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In this horror tale, Asuna, the lovely Ryusoul Pink, falls victim to the insidious machinations of an obsessed otaku named Yuji. Consumed by his infatuation with the Sentai heroes, Yuji orchestrates a diabolical plan to ensnare Asuna in his web of manipulation. Through staged attacks and social media manipulation, he forces Asuna into a web of deceit, culminating in her transformation into the obedient Otaku Girlfriend. Asuna's once-heroic spirit is shattered as she succumbs to Yuji's control, her former self lost in a haze of obsession and devotion.

Can love truly conquer all, or will obsession be her undoing?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:


Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Prehistoric love is in the air!

Unseen by the city's busy streets, a shadowy figure crept along an alleyway. Although his given name was Yuji, he was more well known as Otaku among fans of Sentai heroes and anime. The Ryusoulger Sentai heroes, and Asuna in particular, the Pink Ryusoulger, occupied the minds and hearts of otakus to the point of obsession. He fantasized about joining them on their trips and would watch them for hours on end, but he was just a fan who wanted more from life.

Anxieties reached a critical point for Otaku as the moon's ominous light enveloped the metropolis. He painstakingly devised a strategy to draw nearer to Asuna, to convince her that he was more than simply a fan, with quivering palms. The combination of extreme loneliness and despair gave rise to this insane scheme.

Grimly obsessed, Otaku fabricated a monster assault on himself, complete with elaborate props and makeup, to make it look like the heroes of Ryusoulger would need to tend to his injuries. He had faith that Asuna, being the kind person that she was, would rush to his rescue, heal his wounds, and console him when he was down and out.

The strategy that Otaku had devised was put into action when the clock hit midnight. A hideous beast reared its hideous head and roared its way out into the alley. The thick hide of the enormous and vicious beast known as Koketsuju shimmered in the moonlight. Even the most courageous fighters would be terrified at first sight.

"Help! Someone, please help me!" Otaku cried out, his voice laced with desperation as he stumbled backward, feigning terror at the sight of the monster before him.

The sounds of distress attracted Asuna and the other Ryusoulger heroes, who arrived quickly. With weapons drawn and hearts filled with courage, they prepared to face the monstrous threat head-on.

But as they engaged in battle with Koketsuju, something seemed amiss. The creature's attacks were relentless, its strength unmatched. With each blow, it seemed to grow more powerful, more determined to crush its opponents into submission.

"Stay back! It's too dangerous!" Asuna shouted, her voice filled with concern as she tried to protect Otaku from harm.

But Otaku's eyes gleamed with a sinister light hidden behind a facade of fear. He knew that this was his chance to get closer to Asuna and manipulate her into believing that he was a victim in need of her protection.

"Watch out! Don't let your guard down!" Melt, the Ryusoul Blue, shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he launched a volley of arrows at Koketsuju.

"We need to find a weakness! Keep attacking!" Towa, the Ryusoul Green, added, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Bamba, the Ryusoul Black, charged forward with his hammer raised high. "I won't let you harm anyone else!" he declared, his willpower unwavering in the face of danger.

Koh, the Ryusoul Red, stood at the forefront of the battle, his sword raised high. "We'll stop you, no matter what!" he declared, his voice filled with a sense of purpose as he faced down the monstrous creature before them.

But despite the creature's power, the Ryusoulger heroes fought bravely, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. With each strike, they pushed themselves to their limits, determined to protect the innocent and vanquish evil wherever it may lurk.

As the battle became more and more brutal, Koketsuju let out a final roar of defiance before disappearing into the darkness, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake.

With the threat seemingly vanquished, Asuna rushed to Otaku's side, her heart filled with compassion and concern.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry as she tended to his wounds.

Otaku's eyes softened as he looked up at Asuna, his heart pounding aroused at being so close to his idol. "Thank you, Asuna," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "I-I'm just amazed by your bravery and kindness. You're truly incredible."

Asuna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, feeling uncomfortable with the intensity of Otaku's adoration. "Um, thank you," she replied, offering a hesitant smile. "I'm just doing my duty as a Ryusoulger."

But behind his fake injuries and pleading eyes, Otaku's twisted mind was already scheming his next move. He had succeeded in luring Asuna closer to him, but his obsession knew no bounds, and he would stop at nothing to make her his own.

As the night drew to a close and the city slept soundly, darkness lingered in the shadows, waiting to strike once again. Otaku's evil plan kept moving forward amid that gloom thanks to his insatiable desire for power and dominance.


Day after day, the Ryusoulger crew went about their business as usual. The crafty otaku Yuji was orchestrating a dark river of manipulation and deceit, though. He was hell-bent on making his romantic fantasies come true, and his fixation with Ryusoul Pink had escalated to hazardous new levels.

Yuji used his cunning and his warped mentality to trick social media into believing he was romantically connected with Asuna. With the use of Photoshopped photos and thoughtfully worded captions, the otaku was led to believe that a romance was developing between Pink Ryusoulger and him. Fans' and followers' imaginations were fueled as the story traveled rapidly.

However, the other Ryusoulger heroes took notice as the fake relationship became popular online.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," Melt exclaimed, staring at his phone screen in disbelief. "Is this really happening?"

"Something doesn't feel right," Towa remarked, furrowing his brow as he scrolled through the flurry of social media posts. "Asuna wouldn't just enter into a relationship like this out of the blue."

Koh steeled himself in the face of this seemingly helpless situation: "We need to find out what's going on. Asuna's safety could be at risk."

Their doubts only fueled Yuji's devious plans.

Seizing upon the opportunity to further manipulate the situation, Yuji fabricated more lies, portraying the other Ryusoulger heroes as jealous and envious of his supposed relationship with Asuna. He painted them as villains, trying to sabotage their teammate's happiness out of spite and jealousy.

The media eagerly latched onto the sensational story, amplifying and spreading Yuji's lies far and wide.

"Can you believe what they're saying about us?" Ryusoul Black growled, his fists clenched in frustration as he watched a news report vilifying the Ryusoulger team.

"We need to set the record straight," Ryusoul Red declared, his eyes blazing with resolve. "We can't let these lies tarnish our reputation."

Faced with mounting pressure from the media and public scrutiny, the Ryusoulger team found themselves in a difficult position. Reluctant to intervene in what appeared to be a personal matter, they hesitated to confront Asuna about her alleged relationship with Yuji.

Meanwhile, Yuji basked in the attention, relishing in the chaos he had created. With each passing day, he grew bolder, his delusions of grandeur blinding him to the harm he was causing.

Finally, unable to ignore the relentless onslaught of media pressure, the Ryusoulger team reluctantly agreed to allow Asuna to take time off from missions to spend time with Yuji.

"This feels wrong," Ryusoul Pink murmured, her brow furrowed with concern as she glanced at her teammates. "But if it will help clear our names, then I'll do it."

And so, under the media's watchful eye and the prying lenses of cameras, Asuna, still clad in her spandex and helmeted Ryusoul Pink form, found herself on a date with the manipulative otaku.

Yuji's grin was as wide as ever as he escorted Asuna through the crowded streets, reveling in the attention and adoration that surrounded them. "Isn't this just like a scene from one of our favorite anime, Asuna-chan?" he remarked, his voice oozing with faux charm.

Asuna forced a polite smile, her unease growing with each step they took. "Um, yeah... it's, uh, certainly something," she replied, her voice barely concealing her discomfort.

Despite their outward displays of love and contentment, a shadowy force threatened to engulf them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the city in lengthy gloom, Yuji's devious scheme started to unravel. A scheme that would ultimately lead to their downfall.

The more Asuna remained in Yuji's company, the more uneasy she felt since the otaku's fixation on her had gotten out of hand. His manipulation and dishonesty permeated every word and action of his once charming adulation.

Asuna felt a sense of foreboding hang over them like a gloomy cloud during their date. Yuji's temperament changed; his charming exterior gave way to his dark ambitions.

"You know, Asuna-chan," Yuji whispered, his voice laced with malice disguised as affection, "I've always admired your strength and beauty. But now, you'll see just how far I'm willing to go to make you mine."

Asuna's heart hammered in her chest, a cold shiver running down her spine. She had to tread carefully and play along with Yuji's game until she could find a way to stop him.

As the night wore on, Yuji's true intentions began to unravel before Asuna's horrified eyes. Through a private smartphone screen live feed, he boasted of his vile deeds to her, revealing the shocking truth of his dark scheme.

"Behold, Asuna-chan," Yuji gloated, his voice dripping with malice as he displayed the image of a terrified girl held captive in a dingy room. "This is my insurance policy. With her at my mercy, you'll do anything I say."

Asuna's blood ran cold as she realized the extent of Yuji's depravity. He had kidnapped an innocent girl and was using her as a pawn in his twisted game of manipulation.

With tears welling in her eyes, Asuna choked back her fear and anger, struggling to maintain her composure against Yuji's cruelty.

"How... how could you?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "What kind of monster are you?"

Yuji's lips curled into a cruel smile as he watched Ryusoul Pink's distress. "I'm no monster, Asuna-chan," he sneered. "I'm simply a man who knows what he wants. And what I want is you."

Meanwhile, in the gloomy inescapable room where the little girl was held captive, fear gripped her heart as she listened to Yuji's words. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whimpered softly, her voice trembling with terror.

"P-Please," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let me go. I-I didn't do anything wrong."

But Yuji's laughter echoed off the walls, cold and cruel. "You should feel honored, my dear," he sneered. "You're about to play a pivotal role in my beautiful plot to win Asuna's heart."

Asuna's heart broke at the sound of the girl's desperate cries. She knew she had to act fast to save her from Yuji's clutches.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded with fear, Asuna made a fateful decision. She agreed to Yuji's demands, her heart breaking with each betrayal of her teammates.

"I... I'll do it," Asuna stammered, her voice barely audible as Yuji's corrupting influence took hold. "Just... just let her go."

Ryusoul Pink cautiously leaned in and kissed Yuji with helmeted lips in a haze of confusion and desperation. As their lips touched, a strange energy surged through Ryusoul Pink, enveloping her in a haze of corruption. Colors swirled around her, distorting her perception and clouding her mind.

Images flashed before her eyes—visions of battles won and lost, of friends standing by her side, and of the innocent girl trapped in Yuji's clutches. Amidst the chaos, Yuji's voice echoed in her mind, his words weaving a web of lies and deception.

"The time has come, my dear Asuna-chan," Yuji's voice whispered in her mind, sinister and compelling. "You will be my permanent companion, my loyal servant, bound to me for all eternity. With your strength and loyalty, we shall rule over all who dare to oppose us."

Asuna felt herself nodding obediently, her movements sluggish and mechanical as she succumbed to the corrupting influence of Yuji's kiss. She was vaguely aware of Yuri's plan unfolding before her, of the twisted machinations set into motion by her own hand.

"I will be yours," Asuna murmured, her voice distant and hollow as she struggled to grasp the gravity of her situation. "I will do whatever it takes to please you, to serve you faithfully."

Asuna felt the consequences of her deeds becoming heavier and heavier with each passing second, and she worried that they would eventually break her spirit. No matter how hard she tried, she was powerless against the corrupting influence of Yuji's will.

Asuna lurched backward as the kiss eventually parted, her mind whirling with competing feelings and ideas. Even though she was aware of her obligations, she still felt a part of her desire to fight against the evil that was engulfing her.

"I must... I must obey," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper as she turned. Her eyes under her helmet lit up with an intense fixation, a tin of defiance in the face of the approaching darkness.

Despite her heavy heart and muddled thoughts, Asuna went out to fulfill her dark aim. She stumbled as she negotiated the treacherous route ahead. There was no way out of Yuji's insidious influence, even though she realized she was abandoning her values.

Stumbling through the vibrant yet detached halls of the Ryusoulger stronghold, Ryusoul Pink's thoughts were a maelstrom of competing emotions. Yuji's corrupting kiss caused her to become unhealthyly fixated on one thing. The pressure of his expectations was crushing her, and she felt her dark purpose propelling her on.

"I will do it," she whispered, her voice tinged with desperation and despair. I will sabotage their weapons, destroy everything they hold dear—for Yuji, for us."

Her steps faltered as doubt crept into her mind, whispering about the betrayal she committed against her friends and teammates. But the pull of Yuji's will was too strong, his words echoing in her ears like a siren's call, drowning out all reason and logic.

"I cannot fail him," she thought, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. "I cannot lose him. He is everything to me now."

With her hands shaking with humiliation and regret, Asuna halted briefly as she approached the weapons keep. But then she recalled Yuji's statements, his assurances of everlasting love and adoration, and a detached devotion washed over her.

Ryusoul Pink sabotaged each weapon with precision and efficiency, her motions were mechanical and robotic, despite her sad heart. She felt she was being crushed under the weight of her betrayal, which was so immense it threatened to suffocate her.

Asuna experienced an irrational feeling of fulfillment with every weapon she destroyed and every blow she dealt to her pals. At that moment, her focus was only on completing her job and demonstrating her unwavering allegiance to Yuji.

As she completed her task, Asuna fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks as she begged Yuji for forgiveness. "Please, don't abandon me," she pleaded, her voice choked with emotion. "I'll do anything you ask, just... just don't leave me alone."

It was then that Asuna understood how dark her addiction had gotten and how much it had overtaken her. There was no way out of her submissive position as a slave to Yuji's desire; she had been drowned in a sea of subordination and inferiority.

The long night brought a new danger to the Ryusoulger squad. Using evil magic, Yuji controlled the enormous Koketsuju, and it assaulted the city with unparalleled violence.

"We can't hold out much longer!" Koh shouted, his voice strained with exertion as he clashed against the towering monster.

"We have to keep fighting!" Ryusoul Blue urged, his fists clenched in willpower as he unleashed a barrage of attacks.

Meanwhile, Asuna's mind was elsewhere. Her heart was aching with guilt and regret as she couldn't get rid of the image of the girl Yuji was holding captive.


Asuna fought against the disorienting fog that had engulfed her, her thoughts racing with a whirlwind of competing emotions. In her broken soul, a small ray of light emerged as the memory of the abducted girl flooded back into her awareness.

Ryusoul Pink clinched her fists and mustered all her remaining power, her veins pulsating with unwavering resolve. She fixed her gaze on the image of Yuji, the sick otaku who had caught her in his intricate web of lies and manipulation. She returned to his side through teleportation instantly, her heart racing with combined terror and steadfastness.

"Where is she?" Asuna urged with renewed purpose. She even drew her Ryusoul Sword to emphasize her demands. “Tell me where you've hidden the girl."

Yuji's eyes glinted with amusement as he regarded Asuna with a sinister smile. "Ah, Asuna-chan, always so eager to play the hero," he purred, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "But you must understand, my dear, that I have my reasons for keeping her away from prying eyes."

Ryusoul Pink felt boxed in, but she kept calm. She couldn't let Yuji see how much his taunts affected her.

"Enough games," she snapped, her voice tinged with steel. "Tell me where she is, or I swear I'll—"

Yuji's expression softened before she could finish her threat, his eyes gleaming with feigned sincerity.

"My darling Asuna-chan, there's no need for threats anymore," he said with an air of fake compassion. "I simply desire for us to be united indefinitely. Is it asking too much?"

Asuna fought against the allure of Yuji's deceptive remarks, her heart torn with competing feelings. Although she knew she couldn't put her confidence in him, she couldn't help but want for the love he had promised.

"I... I'm not sure," she whispered. "I just want her to be safe."

With a menacing sparkle in his eyes, Yuji's grin expanded. "Without a doubt, my love. My trust in you must be established before anything else. Maybe we can discuss her location once you tell me your real identity."

With her thoughts whirling with confusion and doubt, Asuna paused. Nevertheless, her desperate need for Yuji's favor ultimately overcame her reluctance to comply with his demand.

Ryusoul Pink cast down her brave helmet in disgust, exposing herself to the public and revealing her hidden identity. To make matters worse, Yuji's grin transformed into a victorious one.

"Now, my dear Asuna-chan," he whispered, leaning in close, "let me show you just how much I appreciate your obedience."

Asuna felt a rush of both joy and fear as Yuji's lips pressed against hers, a kiss that sent waves of both pleasure and misery rippling through her being. She realized at that same second that she was betrayed and entangled in Yuji's web of lies and deception.

A devilish rubbery material flowed out of Yuji's mouth as he mashed his lips against Asuna's, emitting a wicked force. Initially, it covered her lips and left a sticky film that felt strangely warm. The peculiar material crept up Ryusoul Pink's face, ominously heading towards her ears and eyes, and she felt her breath catch in her throat.

"What... what is this?" A combination of terror and bewilderment caused Asuna's voice to tremble as she gasped.

But Yuji only chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "It's a gift, my dear Asuna-chan," he purred, his voice thick with deceit. "A token of my affection for you."

As the latex continued to spread, Asuna's panic grew, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled against the invisible bonds that held her in place. She tried to scream, to cry out for help, but the suffocating embrace of the rubbery material muffled her voice.

"Please, Yuji, stop!" she pleaded, her words barely audible beneath the rubbery mask that covered her mouth. "This... this isn't love! It's... it's madness!"

But Yuji only laughed, his laughter echoing in the darkness as he watched with twisted delight. "Oh, my dear Asuna-chan," he taunted, "you have no idea what love truly is. But don't worry. You'll learn soon enough."

It didn’t take long for Ryusoul Pink to fall so deep into Yuji’s dominance with a weakened mind. "Mmm..." Asuna moaned softly, her voice trembling with a mixture of desire and despair. She was lost in a haze of passion, her mind consumed by the overwhelming sensation of Yuji's lips against hers.

"Asuna! We need you! The Koketsuju monster is wreaking havoc, and we can't hold it off much longer!"

Ryusoul Red's words pierced through the fog of desire that clouded Asuna's thoughts, but she pushed them aside, focusing solely on the intoxicating embrace of Yuji's kiss.

"Ignore them," Yuji murmured against her lips, his voice a seductive whisper. "You belong to me now, Asuna-chan. Nothing else matters."

And in that moment, Ryusoul Pink made her choice. Ignoring the cries of her teammates, she surrendered herself entirely to the ecstasy of Yuji's embrace, her mind consumed by the twisted love he offered.

"Oh, Yuji... I... I love you," Asuna moaned, her voice trembling with a mixture of desire and submission. "Please, take me... make me yours..."

Hearing Asuna's remarks made Yuji's smile wider, and he began to run his hands over her spandex-clad body passionately. "That's it, my beloved Asuna-chan," he murmured with an undercurrent of sinister delight. "Surrender yourself to me completely."

With equal parts excitement and dread, Asuna felt her heart race as the elastic material extended more. A peculiar rush of pleasure mixed with the impending terror that she was experiencing.

"Yuji, please..." she gasped, her voice strained with desperation. "I need you... I want you..."

But Yuji only laughed, his laughter echoing in the darkness as he watched with twisted delight. "Yes, my dear Asuna-chan," he taunted, "give in to your desires. Embrace the darkness within you."

Asuna's senses reeled as the latex tightened its hold on her due to the intoxicating sensations that were washing over her. She felt herself slipping away, her identity fading into oblivion as Yuji's corrupting influence took hold.

"Drown in ecstasy, my dear Asuna," Yuji whispered, his voice a seductive whisper in her ear. "Let me consume you, all in!"

Asuna realized she had lost herself when the final vestiges of her old personality faded under the latex's stifling grip. Disoriented, disoriented to herself, disoriented to the shadows that had engulfed her—lost to Yuji. In his tortured hug, she became his, body and soul intertwined.

Finally, Asuna lay wrapped in a rubber mask, her formerly proud self replaced by the degrading moniker "Otaku Girlfriend" inscribed onto the fabric that enveloped her. Evidence of Yuji's control over her mindless life at this very moment. The corrupting impact of Yuji's warped love had stifled her courageous spirit, and she was now lost to the world, confined in a prison she had constructed for herself. Knowing there was no way out or way to be saved, she lay there, suffocated in her elastic cage. Forever and ever, she was his.


With her brave spirit gone, Asuna squatted down alongside Yuji, her owner and boyfriend, her spreading legs quivering under her. Her formerly vibrant eyes are now lifeless and vacant as she loves, almost obsesses, over Yuji. Without her helmet, her face showed an elastic mask with the shameful "Otaku Girlfriend" mark, a cruel monument to her subservience to Yuji.

"Babe, that was, like, totally amazing," Asuna gushed, her voice filled with ecstasy and excitement. "I feel, like, so alive with you."

Yuji smirked, reveling in the power he held over Ryusoul Pink. "Of course it was," he replied, his tone self-centered and selfish. "With me, everything is amazing."

Asuna giggled, her mind consumed by thoughts of Yuji. "I'm so glad I'm yours now, Babe," she exclaimed, her words tinged with a desperate need for validation. "Forever and ever."

Enjoying Asuna's admiration, Yuji's smile expanded. "Yes, my dear," he said, his voice reflecting his tremendous fulfillment. "Your entire being is now mine. Until the end of time."

Asuna squatted for her new owner, wholly absorbed in her irrational love for Yuji. Yuji took great pleasure in his ability to dominate her. They understood their eternal bond. She had gone from her heroic role to that of an accessory in Yuji's sick obsession.

At the same time, Asuna's old comrades' cries for assistance resounded on the communicator, bringing it to life once more. "Asuna, hurry!" Koh's voice implored in a desperate cry. We rely on you. Without you, we will not be able to defeat Koketsuju!"

Asuna ignored their laments. With each passing moment, her erstwhile friends came to the crushing realization that they could no longer defeat Koketsuju. Tragically, Asuna was lost to them forever due to Yuji's evil schemes.

The frantic shouts of Ryusoul Pink's previous companions once more overwhelmed the communicator signal. Melo yelled in a feverish voice, "Asuna, where are you? This thing is becoming too much for us!"

Amidst the mayhem, Ryusoul Green's voice pierced through it all, a blend of worry and annoyance. "You aren't like this, Asuna! You're indispensable in combat!"

Black sounded resolute and gloomy. "Get back to us, Asuna! You are our strength, and we are depending on you!"

"We can't hold out much longer without you, Asuna!" Canalo cried out in a panic, joining the chorus.

Thoughts of Yuji overwhelmed Asuna, who stayed mute. Her thick rubber lips and long eyelashes accentuated her changed look, while the latex mask contorted her face into a sinister and alluring countenance. Big, fake anime female eyes made fun of Asuna's lovely ones. As Otaku Girlfriend, she chuckled with a voice that exuded a sensual charm and her two garish twin tails framed her face.

"I'm not Asuna anymore," she purred with wickedness. "That was so lame. I'm Otaku Girlfriend now!"

Yuji's chuckle echoed through the air, his narcissism shining through. "Of course, my dear," he said, his voice filled with self-assurance. "You've upgraded now. With me, you'll always be at your best."

To accommodate her new role as Otaku Girlfriend, Ryusoul Pink's physique underwent more changes, including an enlargement of her breast, tightening of her hips, and puffing out of her thighs. The word "Otaku Girlfriend" radiated like neon on her latex mask, and an alien energy seemed to pulse with her warped rhythm.

Her familiar faces felt a crushing sense of defeat as they watched the fight against Koketsuju drag on. They would never see Asuna again; she was a tragic victim of Yuji's evil schemes.

A sleek elastic ensemble resembling a Japanese school sailor uniform girl emerged as Asuna's heroic Ryusoul Pink suit distorted and twisted, reaching the peak of her metamorphosis into Otaku Girlfriend. The flexible material now bore the metallic trim and intricate designs of her old costume, lending it an ethereal charm that emphasized her every contour.

Amidst the shifting of her attire, Asuna's voice erupted in a clamor of euphoric cries and mindless exclamations. Her groin burst with a violent urine shower of arousal. "Yuji! My heart beats only for you! Together forever!" she declared with words laced with sincere devotion and unbridled passion.

As the now-smelly anime girl's degrading rubber suit wrapped around her, Asuna's fascination with Yuji intensified. After adopting the perverted persona of Otaku Girlfriend, her previous persona as Ryusoul Pink gradually faded into oblivion.

As time passed, Asuna's metamorphosis progressed to a point where her outward look mirrored her inner devotion to Yuji. She stood before him, a picture of irresistible purity in her form-fitting schoolgirl attire, her eyes glowing with boundless love.

And Yuji, bathed in the glow of his conquest, enjoyed the sight before him. "Ah, my devoted Asuna," he praised, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Together, we shall conquer all, my Otaku Girlfriend."

The former Ryusoul Pink's ecstatic cries echoed through the air, a monument to her complete submission to Yuji's will. She was lost to herself, consumed by the darkness of devotion and arousal and literally by the stench of her urine, forever bound to her master's desires.


Amidst the chaos of the urban park battlefield, where the once-glorious Ryusoulger team lay battered and unconscious, Yuji, the twisted otaku, emerged from the shadows with a revelation that would shake the very foundation of Asuna's world. As he approached her, his disdainful gaze pierced through her, revealing the depths of his depravity.

"The truth is I never wanted you, Asuna," Yuji sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your pathetic, weak form disgusts me. It's the male Ryusoulger heroes that I desire, their strength and power fueling my lewd obsession."

As Yuji's revelation of disdain washed over Asuna, her mind slipped further into the depths of delusion. With vacant eyes and a twisted smile, she emitted a series of mindless squeals and giggles, her voice devoid of coherence as she enjoyed her newfound role as Otaku Girlfriend.

"Yuji-sama! Heehee! My heart's melody, my soul's harmony!" she exclaimed as a mindless, detached chaotic crowd of utter adoration and submission.

Asuna accompanied Yuji as the mindless Otaku Girlfriend who crawled on all fours like a pet. Her vacant rubbery anime eyes showed no hint of the horror unfolding around her. She emitted a series of jumbled, detached squeals and mutterings, lost in her own world of delusion and submission.

Meanwhile, the dying forms of Ryusoulger Gold, Black, Green, Blue, and Red lay sprawled on the ground, their spandex-clad bodies bruised and battered from the relentless onslaught of Koketsuju's attacks. Their minds were crushed into the realm of unconsciousness, choking fragmented words of pain and despair.

"Don't falter...," Ryusoulger Gold gasped, his voice a faint echo of a steeled heart.

"Strength... lies within...," Ryusoulger Black moaned, his words a fleeting relic of resilience.

"We are... the light... in the darkness...," Ryusoulger Green breathed, his voice a whisper of hope.

"Keep faith...," Ryusoulger Blue urged; his words were desperate encouragement in the face of despair.

As the Ryusoulger team clung to consciousness, the monstrous Koketsuju loomed over them, its massive form casting a shadow of dread. With a guttural growl, it spoke, its voice dripping with brutality and malice.

"Your struggles amuse me," Koketsuju snarled, its words laced with cruelty. "But in the end, you will all be crushed beneath my heel."

With a final, ominous roar, the beast teleported away, taking the captured heroes with it, leaving behind only the faint echoes of its sinister laughter.



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