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In this gruesome horror story, the Dynaman Sentai team encounters a terrifying new enemy, Slug Evo, deep within the dark and oppressive sewer tunnels. DynaBlack discovers his teammates, DynaRed and DynaBlue, have been horrifically transformed by Slug Evo’s slimy influence. As he desperately tries to save them, DynaBlack faces a relentless and brutal assault from his corrupted friends. The relentless slime begins to corrupt and change him as well, leading to a horrifying ordeal that tests his courage and resolve.

Will he and the rest of the Dynaman Sentai team be able to overcome the slimy terror that awaits them?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Ken K



Himekawo *

Joshua O’Neill

Eddie Hauck



Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Shriveling slime horror!

The sewer system's labyrinthine tunnels echoed with a sinister symphony of lustful, maniacal laughter. DynaBlack's helmet flashlight beam pierced the murky gloom, cutting through the thick, foreboding air. The scent of decay and rot hung heavily, mingling with the distant sound of dripping water. Each step deeper into the sewer amplified his growing sense of unease. In a desperate attempt to locate his missing teammates, DynaRed and DynaBlue, he had followed this trail of strange, slimy residue. His heart pounded with a mix of dread and determination.

As he ventured further, the walls grew increasingly slick with a glistening, greenish ooze, pulsing with an unsettling, almost sentient life. The oppressive atmosphere grew thicker, and DynaBlack's unease deepened. He could feel an ominous presence lurking in the shadows, a malevolence that made his skin crawl. The tunnels twisted and turned, and just as doubt began to creep in, he heard it—voices, familiar yet grotesquely distorted.

“Ah, the taste of it, Blue!" DynaRed's twisted maniacal expression echoed through the tunnels. “Can you feel it coursing through your veins?”

“Yes, Red!” DynaBlue’s reply was equally maniacal, filled with a perverse joy. “The slime... it's everything. It's our purpose now!”

DynaBlack quickened his pace, the flashlight beam darting off the slick walls. He rounded a corner and stopped dead in his tracks. The sight before him was a nightmare brought to life.

In a small, dimly lit chamber, DynaRed and DynaBlue were there, but they were unrecognizable as the heroes he knew. Their spandex-clad bodies were smeared with the same repulsive, glistening slime that coated the walls, their toned forms glistening obscenely. Their helmets were encrusted with thick layers of slime, their faces hidden beneath the grotesque ooze. They pressed themselves against Slug Evo, their former enemy, now transformed into a monstrous, slimy abomination.

Slug Evo’s body was a writhing mass of slime and tentacles, his eyes glowing with malicious delight. DynaRed and DynaBlue were locked in a grotesque parody of devotion, their bodies moving rhythmically, thrusting against Slug Evo in an obscene, feverish worship.

“Red! Blue!” DynaBlack’s voice echoed through the chamber, filled with horror and desperation. “What are you doing? Snap out of it!”

DynaRed turned his head slowly, his eyes vacant and glassy behind the slime-covered visor. “We serve our master now,” he said in a drone.

“The slime is our life,” DynaBlue added, his tone devoid of any emotion. “Join us, DynaBlack. Embrace the slime.”

DynaBlack's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing. This was worse than he had imagined. His friends, his teammates, were completely under Slug Evo's control. He had to save them, but how?

“Fight it!” DynaBlack pleaded, stepping forward. “You’re stronger than this! Remember who you are!”

Slug Evo's laughter filled the chamber, a chilling, wet sound that sent shivers down DynaBlack's spine. “They are mine now, DynaBlack,” he gloated, his voice a sickening, gurgling croak. “And soon, you will be too.”

DynaBlack braced himself as DynaRed and DynaBlue turned to face him, their bodies moving with eerie synchronization. They raised their weapons—once tools of justice, now instruments of their master's will.

“Red, Blue, I don’t want to fight you,” DynaBlack exclaimed tremblingly. “Please, fight the control. You have to break free.”

But what he said didn't seem to change anything. Even though he was covered in slime, DynaRed moved quickly and accurately as he lunged at him. But DynaBlack just barely avoided the attack. It hurt his heart to know that he was fighting his friends. DynaBlue hit him right away, and his attacks were just as heavy and persistent.

DynaBlack was forced to defend himself, his hesitation to harm his teammates putting him at a severe disadvantage. Every block and dodge was laced with a desperate hope that they might snap out of it and remember who they were.

“We have no choice,” DynaBlack whispered, trying to muster the resolve to fight back. “I have to save them, even if it means hurting them.”

DynaRed and DynaBlue moved with a bloodthirsty fervor, their attacks relentless and savage. DynaBlack's movements were defensive, his mind torn between protecting himself and breaking Slug Evo's hold on his friends.

“Remember the mission,” DynaBlack cried out as he parried a blow from DynaBlue. “Remember why we fight! For justice, for each other!”

DynaRed's moves slowed down for a moment. He paused, and a smile appeared on his face as he realized what it was. He stuttered, "Black... help... us." His words broke through the slime.

DynaBlue lowered his weapon slightly, confusion and pain evident in his eyes. “We... are heroes,” he murmured, his tone filled with uncertainty.

But Slug Evo’s influence was strong. The slime that smeared their bodies pulsated violently, reasserting its control. DynaRed’s expression twisted back into one of mindless rage. “No... we serve Slug Evo,” he growled, resuming his attack with renewed vigor.

DynaBlue’s eyes glazed over once more, and he struck with even greater ferocity. “Obey the slime,” he intoned mindlessly.

DynaBlack’s brief glimmer of hope was snuffed out. He was forced back into the defensive, his heart breaking as he realized that his friends were truly lost to him. The corrupted heroes bore down on him with unrelenting savagery, their attacks a blur of pain and violence.

“Red, Blue, remember who you are!” DynaBlack cried out in a broken spirit. “We fight for justice, for each other. Don’t let this slime control you!”

DynaRed with malicious eyes said, “Justice is meaningless. Only the slime matters now.”

“We are slaves to the slime,” DynaBlue said in a cold monotone.

DynaBlack’s tears mingled with the sweat and grime that coated his face. He could feel his strength waning, his resolve crumbling. He couldn’t bring himself to harm his friends, and they showed no such hesitation in their attacks.

"We serve our master," DynaRed said, haunting the chamber. “And soon, you will too.”

DynaBlue’s attacks grew more brutal, each strike sending jolts of pain through DynaBlack’s body. He was cornered, his back against the slimy wall, his heart pounding with fear and despair.

“Please... don’t do this,” DynaBlack said in a soft voice. “You’re my friends. We were a team. We can still be heroes.”

But his words fell on deaf ears. DynaRed and DynaBlue were relentless, their eyes devoid of any trace of the heroes they once were. DynaBlack’s world narrowed to pain and hopelessness, to the realization that he was fighting a losing battle.

With a final, desperate surge of energy, DynaBlack lunged for his DynaRod, his fingers brushing against the hilt. But before he could grasp it, DynaBlue’s weapon struck him, sending him sprawling to the ground.

DynaRed stood over him, his eyes cold and unfeeling. “It’s over, Black. You can’t win.”

DynaBlack could barely see, and his body hurt a lot. He whispered, "Please... don't do this." His breathing cracked. "Remember what you're..."

But it was too late. The slime had consumed them, turning his friends into mindless slaves of Slug Evo. DynaBlack’s heart ached with the weight of his failure, his spirit crushed by the realization that he couldn’t save them.


The putrid stench of decay hung heavy in the air as DynaBlack struggled against the relentless assault of his corrupted comrades, DynaRed and DynaBlue. With each blow from their brutal DynaRods, his resolve weakened, and desperation set in. He had to find a way out, a way to stop Slug Evo's twisted plan, but with every passing moment, hope slipped further from his grasp.

As DynaBlack fought against the onslaught, he felt the ground beneath him tremble, and a sinister presence loomed behind him. Turning, he beheld the grotesque form of Slug Evo, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"Looks like you've overstayed your welcome, DynaBlack," Slug Evo replied with a sneer.

DynaBlack gritted his teeth, his fists clenched in defiance. "I'll never submit to you, Slug Evo. I'll fight you to my last breath!"

Slug Evo chuckled darkly, his slimy tentacles writhing in anticipation. "Oh, I don't doubt your determination, DynaBlack. But resistance is futile. You'll soon learn that the hard way."

With a flick of his tentacle, Slug Evo summoned forth a grotesque shell, its surface slick with slime and pulsating with an otherworldly glow. DynaBlack's heart sank as he realized the true extent of his predicament.

"No... no, this can't be my fate," DynaBlack said in a tone of dread.

But before he could react, DynaRed and DynaBlue seized him, their eyes vacant and empty, their movements jerky and unnatural. Together, they dragged him towards the shell, their grip unyielding and merciless.

"Stop... please, stop!" DynaBlack pleaded, his cries falling on deaf ears.

With a sickening thud, DynaBlack was thrown into the gaping maw of the shell, his body contorting and twisting as it was swallowed whole. Inside, the air was thick with the stench of decay, and the walls pulsed with a sickly green light.

DynaBlack struggled to breathe, his chest constricted by the crushing pressure of the shell's inner walls. He reached out, desperate for something to hold onto, but his fingers found only slimy, slippery surfaces.

Meanwhile, Slug Evo cackled with delight, his eyes alight with triumph. "Enjoy your new home, DynaBlack. You'll be here for a long, long time."

A peculiar sensation washed over DynaBlack as he writhed in agony. A searing anguish coursed like fire through his entire body as the pinching feeling rapidly transformed into one. He screamed, his shrieks echoing off the shell's walls, as the corrupting effects of Slug Evo's goop seized him.

The depths of the sewer were a place of absolute obscurity. The once-hopeful DynaBlack was now trapped in a nightmare from which he seemed to have no way out. A sickening smell of rotting filled his nostrils as he fought tooth and nail against the enormous snail's shell, and a chilling fear sank in his gut.

"This is absolutely insane," DynaBlack gasped for air. "I won't let you do this to me, Slug Evo!"

"DynaBlack, DynaBlack," DynaRed taunted. "You always thought you were so brave, so righteous. But now, look at you. A mere shell of your former self, trapped in our web."

DynaBlack tried to steel his heart in defiance. "I'll never give in to you, Red. I'll fight you to my last breath."

DynaBlue chuckled darkly, his gaze fixed on DynaBlack with a predatory gleam. "Oh, how shell-shocked you must be, DynaBlack. But the truth is, you don't stand a chance against us. Not now, not ever."

As DynaBlack struggled against the crushing pressure of the shell, Slug Evo emerged from the shadows, his slimy tentacles writhing with anticipation. He hissed, "Ah, DynaBlack, how delightful to see you squirm," echoing off the sewer walls. "You thought you could resist me, but now, you will learn the true meaning of despair."

DynaBlack's heart pounded in his chest as Slug Evo's words washed over him. He knew he was trapped, powerless to escape the clutches of the giant snail shell. But still, he refused to give up hope.

But Slug Evo only laughed, his eyes alight with triumph. "Oh, DynaBlack, you truly are pathetic. There is no escape from what awaits you. Embrace your fate, embrace the slime."

With a sickening lurch, the shell's inner walls began to close around DynaBlack, crushing him mercilessly. He screamed in agony as his bones snapped and his flesh tore, the pain unimaginable.

"DynaBlack, look at you now," DynaRed boasted. "A mere snail in my slime trail, just as you were always meant to be."

DynaBlack's vision blurred as darkness closed in around him. He could feel his strength waning, his will to fight fading away. And as the last vestiges of consciousness slipped from his grasp, he knew that he was lost, condemned to a fate worse than death. The darkness that now controlled him consumed his soul inside the enormous snail shell, leaving nothing but despair in its wake.

As he writhed in anguish, DynaBlack's voice erupted in a cries for help, a scream against the hideous transformation that was engulfing him. "Please, stop," he pleaded in a sound that betrayed his anguish and desire. "This... This isn't right. I won't... I refuse to become... this."

His cries were swallowed by the dark, damp confines of the shell, drowned out by the jeers of his corrupted comrades and the sadistic laughter of Slug Evo. Despite his suffering, DynaBlack kept speaking.

As the needles pressed against his flesh, reshaping him into a grotesque parody of his former self, DynaBlack's words became increasingly frantic. "My arms... They're... they're merging... This can't happen," he muttered, terrified.

But the transformation was relentless, the shell's inner walls molding him into a twisted semblance of a slug. DynaBlack exclaimed, "Look at me," in shock over his malformed limbs. "I'm... I'm becoming... something else. Something I'm not."

His words fell on deaf ears, lost amidst the mockery of DynaRed and DynaBlue. "Pathetic," DynaRed grimaced. "Just when you thought you were unstoppable, here you are. At our feet, a slimy slug was slithering."

DynaBlue chuckled darkly, his gaze fixed on DynaBlack's contorted form. "And your legs," he said insultingly. "They're nothing but a slimy trail now, leading you to your inevitable demise."

Amidst the torment and the taunts, DynaBlack's resolve flickered like a dying flame. "I won't... He said, "I can't," but his voice was so quiet that it was hard to hear. "But... what choice do I have? What... what have I become?"

Within the enormous snail's shell, DynaBlack's heroic persona was shattered, leaving only a mere shell of his previous self. Beyond that, he realized he was lost when the night enveloped him completely. The sadness that followed his mental breakdown was a direct outcome of the darkness that had taken hold of him.

As the needles punctured his skin and injected him with a corrupting slime, DynaBlack's body convulsed in anguish inside the gigantic snail shell. Something horrible was developing inside of him, twisting and churning his insides, and he writhed in agony as a result.

The chamber was filled with Slug Evo's triumphant laughter. "Yes, yes," he vehemently responded. "Feel the slimy embrace of the transformation, DynaBlack. You are becoming one with the ooze."

With his thoughts racing with terror and sorrow, DynaBlack tightened his muscles in an effort to alleviate the agony. As he said a "no," he gasped in shock. "No way... I refuse to give in to your cunning schemes...

But his defiant words were cut short as a surge of nausea overwhelmed him. He doubled over, retching violently as a small snail monster wriggled its way out of his mouth, its grotesque form a testament to his brutal fate.

Slug Evo's laughter intensified, a triumphant symphony of evil. "Behold your new slime-covered form, DynaBlack," he taunted with sadistic glee. "You are but a vessel for the ooze now, a puppet dancing to my slimy tune."

DynaBlack's heart sank as he beheld the abomination before him, his mind reeling with horror. He knew then that he was lost, condemned to a fate worse than death.

But even in the depths of despair, a spark of defiance flickered within him. "I will... I will escape!" He growled, determined in the chaos. "I will not be ensnared in your slimy grip forever, Slug Evo. I swear it."

But Slug Evo only laughed, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You are powerless against the slimy tide, DynaBlack," he sneered. "You belong to me now, body and soul. Embrace your fate, for there is no escape from the slimy darkness that now consumes you."

DynaBlack was aware that his battle was far from over as his consciousness vanished and became enmeshed in the slimy shadows that now controlled him. However, at this precise moment, wickedness had consumed him, and the slime's evil power had overshadowed his bravery.

In the center of the enormous snail's shell, the metamorphosis was a hideous display of pain. In his gooey cage, DynaBlack sobbed. He felt a surge of horror and terror as he stared at his transformed slug body, his noble figure reduced to a squirming mess of barely humanoid-shaped slime and filth.

Every time the parasites moved, it sent a new wave of agony shivering down his spine; the pain was intolerable. They twisted and wriggled within him as a memorial of his shameful loss and debasement.

But the worst was yet to come.

With a gut-wrenching retch, a surge of vomit erupted from DynaBlack's mouth, filling the interior of his helmet with a slimy, viscous fluid. The parasites burst forth from his lips, their grotesque forms writhing and squirming in the confined space, their slimy bodies coating everything in their path.

DynaBlack's mind snapped under the weight of the horror. He screamed and thrashed against the walls of his slimy prison, his cries of anguish echoing through the chamber. "No! This can't be the end!"he choked out between sobs. "I was a hero... I can't be defeated like this, a wretched slug, a host for these vile creatures..."

The relentless movement of the parasites drowned out his pleas. They writhed and squirmed around him, their slimy bodies coiling and twisting in a grotesque dance of corruption.

DynaBlack's tears mingled with the slime that coated his body, his mind lost in a maelstrom of self-loathing and despair. He clawed at his helmet, desperate to rid himself of the slimy presence that now consumed him.

He stammered, "I used to stand for justice," choked with disgust and regret. "Now, look at me. Just a pathetic slug, a shell of my former self..."

The shell's inner walls contracted, squeezing him tighter, forcing more slime and parasites into his body. DynaBlack could feel his heroic identity slipping away with each agonizing second. "I'm being devoured from the inside out... Every breath, every movement... I can feel them. Inside me. Crawling. Breeding. It's like they're eating my soul..."

The sensation of the parasites inside him grew more intense, their slimy bodies a constant reminder of his corrupted state. "Every moment is agony. I can feel them changing me, turning me into something monstrous. I can't fight it... I can't escape..."

As the transformation continued, his body contorted and stretched, his legs merging and flattening into a grotesque, Sentai hero-slug hybrid form. His arms flattened against his slime-covered body, leaving only his helmeted head as the last vestige of his heroic identity.

"My legs... my arms... they're gone! I'm nothing but slime!" he cried out, his voice filled with horror. "Why did this happen? Why did I have to become this abomination?"

DynaBlack's mind was ensnared in a never-ending loop of self-hatred and mindless obedience. "Pathetic... Pathetic slug... Failed hero... Make more... More parasites...Throughout the slimy chamber, his words echoed a twisted mantra of servitude.

He slithered aimlessly through the foul depths of his prison, his body a grotesque mockery of his former self. With each slimy movement, he left behind a trail of filth and decay, a testament to his fall from grace.

But amidst the despair, a twisted sense of pride stirred within him. "Yes... Yes, make more... Serve Slug Evo..." Madly chanting, he said. "Purpose... Purpose in this... New existence..."

As he reached the threshold of his evil snail house trap, DynaBlack felt a surge of revulsion wash over him. He paused, his slime-covered form quivering with disgust at what he had become. But even as he recoiled from his own reflection, a sinister voice whispered in the depths of his mind, urging him forward.

"Embrace your destiny, DynaBlack," an echo growled, its words foul-mouthed. "Serve Slug Evo and revel in the power of the slime."

Slithering out of his imprisonment and into the darkness beyond, DynaBlack obeyed with a shuddering groan. A burst of malicious energy surged through his slimy body as he emerged into the low light of the sewage tunnels, strengthening him with every advance.

And as he slithered deeper into the depths of the sewer tunnels, DynaBlack knew that there would be no redemption for him. He was condemned to an eternity of mindless servitude, a puppet dancing to the slimy forces that now held him in their thrall.

The more he chanted in the dark, the more he spiraled into insanity. "Must serve... Must obey... No escape..."

The slimy blackness that now ruled DynaBlack's brave soul engulfed the entirety of the enormous snail shell. He had fallen hopelessly into insanity and was doomed to spend all eternity in the dank, unending sewers.

The sound of his screams dwindled into nothingness as they disappeared into the murky depths. His wailing echoes resounded in the gloomy night as the void completely engulfed him.


DynaBlack's harrowing transformation was complete, and his grotesque new form slithered out of the giant snail shell. His body, once a symbol of heroic strength and courage, was now a twisted parody of its former self. His toned, muscular frame was covered in a layer of slimy, glistening ooze, each movement accompanied by the sickening sound of squelching flesh. His helmet, now sprouting grotesque snail stalks, added a final touch of horror to his corrupted visage.

The once-proud logo on his chest had transformed into a twisted snail shell, coiling in on itself in a sick mockery of his former symbol of justice. His groin, once a modest part of his suit, now dangled provocatively, dripping with the same viscous slime that covered the rest of his body. Every inch of him was a reminder of his humiliating defeat and enslavement.

The sewer tunnels carried DynaBlack's warped, gurgling voice. "I am... nothing but a slug... A pathetic, oozing creature... A slave to the slime..." . The same thick slime that covered the rest of his body now consumed the once powerful hero as he wallowed in self-pity and despair.

As he moved, his slimy body left a trail of ooze behind him, marking his path with the evidence of his degradation. His once powerful legs had merged and flattened, forcing him to slither along the ground like the creature he had become. His arms, too, had been transformed, flattening against his slime-covered body, leaving only his helmeted head as the last vestige of his old identity.

DynaBlack's mind was a whirlpool of self-loathing and obedience. "Must serve... Must obey... No escape..." he chanted, the words echoing through the tunnels like a mantra. Each repetition drove him deeper into madness, the remnants of his heroic spirit crushed under the weight of his slimy new form.

Slug Evo's laughter rang out from the shadows, a cruel and mocking sound filling the air. "Look at you, DynaBlack," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Once a proud hero, now reduced to this... this pitiful slug. How does it feel to be nothing more than a creature of slime?"

At Slug Evo's voice, DynaBlack's stalks twitched, but he was undefiant. "I am... a slave... A creature of slime..." he repeated. As a continual reminder of his newfound duty as a host for Slug Evo's warped creatures, he could feel the parasites moving and writhing within him.

His mind kept reciting its obedient mantra as he slithered through the tunnels. "Must serve... Must obey... No escape..." Each word pierced his spirit, a constant reminder of his downfall and the despair he felt.

He paused for a moment, his slimy form quivering as the parasites inside him grew more active. With a violent retch, he vomited out a small snail monster, its slimy body writhing in the muck at his feet. The sight filled him with a twisted sense of purpose. "I am... creating... More for Slug Evo... More slime... More parasites..." He whispered, sickly proud.

The parasites continued to pour out of his mouth, filling his helmet with their slimy presence. His visor cracked under the pressure, and with a sickening burst, the gooey horde spilled out, covering his face and oozing down his body. The sight was horrifying, a once-noble hero now reduced to a breeding ground for monstrous creatures.

DynaBlack's mind was lost in a sea of slime and madness. "I am... the slime... I am... the servant of Slug Evo..." His chanting speech was a warped reflection of his past self. He felt even more trapped by the dread of his new life as the shadows of the sewage tunnels around him.

Slug Evo's laughter grew louder, more triumphant. "You see, DynaBlack? This is your true purpose. To serve me, to create more slime, more parasites. You are nothing without the slime, nothing without me."

A glimpse of DynaBlack's old self fighting slime-induced madness flickered. "No... I was... a hero..." he whispered, but the words felt hollow, meaningless.

But Slug Evo said, "You were a hero," in a cold, mean voice. "Now, you are mine. Embrace your new form, your new purpose. You are DynaBlack no more. You are my slug."

The words echoed in DynaBlack's mind, and with a final, despairing cry, he surrendered to the slime. "I am... your slug... I am... nothing but slime..." chanting, he gurgled.

Slug Evo's eyes glinted with cruel satisfaction. "Good, my slimy servant. Now tell me, what should we do next?"

DynaBlack, now completely submerged in his grotesque transformation, responded without hesitation. "Capture... the others... Enslave them... Like me... Serve Slug Evo..."

Slug Evo's laughter was deafening, echoing off the walls of the sewer. "Excellent! You've embraced your new existence completely. And now, we shall move on to capturing the female heroes. They will make fine additions to my collection."

With DynaBlack's mindless obedience confirmed, Slug Evo felt an overwhelming sense of victory. His plan was coming to fruition, and with his new minion at his side, he would soon have the entire Dynaman Sentai team under his control.

DynaBlack kept repeating his new purpose as he slithered away, leaving only slime and a shattered visor. "Serve Slug Evo... Capture the others... Make more slime..."

In the end, there was only the darkness and the slime, a fitting end for a hero turned monster. DynaBlack's transformation was complete, and his new life as a depraved slug minion had begun.



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