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Witness the chilling battle against the malevolent King Sphinx as the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers fight for survival. They confront the monstrous villain in the Children's Theater, led by Jason, the Red Ranger, only to be met with overwhelming power and darkness.

But when Jason's courage is tested, can he withstand the ancient curses threatening to consume him?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Eddie Hauck



Ruu K



Wyatt S

Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Beware of ancient powers!

The children were frightened and ran out of the Children's Theater when the Putty Patrol stormed the building. The once-bustling theater district fell into chaos as the streets were packed with fleeing inhabitants amid the resounding sounds of destruction.

Due to their Ranger instincts, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason hurried toward the chaos with their city as their final destination.

"Let's show these Putties what we're made of!" Zack took the lead with an assured stride, and his every move was measured and rhythmic.

With a focused expression, Kimberly nodded in agreement. "Got it, Zack—I'm right behind you! We have that power!"

Jason, the crew leader, looked around with a fierce expression, and his fists clenched. Keep your wits about you, everybody. We must evacuate the vicinity and ensure the safety of the people.

As the Putty Patrol swarmed the Children's Theater, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason were ready.

"Let's do this, guys!" While getting ready to morph with Kimberly, Jason yelled out with a voice showcasing his resolve.

Activating their Morphers in unison, Zack and Kimberly became the Black Mastodon Ranger and the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger, their bodies engulfed in Morphing Grid energy.

"Mastodon!" Zack's voice echoed through the theater as he completed his transformation.

"Pterodactyl!" Kimberly's cry followed suit as she joined the fray.

Meanwhile, Jason stood tall, his Tyrannosaurus Power Coin pulsing with energy as he faced the approaching threat.

"Tyrannosaurus!" Jason shouted, his voice booming with power as he morphed into the Red Ranger.

Their Ranger suits shone with strength as they made their way to the theater, but the mayhem muffled their voices.

The Putty Patrol swung down on the theater with a tremendous crash, their hideous figures terrifying the unsuspecting spectators. Jason's pupils contracted with resolve, Kimberly's hold on her bow became firmer, and Zack's muscles clenched before the battle against minions commenced. The air was thick with energy and power as the trio fought the heartless putties. They understood they needed to move quickly to save the lives of the individuals they had vowed to guard. However, a massive earthquake occurred before they could completely understand their new abilities.

"What's happening?" Kimberly cried out, her voice filled with alarm.

Zack struggled to maintain his balance as the ground trembled beneath him. "I don't know, but we need to stay focused!"

However, a terrible creature emerged from the shadows, challenging their resolve. King Sphinx revealed his monstrous form as he unfurled his wings, casting a foreboding shadow across the stage.

Fearsomely, he proclaimed, "Listen, you feeble humans, the might of King Sphinx!" His voice echoed around the hall. I am the one who brings darkness, the master of shadows. I am unstoppable!"

Jason had a sinking feeling in his chest as he faced the terrifying beast. King Sphinx's stifling might be weighing him down.

"You seek a challenge, Red Ranger?" King Sphinx continued, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Very well. Prepare to face the might of the Sphinx!"

Suddenly, with a powerful gust of wind, Zack and Kimberly were forcefully blown away, their figures disappearing in a blaze of light.

"Zack! Kimberly!" Jason shouted, reaching out in vain as his friends vanished before his eyes.

But there was no time to dwell on their disappearance as King Sphinx turned his attention back to Jason, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"You may be powerful, Sphinx, but you won't overcome us!" Jason was firm in his declaration.

King Sphinx let out a booming laugh, his wings unfurling as he prepared to unleash his power. "Ah, the Red Ranger. How delightful to see such bravery in the face of certain doom. But make no mistake, little Ranger, your efforts are futile. I am King Sphinx, master of the elements, and I shall not be defeated!"

Jason was so adamant that he tightened his fists. In a low, nearly inaudible voice, he said, "I won't let you win."

Through it all, Jason showed incredible bravery, even when faced with impossible challenges. As the Power Sword sliced through his flesh, he resisted succumbing to evil's grasp. In the face of evil and darkness, he would battle alongside his comrades to save Earth from destruction for as long as he lived.

Midway through the crumbling auditorium, the clamor of shrapnel and crashing metal remained the only audible sign of the ongoing conflict. As the fearless Red Ranger Jason battled valiantly, the lighthouse of his Power Sword shone through the mayhem. By piercing King Sphinx's defenses with each attack, he hoped to defeat the danger that loomed over them.

As Jason and King Sphinx clashed, the atmosphere was charged with electricity as their motions blurted speed and resolve. The Power Sword slashed through the sky in a roar, leaving a path of devastation in its wake. Yet, King Sphinx posed a significant threat to Jason because of his unparalleled strength and the savagery with which he assaulted him.

"Give me more, Red Ranger!" King Sphinx taunted, his voice echoing through the theater like thunder. "I expected more from the so-called defender of Earth!"

Jason tried to endure with his muscles straining against the force of King Sphinx's onslaught. "You'll find I'm not so easily defeated," he growled, his voice tinged with defiance.

Jason launched himself at King Sphinx with a mighty roar, his Power Sword ablaze with fiery energy. The monster met his charge head-on, their weapons colliding in a shower of sparks. Each blow screamed through Jason's body, threatening to overwhelm him with its sheer force.

But still, he fought on, drawing upon reserves of strength he never knew he possessed. "I won't... I won't let you win!" Jason gasped between strikes, his voice strained with effort.

With each strike, he pushed himself harder, refusing to yield to the darkness that threatened to engulf him. For he knew that the world's fate rested on his shoulders, and he would not falter in his duty.

As the battle raged on, the theater became a battleground, its once-grand stage reduced to rubble beneath their feet. Pillars crumbled, and debris littered the ground as Jason and King Sphinx clashed with ever-increasing ferocity. Each blow echoed through the theater as a display of the power and sense of purpose of those locked in combat.

But despite his best efforts, Jason could feel the tide of battle turning against him. The wounds he had sustained began to take their toll, sapping his strength and slowing his movements. With each passing moment, King Sphinx seemed to grow stronger, his attacks more relentless and devastating.

"You are little, Red Ranger," King Sphinx said with a sneer and abundant disdain. "Something as simple as a kid pretending to be a hero. But eventually, you'll crumble just like everyone else."

Jason's heart raced as he battled to keep up with his rival. He began questioning himself, and soon, he was afraid that despair might overtake him. But he knew in his heart that he couldn't quit now that everything was riding on this.

In the middle of the crumbling theater, the heroic Red Ranger Jason was tangled in a vicious conflict with the evil King Sphinx. King Sphinx's relentless assault weakened his resolve and chipped away at his confidence, which had previously protected him from fear.

An inkling of uncertainty germinated in Jason's thoughts as the conflict intensified. The struggle seemed hopeless under the constant barrage of King Sphinx's strikes, yet a glimmer of hope for escape appeared in his head.

"Perhaps I should teleport out," Jason thought, a momentary lapse of reason clouding his judgment. "There's no shame in retreat if it means living to fight another day."

But even as the thought crossed his mind, arrogance reared its ugly head, drowning out the voice of reason with promises of triumph and glory. "No," Jason thought, shaking his head to clear away the doubt. "I cannot retreat now. Not when victory is within my grasp."

Jason increased his efforts to fend off the attack because of his firm belief. But King Sphinx was no pushover, and Jason struggled to breach his defenses.

The stakes in the demonic struggle were so high that King Sphinx raised his scepter and blasted Jason with an awful blast. In anticipation of the imminent attack, Jason clenched his muscles and shouted with conviction.

Because of the tremendous force of the explosion, Jason was propelled into the air and crashed into the theater's walls. As he crashed to the ground, his body aching from excruciating pain, his skintight suit tore in spots and burned from the impact.

Regardless of the severity of his injuries, Jason refused to give up. A scowl of rage escaped him as he stood robustly with his intense stare adding to his unwavering sense of purpose.

"You may have the power of the ancient underworld gods on your side, King Sphinx," he spat, his voice filled with defiance. "But I have something far stronger. I have the power of friendship, the power of hope, and the power of justice. And as long as I draw breath, I will never stop fighting for what is right."

King Sphinx's laughter resounded across the auditorium as a vicious jab at Jason's remarks. "Your bluster is meaningless, Red Ranger," he smirked. "You are but an earthly being, and mortals are no match for the might of the ancient gods."

Jason unleashed a devastating onslaught on King Sphinx with a final burst of power, swinging his Power Sword with an unwavering sense of morality. He seemed like he was going to succeed for an instant. But King Sphinx managed to destroy Jason's defenses with a single lethal stroke, sending him tumbling to the floor.

Despite his wounds, Jason's resolve never faltered. With his exhaustion and pain, he persisted in his fight, his cries of anguish echoing over the stadium. Even when the going got tough, he would not give up without a fight. Being the Red Ranger, the guardian of Earth, ensured that his dogged determination would endure.

Jason, the brave Red Ranger, and the evil King Sphinx continued their fierce combat in the center of the broken theater. The wicked power of King Sphinx seemed to be becoming stronger by the second, and Jason found himself increasingly unable to defeat him.

As the battle intensified, Jason was overcome with a torrent of emotions. King Sphinx's mockery and taunting stoked his ire, which flared up like a flame. As the insults continued to land on Jason, his anger intensified, causing him to lose sight of the physical harm inflicted upon him.

"You are nothing but a mere child, playing at being a hero. But in the end, you will fall like all the rest,” sneered the ridiculing King Sphinx.

Jason's response was a primal roar of rage, his fists pounding against King Sphinx's defenses with reckless abandon. He struck with all of his might, his rage bordering on madness fueling each blow.

Jason could have done better in his endeavors to grab the upper hand. With fluid, precise motions, King Sphinx evaded his assaults. With a flick of his cobra wand, he knocked Jason to the ground, beaten and injured.

A fury beyond logic poured through Jason as he sprung to his feet, his gaze fixed with willpower. His voice was colored with rebellion as he muttered, "I will not be beaten!"

As the sound resounded through the auditorium like a funeral knell, King Sphinx could do nothing but chuckle. With an evil inflection, he mocked, "You are an idiot, Red Ranger. You fail to perceive reality due to your anger. My might is greater than yours."


The youthful, lively hero in his spandex stood firm even after King Sphinx swatted him out of his path. The monster's pupils shrank as he studied his enemy with curiosity and ill will. Even if his attempt to use physical force to defeat the hero was unfruitful, he may still find a means to prove his superiority.

King Sphinx raised his scepter high once again, his evil smile spreading over his face as his evil crystal eyes gleamed with evil force. "Ah, Red Ranger," he hissed, his voice dripping with disdain. "It seems brute force alone won't be enough to defeat you. Let us see if your mind is as sharp as your sword."

The exhausted Jason tensed, his muscles coiled with anticipation as he braced himself for whatever challenge lay ahead. He knew that facing King Sphinx in a battle of wits would be no easy task, but he was determined to prove himself worthy of the Red Ranger mantle.

"What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?" King Sphinx's voice echoed through the theater, the words laden with hidden meaning.

Jason's brow furrowed as he pondered the riddle, the gears of his mind whirring as he searched for an answer. "Uh... a river?" he ventured tentatively, uncertainty clouding his voice.

But King Sphinx's laughter cut through the air like a knife, his amusement evident as he unleashed a burst of energy that sent Jason stumbling backward. The explosions shook the ground beneath him, rattling his confidence and leaving him vulnerable to his adversary's next move.

Undeterred, King Sphinx posed his next riddle, his eyes glittering with sadistic glee. "What is as light as a feather, yet even the world's strongest man couldn't hold it for long?"

Jason's agitation grew with each passing moment, the pressure mounting as he struggled to find the answer. "Uh... uh..." he stammered, his voice strained with tension. "I... I don't know!"

But once again, King Sphinx's laughter filled the air, mocking and derisive, as explosions erupted around Jason, knocking him to the ground. "Wrong again, Red Ranger!" the villain taunted, his words like a dagger to Jason's already wounded pride.

With a wave, King Sphinx released a flood of evil energy, knocking Jason backward. Shockwaves from the explosion shattered the remnants of the once-grand stage and sent shockwaves crashing into the auditorium.

Jason limped to his feet after the dust had settled, visibly injured and battered. He stayed determined and wouldn't give up, even when faced with seemingly impossible challenges. His heart was whole with hate, and he yearned to fight even more. He longed for boldness.

"You fight well, Red Ranger," King Sphinx remarked, his voice cold and calculating. "But your efforts are in vain. You cannot hope to defeat me."

Despite his best efforts, Jason could feel the tide of battle turning against him. The wounds he had sustained began to take their toll, sapping his strength and slowing his movements. With each passing moment, King Sphinx seemed to grow stronger, his attacks more relentless and devastating. “Another treasure trophy for my tomb.”

Jason's heart raced as he faltered to match his opponent's speed. A sense of hopelessness threatened to engulf him as doubt crept into his thoughts. But he knew in his heart that he couldn't quit now that everything was riding on this.

"I-I'm not..." Jason stammered, his voice faltering as doubt gnawed at his resolve.

But before he could gather his thoughts, King Sphinx threw him into the air and he crashed into the debris. Jason felt lightheaded and confused after the collision had taken his breath away.

Wasting no time, King Sphinx conjured a length of mummy cloth with a wave of his hand, its frayed ends dangling behind him like haunting limbs. With each swing, the cloth mercilessly pounded on Jason's spandex-clad body.

The repeated strikes from the cloth left Jason beaten and wounded, and his body erupted in misery. He felt himself shrinking in the face of King Sphinx's unstoppable might as his self-assurance was chipped away layer by layer.

"It's no use, Red Ranger," King Sphinx taunted as he slammed Jason into the theater wreckage. "The curse of the pharaohs binds you to me now, a slave to my will for all eternity."

The impact sent shockwaves of pain radiating through Jason's body, his limbs trembling with exhaustion as he struggled to rise to his feet.

However, King Sphinx remained unrelenting, increasing the speed and intensity of his strikes at every round. In the face of King Sphinx's dogged attack, Jason could see his bravery eroding and his strength dwindling.

As he lay battered and broken on the ground, Jason couldn't help but wonder if this was the end. Had he failed his friends and his city? Was he destined to be nothing more than a pawn in King Sphinx's cruel game?

Red Ranger’s muscles were straining against the force of King Sphinx's onslaught. Don’t… Don’t count me out yet!" His voice had an air of anger as he let out a roar. Eventually, his Power Sword, which shimmered in the theater's low lighting, slipped from his weak grasp.

The luminous scepter of King Sphinx held aloft in the air, pierced Jason with brutal energy and cast a curse that would forever determine his destiny. Underneath the noble exterior of his Red Ranger outfit, Jason sensed the sinister embrace of the mummy fabric around him, entangling him in a crushing cocoon of hopelessness.

"No! Get it off me!" Jason's voice echoed through the chamber, filled with terror and desperation as he clawed at the fabric, trying in vain to break free.

But the fabric only tightened its grip, constricting around him with each passing second. Jason's screams grew louder, more frantic, as he felt consumed by the darkness.

"Help me! Somebody, please!" Overwhelmed by terror, he let out cries as he fought the curse's continuous attacks.

But there was no one to answer his pleas as King Sphinx looked on with delight, reveling in Jason's torment. The scarab-like amulet attached to Jason's crotch pulsed with dark energy, feeding his mind with thoughts of lust and desire, driving him further into madness. The brave Red Ranger felt its insidious influence coursing through his veins like poison. His mind was flooded with primal urges, and an intense, uncontrollable desire consumed his thoughts.

"I can't... I can't control it!" Jason's voice trembled with desperation as he struggled against the overwhelming surge of libido that threatened to consume him. "It's violating me... I feel like... like an animal..."

Each pulse of the amulet sent waves of sensation coursing through his body, intensifying his arousal to unbearable levels. He could feel his muscles tensing, his breath quickening, as the lust within him burned like a fire.

"I-I can't... make it stop..." Jason's words came out in gasps as he fought against the overwhelming urge to succumb to his desires. "It's too much... I'm losing myself..."

As he tried to make sense of the harsh truth of his situation, his mind raced with feelings of disgrace and dismay. Despite his lifelong pride in strength and discipline, he was now nothing more than a serving vessel for his impulses.

"Please... someone... help me..." Jason's voice was barely a whisper now, lost amidst the chaos of his mind. He knew that he was beyond salvation, trapped in a nightmare of his own making, condemned to suffer for all eternity.

As the fabric continued to spread, wrapping him tighter and tighter, Jason felt his strength waning, his defiance fading with each passing moment. He could feel the humiliation washing over him, suffocating him with its suffocating embrace.

"Make it stop!" As Jason pounded on the fabric, his woes intensifying with each passing second, his voice broke with pain.

The mummy's grip imprisoned him within his Red Ranger outfit, and he could do nothing to break free. The snake icon that adorned his forehead inside the helmet foretold his terrible fate as King Sphinx's choked slave.

But then, as the mummification process engulfed him more, Jason felt an odd rush of joy. A strange exhilaration at the thought of his metamorphosis washed over him, and he could feel his opposition melting.

"Maybe... maybe this is my destiny," he murmured, his voice filled with a strange mixture of resignation and anticipation. "Maybe I was meant to serve King Sphinx... to be his loyal servant for all time..."

As time passed, Jason's willpower weakened, and he became a participant in his demise by accepting his fate. As night fell, he accepted his new duty with sick satisfaction, prepared to face the shadows ahead.

In the meantime, King Sphinx's joyous laughter resounded throughout the room as he beamed with satisfaction at Jason's capitulation. "Yes, Red Ranger, it is time to join me," he mocked intently. "You have become mine and will continue to serve me even beyond death. Welcome to your eternal resting place in this new tomb."

Jason felt the crushing weight of his betrayal descend on him like an unstoppable wave as he was caught in the stifling Red Ranger costume. Every step was a fight, and every breath a heartless memorial of his inadequacy.

"Why... why did they abandon me?" Jason's voice echoed with bitterness and despair as he grappled with the harsh reality of his situation. "I thought... I thought we were a solid team. But now... now I'm a lone slave of King Sphinx..."

As he attempted to comprehend the disorder that had engulfed his life, his thoughts were a tornado of bewilderment and suffering. Zordon and the others had betrayed him by treating him like old news after he trusted them with everything he owned.

In his state of helplessness and alone, Jason's thoughts reverted to the menacing scarab amulet that throbbed at his pelvic region. As it pumped black energy into his veins, he could feel his cravings rising to scary heights with every beat.

"I can't... I can't resist it anymore," Jason's voice was barely a whisper as he surrendered to the overwhelming surge of lust that threatened to consume him. "It's like... like I'm being controlled by some unseen force..."

As the power of the scarab amulet increased with each passing instant, he felt a sense of dread go down his legs as it warmed against his flesh. When confronted with his vulnerability, he could feel his stubbornness eroding.

"Why... why did I even try?" Jason's voice trembled with bitterness and despair as he grappled with the harsh reality of his situation. "I thought... I thought I could be a hero. But now... now I'm just a scared kid, paying the price for playing with powers beyond my control..."

His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and anguish as he tried to make sense of the chaos that had consumed his life. He had once dreamed of saving the world, of being the one everyone looked up to. But now, all he could see was the cold, hard truth of his inadequacy.

As he stood there, helpless and alone, Jason's mind drifted back to the scarab amulet pulsing ominously at his groin. With each beat, he could feel its dark energy seeping into his very being, twisting his desires into something dark and twisted.

"I'm just an idiot," Jason's voice was barely a whisper as he stared into the abyss of his own despair. "An impersonator trying to be brave. But now... now I'm paying the price for my arrogance."

His spine tingled with cold as the scarab amulet warmed against his flesh, its power intensifying every second. A sense of helplessness washed over him, and he could feel himself sinking deeper into the abyss. "Every time my heart beats, I am overwhelmed by the weight of my own mistakes," Jason pleaded for understanding, his voice heaving with sadness. "In all my years, this is the last thing I ever imagined myself to be."

Hearing Jason's screams of pain echo through the room, he realized he was helpless against the curse that had now ensnared him. A stray kid, swallowed by the darkness, he would spend eternity by King Sphinx's side. In that pit of despair, all he could think was, "Had there ever been any real hope for me?"


King Sphinx’s curse's brutal energies surrounded Jason the Red Ranger and grew stronger, their dark influence creeping across his body like writhing serpents. With each passing moment, he could feel his very essence being torn apart, ripped from him with agonizing precision.

"It hurts!" Jason's voice echoed through the chamber, a desperate cry of anguish screaming off the walls. "Make it stop!"

The continuous assault of night continued, nevertheless, with no sign of reprieve in sight. The stingers initially lodged at his toes and worked their way up his body like ice needles. The feeling was so terrible, like a burning agony that was eating him alive.

"Please!” The relentless advance of the darkness made Jason's screams louder and more desperate. "I can't take it anymore!"

With each inch the darkness consumed, Jason felt himself growing weaker, his strength fading as if drained by some unseen force. His muscles spasmed uncontrollably, his limbs writhing in torment as the darkness tightened its grip.

But the worst was yet to come. As the darkness reached his chest, Jason felt a crushing weight descend upon him, pressing down on his very soul. It appeared as though the relentless pressure was forcing his very essence out of his body.

"It's ripping me apart!" Jason's voice cracked with pain, his cries echoing off the walls of the chamber. "Help me!"

Jason struggled mightily, attempting to conquer the shadows. It was pointless; that much was clear. The night's grip was too tight. His sole recourse was to let out a piercing scream mingling with the piercing winds howling through the room.

It occurred just when he thought he could take it no more. As a final act of evil power, the shadows condensed into a warped image of his own visage, warped with anguish and suffering. Its savage ridicule of his humanity was a sobering monument of all he had lost.

Nothing could be done; all that could be heard was King Sphinx's savage laughing from his throne. In a last burst of evil power, the shadows merged into a distorted reflection of Jason's face, distorted with misery and pain.

"No!" Jason's screams reached a crescendo of despair as the cursed golden coin affixed itself to his mummified face. "I won't let you do this to me!"

But it was too late. The transformation was complete, and Jason was no more. In his place stood a twisted mockery of his former self, a slave to the darkness, doomed to serve King Sphinx for all eternity. There was no escape from King Sphinx's curse, no hope of breaking free from his grasp.

"I'm trapped!" Jason's voice betrayed his anguish as his remarks boomed off the chamber walls. His efforts to free himself from his unseen bindings were fruitless as he writhed and thrashed. Deep within the monster's lair, he found himself imprisoned, doomed to a life of slavery forever. "I'm doomed to serve him forever!"

As the shadows drew in closer, Jason sensed his doom was imminent. He had shed his armor and was no longer the heroic Red Ranger, sent to uphold fairness and save the helpless. A mere pawn in the depraved game of King Sphinx, he was subject to his every whim and want.

Jason gave in to the darkness as he uttered a final, pleading plea and met his end. As his cries dwindled into nothingness, the room was eerily quiet, broken only by the ominous chuckle of King Sphinx.

"No..." Jason gasped, his heart sinking as he realized the full extent of his fate. "I beg you... I don't deserve this..."

King Sphinx reveled in his newfound power from his throne atop the newly formed pyramid, his eyes gleaming with vicious delight. The monster summoned forth dark energies that twisted and warped the surrounding landscape, transforming it into a nightmarish palace befitting a tyrant such as himself.

Jason's once-heroic form convulsed violently under the onslaught of King Sphinx's ancient power. "N-no... can't... gotta..." he gasped, his words choked with desperation as he fought against the suffocating grip of darkness.

But his pleas went unheard and were drowned out by his adversary's sinister laughter. Jason's mummified form wormed about and twisted with each passing moment as they took hold. "Stop... no way... make it stop," he whimpered with a failed warrior’s tortured voice.

The pain was unbearable as the relentless onslaught threatened to consume him whole. But even as he struggled, Jason felt his mind slipping, fragments of thought torn apart by the relentless assault on his very being. "No... can't... must... gotta..." he muttered, his words a jumbled mess of confusion and fear.

All his effort was too late. The curse had taken hold, binding him to King Sphinx's will for all eternity. "No escape... no hope... doomed," he moaned, his voice a haunting lament for the hero he once was.

When King Sphinx surveyed his handiwork with a satisfied smirk, Jason's cries of anguish echoed through the desolate theater as a horror ending.

The monstrous being’s declaration echoed through the minds of the other Rangers as they could hear it through telepathy; it was a terrifying challenge that dared them to confront King Sphinx. "Come, Rangers," he taunted, his telepathic voice dripping with malice. "Come and witness the fate of your precious Red Ranger. He is mine now, forever enslaved to my will."

Jason's voice echoed through the chamber as a hefty price of their failure. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his words barely audible above the din. "I couldn't... I couldn't save us..."



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