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Zack the Black Ranger was a vibrant spirit among his Omega Rangers teammates, eager to protect the universe from the Morphing Grid energy leak, but that won’t save him from the horrors coming. His courage was tested to the limit in a fateful battle against the monstrous Face Stealer. Despite his best efforts, he was overwhelmed and stripped of his identity. His bright future as a hero was ripped away, leaving him trapped in a nightmare, a faceless minion of the Face Stealer.

"Isn't it ironic," the Face Stealer taunted, "that a hero without a face has no place?"

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:

Eddie Hauck


Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Look at yourself in the mirror!

The Omega Rangers’ ship descended onto the desolate planet, its sleek exterior contrasting with the rugged terrain below. As the ramp lowered with a metallic clang, Trini, Jason, and Zack emerged, their helmets glinting in the harsh light of the alien sun.

Trini squinted against the glare, scanning the barren landscape with a sense of unease. "Feels like we landed on the set of a post-apocalyptic movie," she remarked dryly.

Jason chuckled, adjusting the grip on his Omega Hammer. "Yeah, and I bet the script calls for trouble."

Zack nudged Jason playfully. "Well, lucky for us, we're the action heroes in this story."

Trini smirked. "Let's hope we don't end up as extras in a horror flick."

As they began to traverse the rocky terrain, their footsteps echoed against the silence, punctuated only by the distant howl of the wind.

"So, any guesses on what we're dealing with here?" Zack asked, breaking the silence.

Trini shrugged. "Could be anything. The Morphing Grid is full of surprises."

Jason nodded in agreement. "Whatever it is, we need to find it fast. I don't like the idea of it lurking out here."

As they walked, their conversation turned to the importance of their mission and the potential dangers that awaited them on the unknown planet.

"So, what's the plan?" Zack looked around at his friends and asked.

Trini paused, her gaze fixed on the horizon where the energy signature pulsed like a distant heartbeat. "We find that energy source, contain it, and get out of here before anything else goes wrong."

Jason grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Let's do this."

With their helmets reflecting the stark light of the alien sun, the Omega Rangers pressed onward into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to protect the Morphing Grid.

The Omega Rangers paused, their helmets reflecting the eerie light of the alien sun as they exchanged hesitant glances.

"You sure splitting up is the best idea?" the Black Omega Ranger asked in a voice that was uncertain. "I mean, this place gives me the creeps."

Trini chewed her lip, weighing their options. "It's the only way we'll cover enough ground to find that energy source quickly. But we need to stay in constant communication. No one wanders off alone."

Jason nodded in agreement, his hand resting on the hilt of his Omega Hammer. "Agreed. Let's keep our communicators on at all times. If anything goes wrong, we regroup immediately."

With a sense of unease hanging heavy in the air, the Rangers activated their Omega Morphers, the devices glowing softly as they established a line of communication.

Zack's footsteps echoed against the rocky ground as he made his way towards the jagged crevices that marred the landscape. The air grew colder, and a chill ran down his spine as he ventured deeper into the rocky terrain.

"Zack to Trini, Jason. Any sign of that energy source yet?" He spoke into his communicator with an urgent tone.

"Negative," Trini's voice crackled over the line. "Just endless plains on my end. How about you?"

Zack glanced around, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "Nothing yet. But I've got a feeling we're not alone out here."

A brief burst of static cut off Trini's response, leaving the Black Omega Ranger alone in the unsettling silence. His frown showed that he was feeling uneasy as he continued his walk by himself.

She was on high alert as she watched the horizon for any sign of the energy source they had been tracking as Trini made her way across the huge, empty plain. The empty land in front of her was all she could see. The only sound she could hear was the wind stirring up dust.

"Trini to Zack, Jason. Any luck on your end?" she called into her communicator, her voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Static crackled in response, sending a shiver down Trini's spine. "Guys, come in. Can you hear me?"

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Trini quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest as she searched for any sign of her missing teammates.

Meanwhile, Jason ventured into the dense forest, the shadows looming ominously overhead as he made his way through the tangled undergrowth. The air grew thick with the scent of decaying foliage, and a sense of dread washed over him as he realized just how isolated he truly was.

"Jason to Trini, Zack. Any sign of that energy source yet?" he called into his communicator, his voice echoing through the silent forest.

There was no response; only the eerie silence of the alien forest, occasionally broken by the rustle of distant leaves and the creak of branches moving in the wind.

"Come on, guys. Where are you?" As he continued into the night, Jason clenched his fist around his Omega Hammer and mumbled under his breath.

As the Omega Rangers ventured further into the desolate landscape, a sense of dread settled over them like a shroud. With each passing moment, the feeling of being watched grew stronger, and the shadows seemed to close in around them, suffocating and oppressive.

And unknown to them, lurking in the darkness, something sinister awaited their arrival, ready to unleash its malevolent power upon the unsuspecting Rangers.


Zack's boots scraped against the rocky ground as he navigated through the treacherous terrain, his heart pounding in his chest with each step. The jagged crevices seemed to stretch endlessly before him, their depths shrouded in darkness.

"Zack to Trini, Jason. Any sign of that energy source yet?" he called into his communicator, but all he received in response was static.

Frowning, Zack tried again, his voice tinged with frustration. "Guys, come on. Where are you?"

But there was no reply, leaving the Black Omega Ranger alone in the eerie silence of the desolate landscape.

As he continued to press forward, his foot suddenly slipped on loose gravel, sending him tumbling down into a hidden crevice. His heart leaped into his throat as he plummeted into the darkness, the air rushing past him with a deafening roar.

With a thud, Zack landed hard on the rocky floor of an ancient underground chamber. Stars danced before his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath, his body aching from the impact.

"Ow... "That will leave a mark," he said in a low voice as he stood up and looked around.

The chamber was bathed in an eerie blue light, casting long shadows that danced across the walls adorned with strange symbols. The air was thick with the scent of age and decay, and a sense of foreboding settled over the Black Omega Ranger like a heavy shroud.

"Okay, this is officially creepy," he muttered, echoing through the silent chamber.

Zack's heart pounded excitedly as he lifted the shimmering amulet from its pedestal. Its energy felt electric against his skin, sparking a sense of adventure within him. But as he held the artifact aloft, a sudden sense of unease prickled at the back of his mind.

"Dude, this is intense," he said in a voice full of excitement.

Suddenly, a deep, guttural rumbling filled the chamber, pulling the Black Omega Ranger from his reverie. He watched in awe as the lid of the ancient casket began to tremble and crack, anticipation coursing through him like a surge of adrenaline.

"What's happening?" He murmured, his eyes bulging with curiosity and excitement.

With a final, resounding crack, the lid of the casket exploded outward, revealing the form of the Face Stealer within. Zack's breath caught in his throat as he stared in wonder at the creature before him, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

"Behold," the Face Stealer roared and its voice echoed through the room like a terrifying speak. "I am the Face Stealer, the ancient evil sealed in this tomb."

Zack's pulse quickened at the sound of the creature's name, a thrill coursing through him at the prospect of facing such a formidable opponent. But as the Face Stealer rose to its feet, its presence filling the chamber with a chilling aura, a sense of dread began to creep into the Black Omega Ranger's mind.

He stumbled over his words, "I-I apologize for the interruption," his tone of voice slightly trembling in response to the malevolent gaze of the creature.

The Face Stealer's lips curled into a wicked grin, its eyes narrowing with amusement. "No matter," it hissed. "You have awakened me, and now you must face the consequences."

Zack's excitement turned to fear as he realized the true nature of the danger he had unleashed. His bravado faltered, replaced by a growing sense of unease as he stared into the abyss of the Face Stealer's eyes.

"I... I should go," he muttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

But it was too late. The Face Stealer had been awakened, and Zack knew that there was no escaping its wrath.

Zack's heart pounded in his chest as he faced off against the Face Stealer, his Omega Kama Sickles poised for battle. The air crackled with tension as the two adversaries circled each other, each waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The Black Omega Ranger's fingers trembled as he frantically tapped the buttons on his communicator. "Guys, I need backup, now!" His voice resounded through the cold, stone chamber, a desperate plea echoing off the walls. "The Face Stealer, it's here!"

Before his teammates could respond, a low, menacing growl pierced the air. Zack's blood ran cold as he turned, coming face to face with the twisted horror of the Face Stealer. Its eyes gleamed with a vicious hunger, and Zack could feel the icy grip of fear tightening around his chest.

The Face Stealer lunged forward with lightning speed, its claws slicing through the air with deadly precision. Zack's instincts kicked in, and he dodged the attack just in time. The rush of air grazed his cheek as the creature's claws narrowly missed their mark.

Heart pounding, the Black Omega Ranger retaliated, his movements fueled by a cocktail of adrenaline and sheer willpower. His fists flew in a blur of motion, each strike aimed at incapacitating the creature before him. But the Face Stealer was a formidable opponent, its movements fluid and unpredictable as it easily danced around Zack's attacks.

The chamber echoed with the clash of metal against stone, a crowd of sounds filling the Black Omega Ranger's ears as he fought for his life. Every muscle in his body screamed with exertion, but he refused to give in, drawing on every ounce of strength he possessed to keep the Face Stealer at bay.

But the Face Stealer returned with even greater ferocity for every blow Zack landed. Its claws sliced through the air like razor-sharp blades, leaving deep gouges in the ancient stone walls of the tomb. Zack dodged and weaved, his movements becoming more frantic as he struggled to keep pace with the relentless assault.

With a primal roar, the Face Stealer launched itself at the Black Omega Ranger, its jaws snapping hungrily at his throat. Zack barely managed to deflect the attack, his heart pounding in his chest as he felt the creature's hot breath on his skin. Adrenaline surged through his veins, sharpening his senses and heightening his reflexes as he fought to survive against impossible odds.

the Black Omega Ranger knew he was losing the war as it went on, though. There was too much power in the Face Stealer, and its constant attacks were breaking him down. As he realized he couldn't stop the creature's never-ending desire to hurt people, desperation clawed at his chest and threatened to overwhelm him.

Agony seared through Zack's face as he staggered backward, his hands flying to his helmet as he felt the fabric tear away beneath his fingertips. His vision swam with pain as he struggled to remain upright, the world spinning around him in a blur of motion and color.

And then, in an instant, it was over.

And then, the Face Stealer unleashed a blast of energy from its gaping maw with a loud, echoing screech, a brilliant blue beam that struck Zack square in the helmet visor. Agony seared through his body, white-hot and all-consuming, as he was sent crashing to the ground in a tangled heap of limbs and pain.

"Well, well, well," the Face Stealer hissed, its voice full of high-handed pride. "It seems I've made quite an impression on you, Black Hero. Or should I say, former Black Hero?" It chuckled darkly, relishing in its victory. "You're an empty doll now, a faceless lackey at my command."

The roar of agony that tore from Zack's throat drowned out his protests, and the absence of his face muffled his voice. He clawed desperately at the empty air, but he could do nothing to stop the Face Stealer's relentless advance.

When the Black Omega Ranger awoke, he was no longer himself. A force beyond his control caused his body to move jerky, mechanically. He stumbled to his feet, his mind a fog of confusion as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

"Rise, my minion," the Face Stealer commanded, echoing through the chamber with eerie authority.

Zack's limbs moved of their own accord as he stumbled forward, his every step a painful memorial of the loss he had suffered. He felt a cold dread gnawing at his insides as he realized the true extent of the Face Stealer's power.

As he stumbled through the darkened corridors of the tomb, the Black Omega Ranger's mind was filled with a horde of voices, each one urging him to obey the Face Stealer's commands. He tried to resist and fight against the insidious influence that threatened to consume him, but it was useless.

With each passing moment, Zack felt himself slipping further and further into darkness, his thoughts consumed by the single-minded desire to serve his new master.

And as he lurked in the shadows, waiting for his unsuspecting friends to arrive, Zack knew there was no going back. He was a prisoner of the Face Stealer now, a puppet dancing on its strings, and there was nothing he could do to escape his fate.

The Face Stealer watched from the shadows, its eyes gleaming maliciously as it gulped its triumph. "Ah, the sweet taste of victory," it said in a smug tone."With the Black Ranger under my control, nothing can stand in my way. Soon, the entire universe will tremble before my might."

As the darkness silenced Zack's muffled protests, the Face Stealer's laughter echoed through the chamber, a brutal monument to the evil that lurked within. "Looks like this ranger's lost his face and his place," it ridiculed the Ranger. But don't worry; there's plenty more where he came from. Soon, I'll have them all under my thumb, and then there'll be no stopping me!"


The Face Stealer paused, its grotesque form looming over the zombified the Black Omega Ranger. The creature's eyes gleamed with curiosity and hunger as it pondered what to do with its new faceless minion. Not knowing much about the spandex-clad, helmeted heroes of the Omega Rangers, it decided to probe deeper into Zack's essence.

With a sickening slurp, the Face Stealer extended its long, slimy tongue and licked Zack's Black Omega Ranger helmet. The sensation was repulsive, but the Black Omega Ranger, trapped within his own mind, could do nothing to resist. As the Face Stealer's tongue made contact, a flood of memories and knowledge surged into the creature.

"Ah, so you are the Omega Rangers," the Face Stealer hissed, its voice filled with glee. "Such a delightful discovery."

The Face Stealer's tongue shot out again and slowly ran across the Black Omega Ranger's helmet, enjoying the taste of the hero's essence. It said, "I must have more," and its hunger was apparent in the damp air.

The creature's tongue continued its gruesome exploration, slurping hungrily over Zack's toned, spandex-clad body. The creature's eyes rolled back in pleasure as it absorbed Zack's memories. It saw flashes of Zack's past victories with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, each battle more exhilarating than the last.

The first memory was a fierce battle against Goldar, the monstrous warrior loyal to Rita Repulsa. Zack and his team fought bravely, their spandex-clad forms vibrant and powerful. The Black Ranger, helmet gleaming under the sun, executed a flawless series of acrobatic maneuvers, his sickles flashing as they struck Goldar's armor. "We won't let you win, Goldar!" Zack's voice echoed in the memory, filled with willpower and strength. The Face Stealer could feel the raw power and teamwork that fueled the Rangers' every move, and it craved more.

"Hmm, such bravery... such strength," the Face Stealer murmured, its voice thick with desire. "I must taste it all."

Zack felt the beast's vicious tongue slurping wildly across his chest and arms once more. More flashbacks ensued, involving an encounter with the Green Ranger during Tommy's time under Rita's influence. The Face Stealer was captivated by the fierce battle—the clash of wills and might. A palpable dread and drive propelled Zack and his companions to triumph. As Zack's power ax supported Tommy's Dragon Dagger attacks, the vivid green of his suit shone out against the backdrop of mayhem. "We can do this together, team!" The optimistic and determined tone of Zack's voice resounded.

As he sang inside the tomb, the Face Stealer proclaimed, "Yes... yes, give me more! I want to feel every ounce of your strength, every moment of your triumph."

With a final, ravenous slurp, the Face Stealer's tongue enveloped Zack's entire body, squeezing out the last remnants of his knowledge and power. The creature shuddered with pleasure as the memories of one final battle surged through it – the showdown against Lord Zedd. The Rangers, their suits shining brightly, stood against the darkness of Zedd's reign. Zack, alongside his teammates, fought with everything they had, their bond and resolve shining brightly against the overwhelming odds. "We stand together, and we will never back down!" Zack's voice echoed, filled with unyielding courage.

As the Face Stealer absorbed this memory, it felt an overwhelming surge of power. "Ah, such delicious strength... such delectable courage," it hissed, its voice quivering with ecstasy. "I will consume it all, and then I will have more."

After the Face Stealer removed its tongue, Zack's lifeless, zombie corpse fell to the floor. The beast's eyes blazed with a rejuvenated vitality as it coiled its jaws around the power it had plucked from the Black Omega Ranger. It was as if every memory and fight were feeding its hungry desire, and it could feel the power pulsating through its body.

The monstrous Face Stealer loomed over the zombie Zack, its ravenous eyes flashing with greedy want. Once again, the creature's lengthy, slimy tongue slipped out, prepared to collect any and all information from its host. More and more disturbing memories filled the Face Stealer's consciousness as the monstrous appendage licked Zack's spandex-clad helmet.

“Ah, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,” the Face Stealer mused, savoring the taste of Black Omega Ranger’s memories. “Such powerful, agile warriors. Each of you will serve me well as minions and sources of unimaginable strength.”

The first memory it savored was that of Jason, the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger. Jason’s powerful form was clad in vibrant red spandex, and his every move showcased his martial prowess. The Face Stealer could almost feel the raw power radiating from the leader of the Rangers.

“In battle, you were a force to be reckoned with, Jason,” the creature hissed, its tongue slithering with excitement. “How delightful it will be to break you. Your strength, your leadership... all will be mine.”

A vicious battle with the hideous Pudgy Pig replaced the previous image in the mind. Jason showcased his skill with each attack as he skillfully wielded his Power Sword. His words resounded in the Face Stealer's head: "No matter what, we won't let you win!" As it fantasized about chomping on Jason's essence, the Face Stealer's eyes lit up with sinister glee. Jason was a delicious muscular hero.

"I will relish each second of your anguish, Red Ranger," it said lightly. "Your cries will be the most beautiful melody."

The following flashback involved Billy, the Blue Triceratops Ranger. The only thing that could rival Billy's intelligence was his dedication to his team. Billy battled the terrifying Eye Guy in the memory, deadly accurate with his Power Lance.

"There are a lot of mysteries in your head, Billy," the Face Stealer whispered. "Your thoughts are like candy to me; I want to eat them and mold them."

The creature envisioned itself licking Billy’s helmet, the taste of his intellect intoxicating. It could see Billy’s spandex-clad form shivering helplessly, his voice begging for mercy: “Please... no... stop!”

"Indeed, Billy," the Face Stealer sang. "I will listen joyfully to your calls for mercy. I shall become unstoppable with your knowledge."

The memory shifted to Trini, the Yellow Sabretooth Tiger Ranger this time. Her agility and grace were captivating, her every move a dance of deadly precision. She battled the fearsome Grumble Bee in the memory, her Power Daggers flashing in the sunlight.

"Trini, you're so agile and dangerous," the Face Stealer moaned. "As I reduce you to a fearful, nameless servant, your cries shall echo throughout the halls."

The creature imagined its tongue trailing over Trini’s spandex-clad body, savoring the taste of her agility and grace. Her voice echoed in its mind, filled with terror: “No! Please, I can’t...”

“Your fear makes you even more delicious, Yellow Ranger,” the monster groaned. “I will relish in your despair.”

The next memory was of Kimberly, the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger. Her bravery and compassion shone brightly in Zack’s memories. She fought against the terrible Terror Toad, her Power Bow releasing arrows with unerring accuracy.

“Kimberly, your tender heart will be the sweetest to corrupt,” the Face Stealer grunted. “I will enjoy breaking you, piece by piece.”

The creature envisioned licking Kimberly’s helmet, tasting her fear and bravery. Her voice echoed in its mind, pleading: “No, please don’t...”

“Your despair will be my greatest delight, Pink Ranger,” the Face Stealer whispered. “I will savor every tear, every cry of anguish.”

Finally, the memories returned to Zack himself, the Black Mastodon Ranger. His camaraderie, laughter, and unwavering battle strength were evident. In the memory, he fought against the monstrous Nasty Knight, his Power Ax flashing in the light of battle.

“Zack, you were always so full of life and energy,” the Face Stealer hissed. “Now look at you, my obedient puppet.”

The monster pictured itself licking Zack's spandex and helmet for all the life force he could muster. In its thoughts, Zack's anguished voice resounded. "We were champions... we endured to safeguard good..."

“Yes, Zack,” the Face Stealer crooned. “Your strength is mine to command. Your suffering only makes me stronger.”

Black Omega Ranger was entirely under Face Stealer's control. The monster enjoyed its newfound power, savoring the memories it ripped from Zack's mind. It slurped greedily, absorbing the vivid experiences of Zack's time as a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Face Stealer hissed as he forced Zack to participate in a twisted memory of his Mighty Morphin Power Ranger form being gagged hard and brutally by Face Stealer’s saliva-filled wet slobbery tongue that reached out to his throat. "Your strength will be your downfall. I will turn your Power Axe against you, break you with your own might!"

When Zack thought back on his memories, he saw a Black Mastodon Ranger who was nimble and powerful with his Power Axe. As The Face Stealer fantasized about taking down the owner of this formidable weapon, he licked his lips in anticipation. In his nightmares, he saw Zack's might used against him, as the axe shattered his will and pierced his flesh in hideous ways, causing Zack's psyche to scream in agony.

Face Stealer's insidious delight grew as it accessed memories of Zack's teammates, turning each recollection into a scene of lewd humiliation.

The confident and vibrant Kimberly was twisted into a grotesque dance. "Dance for me!" Face Stealer commanded, and Zack, in his mind's eye, saw Kimberly, drenched and humiliated, forced to perform while being showered with the monster's vile urine. Kimberly's voice echoed in his head, filled with shocked disbelief. "No, enough already! Enough with this!" Embarrassed and terrified, she screamed out in agony. To make matters worse, her pink outfit was both damp and clinging to her figure.

Face Stealer's enjoyment was evident. "Ah, yes, dance, little Pink Ranger! Your dignity is mine to destroy!"

Next was Trini, her bravery and strength desecrated as Face Stealer groped her violently, its touch cruel and invasive. "Get away from me!" Trini cried, her voice breaking. "Don't touch me!" Her protests were futile as the monster's claws dug into her, violating her sense of security. "Why is this happening?" she sobbed, her voice a mixture of anger and helplessness. The monster's abuse broke Trini's normally stoic demeanor, stretching and distorting her yellow suit.

Face Stealer relished her torment. "Your strength is worthless here, Yellow Ranger. Submit to your fate!"

Billy's genius and intellect were savaged as Face Stealer humped and penetrated his memory form from behind, reducing the brilliant mind to a whimpering, broken shell. "No... no, please!" Billy whimpered, tears streaming down his face. "Make it stop!" His cries were gut-wrenching, filled with a horror that he couldn't rationalize away. "This is too much... I can't think... can't focus!" he moaned, his blue suit torn and violated, his mind breaking under the relentless assault.

Face Stealer laughed cruelly. "Where is your brilliant mind now, Blue Ranger? Reduced to a pathetic mess!"

Finally, the memory of Jason, the steadfast leader, was defiled. Face Stealer forced Zack to relive Jason being made to slurp the monster's throbbing genital, an act of ultimate subjugation. "No! This can't be happening!" Jason's normally robust voice was filled with pain and shock. "I won't... I won't do this!" But his resistance was futile as Face Stealer's overpowering presence forced him to comply. "Why are you doing this to us?" he shouted, his red suit stained with shame and humiliation.

Face Stealer's delight was palpable. "Oh, Red Ranger, your pride tastes delicious. Suffer for me!"

Face Stealer fed on the Rangers' despair, each scene of humiliation amplifying its power. Now a faceless minion, Zack could only watch in horror as his memories were twisted and his friends were defiled in the monster's mind. The echoes of their suffering filled the dark chamber, a crowd of pain and humiliation.

His eyes gleamed with a twisted hunger as he continued to absorb Zack’s memories, feeling the power of the Morphing Grid within him. "Yes," he whispered to himself, savoring the taste of power. "These Rangers are more than just opponents; they are keys to untold strength. With each one I conquer, my power grows. Their bodies will be my minions, their skills my tools, and their strength my own!"

Zack's zombified body stood rigid, awaiting the next command. The horror of the situation was etched into his soul, but his body was no longer his to control. The Face Stealer's influence permeated every fiber of his being, making him a puppet to its dark will.

The creature’s eyes glinted with evil glee as it envisioned its future, a future where the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were nothing more than its faceless, obedient minions. The thought filled it with a dark, twisted joy, its hunger for power growing with each passing moment.

"Black Omega Ranger," the Face Stealer hissed, addressing the soul trapped within it. "You will bring your friends to me. You will lure them here, and I will feast upon their strength. Your body is mine to command, and your soul will suffer for eternity."

Zack's soul begged in utter pain, his voice contorted by the crushing existence within the Face Stealer. "No... please... The creature heard Black Omega Ranger's voice in its mind and pleaded, "Don't do this!"

The Face Stealer's grotesque tongue slithered out one last time, its eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Soon, the rest of the Rangers will be mine," it pondered wickedly. "And then, their world will tremble before my might."

As Zack's soul wept in despair, the Face Stealer's laughter echoed through the tomb. The creature licked its lips, savoring the lingering taste of Zack's essence. "Such a delicious appetizer," it mused. "But I am still so very hungry."

As the creature continued to slurp hungrily over Zack’s body, it began to understand the Rangers’ duty – their mission to find and contain Morphing Grid energy. This realization delighted the Face Stealer even further.

“The Morphing Grid... such a rich source of power,” it mused. “I will harness it all, and with these Rangers under my control, nothing can stop me.”

The monster couldn't control his ravenous want for more power as he savored the rush it gave him. He would not stop until he had ingested all of the Rangers' potential, which he had tasted through their memories. Indulging in the last vestiges of Zack's life, his hideous tongue slithered forth, poised to snare the other members of the team and devour their strength.



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