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The Cosmic Fury Rangers find themselves in a worsening situation as they confront Cluckbeak's overwhelming power. Trapped in a relentless battle, they are entangled in a scheme threatening to consume them entirely. With their fate hanging in the balance, they must confront the chilling reality of their situation.

Can the Cosmic Fury Rangers escape the clutches of their feathery foe?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Eddie Hauck


Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Egg-cellent trick!

Cosmic Fury Red watched in horror as the monstrous metamorphosis played out before her. "Oh my heavens... this is absolutely unbelievable," she exclaimed, her voice quivering with a mix of awe and terror. "Is... is that even possible?!"

Ollie's jaw dropped in shock as he stared at the throbbing appendage, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was witnessing. He rambled, "I don't know if I should be scared or just blown away." His thoughts were all over the place. "I can't... I can't look away..."

Javi tried to steel his heart as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of the horrifying sight before him. "This... "This is insane on a whole new level," he growled, his voice tinged with shock and disgust. I've never seen anything like it."

Cosmic Fury Green's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the grotesque exhibition, her mind reeling with a strange mixture of horror and fascination. "I... I can't believe what I'm seeing," she stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. "It's like... like something out of a nightmare..."

Fern's hands shook as she struggled to process the horrifying scene unfolding before her, her heart pounding in her chest. "This... this is beyond messed up," she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know whether to scream or just... just stare in disbelief..."

As the lewd display played out before their eyes, the Rangers' bodies froze in astonishment. Despite encountering innumerable threats, nothing they had encountered as Rangers had prepared them for this.

As Cluckbeak's throbbing appendage continued to pulsate with unnatural vigor, the Rangers felt a strange mixture of terror and fascination wash over them. It was as if they were trapped in some twisted nightmare, unable to tear their eyes away from the grotesque display.

The corrupting influence of Cluckbeak's monstrous form broke the Rangers' defiant spirit, and they soon found themselves consumed by a desperate desire to submit to his will. With trembling hands and hearts filled with brutal anxiety, they gulped inside their helmets, unable to resist the allure of the throbbing organ before them.

Amelia's voice quivered with lewd desire as she pleaded, "I must taste it... I need to feel its power surging through me," her breath ragged and heavy, fogging up her visor as she pressed her hands against her crotch, feeling the dampness there. "I can't resist... I don't want to resist..."

Ollie's words were barely coherent as he muttered, "I... I need it... I need to be one with its strength," his hips thrusting involuntarily against the fabric of his suit as he struggled to contain his arousal. "I can't hold back... I don't want to hold back..."

Javi's voice cracked with desperation as he cried out, "I can't fight it anymore... I have to submit to its dominance," his hands clawing at his helmet as he fought to control the overwhelming urges coursing through him. "I need to feel its power... I need it now..."

"I can't resist... I don't want to resist," Cosmic Fury Green Ranger's body trembling with anticipation as she licked her lips hungrily, her fingers tracing the outline of her wet crotch. "I need to be consumed by its darkness..."

Cosmic Fury Orange's eyes glowed with a manic intensity as she moaned, "I need it... I need to be controlled by its power," her body writhing with desire as she clawed at her suit, desperate to free herself from its confines. "I can't fight it... I don't want to fight it..."

As the Rangers succumbed to their maddened desires, their minds were consumed by a frantic insanity unlike anything they had ever experienced before. They were no longer in control of their own actions, their thoughts twisted and distorted by the corrupting influence of Cluckbeak's throbbing member.

Cosmic Fury Black and Blue now knelt before Cluckbeak, their helmets cast aside as they eagerly awaited their master's command. Their eyes were hazy with desire, their mouths drooling with anticipation as they yearned to taste the forbidden fruit before them.

Cosmic Fury Black's breath came in ragged gasps as he crawled towards Cluckbeak, his movements desperate and frenzied. "Please... Master!" he begged, his lustful voice trailing off. "I need... I need to serve you. To worship you..."

Ollie's hands shook as he reached out towards Cluckbeak, his fingers trembling with anticipation. "I'll do anything... Yes, whatever you ask," he said in an almost whispery voice. Just let me... let me taste you..."

Amelia, Izzy, and Fern watched in horror as their male teammates succumbed to Cluckbeak's corrupting influence, their own bodies trembling with fear and desire. They knew that they too were at the mercy of their new master, their minds clouded by a vulgar madness that threatened to consume them.

Fern's voice quivered as she whispered, "I... I can't fight it anymore," her eyes glazed with lust as she gazed upon Cluckbeak's throbbing member. "I need... I need to submit..."

Cosmic Fury Blue and Black eagerly consumed the moist, viscous end of their master's genitalia. Their minds were clouded with lust, their bodies trembling with desire as they indulged in the forbidden pleasure before them. Gone were their memories of heroism and bravery, replaced instead by an insatiable hunger for their master's dominance.

With each gulp, their voices became more restless, more desperate for the taste of their master's essence. "So... so good," Javi moaned, his voice a mix of ecstasy and madness as he continued to feast upon Cluckbeak's appendage. "I can't get enough... need more..."

Cosmic Fury Blue's eyes gleamed with manic glee as he licked his lips hungrily, his voice a twisted crowd of pleasure and madness. "Yes... yes, feed me," he groaned, his body trembling with anticipation as he eagerly awaited his next taste. "I'm yours... forever..."

But as the goop began to spew from their mouths, covering their suits in a thick layer of sticky substance, their expressions turned from pleasure to sheer delight. "Look at us," Cosmic Fury Black exclaimed, his voice a mix of ecstasy and madness as he watched the goop ooze from his mouth. "We're covered in his essence... we're his slaves..."

Blue’s laughter echoed through the clearing as he reveled in their newfound state of blissful servitude. "Yes... Yes, cover us!" he exclaimed, his manic glee transforming into a voice of agreement as he embraced the feeling of being engulfed by the power of his master. "We're yours... completely and utterly..."

The female Rangers were observing in a state of heightened arousal, their minds consumed by a primal desire they could not resist. With each passing moment, their lust grew more intense, their bodies quivering with anticipation as they gazed upon the scene before them.

Amelia's eyes gleamed with excitement as she reached out towards the eggs, her fingers trembling with anticipation. The smooth surface awed her, "They're so beautiful," she whispered. "I can't wait to see what's inside..."

Izzy's breath was shallow and quick as she anxiously observed the eggs. She whispered while pressing her hand against the cracked exterior, her voice betraying her want to know what was within. "I need to be a part of it..."

Fern's heart raced with excitement as she stared at the eggs, her body quivering. "I want to be with them," she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy as she leaned in closer, her lips brushing against the cool surface. "I want to be one of them..."

Cluckbeak chuckled darkly as he watched his new minions succumb to their desires, knowing that he had won their unwavering loyalty. With a cruel smirk, he gestured for them to approach, knowing that they were now his to command for all eternity. And as they eagerly obeyed, their minds consumed by a fierce lust that knew no bounds, he knew that his victory was complete.

As Cluckbeak surveyed the scene before him, a cruel smirk twisted his grotesque features. His victory over the Cosmic Fury Rangers was complete, and now it was time to reveal their ultimate fate.

"You miserable traitors," Cluckbeak sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he addressed his enslaved minions. "Look at you—groveling at my feet like the worthless slaves you are. No rest for those who dare to betray me!"

Javi and Ollie, already trapped inside their giant chicken eggs, clucked and chanted adoration for their transformation into Cluckbeak's loyal chicks. Their voices, filled with a fervor, echoed through the clearing as they eagerly awaited their rebirth.

"Cluck-cluck-beak! Cluck-cluck-beak!" Javi chanted, his voice a manic storm of chicken-like sounds. "We worship you, our mighty rooster master!"

Cosmic Fury Blue joined in, his own voice blending with Javi's in a frenzied chorus of admiration. "Cluck-beak! Cluck-beak!" he clucked, his eyes glazed over with mindless devotion. "We're ready to serve you, our glorious chicken overlord!"

Cluckbeak chuckled darkly as he gazed upon his obedient servants. "You will serve me well," he declared, his voice filled with triumph. "But first, you must transform—a rebirth into something greater."

With a wave of his clawed hand, Cluckbeak gestured towards the eggs surrounding them. "You will hatch from these eggs as my loyal chicks," he proclaimed, echoing through the clearing. "And soon, the rest of your team will join you in Bulkbeak's hellish nest."

As Cluckbeak spoke, Amelia, Izzy, and Fern's minds were muddled with a mad need, and they trembled with excitement. Becoming a part of Bulkbeak's nest was an enticing proposition that they eagerly embraced.

"We will be honored to serve in Bulkbeak's nest," Amelia declared, her voice filled with fervent devotion as she cast a longing glance towards the eggs. "To be part of something greater than ourselves..."

Cosmic Fury Green nodded with mania. "Yes," she said with excitement in her eyes. "To serve our master in his glorious nest..."

Fern's heart raced with excitement as she eagerly awaited her transformation. "We will be the perfect servants," she exclaimed, her voice filled with eager anticipation. "Forever loyal to our master..."

With the weight of Cluckbeak's words hanging in the atmosphere, the Rangers' doom was inevitable. As they succumbed to their new master's dark power, they would soon experience a metamorphosis unlike anything they had ever imagined.

Their depraved desires even more consumed Cosmic Fury Red, Green, and Orange as Cluckbeak basked in his triumph. As they peered longingly at the enormous chicken eggs, their fingers traced patterns over the stiffened shells and their palms massaged their smooth surface, a mix of envy and lust evident.

"Why couldn't we be inside?" As she watched her teammates' eggs, Amelia made a regretful comment. "To be one with Cluckbeak, to serve him as Javi and Ollie do..."

Echoing Cosmic Fury Red's sentiments, Izzy's breath came in irregular gasps as her fingers desperately lusted after the egg's surface. "We were fools to defy him," she murmured, her eyes alight with desire. "To resist his power...we deserve to be punished..."

Fern's heart raced with excitement as she eagerly awaited her transformation. "We should have obeyed him from the start," she exclaimed, her voice filled with eager anticipation. "To serve him faithfully, to be rewarded with his favor..."

As they continued to caress the eggs with feverish desire, their minds clouded by a lewd lust, Cluckbeak watched with amusement. The Cosmic Fury Rangers were falling deeper into his thrall with each passing moment, their once defiant spirits broken by the overwhelming power of his dominance.

Cluckbeak said, "You still have a chance to prove your loyalty," talking to the female Rangers with dark humor. "But first, you must renounce your defiance and embrace your destiny as my loyal servants."

A look of conflicted emotions passed between Fern, Amelia, and Izzy as they exchanged looks. The temptation to serve Cluckbeak was strong, but they couldn't get the guilt over their rebellion from before to haunt them.

"We...We'll do anything" Amelia sputtered, desperate, as she fixed her gaze on Cluckbeak. "Please...forgive us for our foolishness..."

Cosmic Fury Green's eyes filled with tears as she echoed Amelia's plea, her heart heavy with regret. "We'll serve you faithfully," she promised, her voice trembling with emotion. "Just...please don't abandon us..."

Cosmic Fury Orange's will was waning under Cluckbeak's control. "We'll be your loyal servants," she vowed, her words a desperate plea for redemption. "Just...give us a chance to prove ourselves..."

The fate of the female Rangers was sealed when Cluckbeak's laughter resounded over the area. The crushing weight of his dominance crushed their once-rebellious spirits, and they had resolved to embrace their destiny as his loyal minions.

As Cluckbeak's order echoed across the clearing, the female Rangers realized they were doomed. They conceded to their master's command with shaken hands, taking their time and carefully removing their helmets. Cluckbeak pointed at the helmets with a sly scowl, his eyes glittering with nefarious delight.

"Show your devotion to me," he ordered, his voice dripping with cruel satisfaction. "Remove your helmets and slurp up the offering I have provided."

Amelia, Izzy, and Fern exchanged a glance, their minds clouded by a haze of lust and obedience. Without hesitation, they leaned forward and removed their helmets, placing them upside down on the ground. With a flick of his clawed hand, Cluckbeak burst his genital goop into the helmets, filling them to the brim with the hot, viscous substance.

"Slurp it up, my loyal servants," Cluckbeak ordered, laughing as the female Rangers obeyed the command. "Prove your devotion to me and drink deep of my essence."

The female Rangers didn't hesitate, their minds consumed by a fierce lust as they leaned forward and began to slurp up the goop from the upside-down helmets. Despite the gagging taste and overpowering smell, they continued to slurp greedily, their bodies trembling with pleasure as they surrendered themselves to their master's will.

"Yes...more..." Cosmic Fury Red moaned, her voice filled with desperate longing as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the hot goop. "I need more...please..."

Izzy trembled with ecstasy as she repeated Amelia's appeal, her eyes rolling back in her head. A gasp escaped her lips as she pleaded, her voice shaking with want. "I want to taste it all..."

Fern's breath came in ragged gasps as she gulped the goop from her helmet, her body writhing with pleasure. "I'm yours," she whimpered, her voice trembling with desire. "Completely and utterly yours..."

Cluckbeak delightedly observed as they gulped down the goo, their thoughts engulfed in a frenzy of bliss. His absolute authority had broken the female Rangers' undeniable allegiance to him, crushing their previously rebellious spirits.

"Excellent," Cluckbeak declared, his voice filled with dark amusement as he surveyed the scene before him. "You have pleased me, my loyal servants. And now, your transformation into Bulkbeak's loyal chicks shall begin..."


There was a lot of vomiting and heaving in the clearing as Amelia, Izzy, and Fern spat out the hot, viscous muck in buckets. A thick layer of sticky, white slime coated their skintight heroic suits as it poured out like a deluge—more than humans could possibly handle.

As they puked out wave after wave of disgust and sickness, the slime appeared to spread, saturating the air with its vile smell and engulfing them in its grasp. It enveloped them entirely, covering every inch of their bodies as it clung to their suits like second skin and seeped into every crease and corner.

Amelia's body convulsed as she expelled the hot, viscous goop from her mouth, her eyes wide with a mixture of horror and perverse pleasure. "Yes," she moaned, her voice trembling with ecstasy. "I'm... I'm finally free... to serve Cluckbeak... forever."

Izzy's throat burned as she vomited forth the sickening substance, her hands clawing at her now-soiled suit. "This is... this is where we belong," she gasped, her voice a mixture of devotion and madness. "We were... we were foolish to resist... Cluckbeak is our... our true master..."

Fern's body writhed in agony as the goop poured out of her, covering her in a thick, white layer of filth. "I... I can feel it," she moaned, her voice trembling with excitement. "This is... this is my purpose... to serve Cluckbeak... to serve him until the end of time..."

Amelia's trembling hands clutched at her helmet as she gagged and heaved, her eyes wide with a mixture of horror and perverse pleasure. "Yesss," she hissed with tightening muscles as ecstasy and madness filled her brain. "I can feel it... the power... the freedom... to serve our master..." Her breath came in ragged gasps as she continued, "It feels... so right... to give in... to be his... forever."

Izzy's body writhed in agony as she expelling the repulsive substance, her mind racing with a maniacal desire to submit. "This is... this is where we belong," she gasped between convulsions, her voice trembling with perverse satisfaction. "To serve... to serve Cluckbeak... it's all I've ever wanted..." Her eyes glazed over with lust as she moaned softly, "I can't resist... I don't want to resist... I need him... I need his power..."

Fern's throat burned as she spewed out the disgusting goop, the smell of decay intoxicating her senses. "I... I can't fight it anymore," she whimpered, her voice tinged with a mixture of fear and longing. "Cluckbeak... he's our master now... and we... we are his slaves..." She shuddered with a strange mixture of revulsion and arousal, her words becoming more fervent as she surrendered to her desires. "I want him... I need him... to dominate me... to control me... to make me his..."

As the female Rangers succumbed to their newfound desires, the goop began to pool around their feet, swirling and churning until it formed grotesque, egg-like structures. With a sickening squelch, the eggs split open, revealing the twisted forms of their trapped occupants within.

Cluckbeak's laughter echoed through the clearing, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure as he beheld the scene before him. "Yes," he crowed, his voice filled with triumph. "Behold, my loyal servants! You have embraced your true destiny... as members of Bulkbeak's nest!"

The clamor of Cluckbeak's laughter drowned out the Rangers' screams of horror because their bodies were now subject to the twisted will of their new master. As they writhed and moaned within their slimy prisons, the realization of their betrayal sank in, sealing their fate as clucking victims in the hellish nest of Bulkbeak.

The Rangers' voices merged into a chaotic blizzard of adoration, ecstasy, and mindless obedience, their words jumbled and twisted by the darkness that now consumed them.

"I worship... Cluckbeak..." Words spoken by Amelia sounded like an ardent hymn of devotion. "His power... his strength... it overwhelms me... I crave... his touch..."

"I hunger... for Cluckbeak's... Approval..." With a tone full of ache and desire, Izzy's voice cut in. "His dominance... his control... it's all I desire... all I need..."

Cosmic Fury Orange's voice joined the chorus, her words a fevered plea for acceptance. "Cluckbeak... my master... my everything..." she murmured. "I submit... to his will... completely..."

Their voices melded together in a vulgar cacophony, each Ranger lost in their own world of desire and adoration for Cluckbeak. Meanwhile, outside the eggs, Cluckbeak watched with delight, his laughter ringing out like a dark memorial of triumph.

"Such loyalty...He squawked with a mix of satisfaction and malice in his voice. "Such devotion…”

Within the confines of their eggs, the Rangers' voices melded into a dissonant chorus of adoration, ecstasy, and servitude, their words tangled in a web of desire and submission.

"I live for Cluckbeak's commands..." Amelia's voice echoed her words as a fevered declaration of allegiance. "His power... intoxicating... I yearn... to serve him..."

"The taste... of Cluckbeak's essence..." Cosmic Fury Green's voice followed, filled with longing. "It consumes me... fills me... I ache... for more..."

Fern's voice fueled the passion, and her words were a desperate plea for approval. "Cluckbeak... my master... my everything..." She murmured with love in her voice. "I am yours... completely..."

Every Ranger engrossed in his or her own fantasies of Cluckbeak, their voices harmonizing in a jumbled cadence of longing. Cluckbeak watched the area outside the eggs with a gleeful malice, his laughter resonating in the forest like a sinister prophecy of dominance.

"Behold the fruits of my labor..." Chuckbeak's triumphant voice boomed. "My loyal servants... devoted to my will... slaves to my power..."

The Rangers' cries for help vanished into thin air as Cluckbeak basked in his victory. Because of their undying loyalty to their new lord, they had become nothing more than his property.

As Cluckbeak's influence spread further into the Rangers' minds, their once-coherent thinking turned into a sea of primal instinct and their voices into a blizzard of frantic clucking.

"Cluckbeak... Cluckbeak..." Cosmic Fury Red's brain had completely given up on forming words, and her voice had degenerated into an uproar of furious clucks. The intensity of her devotion to her new owner shone through in every cluck, a clear indication of how much she had changed.

The once-intelligent Ranger is now nothing more than an instinctual, unthinking beast, and Cosmic Fury Green's clucks have joined the storm of noise. All she could muster in her clucks was an overwhelming desire to win Cluckbeak's approval.

Fern's clucks mingled with the others, the clamor of devotion masking her voice. She clucked carelessly, her thoughts engulfed by the tremendous force of Cluckbeak's influence, and she was no longer able to differentiate herself from her fellow Rangers.

As his subordinates acquiesced to their newfound reality, Cluckbeak enjoyed watching from outside the eggs. As a horde of submission, their clucks brought him joy and signified his triumph over their desires.

"Cluckbeak's servants..." He mumbled, satisfied. "Forever bound to my will... forever loyal..."

The woodland seemed to throb with the power of Cluckbeak's dominion as the clucking reached a fevered pitch. Under the total control of their new lord, the formerly proud Rangers were reduced to the status of mindless slaves, having their identities wiped clean.

The end came for the Rangers as soon as Cluckbeak's laughter resounded. After succumbing to the evil that had engulfed them, they were now his.

Under Cluckbeak's sway, the voices of the Ranger hatchlings escaped from their eggs, warped and distorted.

"I am Cluckbeak's chosen!" As it echoed across the woods, Javi's scream took on a new urgency. "I am the Black Cluck Ranger!"

After him came Ollie's proclamation, his voice distorted and unrecognizable. "I am the Blue Cluck Ranger! Cluckbeak's will flows through me!"

Clucking enthusiastically, Amelia blended in with the others. "I am the Red Cluck Ranger! I serve Cluckbeak with all my being!"

Cosmic Fury Green's declaration was filled with manic energy, her words a testament to her complete submission. "I am the Green Cluck Ranger! Cluckbeak's power courses through my veins!"

Cosmic Fury Orange joined the crowd as Cluckbeak stifled her defiance. "I am the Orange Cluck Ranger! I bow to Cluckbeak's supremacy!"

As the Rangers' declarations resounded throughout the woodland, Cluckbeak's shadow obscured their identities. They were enslaved to obey Cluckbeak's every command after their valiant struggle for justice. Each Ranger enthusiastically embraced their new identities, their thoughts distorted to an unrecognizable degree, as they clucking out loud.

Javi, once the valiant Black Ranger, now pecked at the forest floor with wild abandon. "Cluck-cluck!" he cried out, his voice a crowd of madness. "Worms for Cluckbeak!"

Ollie joined in, the darkness having now consumed his once noble spirit. "Cluck! Cluck!" he chanted, his beak digging into the dirt. "Must serve Cluckbeak!"

Amelia, once the heart of the team, now reveled in her new form. "Cluck-cluck! Worms for Cluckbeak!" she screeched, her movements erratic and chaotic.

Izzy and Fern followed suit, their actions mirroring those of their former teammates. "Cluck-beak! Cluck-beak!" they chanted in unison, their minds lost to the madness.

Together, they turned into a twisted version of who they used to be, and their once-honorable goal was lost because of Cluckbeak's influence. Their crazy cries could be heard throughout the forest as they continued to peck and cluck in the dark. They were a brutal monument of how evil can change even the strongest minds.



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