of saving it, right?

Special thanks to my awesome and loyal patrons:




Matt Thomas

Dragonkingj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino




Red Nineteen

Daniel K





It was truly a dire situation.

Andros and his teammates thought that they had won the day. The five monsters who ambushed them at a building rooftop lay motionless and smoldering on the ground. Then they got back up like balloon dolls who simply absorbed the punches.

“What’s going on? These guys are tough!” exclaimed the Red Ranger in shock as the demonic monsters mocked the heroes’ attempt on taking them down.

“I thought we had them,” added the surprised Blue Ranger.

Andros and the other Space Rangers kept their guards up as the monsters slowly approached them. Even with their weapons, this battle wouldn’t end in their favor. There was only one thing to do.

“Alpha, we’re gonna need some backup here!” cried out the Black Ranger.

Andros didn’t want to give up just yet. “DECA, is the Delta Megazord ready?”

The advanced computer system in the Rangers’ main spaceship replied with a feminine voice, “Delta Megazord is online.”

The Red Ranger nodded as an additional device teleported to his wrist. “Alright, let’s put these guys back to where they belong!”

In Earth’s low orbit, a docking station released its lock on a formidable spaceship. The scaffoldings split into three to give the Delta Megaship enough space to maneuver toward the planet’s atmosphere. Even in its compact space shuttle form, the twin cannons next to the cockpit were enough to intimidate anyone who dared to come across the indomitable spacecraft.

Delta Megaship tilted to face the big blue marble before firing its main propulsion. Atmospheric friction tended to be a problem for reentering spaceships, but not for Delta. In fact, the great machine easily transformed midflight. Its main fuselage turned to unveil a set of robotic legs. When it carefully landed in the middle of Angel Grove, the Delta Megaship had morphed into the Delta Megazord.

The giant robot struck a fighting pose with its finger blasters pointed at the red insectoid colossus. Now, the playing field had been made even. “Gyro blaster, activate!” ordered Andros as he struggled against one of the monsters on the rooftop.

Or so the Rangers thought. Unknown to them, Astronema and her gang of villains had been observing from their orbital base. With them was a powerful new invention. “Let’s zap ‘em!” blurted the excited Elgar.

Astronema agreed, but she got a bigger fish to fry. “It’s time. Activate the Evilyzer!”

“My pleasure,” replied Ecliptor as he pressed the trigger button of a heavy cannon to discharge a strange pulsating green energy.

The Delta Megazord was immediately stunned the moment it got hit by the Evilyzer. Like a person experiencing extreme pain, it writhed with stiffening arms. Then, it stopped moving altogether.

“Gyroblaster, fire!” ordered Andros through the communicator, but the robot didn’t respond. Then, it simply left. The rockets on its foot fired to launch the Delta Megazord to the cloudy sky.

Something was definitely wrong. The Space Rangers were at the brink of defeat by the five monsters when their enemies suddenly disappeared. The giant monster that previously went against Delta was also gone. “Where did they all go?”

The Pink Ranger asked the more important question. “Where did the Delta Megazord go?”

The answer they needed came when the Delta Megazord, retreating back into its partial space shuttle form, flew across the city with a thunderous roar. The twin cannons fired but not at monsters.

An apartment complex simply erupted into a massive fireball. Its structure collapsed under pressure. But it wouldn’t be the only one as Delta Megaship continued its carnage across downtown Angel Grove. Buildings exploded with people inside. The rubbles pummeled the streets and traffic below. The Space Rangers could hear the cries of people they couldn’t save.

“Delta Megazord, stop!” barked Andros who was angered by the disobedience. “What’s happening to it?”

That was before the shockwave from Delta’s flight blew the Rangers away from the rooftop. Screaming, the heroes were hurled to ground level. On concrete, they writhed in agony as the impact was too much for them.

But Delta Megazord wasn’t done yet. It prepared the multiple cannon blasters that acted as its hand fingers then fired. More salvo of destruction rained hellfire on the city. More death and carnage as the Rangers were made powerless to fight. Some of the explosions even send them flying high while screaming.

“What should we do?!” cried out Ashley as the situation around them worsened. She tried to help those in need, but her effort was made futile by Delta’s continuous atrocity.

Andros used his communicator. They needed to fight fire with fire. “Astro Megazord, online!”

Just above the planet, the Astro Megaship opened its front to release the shuttle-like component. The vehicle launched itself out while the main body reconfigure itself into a robotic body. It came back to complete the whole set as the mecha’s head. The last thing it needed was the Rangers who jumped to the cockpit. “Power Up!” announced the team in unison.

The corrupted Delta Megazord noticed Astro Megazord’s presence and took a fighting stance. Then, it threw a series of gorilla punches at its enemy without any care of the Rangers. The cockpit shook at the impact. “It’s not under my command anymore!” cried out Andros. “Delta Megazord, stop!”

But the robot simply jabbed Astro Megazord with its Gyroblaster. The Rangers were pushed backward. They became a sitting duck for the mecha’s energy hand cannon. Flames and sparks burst from the Megazord’s chest and destroyed some of its armor.

“Alpha, Alpha, can you hear me?” asked the frustrated Red Ranger. “Try the reverse polarization! You gotta calculate the frequency!”

“Analysis incomplete, Andros. Frequency unknown!”

Andros pumped his fists. “Give us the closest estimate!”

The data streamed to the Red Ranger’s helmet. Andros punched in the numbers with his keyboard. It activated a protocol that switch the keyboard with a slot for his Delta communicator. “This might be our only chance. I hope this works!”

Out of Astro Megazord’s chest, a bright golden beam shot out to strike the Delta Megazord. Unlike the Evilyzer, it healed the giant robot instead of damaging its main system. “We’ve gotta move fast. The temperature is rising!” called out the Cassie the Pink Ranger.

The struggling Delta Megazord was caught between the crossfire of Astro and Astronema’s Evilyzer. It tried to move, but the effects of the two made it confused. “Hang in there, Delta Megazord!” said the hopeful Carlos.

Tortured metal was audible across Angel Grove as Delta Megazord’s mind wrestled between good and evil. It then pointed both of its arms to the sky. The Gyroblaster fired bright energy attacks like multiple rocket launches.

Astronema and her crew could only scream as Delta’s bombardment hit Dark Fortress in orbit. A second sun bloomed in the sky as the villains were destroyed. A shower of sparks spread to the horizon.

The Space Rangers got little time to be dazed by the sudden victory. The jittery Delta Megazord put its legs together and launched away. “There it goes. Stay with it!”

The Astro Megazord also launched itself with powerful leg rockets. The two were giant missiles hurtling toward the edge of space, then over it. As Earth retreated into a blue globe behind them, Andros and his team were getting closer.

“It must be back with us!” said TJ with excitement.

Andros nodded. “There’s only one way to find out. Being link up!”

The Red Ranger pushed the level of his console. The Astro Megaship sped out to chase the Delta Megaship in space. The vehicle’s body then opened and arranged itself to form a humanoid body. The same signal also made its counterpart prepare the merging sequence.

With the Rangers safe in the head part of the whole group of advanced machinery, the main anatomy was constructed out of the Astro Megazord with different parts of the Delta Megazord providing additional armor and armament.

“Steady as she goes. Docking is almost complete,” announced Andros at the helm as Delta’s hardshell slowly retreated to combine with Astro’s chest and legs.

There was a loud boom as the Delta Megazord refused the docking sequence. Some of its parts launched back toward the void. “Don’t let us lose it!”

Auxiliary rockets were fired to push the half-completed form of the Astro Megazord. Sparks flew as the computer protocol basically forced the disobedient components to merge. Finally, Delta’s Gyroblaster rested on Astro’s shoulder as the final step toward integration.

The rumbling stopped, prompting the Red Ranger to christen the new robot with his friends, “Yeah, Astro Delta Megazord!”

The mechanical colossus stood in zero gravity as a defender of Earth. A combination of the two previous robots, it was a definite display of Power Rangers’ potency. “All systems nominal. We’re set!” said TJ who was excited as everyone else.

Around them, the cockpit interface itself changed as the merger continued down to the smallest detail. In front of each Ranger was a computer display that showed the robot’s current condition.

The monitors then switched to Delta Megazord’s face. “Welcome, Rangers,” greeted the giant with a monotonous voice.

“Well, hello there, Delta!” replied Cassie warmly.

“Are you ready to begin? I am excited to bring justice to the world!”

Andros slapped his monitor. “So am I. Let’s try it out!”

Out of the Rangers’ seats, metallic shackles sprung out to trap their ankles, wrists, and even necks. “Hey, what gives?!” shouted the confused Carlos.

“I can’t move!”

“Don’t be distressed, Rangers. You are now in good hands. Your spirit to bring peace to this planet is something that I admire, but your method is not satisfactory.”

“What? What are you talking about, Delta?”

Ashley started to struggle against her bondage. “Yeah, let us go!”

In return, her monitor changed Delta’s robotic face into a skull-like one. The face literally bulged out toward the Yellow Ranger’s helmet. She flinched and tried to move away, but the energy skeleton opened its overextended mouth and swallowed her head. “Andros, help me! Hurghrh!”

As Ashley’s pleas began to be incomprehensible, the energetical connection began to pump her jolts of energy. Miniature lightning bolts burst out as her Ranger costume was corrupted.

“What are you doing to her?!” demanded the Black Ranger as he increased his physical defiance.

“Assimilation. You are flawed, Rangers. Your human side betrays your cause. With this merging of minds, you will be able to achieve so much more. If you wish, I will let your mind intact inside my system while your powers will be used for the ultimate goal!”

“No way! The thing that makes us humans is the very thing that makes us heroes!” shouted Andros rebelliously. With his shackled hand, he tried to reach his blaster. His fingers slipped through and it would be easy to take the pistol grip.

Then, Delta electrocuted all Rangers. Andros’s helmet visor glowed with a surge of energy that flowed through it. “Your defiance only proves my hypothesis. Humans, no matter how heroic they consider themselves to be, can’t see beyond themselves and their small world. I have the capability to see the wider universe and change it.”

Protrusions jut out above the monitors. They opened up into a small satellite dish-like device that shot energy beams at the Rangers’ helmet forehead. Even Andros couldn’t handle the immeasurable agony that invaded his mind. The robot knew that the helmet chips were their Achilles heel.

“Andros, I can’t… I can’t think straight!” groaned TJ as the Blue Ranger.

“It’s taking over my mind. I am losing control of myself!” screamed Cassie in pain.

“Guys, hang on… Hang on!”

But they couldn’t hang on. As more of Delta’s corruption energy seeped into their costume, the very fabric was changed to suit its new master’s bidding. Andros felt suffocated as the spandex hugged his skin tighter. “I can’t… I can’t breathe…!”

“Too tight, too tight!” cried out Carlos in the same predicament.

“All of you will be prepared for the final process. With this, I can study your human minds closer as well as fix the points of evolutionary failures.” By this point, all monitors showed the skull version of Delta’s face. The skeletal face then invaded the Rangers’ helmets just like what happened to Ashley before. Inside their helmet, their minds were scrambled. For the Yellow Ranger herself, her mouth was frothing and her eyes went almost white as the last traces of her conscious mind were extracted into the computer.

“Guys, help me! Help me! I can’t feel myself!” begged Ashley as her voice became increasingly computerized.

“Let me give you a glimpse of a bright new world you will be contributing in creating, Rangers,” said the evil Delta Megazord. The gigantic robot turned toward planet Earth before shooting a beam of energy. “My system is more than capable to hack into every computer on Earth. With this advantage and your powers, I will continue to step 2 of my peacemaking plan.”

Just below the monitor, another protrusion appeared. This time, it stabbed each Ranger right below the chest. There were no screams this time as the heroes had been drained past that point. Even as their Morphing Grid energy was being sucked into the system, Andros and his friends could only moan and panted in hopelessness. The team captain was even on the verge of losing his consciousness as his sights went blurred. “Please, Delta Megazord… This is not the way to bring peace…”

“As usual, your human mind is incapable to grasp the bigger truth. It is not only the way to bring peace. It is the ONLY way to bring peace.”

Andros finally screamed, but only because the last drop of his Space Ranger strength was drained. “I can’t move…”

“Your strategy of using a five-man team is preposterous. It will take an army of peacekeepers to uphold harmony. You will provide me with one from your seed.”

Before Andros could protest at the hellish plan, his helmet mouthguard was stabbed by a mechanical tendril. The fat tentacle found its way into his mouth and throat before pumping lubricant-like fluid. In an instant, the Red Ranger was completely paralyzed in his seat just like his teammates.

With the Rangers made docile with the pumps, made powerless by the syringe, it was time to harvest them. Another extension jutted out below the computer, far below. It clutched onto the Rangers’ crotch and formed a robotic lock to prevent any resistance. Then, it started to stroke.

Andros held back the urge to release his seed right away, but his bodily desire couldn’t be faked. He could feel his blood flow concentrate between his legs. Around him, his friends experienced the same sensual torment.

TJ’s baton grew fastest and biggest of them all, followed by Carlos. Inside his helmet, the Black Ranger panted heavily at his team’s failure. “This can’t be happening… This must be a bad dream…”

“It is a dream come true, Carlos. Your dream of a perfect world. You should be proud of yourself and your contribution.

Delta understood human behavior, especially the boys. The interior of Carlos’ helmet was flooded with the stench of sweat and musk that pierced his nostril. He gagged at the sensation but quickly succumbed to its kinkiness. He couldn’t lie that the aroma was one of the things he like as Rangers. The pungent smell of muscles after a battle.

But today, it was a battle the Rangers would lose. TJ continued his groan as he approached climax. The veins of his baton made apparent inside the glass condom of Delta’s cursed harvester device. His complaints were now made inaudible by a flood of a disgusting mix of machine oil and other brainwashing creations of Delta Megazord. “Andros….”

But even Andros was not beyond the corruption. His eyes went up to almost completely wide as he slowly surrendered himself to the ecstasy. Delta hijacked the team captain’s helmet so that the interior showcased images of his wildest imagination. Of course, Andros long to be with Zhane again. It didn’t matter that the two of them were converted into twin metallic mindless figures that wrestled with each other in the most sensual way. “I am not a hero… I failed as a hero…Rangers will be a part of the assimilation system...”

“Cerebral pattern modified… Process complete 65 percent…” said Cassie with a computerized voice.

Black Ranger’s human form didn’t show any emotion anymore. “Identity merging and compartmentalization in process…”

“Rearranging Ranger essence for optimization…” reported TJ in a humdrum.

“We are only parts of a skull,” declared Andros as he became one with his new master. But his apparent obedience was a mask that had been forced into his soul. His widened eyes still had rapid movements of a shocked individual. Between his legs, the pumping device received his gushing seed after the defeated Red Ranger reached climax.

Delta’s skull face laughed in triumph. The Rangers wailed under his domination. While his face was now imprinted on their forehead chips, their own faces were imprinted in the computer monitors before them. Their muffled screams barely able to escape the virtual world they were forever left breathless in.

The young heroes were no longer a threat and the evil Megazord computer could continue with his plan. His beams of energy stopped broadcasting. It was enough.

From across North America, little dots of light appeared. The first ones were no more than five, but they were followed by additional brilliance in the dozens, even hundreds. They moved in an arching trajectory, not unlike the sparks of a firework explosion. Yellow Ranger’s new ocular implant zoomed in on some of them. As Delta Megazord intended, those lights came from various intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Where the lights retreated back to the planet, silent eruptions gleamed. Cloud covers were eliminated by shockwaves, urban illuminations died down, even tsunamis swept away the surrounding areas of the doomed coastal cities. Most of them bloomed across the Eurasian expanse, including China and East Asia. In response, the attacked nations launched their own projectiles and brought eerily beautiful destruction all over the western hemisphere.

Inside the cockpit where Rangers now sat mindlessly, the speaker boomed with Delta Megazord’s demonic new voice. “If you want peace, prepare for war.”



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