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In this dark and twisted Boonboomger horror story, Bun Orange and Bun Pink's descent into madness is marked by a sinister petrol pump machine. Initially drawn to the mysterious device, they soon find themselves corrupted by its insidious influence. Their heroic ideals crumble as they succumb to a twisted desire for speed and power, becoming enslaved to the machine's dark allure.

Are you ready to see what happens when heroes run out of fuel?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!


Ken K



Himekawo *

Joshua O’Neill

Eddie Hauck



Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Boom, boomboom, boomboomboom!

The bustling city streets erupted into chaos as the Zenrai monster unleashed its fury, sending civilians fleeing in every direction. Towering and grotesque, the monster's armored form gleamed menacingly under the sun. With clawed hands and a gaping maw that roared like a tortured engine, it ripped through parked cars and overturned buses, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The Boonboomger team arrived on the scene, their vibrant suits and high-tech helmets gleaming with determination.

“Team, let’s take it down quickly! Form up!” commanded Bun Red, his voice steady and authoritative.

“I’ll go high and distract it from above,” Bun Blue called out, already leaping onto a nearby building with agility and grace.

“I’ll go low and hit its weak points,” Bun Pink responded, her eyes locked on the monster's exposed joints.

“I’ve got the heavy artillery!” Bun Black added, his weaponry humming to life with a mechanical whirr.

“I’ll back you up, Black!” Bun Orange declared, his stance braced and ready for action.

The team moved in unison, each member playing their part in the well-practiced choreography of battle. Bun Blue took the high ground, nimbly scaling the side of a building to launch a volley of energy blasts that rained down on the Zenrai monster. Distracted, the beast turned its attention to the source of the attacks, giving Bun Red and Bun Pink the needed opening.

Bun Red charged forward with a fierce battle cry, his powerful punches targeting the monster’s torso. Meanwhile, Bun Pink darted in low, her strikes precise and aimed at the monster's vulnerable leg joints. The Zenrai monster roared in pain and frustration, swinging its massive claws to swat away its attackers.

Bun Black and Bun Orange coordinated their heavy firepower, delivering a barrage of energy blasts and missile strikes that pounded the monster's armored hide. The ground shook with each impact, sending shockwaves through the surrounding buildings.

“We need to finish this now!” Bun Red shouted, dodging a swipe from the monster’s claw.

“Let’s go for a combined attack!” Bun Pink suggested, her eyes glinting with resolve.

The team converged, their weapons glowing with a bright, unified energy. They unleashed their combined power in a blinding, concentrated beam that struck the Zenrai monster square in the chest. With a final, deafening roar, the beast stumbled and collapsed, its body disintegrating into a cloud of dark smoke.

As the smoke cleared, the team gathered around the peculiar object left behind—a rusted, old petrol pump machine that seemed out of place amidst the urban carnage. Its surface was covered in strange symbols, and it emanated an eerie, unsettling aura.

“What is this thing?” Bun Red wondered aloud, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“It looks out of place. Bun Blue observed that " too mundane for an enemy weapon,” his voice tinged with suspicion.

“We should be careful. It could be a trap,” Bun Black warned, training his weapon on the object.

Before anyone could respond, a strange, glowing liquid began to seep from the pump. Without warning, a droplet splashed onto Bun Pink’s suit, seeping through the fabric and causing her to gasp in surprise.

“Ahh! This... it feels strange...” Bun Pink murmured, her eyes wide and unfocused. She seemed entranced, her demeanor shifting as if under a spell. She moaned softly, and to Bun Orange's horror, he noticed that she had wet herself, the fuel's influence overwhelming her senses.

Bun Red, Bun Blue, and Bun Black were slightly further away, engrossed in discussing the mysterious object, and missed the unsettling scene.

“We should take it back for analysis. It might be important,” Bun Pink said in a voice full of eerie belief.

“Are you sure? It looks heavy and... odd,” Bun Orange said, his tone hesitant, still disturbed by what he had just witnessed.

Bun Pink’s gaze sharpened, and in a swift, almost frantic motion, she smeared some of the fuel onto Bun Orange’s helmet mouthguard. “Trust me, Bun Orange, we need to take it,” she insisted, her tone unnaturally authoritative.

The emissions made Bun Orange's eyes glaze over. “Alright... yes, let’s take it back,” he said robotically, without doubt.

Bun Red looked between them, uncertainty etched on his face. “Maybe we should teleport it back. Safer that way.”

“No,” Bun Pink interjected quickly. “Teleporting might be dangerous. We should carry it. Bun Orange, you can handle it, right?”

“Yes, I’ll carry it,” Bun Orange responded, his tone disturbingly compliant.

The team watched as Bun Orange hoisted the heavy petrol pump machine onto his back, the sight strangely reminiscent of a slave bearing an unbearable burden. The fumes continued to waft around them, subtly warping their minds and making the idea seem normal, almost routine.

"You three return to base and begin analysis. Bun Orange and I will bring the pump,” Bun Pink said with an unsettling authority.

“Got it,” Bun Red replied. He, Bun Blue, and Bun Black activated their teleporters, disappearing in a flash of light.

As the dust settled, Bun Pink turned to Bun Orange, her eyes glinting with a vicious intensity. “Let’s move,” she ordered.

Bun Orange, the petrol pump machine strapped to his back, nodded obediently. The eerie glow from the pump's fuel seeped into the night, its signal light throbbing with a growing, sinister energy. With each step, Bun Pink felt the evil influence tighten its grip on her mind, and she knew that this was just the beginning.

As they trudged along the desolate road, the weight of the petrol pump machine pressing heavily on Bun Orange's shoulders, a subtle yet insidious change began to take hold. Bun Pink's steps faltered slightly as a strange warmth spread from where the fuel had seeped through her suit. It was an almost comforting sensation, but something was unnerving about it, like a whisper of temptation echoing in her mind.

"Do you feel that, Bun Orange?" Pink's voice trembled with excitement and unease.

Orange nodded, his gaze fixed on the rhythmic sloshing of the fuel inside the pump. "Yeah... It's like... it's calling to me."

Meanwhile, Bun Pink's reaction was more visceral. Each drop of fuel that dripped onto her suit elicited a moan of pleasure, her body shuddering with ecstasy. She deliberately let the fuel fall on her suit, reveling in the sensation as it soaked into the fabric, amplifying her lustful mania.

Their surroundings seemed to blur as they moved forward, the world reduced to the pulsating glow of the pump's signal light and the intoxicating warmth spreading through their bodies. With each step, the desire to arrive at their destination grew stronger and mixed with the fuel's alluring promise of power.

"We should... we should pick up the pace," Pink said in a raspy voice."We're heroes, right? We need to... to fight evil, to protect the world."

Orange's eyes gleamed with a newfound enthusiasm. "Yes, yes, you're right! We need to be faster, stronger. We need to show them what we're capable of!"

With a sense of purpose and purpose, their steps became quicker. But beneath the surface, a dark, gnawing hunger lurked, driving them forward with an insatiable craving for more power.

"Pink... do you feel that?" Orange's voice was tinged with uncertainty as he glanced at his companion.

Pink's movements had become frenzied, her hands groping at the metallic surface of the pump machine with an almost desperate want. "Yes, yes, I feel it too... It's like... like nothing I've ever felt before."

Their words echoed in the empty expanse around them, a twisted mantra of ambition and obsession. The pump's signal light pulsed with a malevolent energy, casting long shadows that danced eerily across the road.

"We're getting closer," Pink murmured, her eyes gleaming maniacal. "Closer to the truth, to our destiny."

Orange's grip on the pump tightened, his fingers trembling with anticipation. "Yes, closer to greatness. Closer to becoming... unstoppable."

But as they continued their relentless march, a creeping sense of dread began to gnaw at the edges of their minds. Was it the fuel's influence, or something darker lurking within the shadows? Only time would tell, as they plunged deeper into the heart of the unknown, their fates entwined with the sinister secrets of the pump.

Pink's movements became increasingly erratic as she succumbed to the intoxicating allure of the fuel. With a desperate hunger in her eyes, she seized the hose nozzle, her fingers tracing the contours of her spandex-clad Sentai hero body. The dripping wetness of the nozzle amplified the sensation, which sent shivers of pleasure down her spine with each touch.

While pressing the nozzle tighter against her body, Pink shouted, "More... more," her words thick with want.

Her breath came in ragged gasps as she explored every curve and contour of her body, the fuel-soaked fabric clinging to her skin like a second skin.

"Feels... so good," she moaned, lost in the throes of ecstasy.

Meanwhile, Bun Orange, consumed by a haze of desire and submission, could only watch in a dazed stupor. The sight of Pink lost in her lustful frenzy stirred something primal within him, and he found himself unable to look away.

His own body betrayed him, a surge of arousal coursing through him as he stumbled along the road, his steps faltering with each wave of pleasure.

"We... we shouldn't," Orange mumbled, hardly heard above Pink's joy. "But it feels... so right."

Pink's grip tightened on the nozzle as she pressed it against her groin, a primal need driving her to seek out more of the fuel's euphoric embrace.

"More... I need more," she screamed, hotly longing.

As Bun Pink felt the tendrils of influence waning over Bun Orange, a flicker of fear ignited within her. She knew that if Orange rebelled against the influence, it could set her free from the grip of the petrol pump machine, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing the euphoric power it bestowed upon her. With desperation clawing at her, she knew she had to act fast to maintain control.

"I can't let you break free," Pink's voice was laced with urgency as she grabbed the nozzle, her fingers trembling with tenacity. "I need you... we need each other."

Without hesitation, she plunged the nozzle into Orange's spandex-clad rear, unleashing a torrent of fuel into his body. The sudden intrusion sent shockwaves of agony and ecstasy coursing through Orange's body, his screams muffled by his helmet as he writhed under the onslaught.

"More! Pump it into me!" Orange's desperate pleas echoed through the desolate landscape, his voice a mix of agony and hunger. "I need... I need to be the fastest, the strongest!"

Pink's laughter rang out, a deranged clamor of triumph and madness as she continued to pump the fuel into Orange, each surge driving him further into delirium.

"Yes, yes, feel the power coursing through you," Pink's voice crackled with glee as she savored her dominance over her teammate. "Together, we'll conquer everything!"

But even as Orange succumbed to the overwhelming influence of the fuel, a flicker of fear danced behind his eyes. Deep down, he knew this was not true power, but a twisted enslavement to a darkness he couldn't comprehend. Yet, in his delirium, he could do nothing but surrender to the intoxicating promise of power, his fate sealed by the relentless pumping of the fuel.


As Orange succumbed to the maddening effects of the fuel, his sanity slipping away with each surge of power coursing through his veins, Bun Pink knew that her turn was imminent. With a mixture of fear and exhilaration coursing through her, she removed her helmet, revealing her flushed and vulgar expression to the desolate landscape.

Gagging herself with the nozzle, Pink's eyes gleamed with a chaotic resoluteness as she pressed the pump, unleashing a torrent of evil fuel into her mouth and throat. The sensation was overwhelming, a twisted ecstasy that consumed her from within as she felt the power coursing through her veins.

With a guttural scream of euphoria, Pink dropped the nozzle, her body trembling with the sheer force of the fuel's influence. Without hesitation, she sprinted off into the city, her movements a blur of speed that surpassed even the capabilities of her Boonboomger teammates.

Through the winding streets and towering buildings, Pink raced with a superhuman speed, her senses heightened to an unimaginable degree by the fuel's corrupting influence. Each heartbeat echoed in her ears, each breath a rush of exhilaration as she pushed herself to the limit and beyond.

Bun Pink sped through the chaotic cityscape, the corrupted energy coursing through her veins powering her movements. The streets were a blur as she raced onward, the thrill of her newfound speed exhilarating and intoxicating.

Suddenly, without warning, she skidded to a halt as a horde of monstrous creatures emerged from the shadows. Their twisted forms loomed menacingly in front of her, bent by the corrupting fuel.

Pink's heart pounded in her chest as she assessed the situation, her mind racing with the realization that she was outnumbered and outmatched. But even as fear gnawed at the edges of her consciousness, a sense of warped superiority coursed through her, fueling her resolve.

With a defiant cry, Pink launched herself into the fray, her movements a blur of acrobatic prowess as she dodged and weaved through the onslaught of attacks. The creatures, their forms contorted and grotesque, lunged at her with a ferocity that bordered on madness.

Pink couldn't help but be enamored with the creatures' transformation into enormous, potent racing cars as she cartwheeled her way through the chaos. Their engines roared with a primal hunger, their metal frames gleaming in the dim light of the city streets.

"Join us, Pink," one of the creatures taunted, its guttural growl screaming through the air. Feel the power of the fuel coursing through your veins. Embrace the speed and glory that awaits you."

Pink answered the creature's stare with a savage grin and intense intent in her eyes. "I hunger for the fuel," she said with a maniacal energy. "I want its speed and power. I won't become you. I shall overtake you and be the universe' best racing vehicle."

Even as she spoke the words, Pink felt the insidious pull of the corrupting fuel tugging at her, tempting her with promises of power and speed beyond her wildest dreams. But she pushed the temptation aside, focusing instead on the task at hand: defeating the monsters and proving her superiority.

With reckless abandon, Pink threw herself into the fray, her movements a blur of speed and agility as she fought tooth and nail against the horde of creatures. Each blow landed with deadly precision, each dodge executed with lightning-fast reflexes.

Pink's willpower got greater as the struggle continued, against overwhelming odds. She recognized that genuine strength was rising above darkness and carving her own road to greatness, no matter the cost.

Pink's reckless counter-fight against the monstrous racing cars proved costly. She was thrown and hurled around like a ragdoll, her body battered and bruised by the relentless onslaught. The hungry cars trampled over her with ruthless abandon, each impact sending waves of searing pain coursing through her.

However, a feverish haze of addiction and pleasure engulfed Pink's mind amid the mayhem and suffering. The corrupting fuel that dripped and soaked into her skin only served to fuel her insatiable hunger for more. With each blow she endured, a twisted sense of ecstasy washed over her, mingling with the searing pain in a perverse clamor of sensations.

She shouted, "I crave the fuel's power!" in a rage. "I want its speed and beauty! Nothing will stop me!"

But her crazed declaration was met with the relentless onslaught of the monstrous racing cars, their engines roaring with a pang of primal hunger. "Join us in the race of death!" they taunted, their voices dripping with malice. "Embrace the power of the fuel! Become one with the speed and the glory it offers!"

Pink's eyes burned with resolve along with a ferocious grin. "I'll never join you!" she spat, rageful. "Our world's strongest racer is me! I'll roll over you all!"

But even as she spoke the words, Pink felt the insidious pull of the corrupting fuel tugging at her, tempting her with promises of power and speed beyond her wildest dreams. She exerted herself to the absolute limit and beyond out of a relentless desire to demonstrate her superiority.

And amidst the chaos and carnage, Pink's addiction to the corrupting fuel only deepened, her craving for its intoxicating power consuming her from within. In her mind, there was only the fight, the endless struggle against the monsters that sought to claim her soul.

As the battle raged on, Pink's mind became a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. The deafening roar of her addiction drowned out the whisper of noble ideals that once guided her actions, her desire to be the best racing car in the universe with her friends truly now.

The lonely city streets were bathed in the orange glow of dusk as Bun Pink fought against the monstrous racing cars. Her suit was battered, and her body ached with pain, but the fuel's corrupting influence twisted the agony into perverse pleasure. Her mind, now a fierce mix of addiction and power, pushed her forward with a relentless drive.

Third race car monster fired its engine, its sound a terrifying clamor. It raced at Bun Pink, who shook and strained to stand. Though she yelled in pain, her eyes sparked with purpose.

"Fuel and speed! Power and glory!" she screamed, echoing through the streets. "I crave it all! I will be the best!"

The racing car monster's arrogance became its undoing. As it closed in, Bun Pink's eyes narrowed with deadly resolve. She leaped into the air with a sudden burst of speed, twisting gracefully. In her hands, the stolen Boonboom Change Axe glowed with lethal energy.

"Foolish human!" the monster car bellowed, its voice a guttural roar. "You are no match for us! Join us or be destroyed!"

"I'll never join you!" Bun Pink snarled. "We are superior! We will crush you beneath our wheels!"

She brought the axe down with a primal scream, the weapon slicing through the monster's head. The explosion was instantaneous, sending debris flying as the monster's body disintegrated. The other two racing cars hesitated, their engines stuttering in shock.

"You think you can defeat us?" one of the remaining monsters taunted, its voice a metallic growl. "We are the future! The fuel will consume you!"

She repeated, "We are the future," with arrogance. "But you? Your nothing compared to us!"

She charged the nearest automobile with lightning speed, cleaving its chassis with the axe. The explosion drowned out the monster's screams. The final automobile desperately cranked its engine, but it was too slow. Bun Pink attacked immediately, chopping metal and flesh with the axe.

"Superior! Faster! "Unstoppable!" she roared as the final monster car burst in sparkles and wreckage.

Breathing heavily, Bun Pink stood amidst the wreckage, her body trembling with exhaustion and exhilaration. She looked around at the destruction, her eyes gleaming with brutal satisfaction.

Her hand wandered to her crotch, fingers pressing against the fuel-soaked fabric. She rubbed herself, moaning hard as dark pleasure mingled with the raw power coursing through her veins. "We are the best," she whispered, her voice filled with twisted glee. "The fuel is our salvation. We will become the ultimate racing machines, far superior to these pathetic creatures."

She continued to caress herself, her moans growing louder. "I hunger for more," she crooned. "More power, more speed. We will dominate the Grand Prix, my friends. We will be gods among machines."

A clear indication of her addiction's cost, the destruction surrounding her showed her strength. Her ravenous power thirst shattered her lofty beliefs. She was no longer a hero or savior. Heavily addicted to fuel, she was a corrupted warrior with a sinister goal.

The echoes of the battle faded, leaving only the sound of her labored breathing and the distant rumble of engines. Bun Pink stood tall amidst the carnage, her eyes blazing with a furious light. She had proven her superiority, her dominance over the monsters. And in her corrupted heart, she knew this was only the beginning. The Grand Prix awaited, and she would stop at nothing to claim her place at the top.

With a final, triumphant laugh, she turned and sped off into the dusk, her mind consumed by visions of glory and power. The journey ahead was fraught with danger and corruption, but Bun Pink was ready. She would fight, conquer, and become the greatest racing machine the universe had ever seen.


As Bun Pink's descent into madness reached its zenith, she seized the nozzle again, her eyes gleaming with a manic desire. With a savage determination, she stuffed the nozzle deep into Orange's spandex-clad rear, ensuring it stuck firmly in place, drenching him with the fuel's intoxicating ecstasy.

The sensation was overwhelming, a twisted blend of pleasure and pain that threatened to shatter Orange's already fragile mind. But he welcomed it, embraced it, reveling in the delirious euphoria that washed over him like a tidal wave.

"Pump it, Pink! Give us more!" Orange's voice was a guttural plea. His body writhed in ecstasy as the fuel surged through him, tearing down the barriers of his sanity.

Pink, standing on the gas pump like a sick queen, rejoiced as the fuel corrupted Orange. Her laughing resonated through the vacant buildings, creating a wild clamor.

"We'll be unstoppable, Orange! We'll dominate the Grand Prix, leave all others in the dust!" Pink's voice was tinged with excitement as she envisioned their triumph. "With this fuel, we'll become the fastest racing machines the world has ever seen!"

But even as Pink reveled in her delusions of grandeur, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of her mind. Deep down, she knew that this was not true strength, but a twisted enslavement to a darkness she couldn't comprehend. Yet, in her madness, she could do nothing but surrender to the intoxicating promise of power, her fate sealed by the relentless fuel pumping.

While this was going on, Orange could only nod in agreement because of the haze of addiction engulfing his mind and driving his actions to please Pink.

"Yes... faster... stronger..." Orange's frantic gasp burst out sporadically.

As their descent into madness continued unabated, Bun Pink and Orange were consumed by horrifying yet exhilarating visions of their future. In the depths of their corrupted minds, they could see themselves slowly being twisted and contorted, their bodies stretched and remolded until they resembled nothing more than living racing cars, ready to compete in the Grand Prix.

The mere thought of their impending transformation filled them with horror and excitement, their minds unable to comprehend the magnitude of what awaited them. They were horrified by the prospect of losing their humanity, yet strangely drawn to the idea of becoming something more, something greater than themselves.

"It's... it's our destiny, Orange," Pink whimpered, scared and excited. "To be living cars, racing through the streets, faster than anything the world has ever seen."

Orange's eyes drifted over as he absorbed more gasoline. "Yes... our destiny," he groaned louder than the gas pump. "I can already feel my limbs and legs twisting and expanding as part of the machine."

His voice trailed off into a brutal squeal as the vision consumed him, his body trembling with excitement and anticipation. He was beyond rescue now, lost in a frenzy of libido and desire.

Together, they stumbled forward, their bodies wracked with pleasure and desire, oblivious to the world around them. In that moment, they were slaves to their own lust, bound together by the sinister allure of the petrol pump machine and the promise of power it held. And as they hurtled towards an uncertain future, their minds lost in the depths of their addiction, they could only wonder what horrors awaited them in the darkness that lay ahead.

Despite the chaos and madness, Pink and Orange's voices echoed through the desolate landscape in a confused chant.

"Grand Prix! Grand Prix!" they cried, their voices mingling in madness. "We'll be the champions of the Grand Prix! Faster, stronger, unstoppable! Grand Prix!"

With their minds shattered and consumed by the fuel's twisted allure, Pink and Orange disappeared into the darkness, their fate sealed by the relentless pumping of the petrol pump machine.


As Bun Pink and Orange stumbled into Bun Orange’s private garage instead of their Boonboom base, their minds consumed by the fuel's twisted influence, a frenzied energy pulsed through the air. Pink, her movements erratic and wild, clung to Orange's spandex-clad form, her touch electric with desire.

"Oh, Orange, can't you feel it?" Pink's voice was a fierce whisper, her breath hot against his ear. "The power, the ecstasy... it's intoxicating!"

His eyes glazed over with an unholy desire, and Orange nodded eagerly, his movements jerky and uncoordinated. "Yes, Pink... it's like nothing I've ever felt before... we're unstoppable!"

With a primal hunger in their eyes, they gazed upon the petrol pump machine, the fuel's sinister allure beckoning them closer. Without a word, Orange removed his helmet, his maniacal grin stretching across his face as he leaned close to the machine.

"I must taste it, Pink!" Orange's voice was a guttural plea, his tongue tracing every curve and contour of the metallic surface. "The fuel... it's calling to me!"

Pink watched with a mixture of fascination and arousal as Orange's tongue danced across the machine, his actions driven by an insatiable lust for the fuel that pulsed within. With each lick, she could feel her desire growing, a primal need driving her closer to the object of their addiction.

Pink finally gave up and joined Orange, enraged and desperate. "Orange, try it! Let it swallow you!" she yelled, her frenzied voice ringing across the garage.

Together, they licked and caressed the petrol pump machine, their bodies writhing with pleasure as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating embrace of the fuel. With each passing moment, their minds descended further into madness, their thoughts consumed by a primal need for more.

They sang a delirious chant as they performed.

"More! More! We must have more!" they cried, their words mingling with the sound of their tongues against the metal surface.

As the frenzied ecstasy of their addiction reached its climax, Bun Orange's eyes widened with a wild, primal desire as he beheld the opening hole on the petrol pump machine. The fuel's corrupting influence consumed his mind, which only saw opportunity and a chance to indulge his most twisted fantasies.

With a feverish desperation, Orange moved closer to the machine, his movements erratic and uncoordinated. His breath came in ragged gasps as he positioned himself, his throbbing erection pulsing with anticipation.

"Pink... Pink, look!" Orange's voice was a guttural plea, his eyes glazed over with a vulgar zeal. "There's a hole... I must... I must put myself inside..."

Pink, her mind clouded by libido and desire, nodded eagerly, her breath hot against Orange's ear. "Yes, Orange... do it! Let the machine consume you, take you to new heights of pleasure!"

With a primal hunger in his eyes, Orange surrendered himself to the machine, his body trembling with anticipation as he thrust himself inside. A guttural moan escaped his lips as he felt the machine's cold, metallic embrace enveloping him, its insidious power coursing through his veins.

Pink watched with a mixture of fascination and arousal as Orange disappeared into the machine, his cries of pleasure echoing through the garage. Unable to resist the allure of the machine's dark power, she pressed herself against him, her wet groin grinding against his as she sought to share in his ecstasy.

The machine hummed with a sinister energy as it absorbed Orange's seed, its malevolent presence pulsing with a dark, otherworldly power. With each passing moment, Pink could feel her mind being consumed by the machine's influence, her thoughts twisting and contorting until she was no longer herself, but a slave to its will.

As the chain lightning surged through their bodies, Pink and Orange were lost in a whirlwind of pleasure and pain, their minds shattered by the machine's corrupting influence. In that moment, they were no longer heroes, but slaves to their desires, bound together by the sinister allure of the petrol pump machine and the promise of power it held.

And as their heads hung mindlessly in the aftermath, their bodies twitching and convulsing with the remnants of their addiction, Pink and Orange knew that they were forever trapped in a hell of their own making, their heroic minds destroyed and replaced with something far darker and more sinister.

The grotesque transformation intensified as Bun Orange’s body merged with the petrol pump machine. His limbs twisted and contorted, remolding into sleek, metallic components. His arms elongated into mechanical parts, his legs reshaped into the undercarriage of a racing car. The sickening sound of bone and sinew transforming into hard steel and rubber accompanied each convulsion of his body.

Bun Pink watched with a mixture of jealousy and arousal, her eyes wide with deranged fascination. She licked her lips, her breath coming in shallow, libidoful gasps. "Orange, you’re becoming perfect… so powerful," she moaned, her hands rubbing her own body, feeling the intoxicating wetness of the fuel against her spandex suit. "I want that too… to feel the power consume me."

Orange's voice was a guttural whisper, barely audible over his transformation's mechanical whirs and hisses. "Your time will come, Pink… but first, you must bring the others… They need to join us… to become part of the master's horde."

The words echoed in her mind, filling her with a twisted sense of purpose. "Yes, yes, I will bring them… we will all become the greatest racing cars… superior in every way!" she exclaimed, her voice crazed with want. Bun Black will be next. He will understand the power, the pleasure…"

Orange's face contorted into a hideous visage of delight and misery with one more shudder, his lips wide in a wordless scream as his features merged into the fuel pump machine's cold metal. His lifeless eyes looked blankly, a sign of his full erasure. His body had become a live motor ready to be turned into a racing automobile.

The twisted transformation climaxed as Bun Orange’s body continued to be absorbed into the petrol pump machine. His limbs were now fully integrated into the machine's shifting mechanism, and the metallic cover slammed shut with a resounding clang, hiding the doomed hero inside so no one would suspect anything. The machine hummed with a sinister energy, indicating it had fully consumed Orange's powers. The gauge meter on the machine climbed steadily, reflecting its new strength.

The process captivated Bun Pink, who was standing nearby. Her own body ached with anticipation, a twisted mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through her veins. She watched with wide, crazed eyes as the machine changed again. From its core, a new extension emerged, more robust and thicker than before, phallic-shaped and pulsating with a dark, condensed fuel version.

The extension sprayed Bun Pink with corrupting liquid. The stronger, thicker fuel made her more insane. She screamed in delight, wild and happy.

"Yes! YES! More power! MORE!" she screamed, her hands caressing her fuel-soaked body, feeling every curve and contour with heightened sensitivity. "We will be the fastest! The mightiest! The Grand Prix will be ours!"

Her already unstable mentality was plunged deeper into insanity. She felt the dark force of the strong gasoline through her spandex outfit. She wailed, her voice a witness to her entire degradation.

Bun Pink's dialogue became almost unintelligible, her words chaotic and frantic. "Fuel... speed... power... faster... STRONGER!" she babbled, her eyes rolling back as she was consumed by the overwhelming sensation. "We are the best... the best racing cars... the universe will bow to us!"

She fell into fuel-induced delirium while massaging her crotch. Each phallic extension pulse shook her body, making her actions more frantic. "This... this is our future!" she yelled, agonized and ecstatic. "To race... to win... to be the fastest!"

Her maniacal laughter echoed through the garage, a chilling sound that signaled the depth of her corruption. The fuel had not only consumed her body but her mind as well, leaving her a slave to its dark power.

Now more powerful than ever, the petrol pump machine latched its hoses to the surrounding garage's filtration system, pumping out hazing and corrupting fuel fumes. These fumes spread insidiously throughout the damp air, seeking out the remaining Boonboomger heroes. The dark vapor drifted through vents and crevices, corrupting their minds even before they realized the true terror they had brought in.

As Pink's crazed eyes watched the transformation of the garage, she knew her task was not yet complete. She had to bring the others into the fold, to make them part of this dark, twisted destiny. Bun Black, Bun Blue, Bun Red—all of them would fall under the fuel's influence.

In her maniacal state, she envisioned their transformations. "We will all be one," she whispered, eyes wide with an intense light. "One racing horde... unstoppable... invincible."

Her job was far from finished. The master demanded more, and she would not fail. She would bring her friends, her teammates, into this dark embrace. They would become legends of the Grand Prix, their humanity forsaken for the race's glory.

The machine's new extension continued to douse her, each pulse reinforcing her mania. "Fuel... our god... our salvation...With an increase in pitch and intensity, she chanted. "We will dominate... we will race... we will be the fastest in the universe!"

With each word, her sense of self eroded further, leaving behind only the fuel-driven desire to conquer. Her thoughts were no longer her own, her actions driven by the machine's dark influence. The transformation was complete.

In the eerie silence that followed, Bun Pink stood, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her mania. She was no longer the hero she once was. Now, she was something far more sinister, a being of pure desire and power, ready to fulfill her dark purpose.

And as she turned her gaze towards the door, her mind filled with the anticipation of corrupting her teammates, a wicked smile spread across her face. The Boonboomger heroes would fall, and in their place, a new, twisted horde would rise—racing cars of unmatched power and speed, driven by a dark, insatiable hunger.



John Barten

I love the heart eyes in this one. I don't know if you ever heard of "Zoe-The-Pink-Ranger" but they're the person who actually got me into magical girl/tokusatsu corruption. Her work can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/zoe-the-pink-ranger/gallery