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The Lost Galaxy Ranger team was plunged into an abyss of horror under Vypra's relentless grip. Their spirits, once noble, now writhed in torment within the suffocating embrace of her zentai influence. Stripped of their valor, their anguished screams lost in the dark corners of their prized Terra Venture starship, harbingers of the coming suffering. As Vypra's hold tightened, madness threatened to devour them whole. And in the wake of the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers' fall, the Lost Galaxy Rangers met their doom, caught in the dark open by Vypra's spreading darkness in a brutal display of her unyielding power.

Feeling the squeeze, Lost Galaxy Rangers?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!


Ken K



Himekawo *

Joshua O’Neill

Eddie Hauck



Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Leaving Rangers in a zentai-tight spot!

The dark chamber of Abyssbase, now latched on the side of the Terra Venture space station like a parasite, exuded an oppressive, nasty energy. Bleak, flickering lights cast eerie shadows on the twisted walls, amplifying the dread in the air. The stench of corruption and dark magic permeated the space, making breathing hard.

Kendrix and Maya, the last standing Lost Galaxy Rangers, were on their last legs. Their suits were torn and bruised, revealing patches of their reddened, sweaty skin. Their Quasar Sabers, once symbols of hope and strength, now felt impossibly heavy in their hands. Their bodies were filled with an excruciating sense of heat and agony, which the evil energy around them amplified. The two heroines never knew their routine mission of checking disturbance in a lonely corner of their starship would escalate into their heroic journey's end.

Kendrix the Lost Galaxy Pink Ranger panted heavily, her breaths ragged and desperate. Sweat trickled down her face inside her helmet, mingling with the tears she couldn’t control. "Maya... I can’t... hold on..."

Yellow Ranger Maya’s voice was a strained whisper. "We... have to... Kendrix... we can't let them win..."

Their spandex-clad tight crotches were wet, a humiliating memorials to the creeping, corrupting hunger that had taken possession of them. They felt the foul sensation seeping through their suits, their thighs pitifully trying to satisfy the insatiable hunger. Each action hurt their bodies and showed their weakening resistance.

In front of them stood their former teammates, transformed into demonic Zentai Batlings. The vibrant colors of their new suits were a twisted parody of their original forms, now armed with grotesque dildo-like weapons that pulsed with dark energy. Damon, Kai, and Leo—the Lost Galaxy Green, Blue, and Red Rangers—were no more. They were now Vypra’s impish minions, their eyes glowing with unholy libido.

"Kendrix, Maya," Damon's noxious voice was now laced with passion. "Why fight? Accept pleasure. Be Vypra's prostitutes!"

Kai smirked, his corrupted weapon glistening with a sinister sheen. "You’ll love it. Just give in and let us ravage you."

Leo stepped forward, his eyes burning with sadistic glee. "Feel the power, the desire. Let it consume you. Beg for more!"

Kendrix’s grip on her Quasar Saber faltered. "No... we won’t... submit!"

Damon laughed recklessly, with twisted pleasure. "We tried to fight her too, Kendrix. We thought we could resist Vypra's darkness. But just seeing the Lightspeed Rescue Zentai Batlings infecting us with their brutal corruption... it was hopeless. We were doomed from the start. Lust is all that's left now."

Kai’s eyes glowed with perverse delight. "You think you’re different? We were once like you—fighters, heroes. But Vypra showed us the true power of lust. It's inescapable. Just like it will be for you."

Leo's grin widened as he advanced on Kendrix. "We saw our fate, Kendrix. We realized there was no escape, only submission. Embrace it. Join us in eternal ecstasy as Vypra’s minions."

The battle began with a ferocity that left no room for mercy. Damon lunged at Kendrix, his dildo sword battering against her saber with relentless force. Each impact sent shockwaves of corrupting energy through her body, causing her to cry out in pain and unwanted pleasure.

"Kendrix!" Maya screamed, trying to reach her friend. But Kai intercepted her, his weapon striking her abdomen and sending her sprawling to the ground. She gasped as the corrupting goop seeped into her suit, amplifying the urge that clawed at her sanity.

Leo advanced on Kendrix, his weapon dripping with the same vile substance. "You can’t resist forever, Kendrix. It’s pointless. Submit to Vypra’s will and become her whore."

With a roar of desperation, Kendrix swung her saber, but Leo easily deflected the attack and countered with a brutal strike to her side. Kendrix crumpled, her body writhing in agony and unwanted arousal. "Stop... please..."

Maya, struggling to her feet, faced Kai and Damon. "We won’t... let you... win!" She charged, her movements sluggish and pained, but her sense of purpose steadfast.

Damon laughed, a cold, heartless sound. "You’re already losing, Maya. Just look at yourself. You’re ready to be broken."

Kai’s weapon lashed out, striking Maya across the chest. She staggered, her vision blurring as tears of frustration and shame filled her eyes. The corrupting energy surged through her, making it hard to think, to fight. "No... we can’t... give up..."

The Zentai Batlings pressed their advantage, their attacks merciless. Damon’s weapon smashed into Kendrix’s helmet, cracking the visor and causing her to cry out in pain. The scent of sweat and fear filled the air as she struggled to remain conscious.

"Submit, Kendrix," Damon hissed. "You’ll feel so much better when you do. Be Vypra’s plaything."

Kendrix’s voice was a broken whisper. "Never..."

Leo grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look into his eyes. "You’re ours now, Kendrix. Just accept it. Embrace the pleasure and be her whore."

Maya, crawling on the ground, reached out a trembling hand towards Kendrix. "Kendrix... I’m here..."

Kai kicked her hand away, his laugh echoing through the chamber. "Stay down, Maya. You’re finished. Ready to serve Vypra."

The brutal assault continued, the dildo swords battering and bruising the two heroines mercilessly. Kendrix and Maya’s bodies convulsed with each strike, their minds teetering on the brink of madness. The dark energy seeped into their very souls, amplifying their lustful sensations until they could hardly think.

Kendrix’s vision blurred, her thoughts a jumbled mess of pain and unwanted desire. "Maya... I can’t... hold on..."

Maya’s voice was a faint echo. "We have to... Kendrix... we have to..."

But even as they fought to resist, the Zentai Batlings continued their relentless assault. Damon, Kai, and Leo reveled in their torment, their sadistic laughter filling the chamber. The corrupting goop coated their weapons, each strike sending waves of pleasure and pain through the Rangers’ bodies.

As Kendrix and Maya lay on the ground, panting and broken, Vypra’s voice echoed through the chamber. "You fought bravely, my dear Rangers, but now you see the futility of your struggle. Embrace the darkness. Embrace the pleasure. Become my whores."

Kendrix and Maya’s faces were red and sweaty, and their bodies trembled with exhaustion and libido. They could feel the last vestiges of their resistance slipping away, and their minds succumbed to the overwhelming sensation of corruption.

With a final, desperate cry, Kendrix raised her saber one last time. "We will... never... give in!"

Maya, summoning the last of her strength, echoed her friend’s defiance. "Never!"

The chamber trembled as Kendrix and Maya, their backs pressed against the cold, unforgiving walls, summoned the ancient power of Orion. Their voices rose in a desperate crescendo, the words of their invocation drowned out by the ominous hum of energy that filled the air.

"Kendrix, we have to fight!" Maya's voice wavered with a mix of fear and willpower as she reached out to her comrade, their hands clasping tightly in solidarity despite the desire pooling in her wet groin.

Kendrix nodded, her eyes ablaze with an steadfast resolve fighting despairingly against the corrupting hots. "Together, Maya. We can't let Vypra prevail. Not now, not ever."

With a unity of purpose, Kendrix and Maya unleashed the Orion power, a brilliant burst of light that momentarily pushed back the shadows. Their suits glowed with the golden radiance, imbued with the strength of their conviction.

"We call upon the Light of Orion’s might!" Kendrix's voice echoed with defiance, cutting through the darkness.

Maya's voice joined hers, a beacon of hope in the gloom. "Together, we will stand against the darkness!"

Their words hung in the air like a defiant challenge to the encroaching darkness. With a final, desperate cry, they channeled the power of Orion, their bodies engulfed in a blinding flash of golden light that sent shockwaves rippling through the chamber.

"The Orion Swords! They're within our reach!"

"Quick, Maya, we have to reach for the swords!" Kendrix's voice is strained, her focus split between the encroaching darkness and the elusive hope within their grasp.

Maya's hands tremble as she strains to reach the shimmering blades. "I'm trying, Kendrix, I'm trying!"

But even as the radiant energy surged around them, bathing the corrupted male Rangers in its celestial glow, Kendrix and Maya's triumph was short-lived. Before they could fully harness the power at their disposal and grasp the materializing Orion Swords, their adversaries struck with a ferocity that left them reeling.

"No! We were so close!" Their attackers' mocking laughter drowns out Kendrix's cries for help as she begs for victory in the face of overwhelming odds.

The chamber echoed with the sickening sound of flesh meeting flesh as the corrupted Rangers lunged forward, their twisted forms closing in on Kendrix and Maya with a predatory hunger that sent a chill down their spines. Damon and Kai plunged their erect spandex-clad male throbbing genitals into Kendrix and Maya's groin and pumped humping them violently

Maya's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against the overpowering force of her assailants, her mind reeling from the sheer horror of the violation. "Please... no more..."

But Damon's voice cut through the chaos like a blade, his words dripping with a cruel mockery that sent shivers down Kendrix and Maya's spines. "You thought you could stand against us? How amusing."

Kai's laughter mingled with Damon's taunts, his tone laced with disdain. "You were always meant to be Vypra's whores, weren't you? Just a pair of pretty little dolls for our mistress to break."

"Big damn Rangers," Leo's sneer twisted his features into a grotesque mask of sadistic pleasure. "And now, see you, you pitiful, pathetic little sluts, pleading for mercy."

Leo's sneer twisted his features into a grotesque mask of sadistic pleasure. "And now, you'll do exactly as she commands. You'll beg for her favor like the obedient little whores you are."

Kendrix and Maya's cries of terror echoed through the chamber, their voices a haunting lament amidst the chaos that surrounded them. They clung to each other desperately, their bodies wracked with pain and fear as they struggled to comprehend the nightmare unfolding around them.

Amid their torment, the glow of the Orion power flickered and dulled as the sensual climax closing in, its radiant light snuffed out by the suffocating darkness that threatened to consume them. With a final, desperate cry, Kendrix and Maya reached out for the elusive hope that had slipped through their fingers, their hearts heavy with the weight of defeat. When Damon and Kai climax inside their friends, Kendrix and Maya's mind broke in ecstasy as the corruption engulfed them too in brutality.

Kendrix and Maya's hopes of victory vanished as the relentless tide of corruption that now threatened to engulf them claimed the fallen Orion Swords with a triumphant sneer from Leo, who had now transformed into the embodiment of their worst fears.


After the horrific violation, the room shook and smelled of corruption and sorrow. Kendrix and Maya lay on the floor, convulsing from their torture. Their heroic costumes were smeared with the filth of their violation, the thick goop seeping from their groins spreading like a disease.

Damon grimaced, "Look at them, squirming like the pathetic worms they are," at the downed Rangers.

Kai's laughter echoed through the chamber, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "They thought they could defy us, but now they're nothing but playthings for Vypra's amusement."

Leo's smirk twisted into a triumphant grin as he surveyed the scene before him. "And soon, they'll be just like us. Servants to Vypra's will, slaves to her every desire."

Kendrix and Maya's minds were consumed by a maelstrom of ecstasy and despair, their senses overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of corruption. With each convulsion, their bodies twisted and contorted, their movements becoming more erratic as lust and madness consumed their minds.

"We are Vypra's whores!" they screeched, their voices ringing out in a frenzied clamor that screamed through the chamber. "We are hers to command, hers to obey!"

Their tongues lolled obscenely from their mouths, their eyes rolled back in their sockets as their bodies arched and spasmed in mindless ecstasy. The vile goop that coated their suits spread like a virulent stain, corrupting the very fabric of their being as they were transformed into grotesque parodies of their former selves.

Kendrix and Maya's bodies contorted and melded with their zentai suits, twisting into grotesque forms under Vypra's dark magic. Their once noble Lost Galaxy Ranger armor twisted and warped, becoming taut and suffocating against their flesh.

Kendrix's cries screamed through the chamber, a mix of agony and twisted pleasure echoing off the walls. "Yes," she gasped, her voice trembling with a perverse longing for more. "This sensation... it's overwhelming. I can feel it... the rush of darkness, the embrace of power."

Maya's body convulsed with spasms of pleasure as her Ranger suit reshaped itself, clinging to her like a second skin. "More," she moaned, her voice dripping with desire as her flesh stretched and contorted. "I crave it... the darkness, the urge... it consumes me."

Their words rang with terrible hunger as their helmets twisted into scary features and corruption masks covered their faces. As they moved, their zentai suits' elastic rubber made spooky noises throughout the room.

As the transformation peaked, Kendrix and Maya stood transformed, their forms now twisted and grotesque. Their zentai suits clung to their bodies like a suffocating embrace, their breasts ballooning and their crotches wet with unnatural desire.

"We are reborn," Kendrix declared, her voice laced with a sultry allure that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. "No longer bound by the past... we are free to revel in our libido, our darkness."

The room was haunted by Maya's laughter of corruption and longing. She gasped, "Yes," showing her wickedness. "We are owned by Vypra, slaves to her will... and we rejoice in it."

And then, with a final, gut-wrenching scream, Kendrix and Maya's transformation was complete. They stood before their tormentors, their bodies encased in the same vile fabric that now adorned their corrupted brethren, their eyes burning with a obsession as they pledged their allegiance to Vypra.

"We are Vypra's whores!" they shrieked, their voices rising to a fevered pitch as they embraced their newfound servitude. "We are hers to use, hers to abuse!"

Damon, Kai, and Leo looked upon their handiwork with satisfaction, their triumph complete as they reveled in the downfall of their former comrades. In the chamber of horrors, amidst the ruins of their shattered hopes and dreams, Kendrix and Maya had become nothing more than puppets in Vypra's twisted game, their fate sealed by the relentless tide of corruption that now threatened to engulf them all.

Maya's laughter mingled with Kendrix's, her voice a haunting echo of delirium. "It's... it's beautiful!" she gasped, her body convulsing with each wave of corrupted ecstasy that washed over her. "I never knew... it could feel like this!"

With a sinister grin pressing against their vulgar skintight suits of doom, the complete team of five Zentai Batling Lost Rangers rose to their feet, their movements fluid and purposeful as they prepared to enact Vypra's will upon the galaxy.

The green-clad Zentai Batling said, "I am the peak of lust and lewdness!" His voice mirrored his previous persona, evoking a terrifying echo. "Witness my power, for I am the seed of doom!"

As he declared his devotion to their sinister mistress, the blue-clad Zentai Batling advanced, his fiery eyes filled with a sinister zeal. "Behold the depths of depravity to which I will sink in her name!"

Laughter rang out through the chamber as the red-clad Zentai Batling raised his fist in a defiant salute. "Feel the throes of ecstasy as I unleash my wicked desires upon the world!"

Kendrix and Maya, now transformed into Zentai Batling minions, joined their corrupted comrades, their voices a twisted chorus of madness and desire as they embraced their newfound identities.

"Our bodies pulse with the corrupting energy of our mistress," said the pink-clad Zentai Batling with devotion. "We are vessels of her dark power!"

"Driven to heights of ecstasy previously unimaginable," said the yellow-clad Zentai Batling, her words echoing through the auditorium like a wicked hymn of conquest and dominance.

Together, the five Zentai Batling Rangers raised their fists in a defiant salute with their poses exhibited the unholy bond that now bound them together. And as they stood united, their hearts filled with a sincere devotion to their dark mistress, they knew nothing could stand in their way.

As if things couldn’t turn for the worse, a new darkness descended upon the chamber. Vypra herself emerged from the shadows, her form towering and imposing, her eyes burning with an insatiable hunger.

With a grotesque grin, Vypra opened her mouth wide, revealing the swirling vortex within. Inside, the trapped souls of the former Rangers of Damon, Kai, Leo, Kendrix, and Maya writhed in agony, their spectral forms twisting and contorting in the fiery depths of her domain.

"Pathetic souls," Vypra hissed as she looked at her prisoners with a mean voice. "You are now mine to twist and abuse."

Their screams echoed off the walls, a haunting chorus of despair filling the chamber with a palpable dread.

"NOOOOO!" The darkness that was engulfing Damon's roar of defiance swallowed it up, and Vypra's evil grasp now consumed his once-proud spirit.

Kendrix's voice was shaking with fear and hopelessness when it was once full of confidence. "We were brave warriors! How did we turn into such damned spirits?"

Leo's cries echoed with the anguish of lost hope, his spirit crushed by the weight of his own failures. "There's no escape... no end to this suffering..."

The relentless assault of darkness had broken and battered Maya's spirit, making her pleas laced with desperation. "Please... let us go..."

When Kai's voice was stained with anger, there was more pain in the world. "We were born for stardom... now we are nobody..."

Amidst the torment, the voices of the equally-trapped souls of the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers, Joel, Chad, Kelsey, Dana, and Carter, joined the chorus of despair.

"Forgive us!" Joel's voice cried out, filled with regret and anguish. "We were weak... we failed you all..."

Chad's voice trembled with despair as he begged for mercy. "Spare us from this agony... we were warriors once..."

Kelsey's cries were filled with sorrow as she lamented their downfall. "We were heroes... now we're just broken and damned..."

Dana's voice wavered with despair as she pleaded for redemption. "I'm sorry... we should have resisted harder... we should have fought to the end..."

Carter's voice, once filled with a sense of purpose, now echoed with defeat. "We let you down... we let ourselves down... please... end this nightmare..."

But their cries were met with only silence as Vypra's insatiable hunger consumed them, their souls twisting and contorting in the fiery depths of her domain.

Vypra smiled as their dying cries faded. The chamber rang with her nasty triumphant laughing. "You are mine now," she said snidely. "Forever trapped in this horror."

Around her, the soulless zentai Batlings, formerly the valiant Lost Galaxy Rangers, squirmed in permanent libidoful mania. Their once bright and heroic suits were now dark, suffocating zentai fabric, colored to reflect their past identities but now symbols of their degradation.

"We are but shadows of our former selves, enslaved by Vypra's dark will," The Red Batling groaned, hungry.

"We exist only to serve your insatiable hunger for power," whispered the Blue Batling, his lips brushing against Vypra's toes.

The Yellow Batling commented, "Our spirits are shackled to your throne, bound by chains of darkness," with twisted joy.

Vypra's laughter filled the chamber, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of her minions. She waved her hand, and the nearby computers and consoles trembled under her dark power.

"Behold the seat of my dominion, forged from the shattered remnants of your futile resistance," she proclaimed with sadistic glee.

The machinery and weapons levitated, forming a twisted throne that exuded an aura of dark power. Vypra seated herself regally upon it, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"Worship me, my pets, and revel in the darkness surrounding you," she commanded.

The zentai Batlings eagerly complied, crawling forward to lick her feet with excitement and degradation. Around them, a horde of lower Batlings began to chant her name, their voices rising in a primal roar.

"Vypra! Vypra! Vypra!"

Vypra reveled in their adoration, relishing in her newfound power. She turned her attention to her zentai Batlings, her intentions dripping with menace and allure.

The true Zentai Batlings, now fully under Vypra's command, gathered around her throne in a twisted display of devotion. Their vibrant zentai forms pulsed with dark energy as they chanted their dedication to be burned in Vypra's hell in echoing, squealing voices screaming through the chamber.

"Vypra! Burn us in your hell! Vypra! Burn us in your hell!" they chanted in unison, their voices blending into a clamor of worship and adulation.

Each of the Zentai Batlings, Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red, expressed their individual devotion.

Her voice dripping with earnest desire, Pink Batling cried out, "I am the Pink Batling! Devoted servant of Vypra! Ready to spread fear and chaos in your name!"

With a flourish, she struck a pose, her wings unfurling dramatically as she basked in her mistress's gaze.

Green Batling, his eyes gleaming with obsession, added, "I am the Green Batling! Loyal minion of Vypra! Eager to unleash destruction upon your enemies!"

He too struck a pose, his tail whipping through the air as he reveled in the power coursing through his veins.

Blue Batling, ecstatic, begged, "I am Blue Batling! Vypra's enforcer! Prepared to defeat all foes!"

He assumed a battle stance with a fierce roar, his claws gleaming in the dingyness as he prepared for the coming conflict.

Her movements erratic and agitated, Yellow Batling screamed, "I am the Yellow Batling! Harbinger of doom! Willing to sacrifice everything for your glory!"

She leaped into the air, her wings beating furiously as she soared above the chamber, a vision of terror and destruction.

And Red Batling, his tone filled with passionate devotion, proclaimed, "I am the Red Batling! Champion of Vypra's darkness! Prepared to lay waste to all who dare defy you!"

With a mighty roar, he joined his comrades in a fearsome battle cry, his fists clenched tight as he embraced his newfound power.

Vypra, seated upon her throne, looked down upon her minions with disdain. To her, they were nothing but filth, creatures to be used and discarded at her whim. They needed to prove their loyalty through the mission she would assign them.

"Yes, my loyal servants," Vypra spoke, her voice cold and commanding. "Your devotion is noted. But words alone are not enough. You must prove your loyalty through action. I have a task for you, a mission that will demonstrate your worthiness to serve me."

The Zentai Batlings, their faces obscured by masks, nodded eagerly in response. Their movements were jerky and unnatural as if puppets were controlled by an unseen force.

"Prepare yourselves, my Batlings. We shall descend upon the unsuspecting masses like a storm of destruction, leaving nothing but ashes in our wake," she announced.

The lower Batlings roared in approval, their chant of her name rising again.

"Vypra! Vypra! Vypra!"

The zentai Batlings rose to their feet, their minds locked in a fevered state of obedience. Their original Ranger colors, now twisted and dark, reflected their perverse loyalty for their new mistress.

"We shall be the harbingers of your glorious reign, Mistress Vypra. None shall stand against us," declared the Red Batling.

"Their cries of anguish shall be our symphony, their suffering our art," vowed the Blue Batling.

Vypra descended from her throne, moving gracefully through the crowd of her minions. She placed a hand on the Red Batling's head, her touch sending shivers of pleasure through him.

"Go now, my loyal servants, and unleash the fury of the abyss upon this world. Let none escape the darkness that is to come," she commanded the lower Batlings before turning to her newest demonic minions. “As for you, you will help me capture the most promising athletes in the city. They will serve as both my entertainment and my slaves, spreading fear and despair among the populace."

Pink Zentai Batling’s voice shuddered with eager submission as she addressed Vypra, her tone a mix of reverence and apprehension. "As you command, Mistress Vypra," she replied, her face flushed with a potent blend of shame and pleasure. "We will carry out your will without hesitation."

Green vowed his commitment to Vypra with zest and desperation. "Every last one of them will fall into our grasp," he said eagerly. No one will escape your rule, Mistress Vypra."


It was a sunny afternoon at Terra Venture College's football field. The cadet-athletes were mid-practice, their grunts and cheers filling the air, none suspecting the evil power that had gripped their heroes. Suddenly, the sky darkened momentarily, and with a crackle of dark energy, Damon and Kai, now zentai Batlings, appeared at the center of the field, flanked by a horde of black latex Batlings.

“What the hell is this? Everyone, stay back!” the coach shouted.

The lower Batlings surged forward, creating havoc. They knocked over equipment, overturned benches, and panicked the football team. The zentai Batlings stood tall, their dark, lustful eyes scanning the athletes.

Damon spoke, “We seek the strongest among you,” in sinister delight. Advance and serve Vypra.”

“Do not resist. Your strength will serve Mistress Vypra,” Chad added.

A star quarterback, Michael, stepped forward, defiance in his eyes. He rushed at Damon, using his speed and agility to tackle him, but the Green Zentai Batling barely flinched. Instead, the mere sight of Damon’s urge-inducing zentai suit and chilling aura caused Michael to falter, weakening his resolve.

“What happened to you? You were a Ranger!" Michael gasped when he saw that his zentai minion opponent's latex suit showed features of the Lost Galaxy Rangers.

“We are more than Rangers now. We are eternal. We are Vypra's will made flesh,” Damon replied coldly.

Lower Batlings declared hauntingly. “Vypra! Vypra!”

“No, I won't submit!” Michael tried to fight, but the sight of the once-heroic Damon, now a twisted minion, sapped his spirit. The chanting blocked out Michael's screams as Kai effortlessly grabbed him from behind.

“You will serve,” the former Blue Ranger declared.

As Michael locked eyes with Kai’s new Zentai Batling form, a surge of uncontrollable lust overcame him. His gaze drifted over the fallen hero’s shiny, blue zentai suit, lingering on every curve and contour.

“Your suit... so tight...” Michael muttered, his voice thick with urge, “Your chest... so firm...”

His attention shifted lower, fixating on the Batling's erect, giant meat.

“And that... that bulge...” Michael's words trailed off into a breathless moan as desire consumed him. He reached out, his hand trembling with ecstasy as if drawn to his own groin in a frenzied madness.

“But… Must... resist...” Michael's voice cracked with desperation, but the allure of the zentai Batling's form was overpowering. His knees grew weak, and he stumbled forward, reaching for Kai in terror and longing.

As the Terra Venture cadet athlete fell into lust, the corrupted Blue Ranger repeated, “You will serve,” in a hypnotic whisper.


At the Terra Venture Academy, a gymnastics competition was underway. Young cadets performed routines gracefully and precisely, unaware of the impending horror. The air shimmered, and with a burst of dark energy, Kendrix and Maya, now twisted zentai Batlings, materialized, accompanied by their lower Batling minions.

The announcer’s voice trembled. “What... what is this?” Panic spread like wildfire.

Lower Batlings swarmed the arena, causing pandemonium. Gymnasts and spectators screamed and fled in all directions. Kendrix and Maya moved with an eerie elegance, their eyes locking onto a promising young cadet, Sarah, who had just completed a flawless routine.

“Look at her,” Kendrix purred. “So full of life... for now.”

Sarah’s heart pounded as she saw the Batlings approach. “Stay away!” She flipped and twisted, trying to evade them. But the presence of the zentai Batlings filled her with a creeping dread. Maya lunged, and Sarah fought back with her gymnastics skills, landing punches and kicks on the lower Batlings, who barely flinched.

“You can't escape us,” Maya said, with a frightening touch. “Your will is crumbling.”

Sarah's confidence shattered when she met Maya's gaze. The sight of the once-heroic Rangers, now transformed into something so utterly alien, sent a jolt of terror through her. Her movements slowed, and her agility faltered. She stumbled, her gymnastics no match for the seductive horror of the zentai Batlings.

“We were once protectors,” Kendrix stated cruelly while laughing. “Now, we enjoy this new life.”

Sarah’s spirit broke as she stared at their glossy, latex-clad forms. The sweaty, shiny suits clung to their bodies, exuding a hypnotic, maddening allure.

An uncontrollable urge surged through Sarah’s veins, overwhelming her senses. She moaned, her mind fracturing. “No... this isn’t real...”

Kendrix captured her, the lower Batlings chanting louder, their voices a sinister echo in the arena.

“Vypra! Vypra! Vypra!”

As Sarah locked eyes with Kendrix, uncontrollable mania overcame her. Her gaze fixated on Kendrix's shiny, black zentai suit, tracing every curve and contour with a feverish intensity.

“So sleek... so perfect...” Sarah grumbled, engulfed in longing.

Her focus shifted, drawn to the Batling's form-fitting attire. “Those... those curves...” Sarah's voice turned into a breathless moan, her mind consumed by insatiable libido.

“Vypra will feast on your essence,” Kendrix said seductively. Sarah lost all willpower.

Sarah’s resistance crumbled as she reached out, her fingers trembling ecstatically. A primal hunger overtook her, erasing any remnants of defiance. Her voice, barely audible, betrayed her complete surrender. “I... I can’t... fight...”

Kendrix and Maya relish their dominance, their noble shapes becoming Vypra's sinister instruments. Sarah and the other cadets went insane from the smell of their sweaty latex costumes. The arena now echoed with souls dying of madness.

Maya demanded, “Your minds are ours,” with a vile attitude. “Embrace mania.”

The arena descended into chaos, filled with the corrupted Rangers’ twisted Zentai Batling forms. The cadets, overwhelmed by libido and terror, fell one by one, their minds shattered by the horrific power of Vypra’s minions. The once-serene space was now a nightmarish battleground of broken spirits and unending torment.


A scene of unspeakable horror unfolded in the heart of the Terra Venture Academy dojo. The air was tense as the Red Batling Ranger and his legion of lower Batlings descended upon the unsuspecting karate students.

With terrifying speed and precision, the Red Batling invaded, his eyes inside his twisted skintight form-fitting Vypra’s whore costume gleaming with hellish urge. The lower Batlings followed suit, their movements a blur of violence and depravity.

The karate students stood no chance against the relentless onslaught. The Red Batling's attacks were brutal and unforgiving, each strike landing with bone-crushing force. The lower Batlings, meanwhile, swarmed their victims like ravenous beasts, violating and defiling them with a savagery that defied comprehension.

The dojo echoed with the sounds of screams and cries of agony as the students fell one by one, their bodies twisted and broken by the relentless assault. Amidst the chaos, two other students, Daisy and Brooks, found themselves cornered by the relentless onslaught.

"Please! Stop!" Daisy begged, her voice shaking with dread and desperation. "We reject this!"

As the Red Batling approached, Brooks screamed in agony with her. "Mercy, please! We'll do anything!"

Due to desire and violence, the Red Batling and his minions attacked them.

Among the chaos, one student, Kenji, refused to go down without a fight. With a defiant roar, he launched himself at the Red Batling, his fists flying in a flurry of blows. But the Red Batling was a force to be reckoned with, his strength and speed far surpassing any mortal man's.

Kenji's attacks were pointless against the Red Batling's superior skill and power. With a swift jab to the gut, the Red Batling sent Kenji crashing to the ground, his body wracked with pain. As he struggled to regain his footing, the Red Batling loomed over him, a sadistic grin spreading across his face.

"You fight well, cadet," Red Batling said with a sneer and an evil note. "Yet I am more powerful than you."

With a cruel laugh, the Red Batling seized Kenji by the neck, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. Kenji gasped for air, his vision swimming as the Red Batling's grip tightened around his throat.

“Please...” Kenji gulped, gasping. “Don’t hurt me...

The Red Batling exposed him to the taint of Vypra's inferno, his soul-piercing intensity evident as he bore into Kenji's eyes. Something inside Kenji snapped at that same second, and his mind began to crack beneath the intense pressure of the Red Batling's stare.

A wave of brutal, lewd energy washed over Kenji, filling him with a primal libido and desire. His body convulsed uncontrollably as the corrupting influence of the Red Batling took hold, twisting his thoughts and desires until he was nothing more than a lewd object of desire for Red Batling and Vypra.

Kenji's lustful melody echoed through the dojo's ruins. "Yes..." he moaned in the depths of his corruption. "I beg you... use me... take me... make me yours..."

With a final, triumphant laugh, the Red Batling vanished in a flash of dark energy, taking Kenji as his captive of desire while leaving behind a scene of devastation and despair. The dojo lay in ruins just like many other centers of Terra Venture’s youth generation, its once-proud students reduced to jumbled-minded lustful climaxing crazies. Vypra had stolen them of their future.



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