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Once proud VR Troopers, JB and Kaitlin fall prey to the sinister Salesmancer and ZiktorCorps. Stripped of their powers and isolated in endless cubicles, they become addicted to corporate products and their crushing debt. Desperation drives them to contemplate betrayal, transforming from heroes to corporate slaves.

With their heroic pasts erased, they chant their devotion to ZiktorCorps, urging others to accept the same fate. Now, only their cubicles and debts remain.

Is there a way to break free, or are they permanently on the payroll of doom?

PS: this arc with three chapters has been one of the longest work in the recent months, I pondered to make it four-chapter story instead, but no! Here's for you enjoyment!
PS, the sequel: I just realized VR Troopers' Battle Grid suits are basically reworked MMPR costumes, so they looks similar!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Ken K



Himekawo *

Joshua O’Neill

Eddie Hauck



Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Sale, sale, sale!

Launching themselves out of the virtual reality vortex exit, JB and Kaitlin in their VR Trooper Battle Grid mode suits found themselves in a nightmarish dimension. The once pristine landscape of the Battle Grid was now corrupted, with grotesque corporate propaganda posters and ads melded into the very fabric of the world. Neon lights flickered ominously, casting eerie shadows that danced across the distorted terrain.

As they transformed into their Battle Grid mode suits, JB and Kaitlin exchanged uneasy glances, heightened by the palpable foreboding that hung in the air. With each step, they felt the oppressive weight of Salesmancer's influence pressing down upon them, threatening to consume them whole.

"This... this isn't right," JB said. "The Battle Grid... it's been twisted into something... sinister."

Kaitlin nodded in agreement, her eyes darting nervously around their surroundings. "I-I can feel it too, JB. It's like we've stepped into a nightmare."

Their words echoed hollowly in the corrupted void, the once vibrant colors of the Battle Grid now muted and lifeless. They knew they had to proceed cautiously, for danger lurked around every corner in this twisted realm of deceit and manipulation.

Suddenly, without warning, they were ambushed by Salesmancer's minions – slick-tongued hucksters armed with persuasive pitches and slick presentations. The air was filled with the cacophony of their screeches, each word dripping with honeyed promises and false assurances.

"Step right up, Troopers! Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" one minion screeched, his voice like a shockwave assaulting JB and Kaitlin's minds.

"Invest in your future today! Fortune favors the bold!" another chimed in, his words ringing with persuasive authority, causing JB and Kaitlin to convulse with each corrupting zap.

Caught off guard by the onslaught of persuasive rhetoric, JB and Kaitlin found themselves disoriented and vulnerable. The minions' silver tongues twisted their thoughts, leading them astray and sowing seeds of doubt within their minds.

No... this is fake. We must concentrate, Kaitlin!" JB shouted, struggling.

But Kaitlin's resolve was faltering, her eyes clouded with uncertainty. "I-I know, JB, but... it's hard to resist. They're playing with our minds..."

Desperate to regain control, JB and Kaitlin fought against the tide of manipulation, their minds a battleground of conflicting emotions. But in this twisted realm of consumerism and greed, the allure of false promises and hollow dreams could break even the strongest wills.

As the relentless barrage of persuasive rhetoric continued to assault their minds, JB and Kaitlin succumbed to the insidious influence of Salesmancer's minions. Their thoughts became clouded, their movements jerky and uncoordinated as the corrupting zaps of the minion's screeches wreaked havoc on their brains.

"We have to... buy... must have... the product..." JB muttered, his voice a hollow echo of his former self as he stumbled forward, eyes glazed over with consumerism hunger.

Kaitlin nodded, her movements mirroring JB's as she echoed his sentiments. "Yes... must buy... must consume... it's the only way..."

Their voices were barely audible over the cacophony of screeching minions, each word dripping with the poison of false promises and hollow dreams. In their minds, the urge to purchase, consume, and possess grew stronger with each passing moment, overshadowing all reason and logic.

"We must destroy... the minions... they're the source... of our corruption..." JB growled, his words tinged with aggression as he turned towards the nearest minion, fists clenched in determination.

Kaitlin nodded in agreement, her eyes blazing with newfound fervor as she joined JB in the assault. "Yes... we must eliminate... the temptation... before it consumes us..."

But even as they fought against the minions, a sinister undercurrent of mistrust began to simmer beneath the surface. In the twisted realm of Salesmancer's influence, every ally was seen as a competitor, every friend a potential threat to their own desires.

"Why do you hesitate, JB?" Kaitlin sneered, her voice laced with suspicion as she eyed him warily. "Are you not committed to the cause? To the pursuit of success and prosperity?"

JB's eyes narrowed, a flicker of doubt crossing his features as he regarded Kaitlin with a mixture of uncertainty and distrust. "I-I am committed... but are you truly on our side? Or do you seek to undermine our efforts for your own gain?"

Their words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their once unbreakable bond. In the twisted realm of Salesmancer's influence, even the strongest friendships could be torn asunder by the allure of false promises and hollow dreams.

The influence of the Salesmancer's minions persisted in warping JB and Kaitlin's minds, twisting their desires and thoughts until greed consumed them. The once stalwart defenders of justice now found themselves at odds with each other, their minds clouded by the promise of amazing deals and discounts.

"We must... attack... each other..." JB snarled in anguish as he watched Kaitlin. "For the... discounts... the deals... they are too good to resist..."

Kaitlin nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with a frenzied hunger as she raised her fists in preparation for the assault. "Yes... we must... seize the opportunity... before it's too late..."

The continuous barrage of changing ads drowned out their voices, each one urging them to turn on their ally in pursuit of the ultimate bargain. With each passing moment, their resolve wavered, their minds consumed by the insatiable thirst for wealth and prosperity.

Meanwhile, the minions continued hammering the VR Troopers with their heavy corporate briefcases, their attacks relentless and unyielding. They were invulnerable to the distracted and conflicted Troopers, their loyalty to Salesmancer unwavering even in the face of their comrades' betrayal.

"Attack... attack... for the discounts... for the deals..." the minions chanted in unison, their voices blending together in a sinister chorus of persuasion. "Turn on each other... and claim your prize..."

The VR Troopers hesitated, their minds a battleground of conflicting emotions as they struggled to resist the urge to attack. But in the end, the promise of wealth and prosperity proved too tempting to ignore, and they launched themselves at each other recklessly.

Blows rained down upon them, each one delivered with the force of their greed-fueled frenzy. They fought with a ferocity born of desperation, their minds clouded by the false promises of the ads surrounding them.

"We must... defeat... each other..." JB grunted, his fists flying as he traded blows with Kaitlin. "For the deals... for the discounts... we must..."

Kaitlin nodded grimly, her own attacks landing with brutal precision as she fought to subdue her former ally. "Yes... we must... destroy... for the prizes... for the rewards..."

The chaos of battle drowned out their words, the sound of their blows echoing off the walls of the corrupted virtual reality world. Even the strongest bonds could break in the twisted world of Salesmancer's influence due to the allure of false promises and hollow dreams. And as the battle raged on, the VR Troopers found themselves consumed by greed, their minds lost to the insidious influence of the corporate machine.

JB and Kaitlin were insanely greedy. They yelled at one other in desperation and distrust, seeing each other as rivals for the best offers.

"These deals are mine, Kaitlin! You won't take them from me!" JB's voice thundered, his eyes ablaze with greed as he charged forward, fists clenched.

Kaitlin, her laughter twisted into a maniacal frenzy, dodged JB's attacks and launched her own counteroffensive. "You're delusional, JB! These deals belong to me, and me alone! I won't let you stand in my way!"

The minions watched with sadistic glee, their laughter echoing through the corrupted virtual reality world as they reveled in the chaos they had wrought. With each swing of their heavy corporate briefcases, they hammered JB and Kaitlin relentlessly, their attacks unyielding and relentless.

The allure of false promises and hollow dreams clouded the VR Troopers' minds amid the chaos. Greed consumed them, and their desires led them down a perilous and dark path. Yet deep down, a sense of unease and peril gnawed at them.

"I must... resist..." JB mumbled, barely heard in the hubbub. But money threatened to overpower him, and he wavered.

Kaitlin nodded, her own doubts clawing at her resolve. "Yes, we must resist... but it's so tempting..."

As the battle escalated, JB and Kaitlin found themselves entangled in a haze of corruption and desire. Their shouts of desperation morphed into ecstatic moans, their voices echoing through the corrupted virtual reality world. Each deal, each promise of wealth, sent shivers of pleasure down their spines, clouding their minds with insatiable lust.

"Oh, yes! More deals, more wealth!" JB cried out, his voice thick with desire as he stumbled forward, his body trembling with anticipation.

Kaitlin's laughter turned into breathless moans of ecstasy as she danced amidst the chaos, her movements erratic and wild. "Give me everything! I want it all!"

The minions watched with sadistic glee, their laughter mingling with the moans of the corrupted VR Troopers as they reveled in the spectacle before them. With each swing of their heavy briefcases, they urged JB and Kaitlin deeper into the abyss of their desires, their attacks fueling the flames of greed that consumed their souls.

Amidst the chaos, JB and Kaitlin's minds were lost in a fog of ecstasy. Their bodies writhed with pleasure, their senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating allure of false promises and hollow dreams. They were beyond reason, beyond rescue, lost in a sea of lust and desire.

"More... I need more!" JB gulped and whispered as he sought for the next transaction and money promise.

Kaitlin's moans grew louder, more urgent, as she succumbed to the relentless onslaught of temptation. "Yes, yes, yes! I can't get enough!"

Their words mingled with the echoing moans and groans of lust that filled the air, a cacophony of desire that screamed through the corrupted virtual reality world. They were slaves to their own greed, puppets dancing to the tune of monstrous capitalism, lost in a haze of ecstasy and despair.

In the end, there was only the insatiable hunger for more, more, more, as JB and Kaitlin surrendered themselves to the darkness that threatened to consume them whole.


As the chaos raged on, the minions' boss revealed himself in all his sinister glory, a twisted embodiment of greed and corruption. Yet, to the VR Troopers, he was little more than a fleeting shadow amidst the overwhelming allure of the deals surrounding them. The insatiable desire for wealth consumed their minds, their senses dulled to everything else.

Then, as if materializing from the very fabric of their corrupted desires, Salesmancer stepped forward. JB and Kaitlin's eyes widened in shock as he introduced himself, his presence looming larger than life before them.

"Welcome, my dear Troopers, to my realm of endless deals and boundless opportunities," Salesmancer crooned, his voice dripping with honeyed promises. "You seek wealth, power, success... and Salesmancer can give it to you."

JB and Kaitlin exchanged wary glances, their minds racing with the realization of who Salesmancer truly was. He was the face of ZiktorCorps, the main evil corporation against VR Troopers, and his offer sent chills down their spines.

"But... but you're with ZiktorCorps," JB stammered, his voice betraying his disbelief. "Why would you offer us anything?"

Kaitlin's eyes narrowed as she regarded Salesmancer with suspicion. "What's the catch? What do you want from us?"

Salesmancer's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "All I want is your loyalty, your dedication... your souls. Sign this contract, and you will become my newest employees, granted access to the best deals this world has to offer. Your heroism elements, your weapons... they will be mine to command."

JB and Kaitlin hesitated, their minds swirling with conflicting emotions. They knew the danger they were in, the risk of aligning themselves with the very corporation they had sworn to fight against. But as the allure of the contract beckoned to them, they found themselves unable to resist.

Kaitlin muttered, "It's our only chance, JB," with resignation. "We're already in too deep... we have no choice but to embrace it."

And with trembling hands, they reached out to sign the contract, their souls forever bound to the darkness that lurked within the twisted realm of the Salesmancer.

As JB and Kaitlin watched their powers and items being violently siphoned into the document, a sense of dread washed over them. Each acquisition announcement felt like a dagger to their hearts, a reminder of the mistake they had made in signing their souls away.

"Please, stop!" JB pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "This is insane! We didn't know what we were doing! We want to cancel the contract!"

Kaitlin's eyes brimmed with tears as she joined in, her voice echoing through the room. "Please, Salesmancer, we made a mistake! We don't want this! We just want our powers back!"

But their pleas fell on deaf ears as the acquisitions continued unabated:

"Acquisition complete: Vortex Command," the voice intoned, its words striking fear into their hearts.

"No, not Vortex Command!" Dismayed, JB remarked. "That's our last line of defense!"

"Acquisition complete: VR Kaitlin Double Team," the voice continued, each word like a hammer blow to their resolve.

Kaitlin's hands shook as she clutched at her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Our... our teamwork... it's gone..."

The disembodied voice of the corporate speaker echoed through the room, its tone cold and calculated as it announced each acquisition with chilling precision.

"Acquisition complete: Virtualizer."

"Virtualizer!" JB gasped, his voice cracking with shock. "That's... that's our lifeline!"

"Acquisition complete: Video Transmitter."

"Video Transmitter too?" Kaitlin shouted, shaking with astonishment. "How... how could we let this happen?"

"Acquisition complete: Laser Pistols."

"Laser Pistols," JB murmured, his voice hollow with despair. "Our only means of defense..."

"Acquisition complete: VR Saber."

"Our VR Saber..." Kaitlin whispered, her eyes wide with horror. "It's gone..."

"Acquisition complete: VR Techno Bazooka."

"Not the Bazooka!" JB cried out, his voice filled with anguish. "That was our trump card!"

"Acquisition complete: VR Sickle Weapon."

"The Sickle Weapon too?" Kaitlin choked back a sob, her heart breaking with each loss. "There's... there's nothing left..."

"Acquisition complete: Kaitlin's VR Fighter Car."

"Our Fighter Car..." JB's voice trailed off, his mind reeling with the enormity of their loss. "How... how could we have been so foolish?"

"Acquisition complete: JB's VR Fighter Bike."

"And the Bike..." Kaitlin's voice cracked with emotion, her eyes brimming with tears. "It's all gone..."

With each announcement, JB and Kaitlin felt the weight of their mistake pressing down on them like a crushing weight. They had willingly surrendered their powers and identities, and now they were paying the price.

But the horror was far from over. Salesmancer stepped forward, his smile widening as he regarded his new acquisitions with undisguised glee.

He said, "Congratulations, my dear Troopers," with venom. "You are now officially employees of ZiktorCorps, bound to serve at my whim."

JB and Kaitlin exchanged a horrified glance, the realization of their fate sinking in. They were no longer heroes fighting for justice; they were nothing more than slaves to the corporate machine.

And as Salesmancer chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with triumph, JB and Kaitlin knew that they were in for a lifetime of torment and suffering at the hands of their new corporate overlords. Their souls had been sold, and there was no turning back.

As JB and Kaitlin stared helplessly at the paperwork containing their once-mighty arsenal, a profound sense of loss washed over them. Their weapons, their moves, everything that had defined them as VR Troopers was now trapped within the confines of the contract, reduced to mere words on a page. They couldn't even remember their full names anymore, the memory slipping away like water through their fingers.

"We're... we're nothing without our gear," Kaitlin murmured, her voice barely audible above the eerie silence that surrounded them.

JB nodded grimly, his expression reflecting the weight of their situation. "And without our communicators, we can't even reach out to Ryan for help."

The realization hit them like a physical blow, leaving them feeling more isolated and vulnerable than ever before. They were completely cut off, trapped in this nightmare world with no way of escaping.

"We have to cancel this... we have to find a way out," JB said, his voice tinged with desperation.

But as they reached for the contract, their hands froze in midair, the memory of their signature binding them to their fate. They were trapped, ensnared in Salesmancer's web of deceit, and there was no escape.

"We're not heroes anymore," Kaitlin whispered, her voice filled with resignation. "We're just... employees."

"And we're bound by contract to buy useless items from ads that still plague our minds," JB added bitterly, his words heavy with defeat.

With a heavy heart, they resigned themselves to their new reality. They were no longer warriors fighting for justice, but mere pawns in Salesmancer's game of greed and manipulation.

JB remarked, "Perhaps if we keep our heads down, we'll survive," with weak defiance. "Direct resistance is no longer an option for us."

But even as they made their silent vow to survive, they couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled over them like a shroud. They were at the mercy of Salesmancer now, their fate in his hands.

As JB and Kaitlin desperately tried to claw at their helmets, their eyes wide with terror, they found themselves unable to escape the relentless assault of advertisements and deals. With each flash of light, their brains were bombarded with a barrage of images and slogans, searing themselves into their consciousness.

"I can't... JB exclaimed, "I can't take it any longer," with trembling in his voice as he felt the constant barrage of flashing advertisements overwhelming his mind.

Kaitlin's hands shook uncontrollably as she tried to shield her eyes from the onslaught, but it was futile. The images seemed to penetrate deep into her brain, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"We're being... consumed by it all," she said above the commotion of voices in their heads.

Their jittery eyes darted around, exposed brains feeling the full force of the advertising onslaught. The flashing lights seemed to sear into their very souls, leaving them feeling exposed and vulnerable.

But even as they struggled to maintain their sanity in the face of such overwhelming stimuli, they knew deep down that they were fighting a losing battle. Salesmancer had ensnared them in his web of deceit, and there was no escape.

And as they looked around at the glowing visors of their Battle Grid suits, they realized with a sinking feeling that they were now nothing more than pawns in Salesmancer's twisted game. Their defeat was his victory, and he reveled in the knowledge that he had successfully expanded his market at their expense.

"This... this was his plan all along," JB remarked bitterly. "To turn us into mindless consumers, slaves to his endless thirst for profit."

Kaitlin nodded in silent agreement, her heart heavy with the weight of their failure. "We never stood a chance... against his manipulation."

"I-I can't... These ads, they're overwhelming!" JB stumbled and trembled as he felt the constant barrage of flashing advertisements overwhelming his mind.

Kaitlin's hands shook uncontrollably as she tried to conceal her eyes, but it was hopeless. "My head... It feels like it's splitting apart!" she screamed in horror.

"We're trapped, Kaitlin. We can't escape this madness," JB said, his tone filled with desperation.

"I-I don't know how much more of this I can take..." Kaitlin gasped, her voice trailing off as she struggled to maintain her composure.

But even as they struggled to maintain their sanity in the face of such overwhelming stimuli, they knew deep down that they were fighting a losing battle. Salesmancer had ensnared them in his web of deceit, and there was no escape.

As Salesmancer gloated over his victory, he taunted the defeated VR Troopers with the reality of their situation. "You wanted all the items in my ads, didn't you?" he sneered. "Well, now you'll have them. But there's a price to pay."

Realizing the enormity of their position, JB and Kaitlin looked frightened. "We... we don't have enough money to afford all this," JB said, defeated.

"And that's where I come in," Salesmancer replied, his grin widening. "You see, the only way for you to repay your debts is to become permanent employees of ZiktorCorps."

The words hung heavy in the air, sinking like lead in the hearts of the once-proud VR Troopers. They had fought so hard to protect the world from evil, only to find themselves ensnared in its grasp.

"We have no choice, Kaitlin," JB whispered, his voice hollow with resignation. "We're trapped."

Kaitlin nodded, her eyes downcast with defeat. "I can't believe it's come to this," she murmured, her voice barely audible above the din of Salesmancer's laughter.

But even as they resigned themselves to their fate, Salesmancer had one final twist of the knife. "Oh, and by the way," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "You'll have a century of probation period. Fail to meet the productivity quota, and you'll be eliminated."

The words hit JB and Kaitlin like a physical blow, leaving them reeling with shock and disbelief. A century of servitude, with their very lives hanging in the balance.

JB persisted, "We have to find a way out of this," his voice desperate.

"But how?" Kaitlin replied, her voice hollow with defeat.

As Salesmancer's laughter faded into the distance, JB and Kaitlin exchanged a solemn look, the weight of their predicament heavy upon them.

"We must obey probation," JB stated regretfully. "Our defiance of Salesmancer was a mistake. After wanting all the items, we must face the consequences."

Kaitlin nodded in agreement, her expression somber. "We'll make it through this," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We'll find a way to fulfill the productivity quota and prove ourselves worthy of redemption."

But Salesmancer couldn't resist one final jab. "Don't overestimate your ability to keep up with the fast-moving corporate world," he sneered. "I expect you to falter within the first ten years."

The words stung, fueling JB and Kaitlin's resolve even further. Despite their cowardice, they wanted to prove to Salesmancer that they were more than he expected them to be. Unknowingly, they had trapped themselves in a new warped mindset of obedience, determined to succeed against all odds.

"We'll show him," JB muttered, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Kaitlin nodded, a steely glint in her eyes. "We'll show them all."

Their eyes, however, betrayed a different truth. Glowing with the insidious exposure to the constant barrage of ads, they were unknowingly consumed by corruption and addiction, their desire to prove themselves to Salesmancer only deepening their entrenchment in the corporate world.


The atmosphere was thick with tension as Salesmancer, the cunning mastermind behind the twisted corporate world, called out the names of the newly enslaved former VR Troopers. JB and Kaitlin, now little more than mere shadows of their former heroic selves, exaggerated corporate fighting poses as each name echoed throughout the dingy office space.

"J.B. Reese, now assigned employee number 5621B, reporting for duty!" Once confident and resolute, JB's voice now carried a hint of desperation as he recited his assigned number.

"Kaitlin Star, employee number 9972K, present and accounted for," Kaitlin said, her words dripping with bitterness as she forced herself to adopt the corporate facade.

Salesmancer reveled in their misery, his laughter ringing through the air like a malevolent melody. He struck a metaphorical blow with each name he called, erasing the last vestiges of their heroic identities.

"And now, with the final stroke," Salesmancer announced with a smirk, "we bid farewell to the heroes of yesteryear. Welcome, corporate drones, to your new reality."

The office space shifted and twisted as if on cue, separating JB and Kaitlin from each other with walls of cold, gray cubicles. The hum of the fluorescent lights and the distant sounds of keyboard typing drowned out their screams of protest and agony.

Alone in their respective cubicles, JB and Kaitlin could feel the weight of their new reality bearing down on them. The once vibrant colors of their Battle Grid suits had faded into dull shades of gray, mirroring the bleakness of their surroundings. They could feel themselves succumbing to the monotonous routine of corporate life with each passing second.

"So much of being heroes," JB muttered, his voice barely audible over the monotonous drone of office chatter. "Now look at us, trapped in this soulless existence."

As Kaitlin stared out at the seemingly endless rows of cubicles, she softly nodded. Muttering something along the lines of "we let ourselves be lured by promises of success and prosperity," her voice had a hint of shame. "Now we're consumers and victims."

As the reality of their situation sank in, JB and Kaitlin knew that there was no going back. They were no longer the fearless defenders of justice they once were. Instead, they were slaves to the corporate machine, trapped in a never-ending cycle of work and despair.

But deep down, a flicker of defiance still burned within them. They may have been defeated for now, but they refused to let Salesmancer have the last laugh. With gritted teeth and steely determination, they vowed to find a way to break free from their corporate prison and reclaim their lost identities. Until then, they would trudge through their days as addicted consumers, yearning for the products that promised to fill the void in their souls.

As the realization of their hopeless situation set in, JB and Kaitlin exchanged a sad glance, their eyes reflecting the shattered dreams and broken spirits that now defined their existence. With a heavy heart, JB whispered, "I wish Ryan knew where we were. Maybe then, we wouldn't feel so alone in this corporate nightmare."

Kaitlin nodded silently, her voice choked with emotion. "Maybe," she murmured, her words hinting desperation. "Maybe he'll join us one day, and we can all be slaves together in this new, safe life of ours." But deep down, they both knew that there was no safety to be found in the clutches of ZiktorCorps, only endless servitude and soul-crushing despair.

Despite their newfound enslavement to the corporate machine, JB and Kaitlin found themselves unable to escape the relentless assault of advertising. The glow of the ads in their helmet visors seemed to follow them everywhere, bombarding their minds with images of useless and meaningless products, each one promising to fill the void left by their lost identities.

"We need all of them," JB muttered, his eyes fixed on the glowing visor as he scrolled through endless pages of enticing offers. "We need to work harder, repay our debts, and buy everything they're selling."

Kaitlin nodded and added item after item to her virtual shopping basket with precise keyboard strokes. "We have to keep up," she added, desperate. "We have to prove ourselves worthy of this new life, no matter the cost."

As they immersed themselves deeper into the world of consumerism, JB and Kaitlin felt a sense of purpose begin to take hold. Each purchase brought them one step closer to redemption, one step closer to regaining the power and prestige they had lost.

As JB and Kaitlin delved deeper into their virtual shopping spree, their eyes widened with excitement at the plethora of available products. Each item seemed more enticing than the last, promising to fill the void in their hearts with its whimsical uses and extravagant features.

"Look at this," JB exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe as he scrolled through a page filled with brightly colored gadgets and gizmos. "A self-stirring coffee mug! Imagine never having to lift a finger to mix your morning brew again."

Kaitlin chuckled softly, her fingers tapping eagerly on the keyboard as she added the item to her cart. "And what about this?" she said, pointing to a device that promised to organize and categorize your sock drawer with just the push of a button. "No more mismatched socks or cluttered drawers. It's genius!"

As they continued to peruse the virtual aisles, their minds filled with visions of a life filled with convenience and luxury. From automatic pet feeders to holographic alarm clocks, there was no shortage of products vying for their attention, each one more absurd than the last.

And yet, despite the whimsical nature of their purchases, there was a dark undercurrent to their shopping spree. Salesmancer's words echoed in their minds, reminding them that they were nothing more than captive consumers in his twisted game.

"This is what he meant by a captive market," JB muttered, his brow furrowed in frustration as he added yet another useless item to his cart. "We're trapped here, forced to buy things we don't need with money we don't have."

Kaitlin nodded in agreement, her eyes clouded with uncertainty. "But what choice do we have?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "If we don't buy, we'll never be able to repay our debts. We'll be stuck here forever."

And so, with heavy hearts and trembling hands, JB and Kaitlin continued to shop, their minds consumed by visions of a life they could never truly attain. For in this world of endless consumption, there was no escape, no hope of redemption. There was only the relentless pursuit of material wealth and the ever-present fear of falling deeper into the clutches of Salesmancer's corporate empire.

They trudged through their endless shopping sprees, their fingers moving almost instinctively as they added item after item to their carts. The glow of their computer screens cast eerie shadows across their faces, illuminating the desperation in their eyes.

"Ryan," JB whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the hum of the fluorescent lights. "I wish you were here with us. Maybe then we wouldn't feel so alone."

Kaitlin echoed his sentiments, her heart heavy with longing for their lost comrade. "We need you, Ryan," she murmured, her words lost in the sterile silence of the corporate prison. "We can't do this alone."

But Ryan was nowhere to be found, lost in the chaos of the outside world as Salesmancer tightened his grip on the city. JB and Kaitlin were left to fend for themselves in his absence, their hopes of escape dwindling with each passing day.

As the days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months in ZiktorCorps's hyperdimensional corporate hell, JB and Kaitlin found themselves sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of corporate madness. The walls of their cubicles seemed to grow thicker with each passing day, enclosing them in a suffocating prison of flashing advertisements and endless aisles.

Their helmet visors, once a window to the virtual world, now served as vulgar memento of their enslavement. The glow of the ads burned into their retinas, imprinting images of useless products and extravagant deals onto their minds.

With a hint of desperation in his voice, JB said, "I just can't stop," as he frantically scrolled around the virtual marketplace. Basically, I feel as if I need these items. "As if my very existence hinges on it."

Kaitlin nodded in silent agreement, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she added item after item to her growing list of purchases. "I know what you mean," she replied, her voice hollow with resignation. "It's like we're trapped in some kind of... of consumerist nightmare."

JB's eyes scanned the screen before him, lingering on a particularly absurd item—a self-stirring coffee mug with a built-in GPS tracker. "Seriously?" he muttered incredulously, his voice tinged with disbelief and amusement. "Who needs a coffee mug that can find itself?"

Meanwhile, Kaitlin was drawn to a set of novelty socks that claimed to change color based on your mood. "I mean, sure, they're ridiculous," she murmured to herself, her voice barely audible over the hum of the virtual marketplace. "But wouldn't it be kind of fun to have socks that match your mood?"

As they continued to browse, their carts filled with an eclectic assortment of gadgets and gizmos, each more absurd than the last. JB chuckled as he stumbled upon a device that claimed to turn any vegetable into spaghetti. "Because clearly, the world needs more ways to avoid eating vegetables," he quipped, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Kaitlin's eyes widened as she came across a pair of sunglasses with built-in speakers. "I mean, I guess if you really want to listen to music while protecting your eyes from the sun," she mused, shaking her head in bemusement. "But who even comes up with this stuff?"

Their laughter was hollow, their amusement tinged with a sense of resignation. They knew that each purchase only deepened their debt, but the allure of the ads was too strong to resist. They continued to click and scroll, adding more and more useless items to their carts as the promise of immediate gratification clouded their judgment.

Alone in their isolated cubicles, JB and Kaitlin found themselves lost in the clamor of the virtual marketplace. A sense of longing gnawed at their hearts as they clicked and scrolled through the endless array of products. They couldn't speak to each other, but their thoughts drifted to their friend and fellow VR Trooper, Ryan.

"I hope Ryan joins us soon," JB thought, his eyes scanning the screen for the next item to add to his cart. "Maybe he can figure out how to pay off these debts and get us out of this mess."

Kaitlin's fingers hesitated over the keyboard as she considered the absurdity of their situation. "If only Ryan were here," she whispered under her breath, her voice barely audible over the hum of the virtual marketplace. "He always had a knack for finding quick solutions. Maybe he can help us get out of this corporate nightmare."

But even as they held onto hope, a sense of despair lingered in the air. They knew that their chances of escape were slim, and the thought of facing this endless cycle of debt alone was almost too much to bear. And so they continued to click and scroll, their minds clouded by the allure of instant gratification.



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