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A dark plague is spreading in a lost city of lost souls. When Julie, Ultrawoman Justice's human disguise, investigates the location, she unexpectedly interferes in the growing evil presence’s plot to threaten the whole world with darkness.

But when gruesome vampire lord Kyuranos sinks his fangs into Ultrawoman Justice, a race against time begins.

Will she succumb to the bloodthirsty curse, or will she find a way to resist the darkness that threatens to consume her?

PS: Although Kyuranos is a monster from the Tiga-Dyna universe, I want to use Cosmos-Justice so here you go!

Also, Justice was described as a male, but I made him female since the host was Julie, the alien human girl! I hope you like the thicc Ultragirl!

This one is a very special story for my loyal and royal patron friends!


Wyatt S

Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Night of the living dread!

The moon was hidden behind a cloud cover, creating shadows that twisted and drew like wicked serpents, adding to the foreboding atmosphere of the night. A desolate nightclub in the middle of the city remained as a memorial to long-gone celebrations, its pulsating lights now dimmed and its dance floor a mausoleum of lost joys.

It was difficult for XIG Forces to proceed cautiously in the haunted streets because of the strange quiet that filled the air. Their objective was very clear: to rid the city of the nightmarish threat that preyed on the innocent inhabitants. Reports of vampire assaults had brought them here.

Ultrawoman Justice's human disguise, Julie, was watching the XIG agents. As a quiet protector, she remained still and alert in the shadows, her senses heightened as she searched for the hiding danger. The stillness of the night weighed heavily on her, a palpable presence that warned of hidden threats.

Out of nowhere, a terrifying scream shattered the serenity of the night, ripping it apart like glass. With her thoughts racing with gloomy possibilities, Julie hurried towards the sound's origin, her heart beating with fear. With her eyes darting around the dimly illuminated club, she sprinted through the doors of the deserted establishment, searching for anybody or anything.

What she found was a scene of horror that chilled her to the core.

A young girl, her face contorted in terror, crouched in a corner as a trio of vampires ganged up on her with predatory grace. Their eyes gleamed with an unholy hunger, their fangs bared in anticipation of their next meal. Julie's blood ran cold as she watched the unfolding tableau, her grip tightening on the hilt of her weapon.

Without hesitation, Julie sprang into action, her movements a blur of speed and precision as she launched herself at the vampires with righteous fury. Her fists blazed with crackling energy as she unleashed a barrage of blows upon her foes, driving them back with each devastating strike.

As the skirmish in the abandoned nightclub climaxed, Julie, now out in the open to help the XIG soldiers, found herself locked in a deadly dance with the vampires. With each strike and parry, she fought with a ferocity born of desperation, determined to protect the young girl from the clutches of the vampiric horde.

"Stay back!" Julie shouted, her voice echoing through the dimly lit club. "I won't let you harm her!"

But even as she battled against the encroaching darkness, Julie sensed something was amiss. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and a chill wind swept through the dilapidated building, carrying with it a sense of foreboding that stabbed her with dread.

Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath Julie's feet gave way, swallowing her up in a maelstrom of shadow and despair. She cried out in alarm as she tumbled headlong into the gaping maw of darkness, her heart pounding in her chest.

"What's happening?" Julie thought frantically as she plummeted into the abyss. "This wasn't part of the plan."

With a sickening thud, Julie landed hard on the cold stone floor of a cavernous chamber, her limbs aching and her head swimming with dizziness. She struggled to regain her bearings, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

Then, she saw it, looming before her like a specter from her darkest nightmares: Kyuranos's coffin.

"The vampire lord," Julie muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. I should have known he'd be behind this."

The ancient sarcophagus lay at the center of the chamber, its ornate carvings and macabre adornments casting eerie shadows upon the walls. Julie's heart pounded in her chest as she realized the gravity of her situation. She was trapped in the lair of the vampire lord himself, with no hope of escape.

Before she could react, a pair of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with malice as they ambushed Julie with predatory intent. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Julie knew that she was not alone in the darkness.

"Welcome, Ultrawoman Justice," a voice echoed through the chamber, its tone dripping with contempt. "Welcome to your final resting place."

Julie's blood ran cold as she recognized the voice of her captor. It was Kyuranos, the vampire lord, and he had plans for her that were more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

But as she looked around, her gaze fell upon the young girl who had seemed distressed just moments before. The girl's eyes glowed with a Hadean light, and a wicked grin twisted her features as she stepped forward, revealing her true nature.

"I'm sorry, Julie," the girl said, her voice laced with venomous deceit. "But you were never going to save me. I belong to Kyuranos now, and so do you."

Julie's heart sank as she realized the depth of the betrayal. She had been played for a fool, and now she was paying the price for her naivety.

With a surge of panic, Julie lashed out at her assailants, her fists blazing with crackling energy as she fought tooth and nail to defend herself. But it was all in vain. The vampires were relentless in their assault, their strength and speed far surpassing her own.

With a swift motion, they subdued Julie, dragging her kicking and screaming towards the waiting coffin. She struggled against their iron grip, her mind ablaze with fear and desperation. But try as she might, she could not break free from their clutches.

With a final, agonized cry, Julie was dragged into the coffin, the lid slamming shut with a resounding thud. Darkness enveloped her, swallowing her whole as the depths of Kyuranos's lair consumed her.

When the echoes of her screams faded into the abyss, Julie knew that she was truly alone in the heart of the night, at the mercy of the vampire lord and his insatiable hunger for power.


Trapped within the suffocating confines of Kyuranos's sub-space dimension, Julie was trapped in a nightmarish prison unlike anything she had ever experienced. The air hung heavy with an oppressive atmosphere, thick with the stench of decay and barbarism.

Julie's mind raced with questions as she struggled against the invisible bonds that held her captive. How had she ended up in this accursed place? And what sinister fate awaited her at the hands of Kyuranos, the vampire lord?

The answers came swiftly, like a dark tide rising to consume her.

"You are in my domain now, Ultrawoman Justice," Kyuranos's voice echoed through the chamber, its tone dripping with malice. "And here, there is no escape."

Julie steeled her heart, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I won't let you win," she declared, her voice trembling with willpower. "I will find a way to stop you, no matter what it takes."

Kyuranos's laughter screamed through the darkness, a chilling sound that threatened to devastate Julie’s spirit.

"Your bravery is commendable, Ultrawoman Justice," he sneered, his voice tinged with impatience. "But you misunderstand your predicament. I do not seek your destruction. No, I seek something far more valuable - your allegiance."

Julie's eyes widened in disbelief. "You want me to join you?" she exclaimed, incredulous.

Kyuranos's crimson eyes gleamed with a sinister light. "Indeed," he replied, his voice dripping with persuasion. "You possess a power unlike any other, a power that could tip the scales in my favor. With you by my side, we could usher in a new era of darkness, where humanity cowers in fear before our might."

Julie recoiled in horror at the thought. "I will never join you," she declared, her voice filled with righteous fury. "I will fight you until my dying breath, no matter the cost."

But Kyuranos remained undeterred, his gaze unwavering. "Very well," he said, his voice taking on a more sinister tone. "But know this, Ultrawoman Justice. Your fate was sealed long before you set foot in this chamber. You are destined to suffer in eternal fire, crushed beneath the weight of your own righteousness."

The dimension's crimson atmosphere seemed to throb with wicked energy, pressing in on Julie from all sides like a suffocating vice. She could feel its insidious presence clawing at her mind, threatening to tear her apart from the inside out.

"Your bravado is amusing, Ultrawoman Justice," he sneered. "But you are powerless here. In this realm of darkness, your light will be extinguished."

With a wave of his hand, Kyuranos conjured forth a swirling vortex of shadows, enveloping Julie in a suffocating embrace. She cried out in agony as the darkness washed over her, draining her strength and leaving her feeling more helpless than ever before.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a shaft of dimming sunlight pierced the gloom, illuminating the chamber with its radiant glow. Julie's eyes widened in disbelief as she beheld the miraculous sight, her heart soaring with newfound hope.

"Impossible," Kyuranos hissed, recoiling from the light as if it were a physical blow. "How can this be?"

Julie seized the moment, summoning forth her powers with a strength born of desperation. "You may control this realm, Kyuranos," she declared, her voice ringing out with authority. "But you cannot extinguish the light that burns within me."

With a defiant cry, she unleashed a torrent of energy that seared through the shadows like a beacon of hope. The chamber erupted into chaos as Kyuranos recoiled, his form writhing in agony as pure energy consumed him from within.

As the city lay engulfed in the suffocating grip of darkness, Julie felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. With resolve, she called upon the power within her, invoking the sacred incantation to bring forth her heroic alter ego.

"I become one with the light!" she declared, her voice echoing through the lonely streets. "JUSTICE!"

In a dazzling display of light, Julie's form ignited with crackling energy as she transformed into Ultrawoman Justice. Her eyes blazed with willpower as she beheld the colossal figure of Kyuranos, the embodiment of darkness, looming over the city.

As Julie transformed into Ultrawoman Justice and descended upon the city, her heart pounded with a mixture of steadfastness and dread. The sight of Kyuranos, in his true form, was enough to send shivers down her spine. His monstrous silhouette loomed over the buildings, his sheer presence suffocating the air with an aura of barbarism.

"Your reign of terror ends now, Kyuranos!" Justice's voice rang out, filled with Ultra power as she unleashed a barrage of energy blasts at her foe.

The clash between Ultrawoman Justice and Kyuranos erupted into an explosive battle, each combatant pushing the limits of their abilities to gain the upper hand. Kyuranos, with his mastery over darkness, wielded his powers with cunning and precision, creating swirling vortexes of shadows with the bat-like movements of his expansive wings.

"Victorium Beam!" Justice's cry pierced the darkness as she unleashed a torrent of orange energy toward Kyuranos. But with a flick of his wings, the vampire king deflected the attack, redirecting the power with a twisted grin.

"You fight with the strength of a flickering spark, Ultrawoman," Kyuranos taunted, his voice echoing through the night as he soared above Justice, his wings casting ominous shadows across the battlefield. "But darkness is eternal."

Shockwaves rippled across the air as Kyuranos released a wave of evil energy with a resounding howl. With unwavering determination, Julie readied herself to withstand the attack.

The fierce fighting between the two enemies shook the city's very foundations. With lightning speed and pinpoint accuracy, Julie flung herself toward Kyuranos, her fists exploding with explosive force. The vampire lord's enormous claws sliced through the air with lethal precision, making him just as terrifying.

A concerto of devastation resounded through the night as the air boiled with raw strength from each stroke exchanged. As they moved forward, structures collapsed, and the earth shook.

“Sparks have a way of igniting into flames!” Undeterred, Justice pressed on, her movements sluggish as she struggled to keep pace with her nimble foe. "Light Effector!" she shouted, firing a barrage of energy blasts toward Kyuranos. But the vampire king merely laughed, the darkness swirling around him as he effortlessly dodged each attack with graceful ease.

With a growl of frustration, Justice shifted tactics, her fists blazing with energy as she launched herself toward Kyuranos in a flurry of blows. "Justice Smash!" she bellowed, her attacks raining down upon the vampire king with all the force she could muster. But Kyuranos was elusive, his wings carrying him out of harm's way before swooping back in to strike with deadly precision.

“So bold, yet so thoughtless!” roared the vampiric demon with an echoing voice.

As the battle raged on, Justice felt her strength waning, the darkness closing in around her like a suffocating shroud. With each passing moment, Kyuranos's attacks grew more ferocious, his wings slicing through the air with razor-sharp precision.

In a swift motion, Kyuranos seized his opportunity, diving toward Justice with feral aggression. With a snarl of triumph, he slashed at her with his talons, leaving deep gashes in her armor as she cried out in pain.

Ultrawoman Justice let out a hollow, primal scream as Kyuranos's teeth dug into her skin; the sound resounded like a melancholy moan as it resounded through the night. Her thicc, curvy body was wracked with agonizing agony as the thick and potent poison crept into her veins.

"No...NO!" Justice's voice cracked with anguish, and her words choked with desperation as she struggled against the overpowering darkness. But the venom was relentless, its grip tightening around her like a vice, its tendrils spreading through her body with cruel precision.

With each passing moment, Justice could feel herself slipping further into the abyss, her mind clouded by the suffocating embrace of the vampire's curse. "I won't...I can't..." she gasped, her breath coming in ragged sobs as she fought against the inevitable.

But Kyuranos's laughter cut through the darkness like a knife, a cruel clamor of triumph that echoed in Justice's ears like a taunt. "You are mine now, Ultrawoman," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he reveled in her torment. "A slave to the night, just like all the others before you."

With each word, Justice felt a fresh wave of horror wash over her, her spirit crumbling under the weight of Kyuranos's dominance. "No...please..." she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper against the overwhelming tide of darkness.

But Kyuranos paid her pleas no heed, his grip tightening around her with cruel satisfaction. "You will serve me well, Ultrawoman," he continued, his tone laced with sadistic glee.

As the vampiric venom surged through Ultrawoman Justice's veins, she found herself caught in a brutal battle not just against Kyuranos but against the savage hunger curse festering within her own soul. The struggle was a relentless onslaught, a hellish inferno that threatened to consume her entirely as she desperately clung to her humanity and the flickering light that defined her.

With each passing moment, the insatiable thirst for blood gnawed at her from within, a demonic force that pulsed through her veins like a relentless tide. "I...I must resist..." Justice's voice trembled with defiance, her words a feeble attempt to push back against the fiery onslaught raging within her.

But the curse was unyielding, its infernal grip tightening with each passing moment as it twisted her form and corrupted her very essence. Justice could feel her silvery bosomy body contorting and shifting, her once noble features contorted into a grotesque visage as the flames of hell licked at her soul.

The hunger grew more insistent with each passing moment, a primal urge that threatened to consume her sanity and her very humanity. "No...not like this..." The devilish roar echoing in her head drowned out Justice's pleas, and as she struggled to resist the curse's hellish influence, her willpower gave way under its weight.

But even as she fought against the relentless tide of evil, Justice could feel herself slipping further and further into the abyss. "I am justice..." she whispered, her voice barely a whisper amidst the raging storm of her torment. "I am...I am..."

But the flames whispered their seductive promises, their fiery tongues licking at the edges of her consciousness as they beckoned her toward the fiery pits of hell. "Embrace it..." a demonic voice hissed in her ear, its tone dripping with satanic intent. "Embrace the power that burns within you."

With each passing moment, Justice felt herself losing ground, her spirit scorched by the relentless blaze threatening to consume her. "No...I won't..." she gasped, her voice choked with agony as she fought against the fiery storm that threatened to engulf her.

But the hunger raged on, a relentless force that demanded to be sated. "Join us..." the demonic voice whispered, its words a crowd of torment and despair. "Join us in the eternal flames of suffering."

As the inferno devastated her, Justice knew that her struggle was far from over. She could feel herself sinking further and further into the fiery abyss even as she struggled against the curse that was threatening to consume her. The vampire's bite had tarnished her once-honorable spirit.


Under Kyuranos's command, Ultrawoman Justice spread terror throughout the city, her once noble purpose twisted into a nightmare of destruction. Her eyes glowed with an unholy light as she stalked the streets, her every movement guided by the vampire's Hadean will.

Buildings crumbled in her wake as she unleashed her newfound power upon the unsuspecting populace, her laughter echoing through the night like a terrorizing melody of despair. "Suffer..." she whispered, her voice laced with cruelty as she reveled in the chaos she wrought.

However, as Justice herded the kids into Kyuranos' trap, the children took the brunt of her newfound thirst, their innocent cries going unheeded. "Come to me, little ones..." she beckoned, her voice a sinister siren's call as she lured them toward their doom.

As the abandoned school echoed with the distant cries of terrified children, Ultrawoman Justice, now transformed into a hellish mangled hybrid of an Ultrawoman heroine and a vampire, prowled its darkened corridors with an unnatural grace. Her once noble intentions had been twisted into a sinister hunger, driving her to seek out her prey with relentless willpower. Her silvery mouth now bore the lethal fangs that were hungry for blood.

With superhuman speed and an eerie ability to teleport from one shadow to the next, Justice, in her human-sized form, stalked the unsuspecting children as they cowered in fear in various levels and rooms of the school. Their panicked whispers echoed through the empty halls, a terrorizing soundtrack to Justice's relentless pursuit.

"I... I can't be... this," Justice choked out, her voice strained with disbelief and horror. "I'm not a monster. I can't be."

Justice swooped upon each kid she encountered ferociously, meting out an end worse than death to each one. She drank heavily from their lifeblood as she briefly flashed her long fangs before sinking her teeth into their delicate flesh. A crowd of fear resounded through the darkness as their cries of terror blended with the sound of her vicious eating.

As Justice encircled them in a dingy hallway, a terrified kid implored, "No... please, don't!" Justice continued along, her ravenous appetite visible in her scarlet eyes, despite her cries for mercy.

But the brutal manifestation of the darkness that suddenly engulfed her spirit was Kyuranos's menacing laughing, which resounded in her ears. "You are no longer the brave knight that you claim you are," he teased, his voice betraying his animosity. "You are one of us now, a creature of the endless blood night, born from the depths of the Void."

The children watched in horror as Justice's once radiant form warped and twisted before their eyes, and her features contorted into a grotesque parody of her former self. "Please... please don't do this," one of them begged, their voice trembling with fear.

As Justice stalked the halls, her every action a display of the terror of her metamorphosis, she knew she would never be the same fearless fighter she once was. Now that the darkness had eaten her, she was a demon doomed to an eternity of damnation as a slave to it.

With each meal, the children's vigor dwindled and their cheeks darkened as their energy dwindled. Others writhed in agony as some fell lifeless and unconscious, but the gushing blood from their wounds drowned out their cries for help.

As Justice drew near, her need for blood insatiable, another kid sobbed, their voice almost above a scream: "Stop... I beg you..." Justice drank deeply from their essence, her wicked laughter mixing with the pained wails of her victims, yet her screams went unheard.

Each horrific artifact of the souls she had damned to hell resounded like her footsteps as they resounded along the corridors. Anguished and betrayed, one kid yelled, "You are our Ultra heroine, here to protect us. Why are you doing this?"

Justice's eyes burned unholy as she turned to face the child, torn between her protective spirit and the insatiable thirst that consumed her. "I... I don't know," she confessed, her voice laced with uncertainty. "I want to protect you, but... I can't control it. The hunger, the darkness... it's too strong."

The harsh reality of Justice's words caused the child to recoil in horror, shattering their innocence. "No... no, it can't be true," they whimpered, their voice trembling with despair.

Justice's eyes burned with an unholy fire as she turned to face the child, her gaze cold and devoid of remorse. "Because you are no longer worthy of protection," she spat, her voice laced with venom. "You are all damned, just like me."

"Please…," they whimpered, their voice trembling with despair.

But Justice's laughter cut through the air like a blade, a cruel mockery of the hope that had once filled the hearts of the innocent. "There is no escape from the darkness," she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the empty corridors. "We are all damned, condemned to suffer for eternity in the pits of hell."

With each gulp of blood, Justice felt a surge of dark energy coursing through her veins, feeding her addiction to the crimson nectar.

Julie’s inner voice strained with sorrow and self-loathing. "Now... now I'm their worst nightmare."

Her conscience torn between her former heroic self and the insatiable thirst that now ruled her existence, Justice struggled to reconcile her newfound cravings with the memories of her noble past.

"I'm a monster," she lamented, the weight of her actions bearing down on her with each passing moment. "But I can't... I can't resist."

Justice felt a wave of hopelessness swept over her as she persisted in her unrelenting attack on the defenseless children. She had claimed many lives, but her desire for blood was still unfulfilled, and it was becoming worse by the second.

"I was hoping this would be enough," she said to herself, her voice betraying her dissatisfaction. "Still, it's too little. What I really need is more."

This grave fact confirmed to Justice that her journey into the shadows was far from finished. Whatever it took, even the loss of everything she ever loved, she would do in her relentless pursuit of blood. A deluge of recollections washed over her. The horrific reality she was suddenly confronted with stood in stark contrast to the visions of her previous struggles, triumphs, and heroic ideals that flooded her mind.

"I was... I had hopes of myself," she whispered hoarsely, her voice trembling with disbelief as she clutched her metallic head in a frenzy. “I was a champion of justice... a bold giantess from the stars."

Justice felt hopelessness sink in as she tried to make sense of her heroic history while also coping with her ravenous hunger. Her corrupted armor's black claws sank into her breast, staining her formerly spotless armor crimson—a tangible representation of the inner agony she was experiencing.

Her voice quivered with every syllable as she fought the insatiable thirst growing inside her. "I don't want this," she cried out. "I do not want to harm them... I don't want to be this!"

Even as Justice pleaded and cried out in agony, she realized she couldn't stop the evil urges that had taken control of her life. While in her tormented condition, she could do nothing but watch as her humanity crumbled before the insatiable monster that had come to characterize her devoured it.

As the children's cries echoed through the school halls, Justice let out a mournful wail, her voice filled with self-loathing and despair. "This... this curse," she whispered, her words choked with bitterness. "It's my downfall... my incompetence in battle. I couldn't... I couldn't protect them... and now... now I'm lost."

Ultrawoman Justice stalked the shadowed corridors of the abandoned school, her movements fluid and predatory, she could feel the hunger clawing at her insides like a ravenous beast.

"I crave... more," she hissed through the violating desire, her voice twisted with the anguish of her inner turmoil as she crept ever closer to her prey. "It's never... enough. But I need... more blood."

With each step, the darkness seemed to close in around her, suffocating her with its oppressive weight. The children, huddled together in terror, trembled at the sight of her, their wide eyes reflecting the depths of their fear.

"I... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her own heart as she lunged forward, her elongated claws slicing through the air like scythes of death. The children's screams pierced the silence, a hurricane of terror that only fueled her insatiable hunger.

The taste of blood was metallic and bitter on her tongue, but it brought her no satisfaction, no relief from the gnawing emptiness that consumed her from within. It was a hunger born of darkness that could never be sated.

"I hunger... for more," she growled, her voice dripping with menace as she descended upon her next victim, her eyes ablaze with an unholy light. The children's pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears as she tore into their flesh with savage abandon, her movements swift and merciless.

And as she feasted upon their lifeblood, a sense of dread washed over her, a grim realization of the monster she had become. She was no longer Ultrawoman Justice, the defender of the innocent, but something far darker, far more sinister.

"I am... the Grim Reaper," she whispered, her voice a hollow echo in the darkness as she surrendered herself to the insatiable hunger that consumed her soul. "And death... is my only salvation."


As Kyuranos's booming voice echoed through the night, his mocking laughter pierced the darkness like a dagger. "You? The Grim Reaper?" he taunted, his words dripping with contempt. "You are nothing but a mere shadow of what you once were, a pathetic creature enslaved by your own thirst for blood."

Justice, her once proud spirit now crushed beneath the weight of Kyuranos's dominance, could only cower in fear at his words. She had thought of herself as strong and believed that she could resist the darkness that threatened to consume her. But now, faced with the true embodiment of evil, she knew that she was nothing more than a pawn in Kyuranos's twisted game.

"You are not the Grim Reaper," Kyuranos continued, his voice growing louder each moment. "You are nothing but a lowly servant, a member of my hellish flock and herd. And as for the universe's Ultra-heroes... they will all fall before me, starting with you. You will be the first to witness their demise."

As Kyuranos's laughter echoed through the night, Justice bowed her head in defeat, her spirit shattered and her will broken. She had fought so hard, struggled against the darkness with every ounce of strength she possessed. But now, faced with the reality of her own powerlessness, she knew that no hope was left for her.

Justice's once noble spirit, now tainted by the vampiric curse, trembled before Kyuranos's imposing presence. The weight of her addiction bore down upon her, suffocating her last vestiges of resistance. "I am no hero," Justice muttered, her voice tinged with misery. "I am nothing but a vessel for your insatiable hunger, a slave to your twisted desires.”

Kyuranos’ form seemed to warp and shift, his monstrous wings unfurling with a sickening rustle. Shadows danced around him, twisting and writhing like tendrils of blackened flame, casting an eerie pall over the desolate landscape. Justice watched in horror as Kyuranos unleashed his true power upon the world.

Trembling in terror, the Ultrawoman could hardly muster a voice. "Please, no... I-I can't be a part of this horror," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crowd of despair.

But Kyuranos did not heed her pleas, his eyes gleaming with satanic amusement. "Oh, but you are, my dear Justice," he continued, his tone dripping with malice. "You belong to me now, bound by chains of despair. Your fate is sealed, condemned to wander my infernal landscape for all eternity."

Victim children screamed out in terror all around them, their cries echoing through the darkness like a clamor of pain. Assist us! Through the empty streets, their cries for rescue resounded like a haunting hurricane.

Kyuranos's voice echoed again as the helpless children wailed into the night. His tone was contemptuous as he said, "You have done nothing. I take joy in your pain; it's like an aural work of anguish that satisfies my ravenous appetite for misery. By entering my domain, you will experience the horrors come true."

During the terror, Justice's metamorphosis became more hideous. Her once-dark eyes now shone with an unquenchable red fire of want. She snarled viciously and pounced on the first unsuspecting victim, fiercely biting their neck with her fangs.

As her voracious need for blood drove her mad, she went from victim to victim, her once-noble intentions dwindling in the face of her unquenchable thirst. As she took another mouthful, the night creature's savage impulses engulfed her humanity.

"As you stand here, trembling before me," Kyuranos's voice boomed with cruel delight, "you are nothing but fresh meat for my infernal feast. Another wretched soul to add to my legion of damned."

The words said by Kyuranos cut deep into Justice's soul. She felt a horrible dread as she realized she had become just another vampire in his dark home. But despite her broken heart, an unquenchable hunger for blood remained within her.

"I thought... I thought I could resist," Justice whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of Kyuranos's laughter. "But the hunger... it consumes me. I am... I am no better than you."

"You thought you could satisfy your hunger with the blood of innocents," Kyuranos sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But you have only damned yourself further. Your soul is stained with the blood of the innocent, and there is no redemption for you now. The only way for you to move forward is to bring me those sacrificial children!"

"I am yours," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of Kyuranos's laughter. "Do with me as you will. I am nothing... nothing but your slave."

Knowing that her soul was doomed to suffer in hell's flaming depths for all eternity, Justice gave herself over to her destiny with those words. Using all her effort, she had battled bravely against the darkness. However, she realized her war was finished when she encountered the overpowering force of Kyuranos.


Justice, now a vampire demon, stood on the doorway of a dark classroom. As she patiently awaited the arrival of her next victims, the air was thick with the aroma of terror and excitement.

As the innocent children rush over, engrossed in an overwhelming need they cannot comprehend, Justice felt a crushing wave of shame and hopelessness wash over him. What lied inside was a fate far more terrible than death, and she was aware of it because she had become a part of it.

Justice opened the door with a quivering hand, exposing the horrifying scene beyond. Twisted shadows flowed over the walls as an unsettling light illuminated the space. The swirling vortex of Kyuranos's maw stood at the epicenter, his hideous figure casting a godlike shadow over the frightened kids.

"Welcome, my dear Justice," Kyuranos croons, his voice dripping with malice. "You have done well to bring these wretched souls to me. They shall serve as sustenance for my eternal hunger, and you shall serve as my loyal servant, forever bound to my will."

Justice trembles before his imposing figure, her resolve crumbling under the weight of his words. "I-I thought I could stop you," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. But now, I realize that my true goal is to submit to your nefarious powers and have them reshape me.

Justice, in her twisted state of mind, recalled the soul-destroying gaze of Kyuranos when she served him as a miserable vampire demon. "The fiery bowels of damnation, not the stars, are where your destiny lies!"

In her master's eyes, she was nothing more than a monstrous, disfigured monster. She was so terrified that she hardly dared to approach Kyuranos, who beckoned her. Despite this, the ex-Ultrawoman experienced yet another surge of feelings that eroded her genuine, independent self. In her insane mind, it made perfect sense for the vampire demon king to capitalize on her since she was a repulsive personification of the vampire disease.

Amid the fleeting moment of reprieve from her vampiric thirst, Kyuranos's voice echoes like thunder, mocking Ultrawoman Justice with a chilling tone. "Enjoy your brief respite, Ultrawoman," he jeers, his words dripping with venomous amusement. "But remember, every drop of relief you feel is a drop of innocence spilled, a soul sacrificed to fuel your addiction."

Justice shudders at his words, her heart heavy with guilt and despair. "I-I never wanted this," she stammers, her voice barely a whisper against the crowd of her own inner turmoil. "But I cannot escape it... the hunger, the thirst... it consumes me, controls me..."

But Kyuranos merely laughs in response, his laughter echoing through the chamber like a terrorizing melody. "Of course you cannot escape it, Ultrawoman," he taunts, his voice laced with cruel satisfaction. "For you are now bound to me, chained to the insatiable hunger that drives you. Bring me more younglings, and perhaps I shall grant you another fleeting moment of relief. But know this, your salvation lies only in serving me."

Justice knows the gravity of her situation with a sickening sensation in her chest. She has lost all agency over her life and is now trapped in an unending loop of misery and anguish as a piece in Kyuranos's sick drama. She realizes there's no way out of the gloom that lies ahead as she watches the kids come into the room, their innocence serving as a stark contrast to her own suffering.

Justice was helpless even when she became her gigantic stature. In her master's eyes, she was nothing more than a monstrous, disfigured monster. She was so terrified that she hardly dared to approach Kyuranos, who beckoned her. Despite this, the ex-Ultrawoman experienced yet another surge of feeling that eroded her authentic, non-commercial self. In her deranged mind, it seemed to reason that the vampire demon king would utilize her since she was a repulsive embodiment of the vampiric sickness.

Ultrawoman Justice was grabbed by Kyuranos' formidable claws, much as in the previous combat that was cut short. Her arms were extended out while the demon's other claws sliced and cut her tainted, silvery-toned feminine figure from behind. She brutally displayed her defeat with loud, excited shouts that resounded in the dark vortex of the besieged town. Even though sparkling Ultra blood was flowing from her numerous wounds, it was only the beginning.

Before Justice's erect raisins of breasts were punctured, Kyuranos pinched her arms under the armpits with his most extended black talons. She was already in a precarious situation; chaos and sorrow wreaked havoc on her thoughts. The Ultrawoman, in sum, had lost her combat-worthiness. However, Kyuranos still considered her valuable for his other schemes.

Along with Justice's squeals of joy, her glistening milk effortlessly came forth. A remnant of courage lingered inside her. All her bold quests had brought her to this vile moment, not honor and freedom; she couldn't comprehend fighting back against Kyuranos longer. Because of her dread, she no longer wanted to fight.

Her shattered brain was consumed by terror, and the emptiness within was mirrored in her scarlet eyes. While Kyuranos drank Justice's Ultra-power milk voraciously, her silvery muscles writhed violently in response to the demon lord's unyielding grasp. Afterward, she roared in triumph. She was livestock for him.


In a final act of desperation, Justice/Julie reaches out to Ultraman Cosmos through a telepathic signal, her last hope for salvation. Acknowledging her mistakes and the gravity of her situation, she sends a telepathic distress signal, begging Cosmos to save her from Kyuranos's clutches.

"Ultraman Cosmos, please. You're my last hope," Justice implores through the depths of her despair, her voice tinged with desperation and regret. I'm trapped in Kyuranos's infernal grasp. The flames of hell consume me, and I cannot break free. Please, you must come to my aid."

But her plea only serves to amuse Kyuranos, who intercepts the message with malicious glee. "Ah, Ultraman Cosmos, your ally begs for salvation," Kyuranos sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "But there is no escape from the darkness that consumes her. She is forever trapped in my hellish grasp."

Justice is overcome with fear as she realizes her fate is near. It has been her deepest regret that her screams have gone unheard. She accepts her and her once-noble rival's terrible destiny with a sorrowful heart.

"Justice," Kyuranos's tone is cold and disdainful, "you are but kindling for the fires of my domain. Your cries for salvation are meaningless. I will squeeze your dry husk over and over again!”

In this grim scene of despair, Justice's telepathic plea for help is met with Kyuranos's twisted amusement, sealing her fate as another victim of his uproar. "Ultraman Cosmos, can you hear the screams from the fiery abyss? Justice is engulfed in flames, her cries echoing in the inferno. Will you brave the flames to save her, or will her gruesome ending be your silence?"

Kyuranos's voice resounded with chilling echoes, each word a twisted dagger plunging into Justice's shattered psyche. "Do you feel it, Ultrawoman?" he bellowed, his voice rising to a climax of heartless triumph. "The flames of hell licking at your soul, consuming you from within! Can you hear the screams of the damned, echoing in the depths of your mind?"

Justice could only moan in painful quiet, her senses numbed by the crushing burden of misery. She gasped, her voice scarcely audible above the devilish din. "I... I can't..." she murmured. "You must... make it stop..."

But Kyuranos's laughter cut through her pleas like a scythe through flesh, a clamor of madness that filled the chamber with its chilling resonance. "Stop?" he sneered, his eyes ablaze with unholy fervor. "Why would I want to stop when the show has only just begun? You're not the only one who will dance in the flames, Ultrawoman. Oh no, your beloved Cosmos will join you soon enough!"

As Justice's heart plummeted into the abyss of despair, she could feel the fiery tendrils of hell wrapping around her soul, dragging her down into the depths of eternal torment. "No... no, please... not him..." she pleaded, her voice cracking with the weight of her anguish. "He's... he's innocent..."

But Kyuranos's laughter only grew louder, a crowd of madness that echoed through the chamber like a funeral dirge. "Innocent?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with contempt. "There are no innocents in my domain, Ultrawoman. Only those who serve and those who suffer. AND SOON, YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS COSMOS WILL SERVE ME FOR ALL ETERNITY!"

With her world engulfed in the inferno of her own grief, Justice realized there was no way out of the terrible destiny that lay ahead of her. Because she was ultimately nothing more than a creature from hell.



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