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Lightspeed Rescue Green Ranger’s descent into darkness begins as he succumbs to Vypra's influence, which manifests through haunting nightmares of his failures. Tormented by these visions, his psyche weakens, making him vulnerable to the allure of Zentai corruption until he sets out to betray his own team. As the suffocating grip of Zentai tightens, the Lightspeed Rangers must confront their darkest fears and fight to break free from Vypra's brutal influence.

Will the Lightspeed Rangers find a way to loosen the suffocating grip of zentai corruption before it's too late?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends!

Eddie Hauck



Ruu K



Wyatt S

Ty smith


Robert Terwillger


Daniel K


Welcome the mask's embrace!

Even though the night was overcast, Green Lightspeed Ranger Joel Rawlings was no stranger to the shadows. In the depths of his dreams, Joel lay in bed, tormented by the recollection of his humiliation and captivity at the hands of Vypra, a female vampire villain.

In the recesses of his mind, the now-fearful Joel recalled the terrifying moment when Vypra's diabolical stare broke through his barriers, exposing him to the world. She had corrupted him to his core with a blast of unknown energy, and he recalled the searing anguish.

Reliving his most terrifying conflict with Vypra—the personification of all his worst nightmares—dragged Joel back into the depths of his nightmare. The recollection burned into his psyche like a scar, crystal clear in his thoughts.

A lack of bravery and vulnerability washed over him as the female demon's menacing eyes pierced into him. Joel was engulfed in excruciating agony as Vypra let loose her unholy power, a deluge of evil that loomed over him like a black cloud.

"You are mine, Green Ranger." Vypra's voice echoed in the void, a chilling clamor of malice and cruelty. "Your soul belongs to me, to be dragged to the fiery pits of hell."

Joel convulsed in agony, his screams drowned out by the crowd of his torment. "No... Please, spare me from hell!" he cried out, his voice raw with pain and desperation. "I don't want to be crushed by you!"

His cries only fueled Vypra's hunger. "You cannot escape your fate, Green," she taunted, her voice dripping with contempt. "In the fiery pits, you will be encased in a skintight cocoon of doom, suffocating for eternity."

As Vypra's corrupting energy tore through Joel's soul, his vision clouded, and the darkness devoured him. His body writhed in agony. His resolve eroded like a thin veneer, and he fell further into the pit.

"Please... no more," he begged, his voice a mere whisper against the onslaught of Vypra's power. "I can't… My life has no meaning anymore….”

In the depths of Joel Rawlings' nightmare, the darkness was a palpable force, suffocating him with its oppressive weight. He was transported back to the battlefield where he had faced Vypra, the memory unfolding with vivid clarity.

As Vypra's Hadean gaze bore into him, Joel felt a chill run down his spine, a premonition of the horrors to come. "You cannot escape me, Green Ranger," her brutal voice echoed in the void. "You are mine to command, to bend to my will."

Joel's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I… I will never submit to you, Vypra," he spat defiantly, his voice trembling with suppressed rage. "I am a Ranger… I will fight you with every ounce of strength I have."

But Vypra's laughter cut through his resolve like a knife, a cruel mockery of his defiance. "You are a big joke, Green," she taunted, her voice echoing in the darkness. "You are weak, and I am infinitely strong. It is only a matter of time before you kiss my breasts with awe."

Joel was agitated beyond his strength. "I will never bow to you, Vypra," he growled, his voice thick with willpower. "I would rather die fighting than surrender to your darkness."

But even as he spoke the words, Joel felt a creeping sense of dread worm its way into his mind. The memory of Vypra's corrupting energy surged through him, a searing agony that threatened to consume him whole.

"No... please!" he pleaded, his voice showing a sense of raw panic.

As Joel's struggles intensified, the corrupted suit constricted around him with relentless force, squeezing the life from his body inch by agonizing inch. Each gasp for air was met with a cruel mockery, as the suffocating darkness pressed down on him, consuming him with relentless fury.

"I-I can't... breathe!" Joel's voice echoed through the fiery abyss, a desperate scream drowned out by the inferno's roar.

But Joel was presented a chilling memorial of his impending doom. "Struggle all you want, Green Ranger!" she taunted, her voice dripping with sadistic delight. "Your screams only fuel my lust!"

Joel's mind was racing with fear as a result of the overwhelming dread that threatened to kill him. "N-no... I beg you... release me!" he pleaded, his voice tinged with terror.

But Vypra's laughter was a crowd of madness that screamed through the fiery abyss. "Your fate is under me, Green Ranger!" she hissed, her voice laced with venomous triumph. "There is no escape from my talons!"

As Joel's cries echoed into the inferno, swallowed by the flames that consumed him, Vypra watched with twisted satisfaction, her eyes ablaze with cruel intent. At that moment, the Lightspeed Green Ranger was lost to the abyss, consumed by the very evil he had sworn to vanquish.

And as the nightmare peaked in a horror memory, Joel's mind fractured under the weight of Vypra's corruption. In a frenzy of terror, he screamed and thrashed against his suffocating prison, his words a desperate plea for mercy.

"This can’t be... let me go!" Joel's voice was a fierce cry, unable to escape the deafening roar of the inferno.

But Vypra's laughter cut through the flames like a whip. "You are nothing but another victim of my hell!" she taunted with hunger.

"I can't... I can't..." The oppressive weight of the darkness choked off Joel's words as he fought against the inevitable.

But Vypra's laughter cut through the silence like a dagger, a cruel monument of his helplessness. She sneered with a monstrous voice, "You belong to me in all of your deliciousness to be crushed and consumed by the flames of hell."

Joel's mind reeled as he struggled to comprehend the depths of Vypra's cruelty. "No... this can't be real..." he muttered, his voice trembling with fear and despair. "I won't let you... I won't..."

But Vypra's laughter only grew louder, a crowd of madness that echoed through the darkness. "You are powerless to resist me, sad Joel Rawlings of the Lightspeed Rescue team," she taunted, her voice resounding triumphantly.

Joel's mind fractured under the weight of Vypra's corruption at the end of his nightmare. In a frenzy of madness, the hero screamed and thrashed against his suffocating, stretchy prison, with his words a garbled mix of terror and despair.

"I'll do anything... anything you ask..." Joel's voice was a desperate plea for mercy, his mind fractured and his spirit broken. "Just please... let me live..."

Joel's cries became loud, agonized sobbing before the flames engulfed him. With a sinister glee, Vypra observed, her laughter resonating like an ominous ghost. At that same second, the Lightspeed Green Ranger disintegrated into infinity, his spirit doomed to spend all of eternity in the Shadow World.

Joel's mad adoration twisted into a nightmarish frenzy. "I obey you, Vypra!" the former warrior cried out, his voice tinged with madness as the flames licked at his skin. “Command me, torment me, destroy me!"

Vypra's laughter echoed through the inferno, a sinister melody that danced upon the flames. "Yes, my loyal servant!" she whispered, her voice filled with dark satisfaction. "Suffer for me, Joel! Suffer and know that you are mine for all eternity!"

And as Joel's cries of adoration filled the fiery abyss, swallowed by the flames that consumed him, Vypra watched with twisted delight, her laughter mingling with the crackle of the inferno. At that moment, the Lightspeed Green Ranger was lost to the abyss, his mind enslaved and his soul condemned to an eternity of torment.

As the nightmare unfolded, Joel's screams of agony morphed into manic laughter, his mind fractured and his spirit broken. He boasted of serving Vypra, seeing himself as her newest pleasure toy, a willing slave to her darkest desires.

But as the nightmare came to a head, a shock of terror jolted Joel out of his agony. With a gasp, he bolted upright in bed, his body drenched in sweat and his heart pounding in his chest.

Yet, even in the safety of his darkened bedroom, Joel could still feel Vypra's presence lurking in the shadows, a specter of fear that refused to be banished. Trembling, he whispered into the darkness, his voice quivering with dread.

"I can't escape her... She's still here, waiting to consume me..."


Joel awoke from his fitful slumber, and his mind was still shrouded in the lingering haze of unsettling dreams. Unable to shake off the gnawing sense of unease, he was drawn inexorably to his Lightspeed Rescue morpher. His trembling fingers fumbled with the device in a trance-like state, his heart pounding in his chest as he sought solace in his Ranger duties.

"What's happening to me?" Joel thought, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. "These nightmares... they feel so real, like echoes of a future I can't escape. But I have to focus. I have a duty, a responsibility to protect others."

But the corruption that lurked within him urged him to go further, to embrace the suffocating embrace of tightness that awaited him. With a reckless abandon born of desperation, Joel sabotaged his morpher, heedless of the consequences.

"No, I can't let this darkness consume me," Joel's thoughts raced as his fingers worked feverishly. "I'm a Ranger, a protector of the innocent. But these whispers, this temptation... it's overpowering. I have to resist, to fight back against the darkness that threatens to engulf me."

Yet, despite his inner turmoil, Joel couldn't shake the feeling of certainty that hung in the air. The Rescue Morpher seemed to pulse with sinister energy beneath his touch, its once-familiar contours now taking on an ominous significance.

"I can't do this alone," Joel realized, a cold shiver running down his spine. "But who can I trust? Who can I turn to in this moment of weakness?"

As the final component clicked into place, sealing his fate, Joel felt a surge of power course through him, mingling with the tendrils of darkness that coiled around his soul. It was a heady sensation, intoxicating and addictive, filling him with a perverse sense of satisfaction.

"What have I done?" Joel's mind screamed in horror as the reality of his actions sank in. "I've betrayed everything I stand for, everything I believe in. But it's too late now. The darkness has claimed me now."

As the familiar green light engulfed him, Joel experienced excitement and fear as the transformation process started. He expected to feel the comforting warmth of his heroic Green Ranger costume, but he experienced something very different—something stifling and limiting, as if something sinful were about to engulf his form.

Amid his torment, a disembodied voice echoed in his mind, its words like honeyed poison. "Embrace my breast milk, Joel," it hissed, its tone both seductive and sinister. "Surrender to the corrupted bliss of tightness, and all your desires shall be fulfilled."

As the Lightspeed Rescue Morpher sprang to life with the press of the black side release button, Joel's heart raced with anticipation, his breath quickening in excitement. Little did he know of the impending horror lurking beneath the surface, waiting to consume him whole.

"Her breasts, her crotch... it's intoxicating," Joel muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a frantic desperation. "I must have it. I must become stronger."

The once-glorious sight of the antenna panel unfolding elegantly underwent a hideous metamorphosis. The once-heroic shield has transformed into a terrifying monster. In the dark light of the command center, it poured black latex and pulsed with demonic energy, producing an unsettling glow. The Rescue Morpher flashed a sinister red glow, which Joel disregarded as a sign that corruption was about to begin.

"More... I need more power," Joel muttered, his words echoing in the chamber with an unsettling fervor. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Oblivious to the danger within, Joel lunged forward, drawn by an irresistible pull toward the corrupted shield. It beckoned to him, promising power beyond his wildest dreams. The latex trap sprung to life the closer he got, stretching and contorting to encase him in its suffocating embrace. It was as if the darkness itself had reached out to claim him.

Within the confines of the trap, Joel's body was entangled in the clinging stretchiness, which twisted and warped around him like a sinister cocoon. Instead of the heroic armor he expected, the rubbery material molded into a grotesque parody of his Ranger suit – a zentai suit of humiliation that was a stark memorial of his corruption. He struggled against the material, his movements frantic and desperate, but it only tightened its grip on him.

"I can't breathe, but it doesn’t matter anymore," Joel gasped, his voice strained with panic as he fought against the latex's relentless embrace. This is my life now!”

Despite his efforts, Joel's civilian face remained visible beneath the stretchy fabric, contorted in horror and humiliation. The constricting material tightened around his throat, cutting off his air supply and filling his lungs with lust. As the corrupted energy surged through the Rescue Morpher, Joel's laughter echoed through the chamber, a maddening crowd that seemed to be resounding off the walls. "Yes, yes, let it consume me," he cackled, his eyes gleaming with manic hunger. "I am not afraid of the darkness... I welcome it with open arms!"

He gasped for breath, his panicked breaths echoing in the chamber as he realized the true extent of his predicament. With each twist and contortion of the transformation sequence, Joel's laughter grew louder, more unhinged. "Tighter, tighter," he cried out, his voice a frenzied ecstasy.

As Joel's transition drew close, the latex trap became ever more oppressive. Terror ran down his back as the visor-shaped barrier crashed down, permanently encasing him in his twisted body. His ambitions had imprisoned him, and the darkness had fully engulfed him.

Even as the stretchy fabric cocoon tightened around him, Joel's laughter persisted, a clamor of madness that filled the chamber with its perverse melody. "This is my destiny," he declared, his words a mantra of surrender to the darkness. "To be consumed by the void, to enjoy in its corruption... I am your loyal servant, Vypra, forever and always!"

Now that he was fully transformed, Joel's mind spiraled further into insanity as he felt an overwhelming need to worship Vypra, his new evil mistress. "Vypra... my queen," he whispered, his voice trembling with reverence. "I am yours to command. Lead me into the shadows, for I am yours in all."

As Joel gasped for air in the rubbery-smelling, urine-stench-filled zentai suit of doom, Vypra's disembodied voice echoed in his mind like a dark clamor of torment. "You are nothing but a tool, Joel," she hissed, her words dripping with disdain. "A pet to be used and discarded at my whim."

Joel's mind swirled with a maddening mixture of fear and adoration for his mistress. "Yes, mistress," he whispered hoarsely, his voice unable to escape the sound of his labored breathing. "I live only to serve you, to fulfill your darkest desires."

Vypra's cold and ruthless laughter filled the chamber. "You will do as I command, Joel," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of absolute authority. You will corrupt your teammates, bring them into my fold, and we shall reign supreme together."

A surge of perverse excitement coursed through Joel's veins at the thought of betraying his fellow Rangers. "Yes, mistress," he replied eagerly, his mind consumed by the intoxicating allure of power. "I will crush them beneath my heel, and they will bow before you, their true queen of darkness."

Joel let Vypra completely control him amid his craziness and love, and her laughter echoed in his ears. As night fell, he realized that he was nothing more than a part of his cruel mistress's Hadean castle. Still, he felt more vital than before at that very moment.

For the time being, though, Joel was affected mainly by an entirely other feeling: the overwhelming desire to urinate again. He violently urinated, spraying pee all over the space and leaving smears on the walls and floor as a result of his insanity. His enjoyment was intensified by the stifling zentai suit, which transformed every release into sinful exuberance.

In his descent into lunacy, Joel knelt as the last drops of urine poured out of his body. At that instant, he had transformed from the heroic Green Ranger into a willing servant of Vypra's desires.

Joel gave in to the night with a sinister grin on his face, his thoughts racing with plans for conquest and devastation. He eagerly accepted his new position as an apostle of chaos and despair, and he eagerly anticipated the harmful and volatile journey that lay ahead.


Joel realized there was no going back as he stood amid the rubble of his old existence. At this point, he was entirely beholden for Vypra. She would usher in a new era of evil by manipulating him, when the forces of light would succumb to their ferocious desire for dominance and power.

Joel drank from his newfound strength as the Green Zentai Ranger while encased in the stifling zentai suit. Dark forces had distorted his thinking to the point where he fantasized about the destruction of every one of his former Lightspeed Rescue companions. In his sick mind, they were reduced to scurrying and gnawing at the relentless fabric that trapped them, their noble bodies ripped apart by the savage zentai armor.

Each Ranger endured their terrifying test while encased in the stifling zentai suits as Joel's bizarre dream played out.

Once the fearless Yellow Ranger, Kelsey found herself trapped in a nightmare of her own making. As the rubbery material constricted around her, she clawed desperately at the fabric, her nails scraping against the unyielding material. "I can't breathe!" she gasped, her voice strained with panic. "Someone, please help me!"

But in the dark, no one could hear her cries or comfort her. The fabric's grip got tighter with every moment that passed, squeezing the air out of her lungs and making her feel like she was going to vomit out. "This can't be happening," she whimpered, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I was supposed to be a hero..."

The elegant Pink Ranger, Dana, felt powerless as the stretchiness enveloped her. Desperate to get traction, her motions became increasingly erratic as she battled the unyielding cloth. "I don't want to die like this!" she cried out, her voice trembling with fear. "Please, someone save me!"

The stretchy fabric's constant cracking and strained breathing rendered her cries unheard. Her resolve crumbled beneath the weight of despair as her vitality dropped with each passing second. "I'm sorry," she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry..."

The persistent Blue Ranger, Chad, battled the looming Hadean threat as the zentai suits around him. His breaths came in irregular gasps as he strained his muscles against the cloth. Even in this pit of despair, his cries of "I won't give up!" rang out. "I refuse to let this be the end!"

But his defiance was met with only silence, the oppressive atmosphere of the chamber pressing down on him like a weight. His hope dwindled with each failed attempt to break free, replaced by a growing sense of resignation. "I thought I was stronger than this," he muttered, his voice tinged with regret. "But maybe I was wrong..."

Carter, the bold Red Ranger, finally succumbed to the latex and had to face his fate. He slammed his hands on the cloth and roared in anger. In the night, he proclaimed, "I will not allow you to win! I will not stop till I am wiped out!"

But even as he fought against the encroaching darkness, Carter knew his efforts were in vain. The fabric tightened its grip, squeezing the life from him with each passing moment. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice unable to escape his labored breathing. "I tried... but I'm not strong enough..."

Joel laughed in cruel delight as the last echoes of their struggles faded into the darkness, his voice filled with malice and madness. "Our team is so laughable," he sneered, his words dripping with contempt. Look at you all—trapped and helpless, just like I always knew you would be."

With a final, mocking laugh, Joel turned away from the scene, his mind consumed by visions of conquest and dominance. "Worship Vypra," he murmured, his voice a twisted whisper. "She is our goddess, our mistress. We must bow before her and submit to her will. Only then will we find true power."

Joel felt there was no way to escape from the misery that had gripped him, even as he relished his newfound attachment to Vypra. In addition to being bound, Joel's old companions were humiliated, and their demise was finalized when his urine soiled each zentai costume.


Dana, the Pink Lightspeed Ranger, stood in the Ranger base, her heart filled with trust and camaraderie towards her fellow Ranger, Joel. When he approached her with an offer to enhance her Rescue Morpher, she didn't hesitate to accept. After all, Joel was a valued team member, and she believed in his intentions wholeheartedly.

"Hey, Dana," Joel said with a charming smile, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "I've been working on something that might help enhance your morpher. It'll make your powers even stronger, trust me."

Dana's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of improving her abilities as a Ranger. "Really? That sounds amazing, Joel! Thank you so much for thinking of me," she replied, her voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Dana waited eagerly with steadfast faith in Joel as he started tending with the gadget. Her fingers trembled with anticipation as she clutched her morpher, eagerly anticipating the outcome of Joel's adjustments.

But as Joel worked his dark magic, sinister energy began to surge through the Rescue Morpher, corrupting its once-pure transformation sequence. Dana's excitement turned to confusion as she watched the device emit a sickly glow, its light casting eerie shadows across the room.

"Is everything okay, Joel?" Dana asked, her voice tinged with concern as she eyed the morpher warily. Something felt off, but she couldn't quite grasp it.

While Joel's face stayed calm, his innocent appearance hid the darkness inside him. "Everything's fine, Dana. Just a little glitch in the system, that's all. Nothing to worry about," he reassured her, his voice smooth and reassuring. “You're still going to be amazing."

"Thanks for doing this, Joel," Dana said with a warm smile, her voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate it. With your help, I know I can become an even better Pink Ranger."

As Dana activated her Rescue Morpher, the black side release button triggered a sequence of events that plunged her into darkness.

"What's happening? Joel, what did you do?!" Dana was screaming in a voice full of confusion and panic.

Joel's smile only widened, a cruel glint in his eyes as he watched her distress. "Sorry, Dana, but you've outlived your usefulness," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Consider this my parting gift to you."

With the rubbery material ooze churning inside, Dana's powerful pink shield formed like an extremely unnatural visor. The hero, however, was helpless while her transformation developed.

"Enjoy the show, Dana. You're about to become a star!" Joel's voice echoed with sinister amusement, his grin evident even in the darkness.

The shield oozed with a sickly, pinkish latex substance, pulsating with evil energy. Despite being unaware of the impending horror, Dana felt a perverse pull toward the corrupted pink shield.

"No! Help me! Someone, please!" Dana's pleas grew more desperate as she felt the rubbery material trap's suffocating embrace.

The stretchy fabric trap awoke as she approached, bending and stretching to wrap her in its suffocating mouth.

"I can't breathe! Get it off me!" The tightening, rubbery substance muffled Dana's cries, her struggles growing more frantic with each passing moment.

The sticky, elastic material wrapped around Dana's body like a second skin as she was trapped in the trap. A hideous spoof of her Pink Ranger suit—a zentai garment of shame that stood as a monument to her depravity—formed out of the latex instead of the heroic armor.

"Looking good, Dana! A perfect fit!" Joel's mocking tone cut through the darkness, his laughter echoing off the base's walls.

Her civilian face remained visible beneath the stretchiness, a mask of horror and humiliation instead of a robust superhero helmet, as she struggled against the deflating material.

"Please, Joel, help me! Make it stop!" Dana's voice trembled with fear as she pleaded for mercy. Her gaping, gasping mouth was visible underneath the smother. There was no respirator to provide life support; instead, the rubbery material tightened around her throat, cutting off her air supply and filling her lungs with dread. The skintight cocoon tightened further as the transformation neared completion, sealing Dana within its suffocating grip.

"I'm suffocating! Somebody, please, help!" Dana's cries grew weaker as her strength waned, the darkness threatening to devour her.

The visor-shaped shield slammed down, locking her into her corrupted form. She was trapped in a prison of her humiliating caricature.

"Welcome to Vypra’s dominion, Dana. You will join me in the Shadow World now!" Joel's voice echoed with triumph as Dana's transformation reached its horrifying conclusion as a pink zentai suit frenzied slave.



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