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Determined to rescue his teammates, Ryan embarks on a perilous mission to locate JB and Kaitlin. However, corporate trickery and relentless ads disrupt his efforts, threatening to entrap him within ZiktorCorps’ clutches. As he battles dizzying obstacles and a looming fate similar to his friends', can Ryan overcome the corporate nightmare or will he too be swallowed by the system?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Ken K



Himekawo *

Joshua O’Neill

Eddie Hauck



Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Watch your career, Trooper!

Ryan Steele, clad in his new heroic costume, dashed through the rocky quarry, steeling his heart as a VR Trooper. His mind raced with thoughts of his missing teammates, Kaitlin and JB, and the ominous silence from his communicator only fueled his growing dread. Frustrated and desperate, he ripped the device from his wrist, smashing it against a rock to escape the ceaseless barrage of ads.

"No more," he mumbled, angry and exhausted. "I need to find Kaitlin and JB."

But as the shattered remnants of his communicator lay at his feet, Ryan heard a sinister chuckle echoing through the quarry. He spun around, his eyes widening in horror as a group of corporate-suited minions emerged from the shadows, their ties flapping in the wind like dark banners of malevolence.

One minions snarled, "Welcome, Ryan Steele," with hate. "We've been expecting you."

Before Ryan could react, the minions raised their weapons—Laser Pistols identical to those used by JB and Kaitlin. His heart sank as he recognized the familiar design, a sickening realization dawning upon him.

"How... how do you have those?" Ryan stammered, his voice trembling with shock.

Another minion grinned, brandishing a pair of Super Sabers. "Our friends JB and Kaitlin were very generous with their technology," he said mockingly. "And now, we'll use it to bring you to heel."

Ryan's blood ran cold as the minions opened fire, their Laser Pistols emitting beams of searing light. He barely had time to dodge, rolling to the side as the beams scorched the ground where he had stood moments before.

"You can't win, Ryan," one of the minions taunted. "Join ZiktorCorps and your suffering will end. We have great deals on loyalty and obedience."

Ryan gritted his teeth, drawing his sword and charging at the nearest minion. He swung his blade with all his might, but the minion deftly parried the blow with his Super Sabers, the blades crackling with energy.

"You think you can resist the power of corporate efficiency?" the minion sneered. "We've streamlined combat to a fine art."

Ryan battled to defeat the minion. However, the others approached him with Laser Pistols and insulted and jeered.

"Why struggle, Ryan?" one minion said, firing a shot that grazed Ryan's arm, searing his flesh. "ZiktorCorps offers fantastic benefits. Health insurance, retirement plans, and eternal servitude."

Another minion lunged at him with a Laser Lance, the weapon emitting a deadly hum as it sliced through the air. Ryan barely managed to dodge, feeling the heat of the lance as it passed inches from his face.

"Feel the power of ZiktorCorps' technology!" the minion roared, thrusting the lance at Ryan again.

Ryan swung his sword desperately, deflecting the lance just enough to avoid a fatal blow. But the minions were relentless, their attacks coordinated and merciless. Each time he tried to strike, they countered with brutal efficiency, their weapons crackling with energy.

"Join us, Ryan," one of the minions urged, firing another shot from his Laser Pistol. "We can even help you with those pesky debts."

Ryan felt a beam sear his leg, sending a jolt of pain through his body. He staggered, barely able to keep his balance as the minions closed in.

"Your friends have already seen the light," another minion said, slashing at Ryan with the Super Sabers. "They've embraced the future. Why don't you?"

Ryan's heart ached with the thought of Kaitlin and JB, their weapons now wielded by these corporate thugs. How had it come to this? How had his teammates been turned into tools of ZiktorCorps?

"Never!" Ryan shouted, mustering the last of his strength to fight back. "I'll never join you!"

But even as he spoke, the minions' taunts grew louder, their ads bombarding his mind with offers and deals, each one more insidious than the last.

"Sign up now and get a free upgrade to your Laser Saber!" one minion called out, firing a shot that narrowly missed Ryan's head.

"Act fast, and you'll receive a bonus on your first paycheck!" another added, slashing at him with the Super Sabers.

Pain and fatigue obscured Ryan's eyesight. His fatigued physique slowed him down. Corporate suits multiplied, their voices melding into an eruption of commercials and insults.

"Why pay more?" a third minion chimed in, brandishing the Laser Lance menacingly. "Get your debt-free package today, and receive a lifetime guarantee!"

"Buy one, get one free!" another minion shouted, firing his Laser Pistol. "Join us, and you'll never have to worry about those pesky hero duties again."

A beam charred Ryan's leg, causing discomfort. He swayed, unsteady as the minions approached.

"Limited time offer!" a fifth minion added, their voice dripping with false enthusiasm. "Sign up now, and get exclusive access to our premium services!"

Ryan's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay on his feet. He swung his sword desperately, but his attacks were slow, his strength waning.

"Give in, Ryan," another minion urged, thrusting the Laser Lance at him again. "ZiktorCorps is your future. Embrace it."

The lance's electric charge slashed Ryan's armor, causing him pain. Screaming in anguish, he knelt as the minions approached.

Desperate, Ryan summoned every ounce of his remaining strength and called out, "Laser Pistol, online!"

In a flash, his Laser Pistol materialized in his hand. With renewed determination, he fired at the nearest minion, the beam cutting through the air with precision. The minion staggered back, clutching his wound.

"Yes!" Ryan shouted, the tide of battle shifting slightly in his favor. He fired again, forcing the minions to scatter.

"Stay focused, Ryan," he muttered to himself, his mind racing with strategies. "You can do this."

The minions regrouped, their faces twisted in anger. "You'll pay for that, Steele," one of them growled, raising his Laser Pistol.

Ryan dodged the incoming fire, his movements more fluid now that he had a weapon to counter the minions' attacks. He shot back, hitting another minion in the leg and forcing him to the ground.

"Special deal just for you, Ryan!" a minion taunted, firing at him. "Join us and get a free upgrade to your armor!"

Ryan rolled to the side, avoiding the shot. "I'm not interested in your deals," he shouted, firing back and hitting the minion's weapon, disabling it.

"You can't keep this up forever," another minion sneered, slashing at Ryan with the Super Sabers. "You'll tire out eventually."

Ryan parried the attack with his Laser Pistol, using it to block the blades. "I won't stop until I free Kaitlin and JB," he declared, pushing the minion back with a powerful kick.

The minions circled him, their weapons ready, their voices still bombarding him with ads and promotions. "Join now and get a free bonus weapon!" one of them shouted, firing his Laser Pistol.

Ryan dodged and fired back, hitting the minion in the shoulder. "Enough with the ads!" he roared, his frustration boiling over.

The battle raged on, each side taking hits, each moment a struggle for survival. Ryan's strength was waning, but his determination kept him fighting. He couldn't let ZiktorCorps win. He couldn't let Kaitlin and JB's sacrifice be in vain.

"You're strong, Ryan," a minion said, firing at him. "But not strong enough. Join us and end this pointless struggle."

Ryan fired back, hitting the minion square in the chest. "I'll never join you," he said through gritted teeth. "Never."

But as the battle dragged on, Ryan's movements grew slower, his attacks less precise. The minions' relentless assault, combined with their constant barrage of ads and offers, wore him down.

Ryan Steele fought on, every muscle in his body straining as he battled the corporate-suited minions. Their relentless assault pressed in on him from all sides. His Laser Pistol was a blur of motion, firing shot after shot, but the minions' stolen VR Trooper weapons were proving too powerful and numerous.

"I need more firepower," Ryan muttered through gritted teeth. Summoning all his strength, he called out, "VR Shoulder Cannon, online!"

The heavy weapon materialized on his shoulder, and Ryan aimed at the mass of minions converging on him. He fired, the powerful blast cutting through the air. But to his horror, the minions split into two more minions each, using Kaitlin's Double Team technique to avoid the shot.

"That's impossible!" Ryan shouted, his voice filled with desperation. He fired again, but the minions continued to split and dodge, their mocking laughter echoing through the quarry.

"Feeling outmatched, Ryan?" one of the minions sneered. "ZiktorCorps always has a trick up its sleeve."

Before Ryan could respond, another minion roared past him on JB's Fighter Bike, its laser cannons blazing. The powerful blasts struck Ryan, knocking the VR Shoulder Cannon from his grasp. The weapon clattered to the ground, leaving him defenseless.

"You're just newbie for our office circle, Steele," the minion on the bike taunted, circling around for another pass.

Ryan staggered, his vision blurring from the pain. Desperate, he called out, "VR Blue Hawk, online!"

But before the words had fully left his mouth, he felt a constricting force around his helmet. Literal red tape bound his helmet, winding tighter and tighter until it was suffocating him, silencing his call for help. He clawed at the tape, but it was no use. It constricted like a vise, cutting off his air and blurring his vision even further.

Gasping for breath, Ryan was forced to turn around. His eyes widened in horror as he saw the main culprit, the villainous Salesmancer, emerging from the shadows. The Salesmancer’s grin was wide and mocking, his eyes glinting with malevolent glee.

"Welcome to ZiktorCorps, Ryan Steele," the Salesmancer said, his voice smooth and sinister. "Congratulations on having your friends JB and Kaitlin recommend you. They spoke highly of your talents."

"Ryan, it's Kaitlin," he communicator crackled with urgency. "We're in over our heads here. ZiktorCorps has us backed into a corner. They say they can help us, that joining them is the only way out. But I know you, Ryan. You're our leader, our hero. You can't let them win."

Ryan was devasted as the weight of Kaitlin's words hit him like a freight train. His friends were in trouble, and they believed joining ZiktorCorps was the only solution. The sense of betrayal cut deeper than any sword, leaving him reeling with disbelief and anger.

Ryan said, "No... it can't be," shaking with emotion. "They wouldn't hurt me. Not after everything we've endured."

Another voice—JB's—broke the static. "Ryan, we need you," JB said, his voice empty and dejected. "They trapped us. Our debt is overwhelming. ZiktorCorps promised to help us pay it off if we work there. If you join us, we may end this horror."

Ryan was utterly shocked. "You... you did this to them," he rasped, the red tape squeezing tighter.

The Salesmancer chuckled. "They saw the value in what we offer. They wanted to pay off their debts, just like you will."

Ryan struggled, gasping for breath. "No... I won't..."

The Salesmancer’s grin widened. "You can, and you will. The sooner you accept your fate, the sooner you can start repaying that debt."

Ryan was weakened by the minions' weapons. "Join us, Ryan," teased. "Think about the benefits! Health insurance, retirement, and no heroism."

Ryan’s vision dimmed. He had to fight back, but his strength was crumbling. Summoning his last bit of will, he reached for his Laser Pistol, but his voice was muffled by the tape. The minions kicked the weapon away, their laughter echoing in his ears.

"You’re ours now, Steele," one of them said, raising his Laser Pistol for the final shot. "Welcome to the team."

Ryan’s vision darkened completely, but before he could fully succumb, the ground beneath him began to shake. An evil, giant corporate building tower rose from the ground, its ominous silhouette casting a long shadow over the quarry. The minions stepped back, their faces filled with malevolent glee.

The Salesmancer stepped forward, unfurling a length of red tape like a whip. "You’re not going anywhere, Ryan," he hissed, striking Ryan with the tape. The force of the blow sent Ryan sprawling, pain searing through his body.

Ryan tried to crawl towards his fallen Laser Pistol, but the Salesmancer’s tape lashed out again, wrapping around him and slamming him to the ground. Over and over, the Salesmancer whipped him, each strike more brutal than the last.

"Welcome to your new home," the Salesmancer sneered, summoning JB’s Techno Bazooka. He aimed the weapon at Ryan, the power humming ominously. "Time to finish this."

Ryan’s eyes widened in horror as the bazooka fired, the blast hitting him squarely. The force of the explosion sent him flying towards the gaping void of the building’s lobby entrance. The void seemed to suck him in, the corporate hell swallowing him alive.

"Nooooo!" Ryan’s scream echoed through the air as he was pulled into the darkness. The last thing he saw was the triumphant face of the Salesmancer, and the last thing he heard was the mocking laughter of the minions.

As Ryan was swallowed by the void, the towering building loomed over the quarry, a monument to the corporate nightmare that had claimed him. His fate was sealed, trapped in a debt he could never repay, condemned to a life of servitude under ZiktorCorps. The hero’s journey had ended, not in glory, but in the cold, unyielding grip of corporate evil.


As he crossed the threshold, Ryan found himself trapped in a sterile, windowless office cubicle, the walls closing in around him like a suffocating embrace. The corporate speaker crackled to life once more, its soulless voice echoing through the empty space.

"Congratulations, Ryan Steele," it intoned, its words dripping with false sincerity. "You have been chosen as the newest recruit to ZiktorCorps. Your dedication to our cause is truly commendable, and we look forward to harnessing your talents for the betterment of our organization."

Ryan's fists clenched with fury, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Betrayed by his friends, ensnared by corporate greed, he felt a sense of hopelessness creeping in. But even in the face of despair, a spark of determination flickered within him.

He said, "I won't let them win," a defiant murmur amid the suffocating quiet. "No matter what, I'll escape. When I do, Kaitlin, JB, I'll end this nightmare at whatever cost."

As Ryan Steele stood trapped in the sterile confines of the office cubicle, his surroundings seemed to warp and twist around him. The once lifeless walls now teemed with writhing, serpentine creatures, their oily black forms undulating with sinister intent. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the ominous hiss of the parasites filled Ryan's ears, drowning out all other sound.

With a surge of adrenaline, Ryan brandished his Laser Saber sword, its brilliant blade cutting through the darkness with searing intensity. He swung with all his might, cleaving through the creatures with each powerful stroke. But for every one he struck down, two more seemed to take its place, their numbers swelling with each passing moment.

"No... no way no how!" Ryan growled through gritted teeth, his voice laced with desperation. "I won't let you take me. I won't become one of you!"

But the parasitic creatures showed no signs of relenting, their insidious forms slithering ever closer, their hungry eyes fixed on their prey. With a sickening realization, Ryan understood their intentions—they sought to ensnare him, to bind him in an inescapable web of darkness.

Ryan battled fiercely, slashing and chopping as the beasts drew in. Despite his attempts, he could feel their sticky tendrils creeping up his armored suit and constricting around his neck like a noose.

"No! Get off me!" Ryan roared, his voice echoing through the empty cubicle. "I'm not your slave. No surrender!"

But even as he struggled, the corporate speaker crackled to life once more, its cold, mechanical voice cutting through the chaos.

"Attention, ZiktorCorp employees," it intoned, its words sending a chill down Ryan's spine. "As per company policy, all new recruits are required to wear the standard employee attire, starting with the parasitic corporate tie. Resistance is futile. Embrace your new identity."

Ryan's blood ran cold as he realized the true horror of his situation. The creatures weren't just invaders—they were the embodiment of ZiktorCorp's insidious influence, a symbol of the corporate greed that threatened to consume him whole.

"No... I won't let you control me," Ryan spat, his defiance ringing through the darkness. "I'll fight you with every last breath in my body. I'll never surrender."

Ryan knew his battle would continue as the parasites suffocated him. He fought for his soul in the darkness, a war unlike any he had ever experienced.

Ryan Steele’s mind was a storm of confusion and despair. He couldn't believe what was happening to him, to his friends. Each relentless purchase button press had drained his energy and resolve, and the mounting debt was a crushing weight on his soul. With a final, shuddering click, the realization hit him like a sledgehammer: he was trapped in a debt so astronomical that it would take more than a century to repay. His Laser Saber, the symbol of his heroism, slipped from his grasp and clattered to the cold, sterile floor of the cubicle. He sank to his knees, feeling the oppressive weight of his new existence bearing down on him.

The corporate speaker crackled to life again, its mechanical voice filled with a sinister, mocking glee. “Congratulations, Ryan Steele. Your dedication to ZiktorCorps is truly commendable. However, your purchases have incurred a debt that, unfortunately, exceeds your financial capabilities.”

Ryan’s vision blurred, his strength ebbing away. “No... this can’t be happening... I can’t be trapped like this...”

The speaker continued, mercilessly hammering his psyche. “But fear not, valued employee. ZiktorCorps offers an alternative to repaying your debt. By becoming an obedient and dedicated employee for the rest of your life, you can work off your debt. Join your fellow VR Troopers, JB and Kaitlin, who have already embraced this new path.”

Uncontrolled dread gripped Ryan. His buddies' lifeless, cold tones came to mind. Kaitlin and JB, his trusted comrades, had been turned into corporate servants, their noble aspirations turned into a nightmare of slavery.

“No... Kaitlin... JB...” Ryan whispered, the weight of betrayal and despair crushing his spirit. “They were forced into this... and now it’s happening to me.”

“Correct, Ryan Steele,” the speaker droned on. “By accepting your role within ZiktorCorps, you will assist in maintaining the company’s operations and enforcing our policies. Your skills as a VR Trooper will be invaluable as you transition from hero to corporate enforcer.”

The parasitic ties continued to constrict around him, their grip a permanent fixture of his enslavement. Ryan’s mind raced, trying to find a way out, but the walls of the cubicle seemed to close in, suffocating him with their oppressive presence.

“I won’t do it,” Ryan said, his voice growing louder with each word. “I’m a hero. I fight for justice, not to become a corporate thug. I won’t shift my heroism to serve your greed!”

But the speaker’s voice continued, relentless and unyielding. “Attention, ZiktorCorp employees. Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts on our premium products. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers! Upgrade your gear, enhance your performance, and achieve the success you deserve!”

Ryan’s hands shook as he tried to resist the pull of the parasitic ties. His vision blurred, the flashing ads and the incessant drone of the speaker overwhelming his senses. He could feel his willpower slipping away, the siren call of the purchase button growing ever more irresistible.

“No... I won’t do it,” he gasped, his voice weak and desperate. “I won’t become a puppet. I won’t let them take control.”

But the ties tightened their grip, their sinister influence seeping into his very being. His hand moved involuntarily towards the large, flashing purchase button that dominated the cubicle wall, the pull of the corporate machine too strong to resist.

“Congratulations, Ryan Steele!” the speaker declared with mock enthusiasm. “Your purchase has been processed. Welcome to the elite ranks of ZiktorCorps customers. Your debt has been adjusted accordingly.”

Ryan was utterly shocked as he watched his debt ranking skyrocket on the screen before him. Each new product he was forced to purchase added to the towering mountain of debt that loomed over him, a crushing weight that threatened to smother his very soul.

“No... no, this can’t be,” Ryan murmured, his willpower faltering. "Can't let them win. I won't let them change me."

“Ryan Steele, your dedication is inspiring. Keep purchasing and achieve the success you deserve. Embrace your new identity and join the elite ranks of ZiktorCorps. Your future is bright!”

Ryan’s fingers trembled as he pressed the purchase button again and again, each click a nail in the coffin of his independence. The parasitic ties tightened their grip, their oily tendrils wrapping around his neck and constricting his breath.

“Join the ZiktorCorps family today,” the speaker droned, its voice a hollow mockery of sincerity. “Your dedication and hard work will be rewarded. Embrace your new identity and achieve the success you've always dreamed of.”

Ryan’s vision swam with ads and numbers as the debt weight crushed him. He could feel his will slipping away, the relentless tide of consumerism washing over him and pulling him under.

But even as he clung to that fragile thread of hope, the corporate machine continued its assault, hammering his mind with ads and deals, drowning out his defiance with the siren call of consumerism.

“Ryan Steele, congratulations on your latest purchase! Your dedication to ZiktorCorps is truly commendable. Keep shopping to unlock even more exclusive rewards and benefits!”

With each new purchase, Ryan felt himself sinking deeper into the quagmire of debt and despair. The parasitic ties constricted his movementsas part of his enslavement to the corporate machine. His mind reeled with the relentless barrage of ads, his thoughts a chaotic jumble of numbers and offers, each one more tempting and insidious than the last.

He pleaded, “Help me... someone, please,” in the darkness. "Need to find a way out. They must be saved.”

The business machine's marketing and bargains threatened to swamp him. His imagination replayed the speaker's speech, a siren call of his imprisonment and debt he could not escape.

“Ryan Steele, your dedication is inspiring. Keep purchasing and achieve the success you deserve. Embrace your new identity and join the elite ranks of ZiktorCorps. Your future is bright!”

As the parasitic ties tightened their grip and the ads continued to bombard him, Ryan felt his hope slipping away. He was trapped in a nightmare of consumerism and debt, a victim of the corporate machine that showed no mercy and offered no escape.

But even in the depths of despair, a spark of defiance burned within him. He would not give up. He would find a way to break free. He would save Kaitlin and JB, no matter the cost.

The corporate speaker droned on. “Your purchases are adding up, Ryan Steele. Each one bringing you closer to true success. Join the ranks of the elite. Wear the tie with pride.”

The parasitic ties slithered tighter around Ryan’s neck, his willpower waning under the relentless assault of ads and corporate jargon. He struggled, muscles straining, but the ties were unyielding.

Desperation clawed at him, and he looked down at his Laser Saber lying on the floor. It was his symbol of hope, his weapon against the darkness. With a surge of determination, he reached out to grab it, but the cubicle walls seemed to sense his intent.

The walls shifted, closing in on the Laser Saber. Ryan watched in horror as mechanical arms extended from the walls, crushing his weapon with a sickening crunch. The display above him flickered, showing a minuscule reduction in his debt—barely an hour off his century-long sentence.

“No!” Ryan shouted, his voice filled with anguish and rage. “The worth of that weapon is far more than this! You can’t just—”

“Your Laser Saber has been processed as part of your debt repayment,” the corporate speaker interrupted, its tone devoid of empathy. “The value of your weapon has been assessed and applied accordingly. Continue to make purchases to further reduce your debt.”

Ryan's heart beat as he realized his powerlessness. Mentally and physically bound, his every resistance was twisted and used against him.

He said, “This isn’t over,” shaking but determined. "Will find a way to save Kaitlin and JB. You won't control me."

But the speaker continued its relentless barrage, offering deals and discounts, each one another link in the chain that bound him. Ryan’s mind swam with the weight of his debt, the crushing realization that his life was no longer his own.

“I have to believe,” he whispered to himself, clinging to the last vestiges of hope. “I have to find a way out. For Kaitlin, for JB, and for myself.”


Ryan's courage felt meaningless now without his Laser Saber, and the parasitic tie around his neck like a noose controlled him against his will. The brutal reality of his new life manifested with a hovering contract document, its pages flinging out one by one. His wrist communicator, previously discarded at the quarry, reappeared, now marked with the ZiktorCorps logo. It had become their property, and each weapon or heroic item summoned was sucked into the papers as part of his new corporate employee contract.

Ryan watched in horror as his arsenal was systematically stripped away:

"Virtualizer – Property of ZiktorCorps. Integrated into your employee contract."

The Virtualizer, his device for transforming into a VR Trooper, vanished into a page, the ink sealing its fate.

“No, not my Virtualizer!” he cried out, desperation edging his voice. “I need that to fight!”

"Video Transmitter – Property of ZiktorCorps. Integrated into your employee contract."

The Video Transmitter disappeared next. Trauma hit Ryan's mind even further as the corporate speaker continued.

"Laser Fist Command – Used by Ryan Steele in emergencies. Now restricted and monitored by ZiktorCorps."

Each mention of his abilities being taken and repurposed felt like a blow to his spirit.

"Lightning Laser Command – Also known as the ‘Lightning Hand Command’. Now restricted and monitored by ZiktorCorps."

Ryan’s hands clenched into fists. “These are my abilities! I fight for justice, not for some greedy corporation!”

"Internal Gyro Command – Enhances Ryan’s overall speed, kicks, and punches. Now restricted and monitored by ZiktorCorps."

The speaker droned on, itemizing his arsenal being stripped away:

"VR Skybase, VR Battlecruiser, VR Interceptor, VR Base, VR Turbo Cycle – All property of ZiktorCorps. Integrated into your employee contract."

Ryan stood exposed and powerless. “You can’t take this from me! I’m supposed to protect people with these, not serve you!”

The parasitic tie tightened, its grip suffocating. “Your heroism is now part of your corporate duties, Ryan Steele. Embrace your new role.”

Ryan’s hands shook with rage and despair. “I won’t do it. I’m a hero. I fight for justice, not to become a corporate thug. I won’t shift my heroism to serve your greed!”

But the speaker’s voice continued, relentless and unyielding. “Attention, ZiktorCorp employees. Enjoy exclusive deals and discounts on our premium products. Don’t miss out on these limited-time offers! Upgrade your gear, enhance your performance, and achieve the success you deserve!”

Ryan's fingers twitched struggling to overcome the parasitic bonds. Flashing advertising and the speaker's constant drone obscured his eyes. He could feel his control eroding as the buy button became increasingly attractive.

“No... I won’t do it,” he gasped, his voice weak and desperate. “I won’t become a puppet. I won’t let them take control.”

But the ties tightened their grip, their sinister influence seeping into his very being. His hand moved involuntarily towards the large, flashing purchase button that dominated the cubicle wall, the pull of the corporate machine too strong to resist.

“Congratulations, Ryan Steele!” the speaker declared with mock enthusiasm. “Your purchase has been processed. Welcome to the elite ranks of ZiktorCorps customers. Your debt has been adjusted accordingly.”

The parasitic tie tightened further. Ads and discount offers blared from the cubicle walls, numbing his mind into a jumbled mess. The ads urged him to purchase ZiktorCorps products, each press of the button draining his energy and pushing him deeper into debt.

Ryan instinctively pressed buy. “Help me...someone, please,” he pleaded.

"Congratulations, Ryan Steele! Your purchase has been processed. Welcome to the elite ranks of ZiktorCorps customers. Your debt has been adjusted accordingly."

Ryan’s debt ranking skyrocketed. He groaned, “No...no, this can’t be.”

The speaker continued. "Ryan Steele, your dedication is inspiring. Keep purchasing and achieve the success you deserve. Embrace your new identity and join the lowly contract employee ranks of ZiktorCorps."

His mind reeled, the ads and the speaker’s voice overwhelming his senses. He could feel his willpower slipping away. “No... I won’t do it. I won’t let them take control.”

He was forced to comply as the clamps tightened. He reached for the big, flashing buy button.

With each forced purchase, his debt grew. The realization of his trapped existence crushed his spirit. “This is wrong. These are my weapons, my abilities. I’m supposed to protect people, not serve a corporation!”

Ryan's eyes burned with determination. “I won’t become a corporate thug. I’ll find a way out. I’ll save them, and I’ll be free.”

The corporate tie-necked VR Ryan sat hunched over in his cubicle, the sterile surroundings a stark contrast to the vibrant world he once knew. The walls were adorned with motivational posters and corporate slogans, their hollow promises mocking his futile attempts at resistance.

Ryan grumbled, "Another day, another dollar," exhausted and depressed.

His once-trusted weapons and equipment were now nothing more than distant memories, stripped away by the insidious contract that bound him to ZiktorCorps. Each item, siphoned off to repay a fraction of his debt, served as a cruel reminder of his powerlessness.

To his horror, VR Ryan realized that even his most basic needs were now subject to the whims of the corporation. His meager earnings barely covered the cost of food and shelter, leaving little hope of ever escaping the suffocating grip of debt.

"Looks like it's ramen noodles for dinner again," he sighed, the resignation evident in his voice.

His thoughts of repayment took over as he worked in his cubicle. The relentless pursuit of financial freedom drove every task, no matter how mundane. But with each passing day, his debt only seemed to grow, a relentless force that threatened to consume him whole.

"I'll never be able to repay this debt at this rate," Ryan muttered, his frustration boiling over. "It's like they want me to be indebted to them forever."

Heroic battles and noble missions were over. In their place was a shattered person, crushed by debt. The brutal reality of his predicament shattered his hopes of escape.

As if his parasitic tie wasn't evil enough, sinister sludge began to ooze from the cubicle walls, coalescing into a formless mass that hungered for VR Ryan's armored form. The once-heroic trooper watched in horror as the muck transformed, taking on the shape of a sleek corporate employee suit, its edges shimmering with malevolent intent.

"This...I can't believe this is happening," Ryan trembled in fear.

He tried to summon his weapons, his mind clouded with panic, but the goop moved too swiftly, ensnaring him in its sticky embrace.

"Get off me!" he yelled into the empty cubicle.

His protests went unanswered as the sludge wrapped around his legs and crept up. The thick, sticky liquid stuck to his armor despite his efforts to shake it off.

Ryan's pulse raced as perspiration gathered on his forehead under the helmet. As it crawled up his torso, the muck's chilly, clammy touch gave him chills. He desperately searched for something to release himself. No tools or weapons were in the cubicle.

Ryan sensed the slime's malice as it neared his waist. It was attempting to absorb and change him, not simply paralyze him. He clinched his teeth and attempted to move his legs, but the sludge held him fast.

He yelled "No, no, no!" in frustration and horror.

The muck continued its relentless advance, covering his chest and arms. He could feel its cold touch seeping through the gaps in his armor, chilling his skin beneath. He tried to summon the strength to fight back, but his limbs felt heavy and sluggish, as if the slime was sapping his energy.

With every passing second, the mucus tightened its grip, wrapping around his neck and creeping up toward his helmet. Ryan’s breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay conscious. The world around him began to blur, the edges of his vision darkening.

In a desperate attempt to free himself, he lashed out with his fist, hoping to dislodge the goop. But his punch only seemed to anger it, and it tightened its grip even further, squeezing the air from his lungs.

"I won’t die like this," he moaningly said.

But his defiance was met with silence as the slime covered his helmet, blocking out the light and plunging him into darkness. He could feel it seeping into the seams of his armor, invading every crevice, every gap.

As the muck solidified around him, it began to take on a new form. The clean, angular lines of a corporate uniform took the place of his VR Trooper suit's sleek, armored lines. The once-heroic armor was now a skintight corporate attire, its dark fabric glistening with a sinister sheen.

Ryan could feel the transformation taking place, the sludge molding itself to his body, reshaping his armor into something new. He could feel the weight of the corporate tie around his neck, its grip as tight as a noose. The fabric clung to his skin, suffocating him, as if trying to erase every trace of his former self.

"Please, no," he whispered, hidden in the muck.

The transformation was almost complete. The mucus ate up the last bits of his armor, leaving him completely covered in the corporate uniform. The once-heroic VR Trooper was now a prisoner of ZiktorCorps, his body and mind enslaved by the malevolent force.

Ryan thought of a frigid, metallic voice after the snot dried. The corporate speaker's tone was venomous.

"Congratulations, Ryan Steele," it intoned, "you have been successfully integrated into ZiktorCorps. Your new attire signifies your commitment to our cause. You will now serve as a loyal employee, dedicated to repaying your debt and furthering the goals of our esteemed corporation."

Trauma hit Ryan's mind even as the words echoed in his mind. He had been defeated, his heroic spirit crushed beneath the weight of the corporate machine. The grim reality of his new life had overshadowed his dreams of freedom, which were now nothing more than distant memories.

The muck tightened its grip, its touch cold and unyielding. Ryan could feel his thoughts growing muddled, his willpower slipping away. As a result of corporate slogans and propaganda, the once-clear lines between right and wrong started to haze.

"Your debt must be repaid," the voice continued, "and as an employee of ZiktorCorps, you will work tirelessly to achieve that goal. Your skills and abilities will be used to further our interests, and you will be compensated accordingly."

The idea of becoming a tool for the very corporation he had fought against sent Ryan's mind reeling. He could feel the weight of his debt pressing down on him, an insurmountable burden that threatened to crush him.

"No..."I can't," he gasped.

Slime tightened, cutting out his complaints. His thoughts were drowned by the corporate speaker's speech.

"Your compliance is mandatory," it intoned, "and resistance is futile. Embrace your new role, Ryan Steele, and you will find purpose and fulfillment in your service to ZiktorCorps."

Ryan's willpower waned as darkness fell. The once-heroic VR Trooper was now a company pawn, his will weakened and soul devastated.

Muck was cold and suffocating. Darkness made Ryan weak and obscured his eyesight.

In his dying seconds of awareness, he saw the agreement draining his equipment and weapons. Being stripped of his Virtualizer, Video Transmitter, and Laser Saber left him vulnerable and impotent.

Cold slime strengthened its hold, choking. As the business tie stretched around his neck like a noose, Ryan's strength and eyesight dimmed.

As darkness fell, Ryan thought about Kaitlin and JB, his close friends. They showed gloom and sorrow on their faces. They too were victims of the capitalist system, their great spirits shattered by debt.

Realizing their misery broke Ryan's heart. They had to betray him and refer him to ZiktorCorps to relieve their obligations. Now he was locked in the same nightmare, doomed by the corporate system.

The corporate speaker's voice echoed in his mind, its tone cold and unfeeling. It intoned, "You are now one of our employees-in-training."

As the darkness swallowed him whole, Ryan's last thoughts were of his friends and the heroic mission they had once shared. He had failed them, and now he was condemned to a life of servitude, his once-bright future overshadowed by the grim reality of his new existence.


The gaudy corporate chair materialized from the cubicle floor, its presence suffused with an ominous aura that sent shivers down Ryan's spine. It emitted a powerful sucking force, drawing him inexorably closer with each passing moment.

"No! Let me go!" Ryan's voice cracked with raw terror, his screams echoing off the sterile walls of the cubicle. "Get off me, you... you soulless monstrosity!"

But the chair's hold only tightened, its parasitic embrace draining his strength with every passing second. Panic surged through Ryan's veins as he fought against the invisible grip, his struggles futile against the relentless pull of the chair.

Ryan fought hard, yet he was already doomed as his corporate-tied cocoon betrayed him, siphoning his standing power and sucking his energy. He tried to fight back, attempting to punch the chair to break it, but it was the gravest mistake. The chair swiveled and slapped Ryan instead on his helmet before lunging at him, forcing him eventually to sit on its parasitic embrace.

"Someone, please! Help me!" Ryan's voice trembled with desperation, his screams lost in the empty expanse of the cubicle. "I won't... I won't be your prisoner!"

The cold, unfeeling voice of the corporate speaker crackled to life once more, its words chilling to the bone.

"Welcome, Ryan Steele. Your seat is now secured. Begin your work."

Ryan was utterly shocked as the weight of his entrapment settled upon him. His once-heroic resolve crumbled in the face of the corporate machine's relentless grip.

But there was no escape. The chair's grip tightened further, sealing his fate as a pawn in the corporate machine's cruel game. His heroic spirit was crushed, his will shattered by the overwhelming power of ZiktorCorps.

In his final moments of defiance, Ryan's thoughts turned to his friends, Kaitlin and JB. They too had fallen victim to the corporation's insidious influence, their fates intertwined with his own in a web of despair.

Ryan Steele, your service can now start."

And with those words, Ryan's transformation was complete. The once-proud VR Trooper was now a mere shell of his former self, trapped in the soulless embrace of corporate servitude.


As the dust settled in the corporate realm, the dark epilogue unfolded. The VR Troopers' valiant efforts had all been for naught. Their once mighty spirits, now broken and subdued, succumbed to the insidious grip of Salesmancer and ZiktorCorps.

In a brutal, oppressively sterile office, Ryan sat trapped forever in his cubicle. The parasitic corporate chair of doom latched onto him, its tendrils coiling around his form. He typed endlessly on his computer, the screen casting a sickly radiation glow that brainwashed him with each passing second. His helmet visor fed the radiation directly into his brain, ensuring his complete submission. The skintight corporate tie suit attire clung to his armored heroic form beneath, a cruel mockery of his once proud identity. His dialogue had shifted to an endless obsession with debt and servitude.

"I must... balance the books... meet the quotas... reduce the debt..." Ryan's voice droned on, devoid of emotion, a mere echo of his former self.

To his left and right, Kaitlin and JB shared the same fate. Their armored heroic forms were equally cocooned by form-fitting, humiliating corporate attire. Unlike Ryan, their helmets were absent, allowing the parasitic ties to siphon off any potential escape urges directly from their minds. The ties pulsed rhythmically, draining their willpower and subduing their thoughts.

Kaitlin's eyes, once sharp and filled with determination, now stared blankly at her screen. "Increase productivity... maximize efficiency... serve ZiktorCorps..." She chanted monotonously, without any fire.

JB, who had always been a source of strength and resilience, now mirrored his comrades' despair. "Submit reports... follow directives... serve the company...His speech came out robotically, and his voice sounded empty.

As members of ZiktorCorps's employee circle, the VR Troopers were plagued with a miserable existence that buried their heroic selves behind corporate squalor. They were mentally and spiritually chained to the inflexible corporate machine.

In unison, their voices chanted, a chilling chorus that echoed through the soulless office. "Serve ZiktorCorps... serve ZiktorCorps... serve ZiktorCorps..."

The cry persisted, serving as a primal demonstration of their inviolable servitude. Despite their heroic battles against evil, the VR Troopers were reduced to mere tools in ZiktorCorps's wicked machinery. Their bravery was lost, their will crushed, and they were doomed to serve the sinister company that had captured them.



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